- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 1030
- Authors : G. Sivasankar, Dr. M. Sailaja
- Paper ID : IJERTV3IS080473
- Volume & Issue : Volume 03, Issue 08 (August 2014)
- Published (First Online): 19-08-2014
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
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Decoupled Stationary Reference Frame PLL for Interconnecting Renewable Energy Systems to the Grid
G. Sivasankar
Instrumentation and control systems Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada
Kakinada, India
Dr M. Sailaja
Professor, ECE Department Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University
Kakinada, India
AbstractThere is a need to develop new control strategies for interconnecting Renewable Energy Sources (RES) to the power grid due to the continuously increasing penetration of RES. The control strategies are typically based on a fast and accurate detection of the phase angle of the grid voltage which may be estimated by using a Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) control circuit. The performance of the PLL under normal and abnormal operational conditions is a crucial aspect, since the RES is desired to operate accurately to support the power system under grid fault conditions. This paper investigates the performance of three different PLLs: a synchronous reference frame PLL (dqPLL), a stationary reference frame PLL (PLL), and a decoupled double synchronous reference frame PLL (DDSRF PLL). The results of this investigation motivate the development of a decoupled stationary reference frame PLL which is a combination of the abovementioned PLLs and uses the advantages of each PLL. The proposed decoupled stationary reference frame PLL(dPLL) may be an appropriate solution to use in an interconnected RES with Fault Ride Through (FRT) capability, since it prevails the other PLLs with regards to its accuracy under unbalanced faults. The performance of the dPLL is verified through simulations and experiments. Further the dPLL is used in an interconnected RES through experiments under normal and FRT operation.
Index Terms Fault ride through operation, grid side converter, interconnected renewable energy systems, Phase Locked-Loop(PLL), unbalanced grid faults.
The use of fossil fuels for electric power generation has imposed several problems on the environment including global warming and greenhouse effect. This has led to an era in which the increasing power demand will be met by Distributed Generation (DG) system which are based on renewable energy sources such as solar power, wind power, small hydro power etc. The DG systems are distributed near the user's facility. These systems are mainly small scale generations having capacity less than 20MW. These DG systems need to be controlled properly in order to ensure sinusoidal current
injection into the grid. However, They have a poor controllability due to their intermittent characteristics .Grid connected inverter is the key element to maintain voltage at the point of common coupling (PCC) constant and to ensure power quality improvements. For safe and reliable operation of power system based on DG system, usually power plant operators should satisfy the grid code requirements such as grid stability, fault ride through, power quality improvement, grid synchronization and power control etc. The major issue associated with DG system is their synchronization with utility voltage vector. The information about the phase angle of utility voltage vector is accurately tracked in order to control the flow of active and reactive power and to turn on and off power devices.
Renewable Energy Systems (RES), such as wind power and solar power systems, use power electronic converters in order to inject the produced energy to the power grid. The Grid Side Converter (GSC) is the one which is responsible for the grid synchronization, so the control for the GSC should be designed very carefully in order to meet the specifications and the regulations for interconnected distributed generation under normal operation. Moreover, the RES should have Fault Ride Through (FRT) capability in order to provide voltage and frequency support to the power system when disturbances and faults occur. The control system of the GSC may be based on a synchronous reference frame with proportional-integral (PI) controllers. In case that the control system is based on a synchronous reference frame with PI controllers, the most important synchronization variable is the phase of the grid voltage at the PCC. Therefore a Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) algorithm is recommended to be used in order to obtain the synchronization and the appropriate operation from the GSC. This paper focuses on the performance of the PLL on a synchronous reference frame control system. Three PLLs are considered in this investigation: the dqPLL, the PLL and the DDSRF PLL. The dqPLL and PLL have difficulties in tracking the phase angle when an unbalanced fault occurs. The DDSRF PLL overcomes this problem by decoupling the positive and the negative sequence of the voltage at the PCC. The main drawback of the DDSRF PLL is the high overshoot on the phase angle tracking error when a fault occurs.
Synchronous Reference Frame PLL (dqPLL)
The basic configuration is shown in the figure below. The dqPLL uses the equations of the Parks transformation, as shown below, to translate the abc natural frame (SRF).
In this PLL either direct axis component or quadrature axis component of voltage rotating reference frame into the dq-synchronous reference can be considered for the estimation of frequency or hence phase angle. A crucial aspect of the transformation is that the voltage of the d-axis (Vd) has to lie on the voltage of phase a. This is achieved by having the voltage of the q-axis (Vq) to track zero through a proportional-integral (PI) controller and therefore frequency, dq PLL and phase, dqPLL could be estimated as illustrated in the Fig.1. In this PLL, the PI controller performs the function of Loop filter in the basic PLL. The angle dqPLL is found integrating the output dq PLL which uses the error signal Vq- Vqref in the dq frame.
When a balanced fault occurs, the dqPLL is operating well and can track the phase angle. However, when an unbalanced fault occurs, then the dqPLL fails to track accurately the phase angle because Vd does not perfectly match with the positive sequence voltage V+1 due to the oscillation which appears because of the existence of the negative sequence voltage V-1 under unbalanced disturbances.
Stationary Reference Frame PLL (PLL)
The basic configuration of a Stationary reference frame PLL is shown below. The PLL sets =0 in that of dqPLL, in order to translate the abc natural rotating reference frame into the -stationary reference frame. Trigonometric equations are used in order to estimate the phase angle PLL as shown below. It should be noticed that the below expression is valid if is small.
The objective of the closed loop control of PLL is to induce the difference to be controlled to zero by using a PI controller, where gr is the actual phase angle of the voltage. The PLL in unbalanced operation has similar problems to those mentioned for the dqPLL. The structure of PLL is shown in Fig.2.
Fig.2 The structure of PLL
Decoupled Double Synchronous Reference Frame PLL (DDSRF PLL)
The DDSRF-PLL stems from improving the conventional SRF-PLL. It consists of a decoupling network and phase locked loop operating on synchronous reference frame (SRFPLL). The decoupling network provides positive and negative sequence components from the input voltage vector. The synchronization to the positive sequence component of the grid voltage is achieved when the voltage positive sequence q-component is controlled to zero. This is done using SRF-PLL. Fig.3. shows the structure of DDSRF PLL.
<>Fig.3. The structure of DDSRF PLL
When the three phase grid voltage is unbalanced, the fundamental positive-sequence voltage vector appears as a DC voltage on the dq+1 axes of the positive sequence SRF and as ac voltages at twice the fundamental utility frequency on the dq-1 axes of the negative sequence SRF. On the contrary, the negative sequence voltage vector will cause a dc component on the negative sequence SRF and an ac oscillation on the positive sequence SRF. Since the amplitude of the oscillation on the positive sequence SRF matches to the DC level on the negative sequence SRF and vice versa, a decoupling network is applied to signals on the dq positive/negative SRF axes in order to cancel out such ac oscillations. Low pass filters are in charge of extracting DC component from the signal on the decoupled SRF axes. These DC components collect the information about the amplitude and phase angle of the positive and negative sequence components of the grid voltage vector.
The loop controller of the DDSRF-PLL works on the decoupled q-axis signal of the positive sequence SRF (Uq+1). The signal is free of ac components due to the effect of the decoupling cells and the band width of the loop controller can be consequently increased.
Decoupled Stationary Reference frame PLL
The proposed d PLL combines the decoupling of the voltage sequence of the DDSRF PLL and the algorithm to estimate the phase angle use by PLL. The novel d PLL inherits the advantage of a lower frequency overshoot of the PLL in comparison to the dqPLL and the accurate estimation of the DDSRF PLL under unbalanced operation. This could lead to a faster operation without violating the frequency limits of the grid code when a disturbance occurs. Simulation and experimental results are shown under balanced and unbalanced disturbances, where it is clear that the d PLL outperforms the other PLLs under investigation. The proposed d PLL is also experimentally demonstrated in an interconnected RES under normal and FRT operations.
The effect of the time response of each PLL on the overshoot of the estimated phase angle is investigated and show below in Fig. A
Fig. A
The effect of changing the time response of the three PLLs in terms of overshoots of the estimation frequency during a symmetrical fault.
The simulation results in Fig. A show how the changing of the time response settings of each PLL affects the overshoot of the frequency estimation (fdqPLL, fPLL and fDDSRF PLL) when a 50% balanced voltage sag occurs. Clearly the desired faster operation of a PLL causes undesirably higher overshoots in the frequency. An important conclusion from Fig. A is that the overshoot of PLL is always lower (18% lower overshoot on average) in comparison to the other two PLLs and also that dqPLL and DDSRF PLL have very similar responses since the structure of the DDSRF PLL is based on the dqPLL and on two decoupling cells.
The results in Fig. A show that the PLL has lower overshoot on the frequency estimation when a fault occurs compared to the two other PLLs under investigation. In addition, the PLL faces a problem under unbalanced conditions, in contrast to the DDSRF PLL, where the decoupling of the voltage sequence makes it very accurate under balanced and unbalanced conditions. The proposed d PLL is a combination of the decoupling cells that are used in DDSRF PLL to decouple the voltage sequence and the PLL algorithm to estimate the phase angle of the grid voltage, which offers lower estimation overshoot instead of the algorithm that is used in dqPLL. The d PLL aims at operating very accurately under balanced and unbalanced disturbances and also at having a lower phase angle and frequency overshoot than the DDSRF PLL. Therefore, the desired faster operation could be achieved by the suggested d PLL within the same
frequency limits. The structure of the proposed d PLL is illustrated in Fig.4.
Fig.4.The structure of d PLL
A comparison of the new proposed d PLL to the other PLLs is necessary in order to demonstrate its advantages. The comparison focuses especially on d PLL and DDSRF PLL, which are the only ones that are able to operate accurately under unbalanced disturbances.
Simulink Model Of a Synchronous Reference Frame PLL:
The Simulink Model of a Synchronous Reference Frame PLL is shown below. The tuning parameters of a PI controller are selected as kp==180 ki=3200 calculated using Ziegler-Nichols method.
Voltage and Phase Angle Tracked by SRF PLL:
The output voltage Vd is obtained as 264.7v for an input voltage of 325.26v is shown below in Fig.5.2.
Simulink Model of Synchronous Reference Frame PLL during Unbalanced fault:
The Simulink Model of a Synchronous Reference Frame PLL during Unbalanced fault is shown below in Fig.5.3. Here an unbalanced fault is applied where there is a line to ground fault in two of the three phases
Voltage and Phase Angle Tracked by SRF PLL during an unbalanced fault:
Simulink Model of a PLL:
The Simulink Model of an Frame PLL is shown below in Fig.5.5.The tuning parameters of a PI controller are selected as kp==180 ki=3200 calculated using Ziegler-Nichols method.
Voltage and Phase Angle Tracked by PLL:
The voltage obtained by the PLL in frame is shown below. The input voltage to the PLL is 325.26v
Simulink Model of a PLL during Unbalanced fault:
The Simulink Model of a PLL during Unbalanced fault is shown below. Here an unbalanced fault is applied where there is a line to ground fault in two of the three phases
The phase angle tracked by PLL during an unbalanced fault is shown below.
Simulink Model Of A Decoupled Double Synchronous Reference Frame PLL(DDSRF PLL):
The Simulink Model of a Decoupled Double Synchronous Reference Frame PLL(DDSRF PLL) is shown below in Fig.5.9. The tuning parameters of a PI controller are selected as kp==2.2214 ki=246.74 calculated using Ziegler-Nichols method.
Voltage and Phase Angle Tracked by DDSRF PLL:
The output voltage Vd is obtained as 423.3v for an input voltage of 415v is shown below in Fig.5.10
Simulink Model of a DDSRF PLL during an unbalanced fault:
Voltage and Phase Angle Tracked by DDSRF PLL during an unbalanced fault:
The Voltage and Phase Angle Tracked by DDSRF PLL during an unbalanced fault are shown below in Fig.5.12.
Simulink Model of a Decoupled PLL(d PLL):
The Simulink Model of a Decoupled PLL(d PLL) is shown below in Fig.5.13. The tuning parameters of a PI controller are selected as kp==180 ki=3200 calculated using Ziegler-Nichols method.
Voltage and Phase angle tracked using d PLL:
The Voltage and Phase angle tracked using d PLL is shown below in Fig.5.14. The output voltage Vd is 423.3v for an input voltage of 415v.
Simulink Model of a Decoupled PLL (d PLL) under an Unbalanced Fault:
Voltage and Phase angle tracked using d PLL under Unbalanced Fault:
The Voltage and Phase angle tracked using d PLL under Unbalanced Fault are shown below in Fig.5.16
Simulink Diagram Of Grid Synchronization of the Inverter Using the New Hybrid d PLL:
The proposed d PLL is used to synchronize the inverter to grid using a current controller. The current controller uses normal PI controller. To simulate the operation of the current control, a reference input active current Id whose amplitude is 2A is applied. Then followed by a reactive current reference component step Iq whose amplitude also is 2A. The simulated output inverter current of the inverter model is shown in figure below. This figure the output inverter current reaches its steady state value of 2A, which is exactly equal to the reference value. This proves that the current loop controller is effective such that measured currents track their references. In addition, its dynamic behavioris satisfactory.
The Simulink diagram is shown below
Phase-locked loop for grid-connected three-phase power conversion systems. The synchronized inverter output current is shown below. The current magnitude is almost near to that of the reference value 2A
In this paper, A benchmarking study of the effect of the time response on the overshoot of the estimated frequency and phase angle for three different PLLs is performed in this paper. The investigation of dqPLL, PLL and DDSRF PLL motivates the proposal for a new PLL, which inherits the advantages of each PLL. The new hybrid d PLL is the most beneficial solution for grid synchronization compared to the other three PLLs under investigation, since it operates accurately under balanced and unbalanced conditions and also reduces the overshoot on the estimation of the phase angle and frequency, which is the main drawback of DDSRF PLL. The lower frequency overshoot of d PLL leads to a faster time response without any violation of the frequency limits of the grid codes. The proposed d PLL could be very useful in synchronizing the inverter to the grid. The performance of the d PLL in DGS is verified through results and its use is illustrated.
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