Mass Transportation System : A Case Study of Ahmedabad-Mehsana SH-41

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV3IS030827

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Mass Transportation System : A Case Study of Ahmedabad-Mehsana SH-41

Chaudhari Dron, Prof N. D Hajiani

(1)student M.Ecivil(transportation), (2)associate of engineering

Abstract – Transportation occupies a high place in modern life. Advancement in all spheres of lifehas been to a large extent influenced by transportation. Proper planning of transport modebecome a more useful and advantageous for users. Traffic congestion occurs due tovarious modes of vehicle. Lack of Mass Transportation System, road user uses thepersonal vehicle or other alternatives for transportation.This study deals with the improvement of Mass Transportation planning between tworegions. There are many road user uses a personal vehicle, which produced adverselyaffect total transportation cost and environment. Traffic congestion also increases day byday between these regions. Proper planning regarding to Mass Transportation Systemmust be necessary.Public transport problems include: an overall lack of capacity, lack of quality and choice, severe traffic congestions and insufficient fund to renew and repair vehicles. SustainableMass Transportation System planning must be needed for real meaning of transportation.Origin and Destination survey carried out for data collection. After analysis of these dataconclude the origin and destination of road user, which helpful to decide the properfrequencies of mass transport vehicle between specific time intervals. Also improve thefacilities of mass transport vehicle.

Index Terms:mass transportation ,planning ,transit system,


    Transportation is the backbone to the development of areas. It enables functioning ofurban as well as rural areas efficiently by providing access and mobility. Passengertransport has an overriding influence on the functioning of the city or region. Withgrowth, the mobility needs increases. Peoples personal choices and freedom getexpressed in increased ownership and use of personalized vehicles. The public agenciesoperating public transport systems often fail to restructure service types to meet with thechanging demand pattern. As a result public transport becomes financially less viable,speeds reduce, and congestion levels increase and the transportation becomes a source ofenvironmental problem.

    According to a study (World Bank, 1996), 70% of the worlds urban population breathes unsafe air. It is also estimated that more than one billionpeople live in cities with unhealthy levels of suspended particulate matter. Every yearmillions of people die or suffer serious health effects from air pollution. As per a WHOstudy (2000), an estimated 3 million people die each year because of air pollution; thisfigure represents about 5% of the total 55 million deaths that occur annually in the world.Vehicles are

    major sources of urban air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.The advantages of modified bitumen can include one or more of the following for road works.

    Public transportation services are vital for civic life. Recently, many countries haveturned their attention towards developing and improving their public transport Systems.This study is a public needs assessment and opinion of People. The study is innovativefrom both an approach and Implementation perspective and will help policy makers thinkabout long-term strategies of transportation.

    Public transport is a shared passenger transportation service which is available for use bythe general public, as distinct from modes such as Taxicab and car pooling which are notshared by strangers without private arrangement.

    Mass (Bus) transportation between Ahmedabad to Mehsana is being continued with some

    defects. Indentify and study regarding these matter include in this topic.

    • An overall lack of capacity.

    • Lack of quality and choice.

    • Severe traffic congestions and insufficient attraction to renew and repair vehicles.

    • Curtailment of routes at the will of crew to avoid some areas.

    • Overcrowding of buses.


    • To find out requirement of mass transportation users.

    • To identify the issues related to efficient working of Mass transportation system.

    • To suggest the frequencies of bus.

    • To find out defects in existing bus transportation system..


    • Study area is of about 69 km in between Mehsana to Ahmedabad city.

      • Including many cities like kalol, Nandasan, kadi,etc.

      • Having many industries on highway like iffco, appolo, ratnamani,etc.

      • Main reason for using this transportation by people on large scale

      • is for jobs, Schools, colleges, industries at Ahmedabad.

      • Study Area containing SH41 highway.

      • This was constructed in the starting of 2003.

      • Road is having four lane highway and in very good condition for transportation.



Origin and destination study determines the pattern of journey that people make. It is thebasic study which provides the information for planning of a transportation facility orsystem particularly the location, design and programming of a new or improved highwaypublic transport and parking facility. Data for Trip Generation, Trip Distribution, ModelSplit and Route Assignment Analysis, Becomes the Part of This study. It is often calledtravel survey a fundamental to all transportation studies and consists basically ofdetermining:

      • Where travelers are coming from(origins of trip)

      • Where trip markers are going to (destination of trip)

      • Why people are making trip(purpose of trip)

      • By which model do different types of people travel (mode of travel)

      • At what time of the day do they travel(time of trip)

      • What is the normal length of trip.

      • Other socio-economic data of the trip maker.

O-D study may range from a relatively simple survey to collect data for locating a bypassin the town comprehensive transportation study for planning and design of thetransportation system of a large metropolitan city.

Roadside Interview Method

Drivers are stopped and interviewed at roadside and data is recorded on prepared forms.The usual information required is:

  1. Type of vehicle

  2. Number of persons in vehicle

  3. Origin and destination of trip

  4. Purpose of trip

  5. Parking location

  6. Intermediate stops

  7. Routes travelled

    Result And Discution



    Mehsana to Ahmedabad. There arefrequencies of buses



    must be continue in the intervals of 10 minutes in morning



    as well asevening pick hours.During the Interview method



    of O-D survey, opinion of bus users is note down as a

    Number of different usersusing mass transportation system is

    Results showing that, at morning pick hours, flow of bus users is in the direction ofAhmedabad (from Mehsana and kalol). Same way at evening pick hour, flow of bus usersin the direction of Mehsana. It concludes that, frequency of bus users are more fromMehsana to Ahmedabad at the morning pick hour. And during evening pick hours,frequency of bus users are more from Ahmedabad to Mehsana. Thats why these bothtime required more number of buses for bus users.There are 53% of bus users are professionals, whose use the bus regularly fortransportation from Ahmedabad to Mehsana and

    Others 2%

    Pie chart Showing types of users in percentage.

    TABLE SHOWS: No. of trips during different time intervals at various locations

    • Gloves.

Conclusion and Recommendation

Because of the growth of urbanization and industrialization Ahmedabad to Mehsana isone of the busiest routes among North Gujarat, India. Much more daily trips occurredbetween these routes. Many types of vehicles pass through this route. For daily users likestudents and professionals requirement of mass transportation is necessary. Gujarat StateRoad Transport Corporation (GSRTC) operates bus as a mass transportation system.Some defects are existing in service of GSRTC. Because of these, many daily road usersuses a personal vehicle for transportation.

partof study. Many passengers have number of complaints regarding irregularities of buses,condition of buses, parking problems at bus stop, condition of bus stop and bus station,ticket rates etc. Need of modification required in all these area which closely related tobus as a mass transportation system between this busy route.


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