Frequent Pattern Identification using Map Reduce Paradigm

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV3IS031592

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Frequent Pattern Identification using Map Reduce Paradigm

S. Vinodhini¹, M. Vinoth²

¹²Post Graduate Student

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Chennai, India

M. K. Diwakar³, M. Rajesh4

34Under Graduate Student Department of Information Technology

    1. College of Engineering, Chennai, India

      Abstract- Data mining is a rapidly growing field and it has become a happening research area. Some of the sub research areas that comes under data mining are data classification, data clustering, text classification, frequent pattern mining, semantic web mining, ontology based mining etc. The proposed system comes under the frequent pattern mining and our objective is to find frequent patterns in order to increase the profit by making the frequent items available consistently. Initially dataset is collected from various online resources and volume of the dataset is big data. Multinode cluster is setup using various tools such as HortonWorks, VirtualBox, Putty and WinSCP in order to create Linux environment in Windows. Hadoop MapReduce paradigm that distributes the loads among the nodes inorder to reduce the time of computation is used. HortonWorks file browser is used to give the input and download the intermediate output. Token based approach is proposed in order to find the frequent pattern from the intermediate output. There are many existing methods for analyzing big data and frequent pattern but the proposed system is fault tolerant, time consuming and highly reliable.

      Keywords- Frequent Pattern Mining, Big Data Analysis, Mutinode Setup, Token Based Approach.


        Data Mining is an important aspect of every organizations growth. Every company has loads of data to be accessed and processed. Those data must be handled in a way such that there are no chances of any data loss. Data mining handles tasks such as anomaly detection, clustering, classification, regression, summarization, prediction, combinations, sequential patterns etc. Our project involves the task of determining frequent pattern from a given data set (i.e.) big data. Frequent patterns are required to be identified because of the hidden facts in the dataset. Frequent patterns can easily adapt to the data mining tasks and identifying the frequent pattern consumes less time. From a frequent pattern, the frequent items in the data sets can be identified and they also represent the relationship between the datasets.

        We use the concept of Hadoop Mapreduce in our project, which is a free to use java based programming framework developed by Apache software foundation, for executing various applications involving multiple nodes of vast terabytes. In our project the dataset used are in form of text file, as Hadoop accepts only text files as input. The softwares that are being used are oracle virtual box for

        presenting the Linux environment in Windows. Hortonworks sandbox is used as the framework environment for running the Hadoop. Since we need a medium to create a connection with network with local host, the software putty is used to host the network, this allows us to host the Hadoop local host. We also need to secure our data from malwares and other spammers, for such purpose we are using Windows Secure Copy (WINSCP) which helps in providing secure transaction in the browser window.

        MapReduce paradigm is being used in our project for parallel processing of large datasets. In MapReduce job the map task involves mapping the input among all the nodes, the output of which is fed as input into the reduce framework, which counts the total number of outcomes.

        The content of paper ordered in the following manner. Section 1 describes about the introduction, Section 2 describes about the related works of our Existing system. Section 3 describes about the proposed system of this paper. Section 4 describes about the implementation. Section 5 describes about the conclusion.


        The frequent pattern mining is an active method used now a day to reduce and compare the candidate patterns. The project is based on identifying frequent candidate patterns, the association analysis is used to find comparisons between the patterns. In this paper a new candidate head set in initialized which can be splitted into smaller sets. This provides advancement in using the frequent mining pattern prior to the previous method. This project can be widely used by investors of cross selling markets [4].

        The project involves about the various scheduling techniques that are being used by the Hadoop mapreduce concepts in cloud environments. The default Hadoop scheduler FIFO is used to initialize other scheduling techniques. The default scheduler includes a normal queue which has individual task that are progressed one after another. The other scheduling techniques that are initialized through the default Hadoop scheduler are fair scheduler and capacity scheduler. Advancements on scheduler improvements

        are provided by (LATE) Longest Approximate Time to End, Dynamic priority scheduling, Deadline constraint scheduler and Delay scheduling [5].

        The project involves the usage of big data at enterprise data of YAHOO using the Hadoop Distributed File System. The work involves partitioning of data and computing hosts on YAHOO, the partitioning and computation is done using MapReduce Paradigm. It also involves using the various data nodes of HDFS client for initializing the process and also prevents from data loss [6].

        The frequent pattern mining algorithm is used to identify required data from set of reviews provided by customers on various online shopping website for multiple products. The main advantage is that, this project provides advanced techniques in providing the outcome. The various techniques are Information Extraction, Association Rule Mining and the outcome of the project is evaluated by performance measuring using pruning effect and precision & recall trade off [7].

        The paper involves the usage of various frequent pattern mining algorithms like Apriori algorithm, Partition based algorithm, DFS and hybrid based algorithms. These mining patterns techniques are compared based on various important aspects like comparison of Apriori and association mining technique and Apriori with hybrid [8].


        The process involves identification of frequent patterns from the dataset. Hadoop has a unique file system called HDFS which virtually stores the big data in the form distributed files among various nodes. Multi-node setup can be formed using various tools and creating the environment as Linux. Frequent set is generated using MapReduce paradigm that distributes the loads among the nodes in order to reduce the time of computation. Finally prediction of frequent pattern and infrequent pattern elimination can be done using new token based approach.

        The architecture diagram depicts the overall implementation of this work. The input dataset is uploaded into the browser, the architecture diagram consists of two modules.

        1. Hadoop Common Package – It is used to start the hadoop process (Source code, documentation)

        2. HDFS It is used to store and access large datasets, which consists of a Name node to host file system and to take snapshots which prevents file system corruption.

        Hortonworks sandbox is the testing environment, putty is used to host network within a system & WINSCP is the windows browser used for secure use of data. The Final output can be downloaded & viewed from the browser.

        ig. 1. Architecture of proposed system

        1. Dataset Creation

          The day, month & yearly sales of various shops are collected from various websites. These datasets must be in the text format. Hadoop can analyze data only when it is in text format. Thus the datas must be converted into text format.

        2. Multi-node setup

          The Process Hadoop can be accessed only in Linux, In our project to use Hadoop in Windows, we are bringing the concept of Multi-node setup. To make this possible we are using the following software.

          1. Oracle Virtual Box- This software is used to bring the Linux environment in Windows.

          2. Hortonworks Sandbox We are importing this Linux operated software into the virtual box, this software is normally used as a testing environment.

          3. Putty- Putty is an open source terminal emulator and network file transfer application. It can be used to make SSH connections with the server.

          4. Windows Secure Copy- WinSCP is an open source SFTP, SCP and FTP client for Microsoft Windows. Inorder to make secure file transfers between local computer and remote computer, WinSCP offers basic file manager and file synchronization functionality. For secure transfers, it uses Secure Shell (SSH) and supports the SCP protocol.

        3. MapReduce Job

          The input data used is the sales sheet of multiple shops, usually a sales sheet consists of N number of datas of

          Confusion Matrix




          True Positive

          False Negative


          False Positive

          True Negative

          multiple counts. To sort and count the exact number of datas and its count, we are using this MapReduce job. The concept we are using is MapReduce Paradigm. This concept is a software pattern where Map is a separate function and Reduce is a separate function.

          1. Map() – This function is used to sort the total no of datas available.

            TABLE 1 Confusion matrix

            (TP + TN)

          2. Reduce() This function is used to display the total count values of each data.

            Accuracy =

            (TP + TN + FP + FN)

            The Working procedure of MapReduce Job consists of,

            1. Splitting

            2. Mapping

            3. Shuffling

            4. Reducing

          Fig. 2. MapReduce concept

        4. Frequent Pattern Identification

          The Frequent Pattern Identification module is used to display the frequent patterns from the output of MapReduce Job module. MapReduce module can only sort and count the available data, to display the frequent pattern; frequent pattern identification module is used. A Threshold value can be set by the user to eliminate unwanted datas. In this module, we are using an approach called Token Based approach, which is used to produce accurate frequent patterns of data. The input of this module is the outputs from the previous module. The output displayed after the elimination of the threshold value is the frequent pattern.

        5. Performance Evaluation

        This module is used to evaluate the performance of our project to evaluate the performance, we use Confusion matrix, and this matrix provides the accuracy of the patterns.

        Sensitivity Recall = TP

        (TP + FN)

        Precision = TP (TP + FP)


This proposed system is implemented in java in order to predict the frequent pattern from big data. Initially Oracle virtual box installed in windows 7 and Hortonworks is installed into oracle virtual box as multi node. In this Hortonworks, we can increase the number of processor to increase the performance speed of proposed system and we can increase the memory space of total number of processor. Putty and WinSCP are used to connect the Hortonworks and into file browser. Putty is network administering tool which is used to make the Linux run able environment is windows. WinSCP is security component protocol which is used to store the files. File browser is used to store to input into folder or as a file and it is used to download the output.

Figure 3 shows that starting of Hortonworks in order to produce the port and ip address to connect with putty and WinSCP. Figure 4 shows that configuration of putty, we need to enter port number and ip address which is created in Hortonworks. Figure 5 shows that contents displayed in WinSCP, we need to enter port number and ip address which created in Hortonworks. Username and password have entered for authentication purpose in order to connect with file browser. Figure 6 shows that running MapReduce program , Figure 7 shows that file browser, Figure 8 shows that Frequent pattern identification.

Fig. 3. Stating Hortonworks

Fig. 4. Putty configuration

Fig. 6. Contents of the client system displayed by WinSCP

Fig. 6. Running MapReduce Job

Fig. 7. File browser of Hortonworks

Fig. 8. Frequent pattern identifiaction

Initially dataset is considered as input which has 100 transaction of juice shop. This dataset contains Item with different count which we cannot calculate manually. Table 2 shows that Item and Count of each of item. Initial dataset is pushed into file browser and count of each item produces using MapReduce paradigm programming concepts.

TABLE 2 Item and Count of each item


Apple 4

Papaya 4

Banana 9

Peach 6

Carrot 6







Grape 4



Guava 4



Jackfruit 3



Lemon 11



Mango 4

Tomato 4

Orange 17



The output of MapReduce program is item and its count should be analyzed in order to produce the frequent item form it. New token based approach is created to finding frequent item form intermediate output which contains item and count of each item.xThis token based approach takes input as file of intermediate output. Threshold value can fixed to eliminate the infrequent item. In this proposed system threshold value is 5.

Frequent Item

TABLE 3 Frequent Item form above table

Banana 9

Carrot 6

Lemon 11

Orange 17

Peach 6

Pineapple 7

Pomengranatte 8

Softdrinks 17

Strawberry 10

Sweetlime 8

Tendercoconut 20

Watermelon 8

TABLE 4 Confusion matrix values












TABLE 5 Performance of proposed system








Big Data is analyzed using Hortonworks by utilizing the concept of Hadoop distributed file system and it can be seen that it takes less time when comparing to existing system. Big Data is considered as data set which may be the sales sheet of shops. In order t find the frequent pattern of the dataset, Mapreduce paradigm and token based approach is proposed. The accuracy of the proposed system is 95% which is more sufficient to produce the accurate result and predict the frequent items to increase the profit. This system is more reliable and fault tolerant when compared to existing system.


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