- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 853
- Authors : Yoganand. C. S, Praveen. N, Saranya. N, Ganesh Karthikeyan. V
- Paper ID : IJERTV3IS20956
- Volume & Issue : Volume 03, Issue 02 (February 2014)
- Published (First Online): 01-03-2014
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Survey on Document Classification based on Keyword and Key Phrase Extraction using various algorithms
Yoganand. C. S1, Praveen. N2, Saranya. N3, Ganesh Karthikeyan. V4
1M.E (CSE) Student, Adithya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore
1M.E (CSE) Student, Adithya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore
1M.E (EEE) Student, Vellalar College of Engineering and Technology, Erode
Assistant Professor, Adithya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore
Abstract-The various institutions and industries are converting their documents into electronic text files. These documents plays a vital role in every part of our life. The documents may contains applications, personal documents, properties documents etc. The categorization of the text documents are really makes a very big issue. In this paper we propose the various techniques for the document classification process. These documents may be in the form of supervised, unsupervised or semi-supervised documents. The supervised documents are the standard documents which are contains the proper format of data. They can be classified by using the Naïve Bayes model with the help Hidden Markov Model (HMM). The major classification of these documents can be done by using the extraction of keyword and key phrase from the base documents. The extracted keyword and key Phrases are used as a training set for the further document classification along with the training dataset. The keyword extraction can be done based on the Word count method and Porter stemming algorithms. Further documents can be classified using Naïve Bayes and Support Vector Machine (SVM) methods with k-Nearest Neighbour (k-NN) clustering method.
Keywords-Support Vector Machines (SVM), Hidden Markov Model (HMM), k-Nearest Neighbour (k-NN), Text categorization, mapping models.
All institutions and private companies nowadays keep their files in electronic format in order to reduce the paperwork and, at the same time, provide instant access to the information contained. Document clustering and classification in one of the most important text mining methods that are developed to help users effectively navigate, summarize and organize text documents [1]. Document classification can be defined as the task of automatically categorizing collections of electronic documents into their annotated classes based on their contents. Recent years, this has become important due to the advent of large amounts of data in digital form. Document classification in the form of text classification systems have been widely implemented in numerous applications such as
spam filtering, emails categorizing, directory maintenance and ontology mapping.
An increasing number of supervised classification approaches have been developed for various types of classification tasks, such as rule induction (Apte, Damerau, &Weiss, 1994; Provost, 1999), k-nearest neighbor classification (Han, Karypis, & Kumar, 1999), maximum entropy (Nigam, Lafferty, & McCallum, 1999), artificial neural network (Diligenti, Maggini, & Rigutini, 2003a, 2003b), support vector machines (Isa, Lee, Kallimani, & Rajkumar, 2008a, 2008b; Joachims, 1998; Lin, 1999), and Bayesian classification (Domingos & Pazzani, 1997; Eyheramendy, Genkin, Ju, Lewis, & Madigan, 2003; Kim, Rim, Yook, & Lim, 2002; McCallum & Nigam, 2003; OBrien & Vogel, 2003; Provost, 1999; Rish, 2001). Besides the supervised classification approaches, the unsupervised clustering approaches, such as self-organizing map (Adami, Avesani, & Sona, 2005; Hartley, Isa, Kallimani, & Lee, 2006; Isa, Kallimani, & Lee, 2009; Wang, 2001) have also been widely implemented in segmenting data into groups for further analysis and processing.
Data mining is useful in discovering implicit, potentially valuable information or knowledge and previously unknown from large datasets. Text Document classification denotes the test of assigning raw text documents to one or more pre- defined categories. This is a direct concept from machine learning, which denotes the declaration of a set of labelled categories as a way to represent the documents, and a statistical classifier trained with a labelled training set [2]. Among these approaches, Bayesian classification has been widely implemented in many real world applications due to its relatively simple training and clustering algorithms.
One of the outstanding features of Bayesian classification as compared to other classification approaches is its ability and simplicity in handling raw text data directly, without requiring any pre-process to transform text data into a representation suitable format, typically in
numerical form, as required by most of the successful and highly accurate text classification approaches, such as by the use of k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) and support vector machines (SVM) classifiers. As a trade-off to its simplicity, Bayesian classification has been reported as one of the poorest-performing classification approaches by many research groups through extensive experiments and evaluations (Brücher, Knolmayer, & Mittermayer, 2002; Yang & Liu, 1999).
Pr = Pr ( | .Pr ( ) (1)
Pr ( )
The derived equation above shows that by observing the value of a particular word, wj, the prior probability of a particular category, Ci, Pr(Ci) can be converted to the posterior probability, Pr(Cijwj), which represents the probability of a particular word, wj being a particular category, Ci. The prior probability, Pr(Ci) can be computed from Eq. (2) or Eq. (3):
Each of the document classification schemes previously mentioned has its own unique properties and associated problems. The decision tree induction algorithms and the rule induction algorithm are simple to understand and interpret. However, these algorithms do not work well when the number of distinguishing features between documents is
Pr() = Total _of _Words _in _Ci Total _of _Words _in _Training _Dataset
= Size _of _Ci
Size _of _Ci _Training _Dataset
large. The k-NN algorithm is easy to implement and shows its effectiveness in a variety of problem domains.
The words that contained in text documents which match
Meanwhile, the evidence, which we call the normalizing
constant of a particular word, wj, Pr(wj) is calculated by using Eq. (4):
any word from the list of stop words will not be taken into account for both the training and classifying processes [4].
Pr() = occurrence _of _wj _in _all _categories
occurrence _of _all _words _in _all _categories
There is a potential drawback of stop word elimination, where certain words which are considered as stop words for a particular dataset (domain), but can be highly informative features for another dataset (domain) (Takamura, 2003). Besides the simple stop word elimination technique, there are several statistical methods for feature selection which have been introduced as pre-processes for Bayesian text classification. These methods provide a measure for usefulness of each individual word in the classification task.
DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION TECHNIQUES The document classification tasks can be divided into
three parts: unsupervised document classification (also known as document clustering), supervised document classification where some external mechanism (such as human feedback) provides information on the correct
The total occurrence of a particular word in every category can be calculated by searching the training data base, which is composed from thelist of word occurrences for every category [16]. As previously mentioned, the list of word occurrences for a category is generated from the analysis of all training documents in that particular category during the initial training stage. The same method can be used to retrieve the sum of occurrence of all words in every category in the training data base.
To calculate the likelihood of a particular category, Ci with respect to a particular word, wj, the lists of word occurrences from the training data base are searched to retrieve the occurrence of wj in Ci, and the sum of all words in Ci. These information will contribute to the value of Pr(wj|Ci) given in Eq. (5):
classification for documents, where the classification must be done entirely without reference to external information, and semi-supervised document classification, where parts of
Pr(|) = _ _ _ _
occurrence _of _all _words _in _Ci
the documents are labelled by the external mechanism.
Bayesian classification approach
The conventional Bayesian classification approach performs its classification tasks starting with the initial step of analysing text document by extracting words which are contained in the document to generate a list of words (Isa, Lee, & Kallimani, 2008). The list of words is constructed with the assumption that input document consists of words w1, w2, w3 . . . wn-1, wn, where the length of the document (in terms of number of words) is n.
Based on the list of words, the trained Bayesian classifier calculates the posterior probability of a particular word of the document being annotated to a particular category by using the formula which is shown in Eq. (1), since each word in the input document contributes to the documents categorical probability [17].
Based on the derived Bayes formula for text
classification, and the value of the prior probability Pr(Category), the likelihood Pr(Word|Category), and the evidence Pr(Word), along with the posterior probability, Pr(Category|Word) of each word in the input document being annotated to each category can be measured [4]. After all the posterior probabilities of each of the words in a particular document being annotated to each category have been computed, the overall probability for an input document to be annotated to a particular category, Ci is calculated by using the formula which is shown in Eq. (6):
Pr(|) = Pr (|1,2 1, )(6)
where w1, w2. . . wn _ 1, wn, are the words which are extracted from the input document.
The conventional Bayesian classifier is able to determine the right category of an input document by referring to the highest probability value calculated by the trained classifier based on Bayes formula [13]. The right category is represented by the category which has the highest posterior probability value, Pr(Category|Document), as stated in Bayes classification rule.
Support Vector Machine
The application of Support vector machine (SVM) method to Text Classification has been propose by [32]. The SVM need both positive and negative training set which are uncommon for other classification methods. These positive and negative training set are needed for the SVM to seek for the decision surface that best separates the positive from the negative data in the n dimensional space, so called the hyper plane. The document representatives which are closest to the decision surface are called the support vector.
SVM classifier method is outstanding from other with its effectiveness [5] to improve performance of text classification [20] combining the HMM and SVM where HMMs are used to as a feature extractor and then a new feature vector is normalized as the input of SVMs, so the trained SVMs can classify unknown texts successfully, also by combing with Bayes [19] use to reduce number of feature which as reducing number of dimension .SVM is more capable [8] to solve the multi-label class classification.
Decision Tree
When decision tree is used for text classification it consist tree internal node are label by term, branches departing from them are labelled by test on the weight, and leaf node are represent corresponding class labels .Tree can classify the document by running through the query structure from root to until it reaches a certain leaf, which represents the goal for the classification of the document. Most of training data will not fit in memory decision tree construction it becomes inefficient due to swapping of training tuples. To handle this issue [32] presents method which can handle numeric and categorical data.
New method is proposing [20] as FDT to handle the multi-label document witch reduce cost of induction, and
[28] presented decision-tree-based symbolic rule induction system for text categorization which also improves text classification. The decision tree classification method is outstanding from other decision support [21] tools with several advantages like its simplicity in understanding and interpreting, even for non-expert users. So for that it is used in some application. -
Decision Rule
Decision rules classification method uses the rule-based inference to classify documents to their annotated categories [29]. A popular format for interpretable solutions is the disjunctive normal form (DNF) model. [30] A classifier for category ci built by an inductive rule learning method
consists of a disjunctive normal form (DNF) rule. [4]. In the case of handling a dataset with large number of features for each category, heuristics implementation is recommended to reduce the size of rules set without affecting the performance of the classification The [31] presents a hybrid method of rule based processing and back-propagation neural networks for spam filtering.
Term Frequency/Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF)
This paper presents a new improved term frequency/inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) approach which uses confidence, support and characteristic words to enhance the recall and precision of text classification [16]. Synonyms defined by a lexicon are processed in the improved TF-IDF approach. It discuss and analyse the relationship among confidence, recall and precision. The experiments based on science and technology gave promising results that the new TF-IDF approach improves the precision and recall of text classification compared with the conventional TF-IDF approach.
In text classification, a text document may partially match many categories. It need to find the best matching category for the text document. The term (word) frequency/inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) approach is commonly used to weigh each word in the text document according to how unique it is. In other words, the TF-IDF approach captures the relevancy among words, text documents and particular categories [31].
It put forward the novel improved TF-IDF approach for text classification, and will focus on this approach in the remainder of this paper, and will describe in detail the motivation, methodology, and implementation of the improved TF-IDF approach. The paper discusses and analyzes the relationship among confidence, support, recall and precision, and then presents the experimental results [36].
Document Classification in the proposed system can be done by using the combination of Naïve Bayes, k-NN and Support Vector Machine algorithms along with keyword dataset and training dataset which is extracted based tf-idf values of words. The various algorithms are applied for various kinds of documents to improve the classification accuracy.
The proposed work can be explained in flow diagram shows in Figure 1. They split the whole work into various modules and tasks, to improve the accuracy of the classification. Here the extracted keywords and key phrases are considered as training set data for future classification.
Figure 1: Proposed work
- p>APPLICATIONS Classification techniques have been applied to
Spam filtering, a process which tries to discern E-
mail spam messages from legitimate emails
Email routing, sending an email sent to a general address to a specific address or mailbox depending on topic
Language identification, automatically determining the language of a text
Genre classification, automatically determining the genre of a text
Readability assessment, automatically determining the degree of readability of a text, either to find suitable materials for different age groups or reader types or as part of a larger text simplification system.
The growing use of the textual data which needs text mining, natural language processing and machine learning techniques and methodologies to organize and extract pattern and knowledge from the documents. This survey focused on the existing literature and explored the documents representation and an analysis of feature selection methods and classification algorithms were presented. It was verified from the study that information Gain and Chi square statistics are the most commonly used and well performed methods for feature selection, however many other FS methods are proposed. This survey paper is also gives a brief introduction to the various text
representation schemes. The existing classification methods are compared and contrasted based on various parameters namely criteria used for classification, classification time complexities and algorithms adopted. Different algorithms perform differently depending on data collection. To the certain extent SVM with term weighted VSM representation scheme performs well in many text classification tasks. In addition we add the keyword and key phrase extraction based classification to improve the time and accuracy of the document classification based on various features selection.
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