A Genetic Algorithm for Resource Provisioning of Virtual Service Based on Homogeneous Shared Hosting Platforms

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV3IS120384

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A Genetic Algorithm for Resource Provisioning of Virtual Service Based on Homogeneous Shared Hosting Platforms

Pham Nguyen Minh Nhut1 ,

1 Department of E-commerce,

Vietnam Korea Friendship Information Technology College,

Danang, Vietnam.

Le Van Son2

2 Departement of Information, Danang University of Education,

Danang University, Danang, Vietnam.

Abstract- Optimal resource provisioning for virtual services in the Cloud computing is one of the most concerns nowadays. Multi-dimensional resource provisioning on a homogeneous shared hosting platform for virtual services is known as a NP-hard problem. Therefore, it is necessary to apply the metaheuristic algorithms for estimating the outcome of the problem. In this paper, we have effectively applied a genetic algorithm to solve the problem. We defined a fitness function with the goal of minimizing the number of physical machines, and compared our algorithm to standard algorithms of vector packing problem via emulation-based program in various scenarios. The experimental results show that: In the cases of large number of services, execution times of GA are shorter than the execution times of standard algorithms of vector packing problem.

Keywords- Resource provisioning; Cloud computing; Genetic Algorithm (GA); Vector Packing; Virtual machine.


    Virtual technology allows partitioning the resource of Y (Y 1) physical machines into S (S 1) virtual machines to execute the applications on demands. A system which consists of multiple physical machines with the same configuration connecting together for sharing resources is called a homogeneous shared hosting platform [3, 7, 9]. One of the challenges of this system facing is to minimize resources of the platform for virtual services while still ensuring the quality of service (QoS).

    Resource management for shared hosting platforms has been investigated in many other studies [3, 4, 7, 9]. In particular, Urgaonkar et al. [3] propose a profiling technique for statistic of resource usage and minimum resource needs. Aron [4] and Casanova et al. [7] formulate the resource provisioning problem as a constrained optimization problem in which machines are considered as a monolithic resource. Stillwell et al. [9] further consider resource provisioning in a multi- dimention resource, however they focus only on efficiency of resource provisioning. They formulate the problem of resource allocation as a mixed integer linear program (MILP), where the objective is to maximize performance and fairness through a metric known as minimum yield.

    In this paper, we consider many aspects of resources and apply a linear objective function to minimize the number of physical machines. The resource provisioning problem is generally considered in both cases: static and dynamic, but we focus on solving the the problem for only static case (i.e., fixed resource needs). Moreover, the resource provisioning is known as a NP-hard problem, therefore this paper employs metaheuristic algorithms to solve it [2,8]. The key contributions of the paper are as follows:

    1. Modeling a resource provisioning as a linear programming problem and computing the complexity of the problem.

    2. Solving the propblem by applying GA and defining the fitness function in order to minimize the number of physical machines.

    3. Evaluating and comparing experimental results with other results obtained by applying standard algorithms of vector packing problem [5, 6].

    The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section II presents a mathematical model of the problem as a linear programming problem and establishs the complexity of the problem. Section III solves the problem by applying the standard algorithms of vector packing problem. Our solution presents in Section IV by employing GA. Section V follows by experimental results and comparisons in various scenarios. Finally, Section VI concludes the paper and opens some future work.


    1. Resource and resource needs

      Lets consider a homogeneous shared hosting platform in which a cluster of servers having the same configuration and being interconnected by a high-speed network devices is deployed for sharing resource to virtual services [nên tách thành 2 câu]. Each service [in the platform] operates as a virtual machine and the system ensures that service requests are dispatched to appropriate servers.

      When users request virtual clusters (VC), the system responds by sets of virtual machine (VM). These VM

      problem represented by a linear programming problem with constraints and objective functions is as follows:

      instances run on physical machines (PMs) under the control of a hypersivor [1] and consume resources at different portions. The hypersivor can enforce specic resource consumption portions for different VMs running on the physical machine. A Resource Provider (RP) is responsible for making decisions whether to reject or

      admit a request, and allocates resource to each VM


      {0,1},ij Q,

      j xij 1,

      y j xij ,

      i, j


      i, j




      instance. Our goal is to design GA algorithm operated as a part of the RA to determine the minimum number of PMs based on resouce needs for virtual services.

      To supply resource needs for virtual services, each PM provides several resources, i.e., CPU, RAM space, I/O bandwidth, disk space. In fact, each virtual sevice has two kinds of resource need: rigid and fluid [9]. A rigid need represents a specific fraction of required resource. The service cannot benefit from a larger fraction and cannot operate with a smaller fraction than a rigid need. A fluid need specifies the maximum fraction of a resource that the service could use if alone on the server. The service cannot benefit from a larger fraction, but can operate with a smaller fraction than a fluid need if the cost is reduced.

      The ratio between the allocated resource and the fluid resource need is known as the yield of the fluid resource need, and we call their value simply the service yield. Within a service, the utilizations of all resources corresponding to fluid needs are linearly correlated [9]. Therefore, the service yield of each service is able to present by a value between 0 and 1. In particular, if the service yield is 0, the service will not be allocated any resource (due to the procedure of resource allocation). If the service yield is equal to 1, the service will be allocated resource as requied. However, it should be considered the lower bound on the yield of a service, which determines by QoS requirement(s). This constraint is defined by a service's fluid need multiplied by the service's QoS requirement(s), which is so-called a constrained fluid need. It is assumed that rigid resource needs are completely independent from fluid resource needs.

    2. Objective and constraints

      Assume that each service is represented by a single VM instance which has a fixed resource (static case). Multi-dimention resource provisioning problem (MRSP) is formulated as follows:

      Let S be services, i = 1, 2, , n; S > 0; Y be physical

      i (ij (1 ik ) ik )rik xij 1, k, j (4)

      and, object function is min j y j (5)

      Constraint (1) defines the domain of the variables. Constraint (2) determines the state at which there exists a service i running on a physical machine j or not. Constraint

      1. specifies the state at which a physical machine j is being used or not. onstraint (4) represents the state at which the fraction of total resource needs for service i is always less than or equal to the total resource of the physical machine j. The Eq. (4) implies that if resource need rik is fluid, then ik = 0 and the fraction of resource Dk used on the physical machine j is ij rik. If resource need rik is rigid, then ik = 1 and the fraction of resource Dk used on the physical machine j is rik.

        Finally, constraint (5) is the objective function which denotes the number of physical machines used for providing resources to the virtual service. The objective is to minimize yj.

    3. Computational Complexity

      To determine the computational complexity of MRSP problem, lets consider MRSP-Dec, the decision problem associated with MRSP can be stated as: Is it possible to assign Si services, each of which has a resource needs rik to Yj physical machine?

      Theorem 1. The decision problem MRSP-Dec is NP-C.


      1. It can be clearly seen that the problem MRSP-Dec is NP. Because the solution, if it exists, can be verified in polynomial time.

      2. Consider the vector packing problem presented in [5, 6] as NP-C: Given a set A consisting of elements of the d-dimensional vector represented by a d-tuple: d

    (ai , ai ,…, ai ) and set B consisting of elements of the d-

    i i j 1 2 d

    machines having the same configuration, j = 1, 2, , m; Yj > 0. Each physical machine provides Dk types of resources, k = 1,, d. For each service i, rik denotes its resource need for resource type k, its value is between 0 and 1. We define a binary variable xij that is equal to 1 if

    dimensional vector represented by d-tuple: (1,1, …, 1), put the elements of the set A into the set B such that

    iB j

    ai 1,j 1,…,d .

    service i runs on PM j and 0 otherwise. We use ik is a binary value that is equal 1 if rik is a rigid need, and 0 if rik

    is a fluid need; ij is the yield of service i on a physical machines j; yi is the number of PMs which is used for providing resource to service i. The resource provisioning

    A MRSP problem is reduced to vector packing




    problem as follows: Let the number of physical machine be B (i.e., Y=B), the service be A (i.e., S=A), the number of resource types be j (i.e., k=j) and the resource need of service i of the resource k be i (i.e., rik= ai ). For each

    service i, set ik = 0 (i.e., the fluid need is considered only,

    for the rigid need, the proof will be similar). Clearly, the vector packing problem provides a solution to the MRSP- Dec problem. In contrast, a solution of the MRSP -Dec problem will provide a solution to the vector packing

    physical machine Yj, such that:

    i (ij (1 ik ) ik )rik xij 1 ,

    k, j

    problem. From (i) and (ii), Theorem 1 has been proofed.

    As proofed above, this problem is a combinatorial optimization problem which is known as NP-hard. To solve this kind of problem, several solutions have been proposed such as: The heuristic approaches applied for finding the best solution; The local searching employed to look for a local optimal solution; The approximation approaches by applying metahueristic algorithms. The next section presents the standard heuristic algorithms of the vector packing problem and a genetic algorithm for solving this problem.


    The basic idea of the algorithms of vector packing problem applied to solve MRSP is that putting Dk- dimension Si vectors into YJ (in this case the Si is virtual service, YJ is the number of physical machines and Dk is the types of resource). In this paper, we consider the standard algorithms: First Fit, Best Fit proposed in [5]. Before putting elements of Si into Yj, elements Si are sorted in a descending order based on the following criterias:

    • Lexicographical: Given k 1, k = { (S1,S2,,Sk),

      i, 0 Si 1} and a, b k. a b iff a = b or the first nonzero component of b-a is positive

    • Maximum Component: Given k 1, k = { (S1,S2,,Sk), i, 0 Si 1} and a, b k. a b iff the maximum component in b is not less than the maximum component of a.

    • Maximum Sum: Given k 1, k = { (S1,S2,,Sk),

      i, 0 Si 1} and a, b k. a b iff the sum of components of b is not less than the sum of components of a.

      Based on standard algorithms of vector packing problem, we construct algorithms to solve MRSP problem as follows:

      Algorithm 1

      Input: A set of services Si (each service has resource need rik corresponding to the type of needs ik) and the set of physical machines Yj corresponding service yield ij.

      Output: A set of minimum physical machines yj

      (respectively, xij = 1).

      The steps of the algorithm:

    • Step 1: Based on the resource need rik, building

      Dk-dimensional vector Si with rik elements.

    • Step 2: Apply Criteria 1 to sort elements of vector

      Si in a descending order.

    • Step 3: Apply the First Fit, Best Fit algorithms to place the elements of the vector Si into the

    • Step 4: If the resource needs have not completed then go to step 3.

    • Step 5: If the resource needs have been completed then the output is a set of physical machines Yj (this is the outcome of the objective function of the MRSP problem).

    The combinatorial algorithms constructed from greedy algorithms, i.e., First Fit, Best Fit based on the 3 Criteria, therefore we have 6 algorithms including: BestFitDesSum, BestFitDesMax, BestFitDesLex, FirstFitDesSum, FirstFitDesMax và FirstFitDesLex. If Dk is considered as a constant, those algorithms have the computational complexity of O(S.logY+S.Y).


    1. Introduction to GA

      GA [2, 8, 10, 11] is based on the law of biological evolution of life populations. Individuals pass a process of development and reproduction to the creation of new individual for the next generation. In the process of evolution, bad individuals (based on a given criteria, so- called fitness) are eliminated. In contrast, qualified individuals are retained. Some concepts related to genetic algorithm are as follows:

        • Individual representation: It is the representation of individuals so that each individual is a solution of the current problem.

        • Fitness evaluation: It is the evaluation of the adaptability of each individual for a problem. The evaluation is based on the fitness function.

        • Crossover operation: It is the process of creating new individual based on current individual (called father-mother individual). Two child individual are generated by swapping from the father-mother individual genes.

        • Mutation: It is a process of creating new individual from a given individual by changing some of its genes.

        • Selection and Replacement: It is the process of selecting individuals from the current populations to create the next generation. In this process, if the individual has a greater than or equal criteria adaptation, this individual will be retained. Adaptability of individuals in a population is more complete more.

        • Terminate condition: A genetic algorithm is the random process, the algorithm can not be sure to stop after finite steps. Therefore, we typically have to define the terminate conditions for the algorithm.

    2. GA for resource provisioning

      As previously discussed, a genetic algorithm allows us to optimize the NP-hard problems in certain time. This section focuses on GA applied for solving the resource provisioning problem for the virtual service as described in Section II.

        • Individual representation: Each individual is represented by a one-dimensional integer array Si with length of n (Si: virtual service; i = 1, …, n), in which th i-th element equal to j if service Si is allocated to the physical machine Yj(Yj: physical machine; j = 1, …, m).

        • Initial population generation: Generate P (P is a designed parameter) initial random individuals. An initial chromosome is obtained by randomly assigning a service Si to a physical machine Yj.

        • Fitness function: Let F (Y ) be the total percentage

      the processes of initial, mutation, and crossover) may not be ineligible, so-called ineligible chromosome. But, They are still in use for new population in the proposed algorithm. After generating an ineligible chromosome, a greedy algorithm is applied to make it becoming an eligible chromosome. This algorithm goes through the physical machines in an arbitrary order, for any overloaded physical machines, the algoritm attempts to move services to others which have fewer loaded services. This approach has been practically evaluated, by which it helps to reduce the diversity of the chromosome population, and trends to an eligible resource provisioning.

      • Terminate condition: The algorithm will stop after G generation (G is a designed parameter) or the average value of the Fitness function of individuals reaches an converge to the expected value.

        k j

        of resource need Dk of the service Si that a physical machine Yj requires to supply for service Si:

        k j ij ik ik ik ij


        F (Y ) ( (1 ) )r x (6)

        In summary, the genetic algorithm for resource provisioning consists of the following steps:

        Algorithm 2

        Input: A set of services Si (each service has resource


        need rik corresponding to the type of needs ik) and the

        where K (K> 1) is a exponental constant which expresses concentration on the physical machines compared to the less-filled physical machines. The larger the K is, the quicker the algorithm converges. a few well-filled physical machines are preferred to a collection about equally filled physical machines. But, leading to premature convergence ability of the algorithm. Experimetally, the optimal value of K is 2, i.e., K = 2. Therefore, the fitness function of the GA for the whole resource need Dk is identified as

        d 1 m

        set of physical machines Yj corresponding service yield ij.

        Output: A set of minimum physical machines yj

        (respectively, xij = 1).

        The steps of the algorithm:

        1: begin

        2: t 0;

        3: Initializing the first population P(t);

        4: Calculating the fitness function of each chromosome in

        population P(t);

        5: until (the terminate conditions is not satisfied)

        fVSMSA Fk (Yj ) (7)


        k 1


        6: t t+1;

        7: Selection of P(t) based on roulette mechanism

        where m is the number of utilised physical machines.

        • Crossover Operation: We use a one-point crossover operator by which two parent chromosomes are fragmented into two segments. Then two new chromosomes are generated by concatenating of chromosome segments fragmented from their parents. Crossover process is applied for all possible pairs of individuals with the probability of pc (pc is the designed parameter).

        • Mutation Operation: The mutation operation randomly swaps between two services of two different physical machines. Mutation process is applied for every individual with the probability of pm (pm is a design parameter).

        • Selection of individuals for the next generation: This is a selection P individuals for the next generation. A newly generated chromosome (after


      fitness value at P(t-1);

      8: One-point crossover operation on P(t) to obtain


      9: Mutation operation in the P(t) to obtain R(t); 10: Selection from P(t-1)Q(t)R(t) to obtain P(t); 11: end until;

      12: end

    3. The computational complexity of the algorithm

      The GA algorithm parameters are set before running. Let n be the number of services, m be the number of physical machines, and d be the dimensions of resource. The computational complexity of the algorithm is identified as

      • Generating the first population: P.O (n.m.d).

      • Calculating the fitness function: O (n.m.d).

      • Crossover operation: P.(P- 1).O(n.m.d)=P2.O(n.m.d)

        • Mutation: P.O(n.m.d)

        • Selection: O (P.logP)

        Therefore, the computational complexity of the algorithm is




    A. Simulation setup

    To evaluate the proposed algorithm, a set of experimental random instances are generated based on [9] as follows: Given S services and Y physical machines with D resource dimensions. For each service, the numbers of rigid need are D/2 and the numbers of fluid need are D/2. All resource needs are sampled from a normal probability distribution with mean µ and standard deviation . Each service has a QoS request with the probability of .

    Assume that the value of the parameters are as follows: Service yield ij = 0.5, numbers of service S = 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, resource dimensions D = 6 (the numbers of rigid need = the numbers of fluid need =3), = 0.5, = 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, = 0.25, 0.5, 1.0 and all QoS requirements to be

      1. (i.e., half of the services fluid needs must be met). Experiments results obtained by using other values of parameters are similar. This setup corresponds to 1×5×1×1×3×3= 45 scenarios. For each scenario, 100 random samples are generated resulting in a total of 4500 input individual instances used for evaluation.

        Two metrics were employed for evaluation:

        • The minimum number of physical machines that corresponding to the 5 values of services S = 32; 64; 128; 256; 512.

        • The average execution times of the algorithm in seconds. The values of the two metrics are averaged from 900 (i.e., 3 × 3 × 100) experimental instances. The algorithms were coded in C++ language and ran on an Intel Core Duo 1.86 GHz and 2 GB RAM.

    We set the size of population P = 100, G = 2000 generations, the probability of mutation pm = 0.1, the probability of crossover pc = 0.25 and constant K = 2. These parameters are estimated empirically based on experience.

    C. Simulation results and evaluations

    The minimum values of the physical machine (objective function values) and the standard algorithm execution times of vector packing problem are presented in Table I and Table II. The results obtained by using the GA are presented in Table III.



    Number of services












































    Number of services











































    Number of







    Execution times







    Minimum physical machines






    From results shown in Table III and the results obtained from 6 standard algorithms of vector packing problem in Table I and Table II. It is clearly seen that with the same set of data, the execution time of the GA is longer than others. However, in the cases of large number of services (512 services), execution times of GA are shorter than BestFitDesMax, BestFitDesLex, BestFitDesSum algorithms. The objective function values of (number of physical machines) all algorithms are similar (except for BestFixDesLex algorithm with a better value). Moreover, the execution times of the GA are short and therefore it can be applied in practice.


The paper has dicussed static resource provisioning based on a homogeneous shared hosting platform for virtual services with the optimal constraints and QoS requirements; each service is considered as a single virtual machine. On the basis of the optimal problem, we have proposed a GA to minimize the number of physical machines. The execution times of the GA are short and therefore it can be applied in practice. For the future work, the proposed model will be extended for heterogeneous platform.


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