Ultrasonic Testing of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites- An Overview

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV3IS060688

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Ultrasonic Testing of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites- An Overview

Rishabh S Ostwal MTech, Manufacturing

School of Mechanical and building sciences VIT University, Vellore 632018, Tamilnadu, India.

Ajinkya V Sawant

MTech, Manufacturing

School of Mechanical and building sciences VIT University, Vellore 632018, Tamilnadu, India.

Abstract Fiber reinforced composites are susceptible to fabrication defects, impact damage, moisture absorption, variability in material properties. It is often required to produce evidence through NDT methods to establish integrity of structures, repeatability of manufacturing process to ensure design stipulated strength, stiffness, thickness variation and material homogeneity. Usually a combination of complementary NDT is used for this. Conventional method of NDT, namely- Ultrasonic has been successfully applied to test, evaluate and certify composites.

KeywordsComposites, NDT, Ultrasonic test


    Composite structures may suffer damage at any stage of life cycle: Production, Transportation, Assembly or Service and require repair. The first step for repair is to identify the nature and extinct of damage. Generally the damage is classified as:

    • Negligible damage

    • Repairable damage

    • Sever damage

    • Non Repairable damage

      The Damaged composite part could be solid laminate or sandwich. As far as the repair is carried out with identical reinforcement and core material. Often fast curing resins are used to save time.

      The objective of repair is to:

    • Ensure Freedom from harmful defects and inhomogenities.

    • Restore strength and stiffness

    • Achieve thickness variation within allowable limits

    • Restore surface counter

      The repair is intended to restore load bearing capability of the structure making the area similar to the original design. But departure is often permitted in low stress zones. Repair is carried out by reverted or adhesive bonded reinforcements. If the damage extends through the entire thickness of the laminate, repair is carried out in following steps:

      • Back side of the laminate is supported by back up plate

      • Removal of damaged area

      • Grinding of continuous or stopped overlaps

      • Cleaning of ground surfaces

      • Surface treatment with low viscosity resin

      • Lay up of sufficient layers to match the original thickness

      • Curing under vacuum at proper temperature and pressure

      • Grinding, polishing and replacement of surface coatings

        The role of NDE in pre repair stage is to determine nature of damage and determine the nature and demarcate extension of damage. In post repair stage NDE ensures the freedom of harmful stage and in homogeneities.

        Ultrasonic pulse Echo methods with attenuation and transit time mapping facilities are used for restoration of thickness, strength and stiffness validation. Defects usually found after repair are- porosity, poor filleting and non- uniform bond line thickness of sandwich. Thickness and counter variation often occur. Repaired honeycomb structures are evaluated using through Transmission ultrasonic method.


    This is the most preferred method for evaluation of composites. The method is effective in defecting delaminations, voids, porosity and in some cases other flaws like broken fibers and inclusion. The defect is presented in A, B or C-scan form. Figure.1 illustrates the defect presentation forms.

    Figure 1. A, B and C- Scan Presentation of Defects

    It may be noted that , A-scan records both amplitude and depth of defect on the CRT , B-scan gives sectional view of the defect and C-scan gives plane view of the defect , projected on a plane at right angle to the axis of ultrasonic beam.

    Two common test methods used are:

    2.1] Through transmission method :

    In this method, ultrasonic waves are passed through the test sample to a receiver on the opposite side. An acoustic coupling between the transducer and the test object is applied. The most common couplant is water, used either by immersing the test object or with squirters at the transducer heads. Any air interfaces in the material-gaps, voids, porosity etc cause internal reflection , because the acoustic impedance of air is very different from that of the host material. Measuring attenuation of the sound energy transmitted through the structure indicates the presence of defects.

    Figure 3. Pulse Echo Method


    All NDT results produce indirect indication of the physical state of materials and structures. These results could be in the form of data points, output of an electronic machine or pictures.

    Figure 2. Through Transmission Technique

    This method is employed to examine monolithic as well as honeycomb structure for detection of anomalies like gaps, voids, delamination , disband and internal assembly condition. It is possible to assess size of the defect. The technique of through transmission is preferred only detection of defect is required. Ultrasonic frequencies used are in the range of 1MHz-10MHz.

    2.2] Pulse echo method:

    Ultrasonic pulse-echo is a well-established and widely used non-destructive testing technique. A pulse of ultrasonic energy, typically a few microseconds, is transmitted into the specimen in a direction normal to the surface. The pulse is reflected from good matrix reinforcement boundaries and also from boundaries associated with flaws. Those signals which travel back towards the probe are detected and the position and size of a flaw is determined from the total pulse travel time and detected amplitude respectively.

    In order to understand the physical condition of the material/structure which produces this indication, it is necessary to fabricate standards. Calibration specimens is fabricated with same material and lay up as that of actual component. The standard serves the following function :

    • Ensure consistent performance of the test system.

    • Check sensitivity and resolution characteristics of the system.

    • Evaluate size and location of defect.

    • Provide common basis for expensing test results.

    Details of such two specimens for carbon fiber polymer composite are given below. An example of calibration specimen is a laminate of 104 plies with 450, 900, 1350 laid up and defects introduced at different levels. There are 7 defects implanted in the pane as shown figure 5.

    Figure 4. Flat Calibration Specimen With Implemented Defects of size 5*3mm


    Range of defects observed during fabrication and service is shown in Table 1.

    During Fabrication and services







    Voids, porosity, delamination, broken fibers, inclusion,insufficient curing, missing plies, impact damage


    Matrix cracking,crazing,fiber



    Delamination , fiber


    Lightning stike

    Debond between fiber and matrix,



    Matrix plasification, debond, irridation




    Reduction in





    Effect of defect


    Closed spaced small voids

    Deterioration in mechanical properties


    Separation of plies in a laminate due to

    internal stresses.

    Deterioration in mechanical properties


    Foreign object

    Local reduction in compressive strength and interlaminar shear



    Air pocket and heat during cure cycle leading to

    lack of bonding.

    Effect is similar to that of delamination

    Resin rich


    Resin bulid up

    during curing

    Influence on shear stress

    Fiber breakage

    Broken fiber yarn at manufacture stage

    Deterioration in mechanical properties



    includes fiber


    reduction of joint


    Impact damage

    extensive internal damage

    drastic reduction in compressive strength

    Lack of integrity of bond line

    due to internal stress, lack of curing, improper surface preparation

    loss of stiffness, strength, local buckling

    Lack of filleting between honeycomb core and face sheet

    lack of adhesiveness

    Fatigue resistance is reduced.

    voids/moisture in core

    small voids

    effect similar to debond.

    Table 2 gives summary of defects which can find out using ultrasonic testing.


A number of experiments have been conducted in recent years on carbon fiber polymer composites simulating various- types of defects to get meaningful insight into the process and provide a reasonable basis for interpretation, which involves the following:

  • Assessment of cure condition and material homogeneity.

  • Establishing nature, size, location and volume dispersion of defects.

  • Establish effect of defects on mechanical properties and facilitate evolution of acceptance criteria of defects and inhomogeneties.

    Experimental studies shows that as cure operation progress ultrasonic attenuation and velocity increase and optimize at a level, ensuring acceptable mechanical properties a ultrasonic parameters can be used as an index of material homogeneity strength and stiffness. Effect of thickness on ultrasonic specific attenuation is as shown in figure 8 These observations were made at 5 MHz and 10MHz.

    Attenuation of ultrasonic energy and its time of travel through the test material is used to detect, locate, size of defect, while exact nature of the defect is established by correlating photo micrographic appearance of the defect with attenuation and transit time C-scan map. It is necessary to appreciate that attenuation of ultrasonic energy during its passage through the material could be due to as shown in following figure 5 :

    • Surface texture

    • Presence of porosity

    • Delamination

    • State of cure of resin

    • Fiber volume fraction

    • Condition of fiber-matrix interfaced.

    • Foreign inclusion.

Porosity due to vacuum failure Low energy Impact due to sharp tool

Delamination at the junction Inclusion in composite component


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We are immensely thankful to Prof. S. Devendrian, School of mechanical and building sciences, VIT university, vellore for their guidance and support.

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