Design and Simulation of 4×1 Probe Feed Rectangular Patch Array Antenna for ISM Band Applications

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV3IS031307

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Design and Simulation of 4×1 Probe Feed Rectangular Patch Array Antenna for ISM Band Applications

Urvi Dhandha1, Prof. Vivek. R.2 1,2Electronics and Communication Department MEFGI, Rajkot, India

Abstract: In this paper, an effort is made to optimize the gain and return loss to show better performance analysis on the basis of design and simulation results by implementing the 4×1 array of rectangular patch antenna at the operating frequency of 2.45 GHz for ISM band applications. In this proposed antenna, co- axial feeding technique is utilized in order to have a better impedance matching effects. Also the comparative analysis is done with that of the single rectangular patch antenna. The 3D simulation results are carried out by HFSS v13 software which is based on Finite Element Method (FEM) modeling technique.

Keywords: HFSS, Patch antenna, ISM band


    Antenna is a vital component in wireless application systems. It is inevitable to avoid the study and design of compact antennas that are used in wireless applications. For the same, the microstrip patch antenna (MPA) can be

    Fig.1. Physical and effective lengths of rectangular microstrip patch[1]

    1. For an efficient radiator, a practical width that leads to good radiation of frequencies is

      considered as the promising candidate for future work. The

      basic patch antenna consist of a dielectric substrate and a

      W 1 2 v0 2

      ground plane on one side of it and a patch of conducting material on the other side of the substrate. The design and

      2 fr 00 r 1 2 fr

      r 1


      simulations are carried out in HFSS v13 software. In this paper a single rectangular patch antenna is designed and also

      Where 0

      is the free-space velocity of light.

      an 4×1 array of the same is designed and the comparative analysis of both is studied and consequently viewed that array gives better result than single patch antenna.

    2. Determine the effective dielectric constant of the microstrip antenna using


Here a four element probe feed antenna is designed & compared with the single patch antenna. By using different design parameter equations appropriate values are selected.[1].

W 1


r 1 r 1[112 h ] ^ 1

reff 2 2 W 2



  1. Determine the extension of the length 3L using


    0.3)( 0.264)



    L 0.412h W

    (reff 0.258)( h



  2. The actual length of the patch can now be determined by solving

    substrate. The patch details and the other design specifications are shown in the table below.


    2 fr






    Table.1. Design Specifications

    Variable Description

    L = Patch length extension eff= Effective dielectric constant fr = Resonant frequency

    µ0 = Absolute permeability

    r= Dielectric constant of substrate h = Height of the substrate

    W = Width of the patch L = Length of the patch

    The below is the HFSS design of the patch antenna.




    ISM band(2.45 GHz)

    Substrate material


    Substrate dielectric constant


    Substrate height

    0.8 mm

    Patch length

    37 mm

    Patch width

    29 mm

    Patch height

    0.035 mm

    Ground plane thickness

    1 mm

    The substrate material is FR4-epoxy with dielectric constant

    4.4. The patches are made of copper and the ground plane consists of aluminum. All the four patches are connected via common co-axial feed .


    Fig.2. Single patch antenna HFSS design.

    Fig.3. Array of patch antenna HFSS design

    Figure.2 shows the single patch antenna & figure.3 shows the array antenna with their probe feed at the center of the

    Fig.4. Return loss of single patch antenna

    Fig.5. Return loss of array of patch antenna

    Fig.6. Gain of single patch antenna and array of patch antenna

    Fig.7. VSWR plot of single patch antenna

    Fig.8. VSWR plot of array of patch antenna

    Fig.9. Directivity of single patch antenna and array of patch antenna

    Fig.10. Radiation efficiency of single patch and array of patch antenna


    The above figure shows the results of the patch array which describes the return loss is decreased by -12 db and hence efficiency of an array antenna is improved. And further the comparative analysis shows that the VSWR value decreases to 1.6 (fig.8) and the radiation efficiency improves from 0.54 to 0.96 in the array antenna (fig.9). Below are the values of the observed results.

    Table.2. Result analysis




    Return Loss

    -0.2 db

    -12.80 db


    -26.66 db

    -14.42 db





    -26.98 db

    -14.27 db

    Radiation Efficiency



    Thus, in this paper we designed an array of rectangular patch antenna and study its comparative results with the single patch antenna which shows that the array of patch antenna gives better results than the single patch antenna. Thus the antenna characteristics can be improved.


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