Current Survey of Routing Protocols in MANETS

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV3IS10325

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Current Survey of Routing Protocols in MANETS

V. Deepalakshmi#1,T. Muthuramalingam#2

M.TechII Year (CSE), S.J.Spaul Memorial College of Engineering and Technology, PondicherryUniversity.Puducherry.

Ms. R.Vijayalakshmi#2

Assistant Professor

S.J.S paul Memorial College of Engineering and Technology, PondicherryUniversity.Puducherry.


Several routing protocols have been proposed in recent years for possible deployment of Mobile Ad- hoc Networks (MANETs) in military, government and commercial applications. MANET uses location- centric paradigm rather than identity-centric paradigm that are used in most of the networks. Using this paradigm is well suited for privacy in hostile and suspicious mobile ad-hoc networks. For achieving privacy and security, various protocols are proposed. This paper presents a survey on various protocols that are used in mobile ad-hoc networks for achieving privacy and security under hostile and suspicious scenarios.

Index Terms-Ad-hoc networks, routing protocols, Security,location-based protocols


    MANETs or Mobile Ad-hoc Networks is a type of ad-hoc network self-organizing and independent infrastructures, which make them an ideal choice for uses such as communication and

    information sharing. Because of the openness and decentralization features of MANETs, it is usually not desirable to constrain the membership of the nodes in the network.

    A MANET is an autonomous collection of mobile users that communicate over relatively bandwidth constrained wireless links. Since the nodes are mobile, the network topology may change rapidly and unpredictably over time. The network is decentralized, where all network activity including discovering the topology and delivering messages must be executed by the nodes themselves, i.e., routing functionality will be incorporated into mobile nodes

    MANETS are vulnerable to attacks thanwired networks. Open medium, dynamicallychanging network topology, cooperative algorithms,lack of centralized monitoring and lack of clear lineof defense are some of the main vulnerabilities facedin MANETS. The applications of MANETs aremilitary exercises, disaster relief, and mine siteoperation etc. These applications may benefit from ad-hoc networking, but secure and

    reliablecommunication is the primary and necessaryrequirement for these applications.

    The primary concern is became security in order to provide a secure and protected communication between mobile nodes in an open hostile environment. The main unique characteristics of MANETS are open peer-to-peer network architecture, shared wireless medium, stringent resource constraints, and highly dynamic network topology unlike the wire line networks. These characteristics cause a number of challenges to security design. The challenges that are nontrivial make a case for building security solutions that is able to achieve both broad protection and desirable network performance. The aim of the survey is to discuss differentaspects of security and privacy in MANET and also study about some of the protocols (e.g. comparative study of different routing protocol (AODV, DSR).

    This paper focuses on the survey of different routing protocols and is given in the following sections. Section II presents the literature survey of different routing protocols and a comparison table and section III concludes with discussions.


    1. Dynamic Source Routing Protocol (DSR)

      One of the simplest and efficient routingprotocols designed particularly for use in multi-hopwireless ad-hoc networks of mobile nodes is theDynamic Source Routing protocol (DSR) [5]. Thisprotocol DSR allows the network to be completelyself-organizing and self-configuring, without theneed for any existing network infrastructure oradministration.

      DSR protocol is consists of two mechanism one is Route Discovery and the other is route maintenance. These two mechanisms worktogether to allow mobile nodes to discover and maintain source routes to arbitrary destination nodes in the ad-hoc network. By the use of source routing, itallows packet routing to be trivially loop-free.TheDSR protocol avoids the need for up-to-date routing information in the intermediate nodes through whichpackets are forwarded. It allows nodes forwarding oroverhearing packets to cache the routing informationin them for their own future use.

      The aspects of this protocol operate entirelyon-demand. It allows the routing packet overhead of DSR to scale automatically. It scales only to that needed to react to changes in the routes currently in use. The Dynamic Source Routing protocol (DSR) provides excellent performance for routing in multi-hop wireless ad-hoc networks. DSR has very low routing overhead and is able to correctly deliveralmost all originated data packets, even withcontinuous, rapid motion of all nodes in the network.

    2. Destination-Sequenced Distance-Vector Routing (DSDV)

      A Mobile ad-hoc network or MANET is thecooperative engagement of a collection of MobileHosts without the required intervention of anycentralized Access Point [6]. A MANETs basic designidea is to operate each Mobile Host as a specializedrouter. This router periodically advertises its view ofthe interconnection topology with other Mobile Hosts within the network. Using this idea a new sort of routing protocol is developed. So, the investigated modifications to the basic Bellman- Ford

      routing mechanisms, as specified by RIP are used for dynamic and self-starting network mechanism. This mechanism is required by users wishing to utilize ad- hoc networks. These modifications address to solvethe problems of Bellman-Ford, related to the poor looping properties of such algorithms in the face of broken links and the resulting time dependent nature of the interconnection topology describing the links between the Mobile Hosts. It also describes the waysfor which the basic network-layer routing can be modified to provide MAC-layer support for mobile ad-hoc networks.

      For the most convenient and efficientoperation, information should be included along with the routing tables. The information in the routing table includes a sequence number, as well as settling time data useful for damping out fluctuations in route table updates. The sequence numbers are generated by the destination computer in each route table entry, except for the cases when a link has been broken; the latter case is described by a cometric and a sequence number which cannot be correctly generated by anydestination computer.

      The cometric route entries have sequence numbers which are odd numbers, andsequence numbers generated by each destinationcomputer is an even number. The sequence numberschosen to represent 243 broken links will besuperseded by real routes propagated from the newlylocated destination as soon as possible by the naturaloperation of the protocol. The newly propagatedroutes will necessarily use a sequence number greaterthan what was used for the broken link since thelatter sequence number is chosen to be one more thanthe last valid routes sequence number. This causesthe real route data to quickly supersede temporarylink outages

      when a mobile computer moves fromone place to another.

    3. Ad-hoc On Demand Distance Vector Routing (AODV)

      A novel algorithm for the operation of ad- hoc networks is the Ad-hoc on Demand Distance Vector Routing (AODV) [2]. Each Mobile Host operates as a specialized router and routes are obtained as needed (i.e., on demand). The routes are obtained with little or no reliance on periodi advertisements routingalgorithm is quite suitable for a dynamic self-starting network as required by users wishing to utilize ad-hoc networks.

      AODV provides loop free routes even while repairing broken links. Because the protocol does not require global periodic routing advertisements the demand on the overall bandwidth available to the mobile nodes is substantially less than in those protocols that do necessitate such advertisements. Nevertheless we can still maintain most of the advantages of basic distance vector routing mechanisms. Within the limits imposed by worst case route establishment latency as determined by the network diameter AODV is an excellent choice for ad-hoc network establishment.It will be useful inapplications for emergency services conferencing battlefield communications and community based networking. We look forward to further development of the protocol for quality of service intermediate route rebuilding and various interconnection topologies with fixed networks and the Internet.

    4. ALARM

      In many traditional mobile etworkscenarios, nodes establish communication on thebasis of

      persistent public identities. However, insome hostile and suspicious MANET settings, nodeidentities must not be exposed and node movementsmust be untraceable. Instead, nodes need tocommunicate on the basis of nothing more than theircurrent locations. In this address some interestingissues arising in such MANETs by designing ananonymous routing framework (ALARM) [3]. It usesnodes current locations to construct a secureMANET map. Based on the current map, each nodecan decide which other nodes it wants to communicate with. ALARM takes advantage of someadvanced cryptographic primitives to achieve node authentication, data integrity, anonymity and intractability (tracking-resistance). It also offers resistance to certain insider attacks.

      ALARM framework supports anonymous location-based routing in certain types of suspicious MANETS. ALARM relies on group signatures to construct one-time pseudonyms used to identify nodes at certain locations. The framework works with any group signature scheme and any location-based forwarding protocol can be used to route data between nodes. We have shown through simulation that node privacy under this framework is preserved even if a portion of the nodes are stationary, or if the speed of movement is not very high.

    5. Optimized Link State Protocol (OSLR)

      Optimized Link State Protocol (OLSR) is a proactive routing protocol, so the routes are always immediately available when needed. OLSR [4] is an optimization version of a pure link state protocol. So the topological changes cause the flooding of the topological information to all available hosts in the network. To reduce the possible overhead in the network protocol uses Multipoint Relays (MPR). The

      idea of MPR is to reduce flooding of broadcasts by reducing the same broadcast in some regions in the network, more details about MPR can be found later in this chapter. Another reduce is to provide the shortest path. The reducing the time interval for the control messages transmission can bring more reactivity.

      OLSR uses two kinds of the controlmessages: Hello and Topology Control (TC). Hellomessages are used for finding the information aboutthe link status and the hosts neighbors. With theHello message the Multipoint Relay (MPR) Selectorset is constructed which describes which neighborshas chosen this host to act as MPR and from thisinformation the host can calculate its own set of theMPRs. the Hello messages are sent only one hopaway but the TC messages are broadcastedthroughout the entire network. TC messages are usedfor broadcasting information about own advertised neighbors which includes at least the MPR Selector list. There is also Multiple Interface Declaration(MID) messages which are used for informing other host that the announcing host can have multiple OLSR interface addresses.

      The MID message is broadcasted throughout the entire network only by MPRs. There is also a Host and Network Association (HNA) message which provides the external routing information by giving the possibilityfor routing to the external addresses. The HNA message provides information about the network- and the net mask addresses, so that OLSR host can consider that the announcing host can act as a gateway to the announcing set of addresses. The HNA is considered as a generalized version of the TC message with only difference that the TC message can inform about

      route cancelling while HNA message information is removed only after expiration time.

    6. PRISM

      PRISM is designed with the followingfeatures in mind: the source authenticates thedestination and vice versa. Intermediate nodes do notlearn current location of the source or the exactcurrent location of the destinations [1].

      In PRISM, intermediate nodes are notauthenticated. After route discovery, allcommunication between source and destination isencrypted and authenticated using a one- time(session-specific) secret key. The TTP (groupmanager) can later learn claimed locations of allnodes that engage in direct communication, i.e., serveas either sources or destinations. The privacyachieved by PRISM is not restricted to a specificmobility pattern.

      The basic operation of PRISM is similar toAODV. PRISM allows a source to specify adestination area and simultaneously discover multipledestination nodes in it.

      The PRISM Protocol has threebuilding blocks: (1) the well-known AODV routingprotocol,

      (2) any secure group signature scheme (orone time public key certificates), and (3) locationinformation.

    7. ALERT

      Routing protocol (ALERT) [8] to provide high anonymity protection (forsources, destination, and route) with low cost is dynamically partitions a network field into zones and randomly chooses nodes in zones as intermediate relay nodes, which form a non-traceable anonymous route[8]. Specifically, in

      each routing step, a data sender or forwarder partitions the network field in order to separate itself and the destination into two zones.

      It then randomly chooses a node in the other zone as the next relay node and uses the GPSR algorithm to send the data to the relay node. In the last step, the data is broadcasted to k nodes in the destination zone, providing k-anonymity to the destination. The reason we use ZD rather than D is to avoid exposure ofD. Zone position refers to the upper left and bottom-rightcoordinates of a zone.

      A packet in ALERTincludes the source and destination zones rather than theirpositions to provide anonymity protection to the source andthe destination.In addition, ALERT has a strategy to hide the data initiator among a number of initiators to strengthen the anonymity protection of the source. ALERT is also resilient to intersection attacks and timing attacks.

      Avoiding the exhibition of interaction between communicationnodes is a way to counter timing attacks. InALERT, the notify and go mechanism and the broadcastingin ZD both put the interaction between S-D into twosets of nodes to obfuscate intruders. More importantly, therouting path between a given S-D and the communicationdelay (i.e., time stamp) change constantly, which again keeps an intruder from identifying the S and D.

      TABLE I


      Techniques/ Parameters









      At speed 30 m/s

      throughput increases better than


      Least very

      High when compared with other protocols

      High when compared with other link state protocols

      low when


      with DSR



      Very high



      Routing message overhead

      Increases with an increase in

      the number

      Very high for a slight

      increase in

      Increases proportionally with an

      increase in the

      Comparatively Low

      Increases with an increase in

      the nodes

      Very low



      the number

      number of





      Average end to

      end delay

      Degrade when number of


      Least and remains constant as


      Performance Degrade with number of


      Performance degrade with the increase

      in number of

      Better performance with less

      number of

      increase in

      number of

      increase in



      Very low






      increase in





    This paper surveys different protocols used in MANET for achieving security and privacy. Many protocols like DSR, ALARM, AODV, DSDV, OSLR, PRISM are discussed in which all the protocols are concentrated in increasing the throughput, reducingthe traffic overhead, end to end delay and achievingsecurity and privacy.

    Previous anonymous routing protocols, relying on either hop-by-hop encryption or redundant traffic, generate high cost. Also, some protocols are unable to provide complete source, destination, and route anonymity protection. ALERT is distinguished by its low cost and anonymity protection for sources, destinations, and routes. It uses dynamic hierarchical zone partitions and random relay node selections to make it difficult for an intruder to detect the two endpoints and nodes en route. A packet in ALERT

    includes the source and destination zones rather than their positions to provide anonymity protection to the source and the destination. ALERT further strengthens the anonymity protection of source and destination by hiding the data initiator/receiver among a number of data initiators/ receivers. ALERT offers identity and location anonymity of the sourceand destination, as well as route anonymity. Unlikegeographic routing which always takes the shortest path, ALERT makes the route between aS-D pair difficult to discover by randomly and dynamicallyselecting the relay nodes.


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