Securing Spontaneous Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks – A Real Time Approach

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV3IS060248

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Securing Spontaneous Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks – A Real Time Approach

Miss. Megha Ashok Patil Dept. of Computer Networking KSIET, Hingoli,


Dr. R. R. Sawant

Dept. of Computer Networking KSIET, Hingoli,


Abstract The popularity of mobile devices and wireless networks has significantly increased over the recent years. With the advancement of wireless technologies like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, a new concept of networking has emerged. Spontaneous wireless ad hoc network is an emerging model of wireless communication, for wireless devices i.e. nodes, which forms for certain period of time, with independent central server, having no interference from an expert user, at the same place. When these devices interconnect with each other, trust is based on the first visual contact between the users of these devices; we present a symmetric key protocol for creation and management of spontaneous wireless ad hoc network, without any fixed infrastructure. It contains all functionalities required to operate without any external support.

Keywords Spontaneous wireless AD Hoc Networks, nodes.


    When a set of mobile devices come within the defined range of wireless links and participate an setting up a wireless ad hoc networks for interaction, sharing resources is called as spontaneous wireless ad hoc network. Spontaneous wireless ad hoc networks are infrastructure less networks because they dont need any supporting infrastructure [1], [2]. Authentication is based on first visual contact, as it come in the network range of wireless networks, our proposal is based on underlying technology Wi-Fi, authentication in spontaneous networks provides secure communication by preventing unauthorized usage.

    A spontaneous wireless ad hoc network enables, a group of users to communicate with each other, also they are very close to each other sharing services, during a certain period of time. Device used in this networks are usually having limited resources, low energy consumption [1]. Nodes are able to enter or leave the network and they are portable lack of infrastructural support and susceptible wireless lick attacks security in ad hoc come inherent weakness providing adequate security mechanism, for ad hoc network is a challenging task. As the spontaneous wireless ad hoc networks do not have any predefined infrastructure, all the network services are configured on the fly. Due to this reason security is a critical issue. Since nodes use the open radio medium in a potentially insure environment, they are particularly prone to malicious attacks, such as denial of service [10].


    A spontaneous wireless ad hoc network is formed by wireless nodes, when they meet in a physical place in a concrete time. Devices co operate in order to provide services, such group or node to node communication application execution, resources sharing. In our protocol the service integration is performed automatically with minimum intervention of user because this network is purposefully intended to be used by non-expert users.

    When a new device wants to join the network it must follow the following steps [4].

    1. Integrate the device into the network.

    2. Discover the services and resources offered by the network.

    3. Access the services offered by the network.

    4. Perform collaborative tasks.

    We have implemented session key revocation system in our protocol in order to grant or revoke services to network nodes based on trust relationship. Nodes can use services only until it is trusted; if it achieves trust again it can use services.


    Security is established based on the service required by the users, by building a trust network to obtain a distributed certification authority. A user is able to join the network because he/she knows someone that belongs to it. There are no anonymous users, because confidentiality and validity are based on user identification. Our protocol helps to create secure spontaneous wireless ad hoc network which will be distributed in nature with the help of different mobile devices, cooperation among these nodes. Operating procedure is as follows.

    1. Network Setup

    2. Trusted User and node creation

    3. New node Joining

    4. New network creation

    5. Data transfer

    1. Network Setup

    The user can register and login with the owner permission whether to join new node and or an existing node

    or to create a network. The owner provides session key based on the requirements of the trusted user.

    Data sharing Node/Network Trusted key

    Encrypt algorithm for securable data

    Mobile device 1


    4. New network creation

    In this module, we create a new network for the trusted users. First node in the network will be responsible for setting the global settings of the spontaneous network. The second node first configures its user data and network security.

    Mobile device 2


    key Sharing Data sharing Trust User 1 Trust User 2

    Fig1: Architecture diagram for Secure Protocol for Spontaneous Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Creation

    1. Trusted User and node creation

      In this module, the trusted user gets login by admin permission. The data is shared between two trusted users by session key generation for their respective datas and encrypting their files. The user can only access the services with the encrypted key if the user has the privilege to access the service. Validation of integrity and authentication is done automatically in each node. And this forms a Spontaneous Wireless Ad Hoc node creation between trusted authorities (users).

      Fig2: Architecture diagram for new node joining.

    2. New node Joining

    The joining module is done with 3 phases:

    1. Joining Procedure

      After joining the node, they are provided with IDC(Identity card and Certificate). This system enables us to build a distributed certification authority between trusted nodes. For e.g. When node A wants to communicate with another node B and it does not have the certificate for B, it requests it from its trusted nodes. After obtaining this certificate the system will validate the data; if correct then it will sign this node as a valid node.

    2. Services Discovery

      If a node asks for the available services. Services can be discovered using Web Services Description Language (WSDL).

    3. Establishing Trusted Chain and Changing Trust Level There are only two trust levels in the system. Either a

      node A trusts another node B or it doesnt trust it. Trust relationship can be asymmetric.

      Our protocol relies on a sub layer protocol Wi-Fi. After encountering the device, the authentication request is sent to another user, if authentication is accepted, it asks for data exchange. If failed the device wont exchange data. The authenticated node can perform the following tasks:

      • Display the nodes.

      • Modify the trust of the nodes and Update the information.

      • Send data to all nodes.

      • Leave the network.

      • Process an authentication request etc., based on a secure protocol for spontaneous wireless ad hoc network.

    5. Data transfer module

    A node receives a data packet that is encrypted with AES algorithm. When the server process received the packet, it is decrypted at the user side.


    Followng graph shows the memory consumed, when a new node joins a spontaneous network, by both nodes, for all the processes required to set up and maintain the network.

    Fig3: Memory used by both nodes from the certification creation to the data transfer.


    We designed a secure spontaneous protocol in a user friendly manner that permits the creation and management of spontaneous wireless Ad Hoc network which is reliable for communication among participants of network. It imitates human relationship. Each user try to maintain the network by maintain trust. The security proposals such as DOS attack removal enables secure communication in spontaneous infrastructure less network. Power consumption is major factor in this network hence we used smaller key size which results in both computational capacity and low power consumption.


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