AIVIES: An Artificially Intelligent Voice Interactive Enquiry System

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV3IS042131

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AIVIES: An Artificially Intelligent Voice Interactive Enquiry System

Binny Khanna[1] , Harshil Shah[2] , Nikita Kushwaha[3]

Department of Computer Engineering MPSTME, NMIMS University Mumbai, India

Abstract AIVIES is a voice interactive enquiry system, intended to aid the user with specific enquiries regarding travel and locating various eateries. The system aims to emulate regular conversation and interact with the user via speech recognition and synthesis. The task of enquiry is essentially concerned with human interaction and this system automates that process, thereby rendering the presence of a human as void. With the tremendous growth in natural language processing techniques, it has become a reality to implement speech recognition and synthesis, programmatically. Much like how existing systems provide response to mouse or keyboard inputs, this system responds entirely to voice. The system is an artificially intelligent, simple reflex agent and triggers specific events on the basis of the speech interpreted.

Keywords Natural Language Processing, Artifical Intelligence, Speech Recognition, Speech Synthesis, Enquiry


    In intelligent systems, a simple reflex agent is one that takes a certain input and executes an associated event on the occurrence of that input. This input could take one of several forms: sensors, gestures, speech etc. Fig.1 depicts a typical simple reflex agent:

    Fig. 1. A simple reflex agent

    AIVIES is also essentially a simple reflex agent which uses speech recognition for its input. The percept in this case is the recognized speech and the action is the associated event that will be triggered as a response to the recognized speech. For example, if the percept is taxi enquiry, AIVIES will return results as fare, time and distance for the given source and destination combination. The source and destination are

    also accepted via speech. The agent function for AIVIES can be given as:

    [f: S* -> E]


    S*- Speech Recognized

    E- Event Associated with Recognized Speech

    Another component of a simple reflex agent, apart from the percept and associated action, is a list of if-then rules or

    condition-action rules. This list contains the entire logic of the artificially intelligent agent. It tells the agent which action to execute associated with the interpreted percept. After the system receives an input from the environment, it scans its condition-action rules, locates the action associated with the input it just recognized and then executes the associated event. Fig.2 depicts these components for AIVIES as:

    Fig. 2. AIVIES as a reflex agent

    As depicted in Fig.2, for AIVIES, the percept is the speech command, the sensor is the speech recognition engine, the actuator is the speech synthesizer, and the action is the event indicated in the if-then rules table. Some of the condition- action rules for AIVIES are shown in table 1:

    If (Speech Command)

    Then (Action)

    Make New Enquiry

    Clear all fields and being new enquiry process

    Source source_name

    Enter source_name in source field

    Destination destination_name

    Enter destination_name isdestination field

    Make taxi enquiry

    Display fare, time and distance for the taxi mode of transport and the given source and destination combination

    Send Mail

    Send current enquiry details to the current account e- mail address

    Show time

    Display current time

    Close Application

    Exit System


    up etc.), the application will call the OS-interacting function. At this point, during the execution of the event, AIVIES must also provide a speech response to the user, letting him know what exactly is being processed. This helps establish a conversational flow with the user. Fig.3 depicts the flow of AIVIES:


    1. Environment

      The system uses Microsofts SAPI (Speech Application Programming Interface) for the purpose of both speech recognition and synthesis. Dragons Naturally Speaking and Carnegie Mellons Sphinx were considered but SAPI yielded the best results. AIVIES is developed in the Microsoft.NET version 4.5, using C# for the program implementation. Two specific libraries were incorporated from SAPI- one for speech recognition and the other for synthesis. Both libraries are extremely rich providing extensive functionality and usability for the application.

    2. Flow of the Application

    Once the application is loaded the speech recognition engine is live. The grammar has to now be loaded. The

    grammar is the part of the speech recognition engine which contains a list of the expected phonemes, words and phrases. The engine can only recognize the words contained in this grammar. As such, it will try to match what the user has said to its existing grammar only. Nothing, outside of the grammar can be interpreted. Thus, the grammar for AIVIES primarily contains the speech commands and the phonemes associated with these commands. Once AIVIES is live, it will try and interpret everything the user says through the microphone. If the speech recognized passes a certain threshold value, the speech input is accepted. On the contrary, failing to surpass the minimum confidence value will cause the speech to be rejected. In case of speech rejection the system will display some possible alternate phrases. However, the speech rejection is rare and the system is highly accurate with very few misinterpretations. Once the speech is recognized, AIVIES will look up the condition-action table and execute the action associated with the recognized speech. The execution of the action can occur in one of two ways. If the event is within the scope of the application, the application will call our event processing function. On the other hand, if the event requires interaction with the operating system (For speech commands, such as switch tab, scroll

    Fig. 3. Aivies flow diagram

    The process of speech interpretation continues until the user says the command close application or closes AIVIES manually.

  3. The application

    We will now look at some of AIVIES applications. Once the user has logged in, he may now make one of several different kinds of enquiries mentioned within the help page of the application. The application also has a tutorial option to guide the user through its exact usage. In general the system responds to three kinds of commands: General commands,

    travel enquiry related commands and restaurant enquiry related commands.

    1. General Commands

      AIVIES responds to a wide range of general speech commands, such as maximize, scroll up, display commands, hide commands, switch window, close application and more. These commands require interaction with Windows. We have developed a function to interact with the OS that passes the appropriate set of keys to Windows. Thus, instead of using the keyboard to navigate, the users speech serves this purpose. The intent has been to keep the speech commands as intuitive as possible for the lay user.

    2. Travel Enquiry Commands

      If the user initiates a travel enquiry, AIVIES will prompt the user to state his source and destination. It will further establish the mode o transport the user wishes to use. Since, the application is for the city of Mumbai, these will include: taxis, rickshaws, buses etc. Once the user his provided these parameters via speech, AIVIES will return results related to the distance, fare and approximate time of the mentioned commute. It also provides additional actions to the user, such as e-mailing these details or comparing the various modes. Simply saying send travel mail, sends all the details associated with the enquiry instance of the users e-mail address in a completely automated manner. Fig. 4 depicts a comparison chart generated by AIVIES in response to an enquiry. The enquiry is for a commute between two suburbs- bandra and andheri. The comparison is of cost for three different modes of transport:

      Fig. 4. Comparison Chart

      All voice commands are color coded to blue. This implies that anything written in blue, is directly a voice command. Besides, the visual prompt, AIVIES will also prompt the user via speech.

    3. Eatery Enquiry Commands

      The system also aids the users in locating eateries associated with a given set of parameters. These parameters include: budget, area and cuisine. AIVIES will return to the user three eateries best matching his criteria. The choice is based on an algorithm that provides weightage to the different criteria, with a strict adherence to the budget, slight flexibility in the area and a factor for user reviews and quality. The user can

      also ask for more information. Saying more information will directly open the websites of the eateries found by AIVIES.

    4. Miscellanious

    Other actions include a help page that lists the various commands and the events they will cause. A tutorial mode exists to help the user understand how exactly to use AIVIES. In this mode, AIVIES will guide the user on every command they give and its usage. The user can also make notes, see the time, see the date, see the color code and display their saved chart. All of these are also speech commands, of course. A comprehensive list of some the commands AIVIES recognized are depicted in Fig.5 below:

    Fig. 5. Help page for AIVIES

    When the user says show help page, or help this help page opens up. Again this page is interactive in the sense that it can dictate the contents of the page to the user. It can also, responds with the action for the user stating any of the commands, while on the help page. Thus AIVIES has facilities for providing travel details, eatery details, computer navigation, comparison charts and extensive help to guide the user to a very natural communication process with the system.


    As Speech Recognition technology improves in terms of accuracy, vocabulary, and its ability to understand natural language, we will see the concept of interactive machines in every arena. From assembly line mechanical tools to intelligent microwave ovens to "writing" a check, we will

    have the power to use our voice to instruct the electronic devices we encounter with daily.

    It is apparent that humans are trying to create a computing environment in which the computer learns from the user instead of one where the user must learn how to use the computer. Speech Recognition technology is the next obvious step in an attempt to integrate computing into a "natural" way of life.

    This effective means of communication, even when perfected, will still present limitations as to how humans can express themselves. With the immense advancements in natural language processing and speech synthesis, it is but evident that speech recognition is the future.

    For the years an attempt has been made to interact in more natural means with the computer. Even if such systems existed earlier, application of them in building interactive systems was limited. However, it is now completely possible and must be exploited.

    The immense advantage of speech recognition is that it is intuitive to the user. Sure, we have adapted to the use of keyboard and the mouse; however, these are not intuitive devices and took us a long time to adapt to. A well-made speech recognition system can guide even a first time user with ease.

    Our aim with this project was to build a system that incorporated these speech recognition techniques and provided for a sound and flawless detection pattern that smoothed the process of communication.

    In light of this, AIVIES is an attempt in incorporating speech in the applications we use and using only speech for all communication purposes. In the future, this system can be extended to serve various other kinds of enquiries relating to cinema, shows, domestic flights etc.

    This application is a step toward the more natural forms of human-computer interaction, imminent in the near future. At some point in the future, speech recognition may become speech understanding. The statistical models that allow computers to decide what a person just said may someday allow them to grasp the meaning behind the words. Although it is a huge leap in terms of computational power and software sophistication, some researchers argue that speech recognition development offers the most direct line from the computers of today to true artificial intelligence.


We would like to acknowledge our professor for C#: Mr. Steven Mankina, for teaching us the requisite programming language and familiarizing us with the .NET framework. His expertise was of great benefit to us.


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