- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 253
- Authors : Shubham Mathur, Alok Barnwal
- Paper ID : IJERTV3IS10053
- Volume & Issue : Volume 03, Issue 01 (January 2014)
- Published (First Online): 11-01-2014
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Experimental Optimization of Independent Parameter to Take Optimum Value of Dependent Parameter of Electric Arc Welding on Mild Steel(C, Mn, Si) with E6013 Electrode
Shubham Mathur1, Alok Barnwal2
1Integral University, Mechanical Engineering, Dasauli, P.O. Bas-ha Kursi Road, Lucknow 226026, India
2 Integral University, Mechanical Engineering, Dasauli, P.O. Bas-ha Kursi Road, Lucknow 226026, India
Abstract- Welding is practiced in almost all industries. the quality of electric arc welding is affected by the input parameters such as welding speed and heat input rate etc.is reported earlier Hiizu et- al [9].in this study we have done experimentally to show the optimum value of heat input rate and welding speed, corresponding to which mechanical properties such as tensile strength, hardness and impact strength shows the max. value within experimental range of input parameter.
Keywords: Independent parameters (welding speed, current, voltage) Dependent parameter (Tensile strength, hardness, Impact strength)
high quality welds a good selection of the process variables should be utilized, which in turn results in optimizing the bead geometry.
Welding time and joint preparation are among the most important factors dominating the cost and productivity of welding.
Welding technology has obtained access virtually to every branch of manufacturing, to name a few, ships, rail road equipments, building construction, boilers, launch vehicles, pipelines, nuclear power plants, aircrafts, automobiles, pipelines. Welding technology needs constant upgrading and with the widespread applications of welding.
Welding is one of the most important and versatile means of fabrication available to industry. Welding is used to join hundreds of different commercial alloys in many different shapes. Actually, many products could not even be made without the use of welding, for example, guided missiles, nuclear power plants, jet aircraft, pressure vessels, chemical processing equipment, transportation vehicle and literally thousands of others. Many of the problems that are inherent to welding can be avoided by proper consideration of the particular characteristics and requirements of the process.
Proper design of the joint is critical. Selection of the specific process requires an understanding of the large number of available options, the variety of possible joint configurations, and the numerous variables that must be specified for each operation. If the potential benefits of welding are to be obtained and harmful side effects are to be avoided, proper consideration should be given to the selection of the process and the design of the joint.
Generally, the quality of a weld joint is strongly influenced by process parameters during the welding process. In order to achieve
% Weight
Welding Current
Welding current is the most influential variable in arc welding process which controls the electrode burn off rate, the depth of fusion and geometry of the weldments. Welding current is most important variable affecting melting rate, the deposition rate, depth of penetration and the amount of base metal melted. Current are taken as a constant value of 200A over whole process.
Welding Voltage
This is the electrical potential difference between the tip of the welding wire and the surface of the molten weld pool. It determines the shape of the fusion zone and weld reinforcement. High welding voltage produces wider, flatter and less deeply penetrating welds than low welding voltages. Depth of penetration is maximum at optimum arc voltage.
Welding Speed
Speed of welding is defined as the rate of travel of the electrode along the seam or the rate of the travel of the work under the electrode along the seam. Some general statements can be made regarding speed of travel.
Fig 1: Signifies effect of vartiation in welding speed
Object Ready for Welding
Fig 2: Work Piece
The work piece used for observation are in dimentions as metioned in the fig 2.
It begins to decrease linearly after this point .increasing the speed travel and maintaining constant arc voltage and current increase ultimate tensile strength (UTS) until an optimum speed is reached at which ultimate tensile strength (UTS) is maximum.Increse the speed beyond this optimum results in decreased ultimate tensile strength (UTS).
Welding speed(mm/min)
Impact Strength
Table2: Observation of welding speed-UTS-BHN-Impact strength
Graph 2A: Impact strength vs. Welding speed
Graph 2B: UTS vs. Welding Speed
Graph 2C: BHN vs. Welding speed
So it can be concluded from experimental analysis that for the mild steel specimen having dimension 300mm×30mm×6mm optimum ultimate tensile strength (UTS) can be achieved by considering the welding parameter as welding speed 147.17 mm/min with current 200A, arc voltage 25V, and electrode (E6013) diameter 3.15mm.
The effect of heat input rate on tensile strength and elongation is obvious. With the decreases of heat input, the tensile strength and elongation of joints are enhanced obviously. The effect of heat input on hardness of joint was investigated. The hardness of fusion zone is slightly than that of base metal but the difference is not obvious.
Heat input rate(J/mm) |
UTS (MPa) |
Impact Strength (joule) |
1535.00 |
144.00 |
90.8 |
45.00 |
1786.66 |
146.24 |
93.7 |
47.34 |
1866.66 |
149.35 |
98.5 |
49.54 |
1901.66 |
159.50 |
100.8 |
52.50 |
1975.00 |
164.56 |
102.5 |
54.85 |
2038.33 |
240.00 |
93.5 |
49.20 |
2050.02 |
230.20 |
<>86.56 |
44.50 |
2110.00 |
208.52 |
82.70 |
38.20 |
2233.47 |
168.50 |
73.45 |
33.36 |
Table 3: Heat input rate UTS BHN Impact Strength
Graph 3A : UTS vs. Heat Impact
From the above analysis, it is evident that their occurs maximum ultimate tensile strength (UTS) occurs at heat input rate of 2038.33J/mm. Greater the ultimate tensile strength(UTS) better the weldability. So optimum ultimate tensile strength (UTS) can be obtained with heat input rate as 1369.68J/mm.
Graph 3B: Impact Strength vs. Heat Input rate
Graph 3C: BHN vs. Heat Input rate
It gives the same graphical analysis as discussed above. The welding speed 151.89 mm/min gives the best result for both BHN and impact strength and the maximum BHN and impact strength are occurs at heat input rate of 1975.00 J/mm so the optimum values of mechanical properties i.e. BHN and impact strength can be obtained with heat input rate as1975.00 J/mm.
If this investigation carries forward then we can compute what the welding speed if we need perfect strength of weld joint. In the present study we use manual arc welding but when automatic welding machine were used than better precision and accuracy may achieved as better control on voltage, current is possible.
In our study voltage and current is constant but with variation mechanical properties may vary. The mechanical properties is also vary by varying different welding parameter i.e. Electrode size, bevel height and bevel height etc.
In this study an attempt is made to investigate the effect of welding speed and heat input rate parameters on mechanical properties of the welded joint. With this objective, several test specimens were welded with varying welding speed and variety of possible joint configurations. We found the variations in impact strength, hardness and tensile strength first increases with welding speed upto the value
151.89 mm/min.than decreases further. similarly variation in impact strength, hardness and tensile strength with heat input rate increases initially upto the max value of correspondin to optimum value of heat input rate which is 2038.33(j/mm) and then decrease further.
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Author Profile
Shubham Mathur, I am currently pursuing Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering Final year Student from Integral University, Lucknow, India. I'm a creative thinker. I like to explore alternative solutions to problems and have an open mind about what will work best. I am a keen learner. I have inclination towards solving practical industrial problems. Enthusiasm towards new endeavors and passion towards my work are my motivational factors. I like to commit myself towards my work. I love the challenges of my life and believe that they help me to learn something new and improve myself as well.
Alok Barnwal, I am a very passionate man when it comes to applying knowledge to real world problems. I am currently pursuing Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering Final year from Integral University I am a good leader, with excellent communication skills. I'm a people person. I really enjoy meeting and working with a lot of different people. I'm a perfectionist. I'm a creative thinker. I like exploring alternative solutions to problems and have an open mind about what will work best. I enjoy solving problems, troubleshooting issues, and coming up with solutions in a timely manner believe in honesty and try to get my tasks more organized. Humility and ambition is what I always follow.