Text Classification Based on SVM and Text Summarization

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV4IS020065

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Text Classification Based on SVM and Text Summarization

Vo Duy Thanh

IT Department, Vietnam-Korea IT College,

Danang, Vietnam

Vo Trung Hung

IT Department,

The University of Danang, Danang, Vietnam

Ho Khac Hung

IT Department, Mekong Housing Bank, Hue, Vietnam

Tran Quoc Huy Danang Department of Infor- mation and Communication,

Danang, Vietnam

Abstract – This paper presents the results of our research on text classification which the proposed model is a combination of text summarization technique and semi-supervised learning machine based on the Support Vector Machine (SVM). We propose a solution which is combined two algorithms: searching maximal frequent wordsets and clustering algorithms, extract- ing the main idea of the text before classifying. The novelty of the proposed method is to summarise the text before constructing of the feature vector in order to minimize the dimension of the vector. In addition, we employ semi-supervised machine learn- ing methods to minimize the number of labelled text used for training (generating the feature model). The experimental re- sults show that the solution achieved a high accuracy; it is more stable and faster than that of the supervised learning or semi-supervised learning based on the support vector.

Keywords: Text classification; support vector machine (SVM); semi-supervised learning; manifold learning; text summarization.


    Text classification is a significant problem which is widely applied in various areas such as search engine, pattern recog- nition, data mining, etc. Most of the text classification meth- ods which have been previously proposed are based on ma- chine learning, probabilistic, decision tree, inductive proper- ties, k-nearest neighbour, and recently support vector machine. The aforementioned methods typically aim to classify data into two classes (binary classification), thus, often facing challenges when the data has a large size.

    In this paper, we combine the searching maximal frequent wordsets and clustering algorithms to extract the main idea of the text before classifying. By doing so, the text is summarised before constructing the feature vector in order to minimise the dimension of the vector. Additionally, we employ semi-supervised learning technique to mitigate the number of labelled text used for training (to construct the feature model).

    We have evaluated the proposed model and compared it with the supervised learning method (using labelled text for training) and the semi-supervised learning method based on the support vector machine. The experimental results show that the proposed model obtained a higher accuracy and more stable than other methods.

    The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 reviews the other works related to text summarization, the feature vector and construction of the feature vector, text clustering and extracting the main idea of the text based on the maximal

    frequent wordsets, text classifying model. Section 3 intro- duces our model for which it combines the search of maximal frequent wordsets and clustering algorithm to extract the main idea of the text before classifying. Section 4 presents the ex- periment results and evaluates the proposed model. Finally, section 5 concludes the paper and opens some future work.


    1. Text summarization

      Text summarization is an important problem for data mining in general and for text classification in particular. It helps to reduce the text size but still guarantee to express the main idea of the text.

      There are many models which have been recently pro- posed for automatic text summarization of English, Japanese, and Chinese. W. B. Cavnar (1994) [5] have represented the document based on the n-gram model instead of conventional keyword model. A. Chinatsu (1997) [8] have developed the DimSum system for text summarization using natural lan- guage processing techniques and statistical method based on the co-efficient of tf-idf. J. Carbonell (1998) [6] has summa- rised the text by ordering and extracting the excel sentences (representing the main idea of the text). J. Goldstein (1999)

      [14] has classified the text summarization based on the rele- vant measurements. The method combines between linguistic features and statistics. Each sentence is characterised by lin- guistic features and statistical measurements, J. L. Neto (2000)

      [21] has generated the summary of text through the relevant importance of topics. D. Radev (2000) [27] has built text summary based on the centroid of the text in order to extract the key sentence. Y. Gong (2001) [15] has proposed two simple methods for text summarization: based on statistical measurements, frequency analysis and approach latent se- mantic.

      In terms of Vietnamese text processing, there are several well-known models which have been introduced such as

      N.T.M. Huyens model (2003) [29] on how POS tagging; the model of D. Dien et al. (2001) [11] which is proposed for separating Vietnamese words; the model of H. Kiem and D. Phuc (2002) [20] for text classifying based on the most fre- quent phrases; the D. Phucs model applying frequent word- sets and association rule for classifying of Vietnamese text with the concern of context.

    2. Definitions

      1. Definition 1: Wordset is a set of words that sequentially occurs in a sentence. The frequency of a wordset is the number of sentences which contains that wordset. Let t be a wordset, sp(t) be the ratio of the number of sentences that contains a wordset over the total number of sentences in the text. Let min_T [0,1] be the number of minimal frequent thresholds, wordset t is considered as frequent according to threshold min_T if sp(t) min_T.

      2. Definition 2: Maximal frequent wordset is the wordset that is not the subset of any frequent wordsets.

      There are several pieces of work studied for word sepa- rating, which have a high accuracy. However, in this paper, we apply the n-gram method to analyse word/phrase in Viet- namese documents and combine with Vietnamese dictionary to determine a meaningful word/phrase. It should be noted that Vietnamese have 81.55 % syllables which are single words; about 70.72 % compounds which are double-syllable;

      Step 2: Creating C which is the set of feature vectors of initial clusters. Each vector represents the sentences in the document that is needed to cluster.

      Repeat the following steps:

      Step 3: Computing the distance matrix among feature vectors of clusters in C relied on Hamming distance calcula- tion algorithm.

      Step 4: Finding two clusters which have the minimum distance between any two cluster feature vectors in C. They are named as c_min_i and c_min_j.

      Step 5: Merging two cluster c_min_i and c_min_j to render a new cluster named as c_min_ij.

      Step 6: Removing c_min_i and c_min_j out of the vector space C and inserting c_min_ij.

      Step 7: If |C|c_end, exiting and returning to Step 3. The algorithm is re-written as follows:

      around 13.59 % compounds having 3-syllable, 4-syllable; and

      only 1.04% compound having above 5-syllable. Therefore, in


      this study, we employ an n-gram of size 3 (to investigate all

      words which have from 1 to 3 syllables).

    3. Creating the feature vector of text

      To generate the feature vector, we first utilise the algo- rithm of finding maximal frequent sets appeared in sentences of the text and then build the feature vectors of sentences. Particularly, for binary vector, the -th element of the vector corresponding to the j-th sentence is equal to 1 if the j-th sentence contains the frequent wordset of the k-th element; otherwise, it is equal to 0.

      Frequent wordset finding algorithm

      The frequent set finding algorithm is applied for finding the frequent wordsets in the document which has multiple lines of text. Each text line is considered as a transaction. An itemset {i1, i2,,ik} has items of i1, i2,, ik which will become sets of words i1i2ik. Note that i1, i2,,ik are words separating by a space; or following by a full stop before or after those words.

      Step 1: Generating F1 wordsets which have only one word and frequency is greater than minsupp.

      Step 2: Using Apriori algorithm to find frequent itemsets in the database. At step k-th, Apriori uses Breadth-First Search (BFS) and a Hash tree structure to count candidate itemsets efficiently. It generates candidate itemsets of length k from itemsets of length k-1, the candidate itemsets contains all frequent k-length itemsets. After that, it scans the transaction database to determine frequent itemsets among the candidates.

      Based on the aforementioned frequent wordsets, we con- struct the maximal frequent wordsets of the text.

    4. Clustering and extracting main idea of the text based on the maximal frequent wordsets

      On the basis of maximal frequent wordset, the text clus- tering algorithm is designed as follows:

      Step 1: Identifying the last total number cluster of the data block that contains the text manned as c_end.


      The number of clusters of data block that contains entire text: c_end

      Set C of feature vectors of initial cluster Output:

      The vector spce C after clustering

      Begin do

      iMin = maxint

      for I from 1 to c.length 1do for j from I + 1 to c.length do


      if(iMin<iHamming) then

      iMin = hamming_distance(c,i,j) c_min_i = i

      c_min_j = j endif

      endfor endfor

      //Merge two c_min_i and c_min_j

      //and removing out of C c_min_ij = or_vector(C,i,j)

      remove_vector(C, c_min_i, c_min_j) add_vector_c(C, c_min_ij)

      loopC c_end


      The algorithm of hamming_distance(C, i, j) is used for computing the minimum distance between two clusters according to Hamming algorithm:

      function hamming_distance(C, i, j) input:

      + Set of feature vectors of clusters:


      + The indexes of two vectors needed to calcualate the distance: i, j


      + Hamming distance of two vectors i and


      problem can be considered as the finding of function f


      f : U x C Boolean

      f(u,c) = true if u has the title in c f(u,c) = false if u has no title in c

      There are many data classification problems such as bi- nary classification (identifying that a document is whether it belongs to a given class or not), multi-class classification (a document belongs to a class in a given class list), multi-value classification (a document belongs to more than one class in a given class list, e.g., a document can belong to both sport class and news class).

      The general model for text classifying is described as


      Begin iHamming = 0

      for k from 1 to c.length do if (c[i][k] = c[j][k] then

      iHamming++ endif


      return iHamming end

      The algorithm of or_vector(C, i, j) is used for merging two given vectors to render a new vector under the operation OR.

      The algorithm of remove_vector(C, c_min_i, c_min_j) is applied for removing two vectors of c_min_i and c_min_j out of vector C.

      The algorithm of add_vector(C, c_min_ij) is applied for adding the vector c_min_ij into the vector C space.

      Relying on the total number of clusters obtained from clustering phase, we look for the key sentences of the original document based on the space of the feature vector to achieve the summary of the document. In this paper, we do not de- scribe in details the algorithms that allow us to find the key sentences and summarise the main idea of the document. This is done by using the iToolSVM tool which enables to summa- rise the document, supports to assign labels and creates training data file based on input standard which supports SVMLin tool.

    5. Text classification model

      Text classification is a process of analysing and mapping a document into one or more given classes according to a clas- sification model. This model is built by basing on a set of documents which are labelled (are determined the class) named as training documents.

      The text classification problem can be stated as follows. Given a set of documents U = {u1,u2,,un} and a set of titles C ={c1,c2,,cm}. The objective of the problem is to properly classify the document ui containing in set C. This

      Fig. 1. Text classification model

    6. Self-training algorithm

    Self-training algorithm is semi-supervised learning tech- nique in which the initial classifier is trained by a small amount of labelled data [28]. Then, this classifier is used for labelling to unlabelled data. Labelled data which are highly reliable (i.e., the reliability of the labelled data is above a given threshold) will be added into the training data set. The classifier will repeat to learn based on the new training data set. In each loop, the highest reliable samples will be move into the training data set.

    Objective: Extending the training data set which has been labelled by using unlabelled data set U and title (label) set C [18][20].


    L: Labelled training data set

    U: Unlabelled training data set

    C: Title set (label)

    Output: Labels of elements that is subset of U, i.e., U, having the highest reliability.

    Algorithm [20]

    Step 1. Input L, U, C

    Step 2. Generating U is a subset of U by randomly choosing P elements in U.

    Step 3. Loop for iterations

    Use L to individually train the classifiers Ci and la- bel the examples in U'.

    For each classifiers Ci select G most confidently examples and add them to L, while maintaining the class distribution in L. Confidently can be assessed by cal- culating the precision of classification carried out with

    L. We have L = L + G; U = U G.

    Refill U with examples from U, to keep U at a constant size of P examples.


    We propose to summarise the document with a given compression ratio before training the system by applying the model that has been introduced in our previous work [34] for text classifying. The proposed model is shown in the follow- ing figure:

    Fig. 2. The proposed model for text classification with the support of text


    Our proposed model includes two stages:

    Stage 1: Applying iToolSVM tool for summarising of input documents with a given compression ratio. In this paper, this ratio is set to 70%.

    Stage 2: Employing SVMLin for training and classifying text based on the proposed model.


    1. Objectives

      To apply the proposed model for classifying documents into different subjects: sports, entertainment and education from the input gathered on the online newspaper.

    2. Implementation

      In the scope of this research, we have summarised the document with the compression ratio of 70%. The imple- mentation is described as follows:

      Step 1: Applying iToolSVM tool for summarising docu- ment and generating training data set which includes labelled documents.

      Step 2: Using SVMLin for building the feature model to each class.

      Step 3: Testing the classification for 600 random docu- ments.

      Step 4: Adding data to unlabelled training data.

      Step 5: Utilising SVMLin to re-generate the feature model.

      Step 6: Testing the classification for 600 documents which have been previously tested in Step 3.

      Step 7: Comparing results obtained in Step 3 and Step 6.

      Consequently, we employSVMLin tool [21] for training and evaluating as well as comparing achieved results with the results obtained by using our model [34] which has been proposed previously.

    3. Evaluation of test results

    To evaluate the efficiency achieved by applying the clus- tering algorithm during the process of text classifying, we compare the proposed model with the semi-supervised learning SVM model. In this experiment, we apply both su- pervised learning method with the Regularized Least Squares Classification (RLS) algorithm and semi-supervised learning SVM with the Multi-switch Transductive L2-SVMs algorithm

    1. to evaluate the efficiency based on the dimensions of labelled and unlabelled data sets. In each case, the experiment has been run with 200 documents extracted from vnex- press.net. The achieved results are compared to that of the previously proposed model [34] to evaluate the model that combines the former model with the algorithm of document summarising having the compression rate of 70%.

      1. Efficiency of the semi-supervised learning model with respect to the dimension of unlabelled training data set

        The experiment has been repeated 10 times with the 610 document training data set. In each experiment, 10 labelled documents have been randomly selected, and the dimension of training data set has been increased from 100 to 600 documents. The achieved results are compared to that of the previous work [34] as follows:



        Accuracy (%)
















































        Where the columns of RLS, L2-SVM and SL2-SVM represent the accuracy of the supervised learning method, semi-supervised learning method and the proposed method respectively.

        Table 1 shows that the semi-supervised learning model has a much higher accuracy than the supervised learning model. Also, the proposed model achieves a better classification results than the semi-supervised learning model. Figure 3 is plotted based on the results described in Table 1.

        Fig. 3. The accuracy of the semi-supervised learning model vs. the dimension of unlabelled data

      2. Efficiency of the semi-supervised learning model with respect to the dimension of labelled training data set

    The experiment has been repeated 10 times with the 610 document training data set. In each experiment, 510 unla- belled documents have been randomly selected, and the di- mension of training data set has been increased from 10 to 100 documents. The obtained results are compared to that of the previous work [34] as follows:



    Accuracy (%)
















































    Table 2 reveals that when the dimension of the training data set increases, the accuracy of the supervised learning method also increases. However, the accuracy of the semi-supervised learning method [34] is still much higher than that of the supervised learning method. Futhermore, the proposed model, which further applies the document summa- rization method, has a better accuracy than others. Fig. 4 illustrates the results described in Table 2.

    Fig. 4. The accuracy of the semi-supervised learning model vs. the dimension of labelled data


The experiment results show that in both situations when the dimension of the labelled and unlabelled training data sets increase, the semi-supervised learning method has achieved a better classification result and a higher accuracy than others. As can be seen that the model which has been proposed in this paper has a better classification result and a higher accuracy than the model that has been previously proposed in [34], the improvement is observed as non-significant.

To improve the efficiency of the semi-supervised learning model with text summarization, we keep going on with the methods of separating Vietnamese word technique. This technique helps to increase the accuracy of the main idea extraction method. Besides, the experiment will be conducted with different compression rates to find the optimal one in

order to make a lot of further improvements about the per- formance of the proposed model.


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