- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 346
- Authors : Archana. K, Sudarshan Rao
- Paper ID : IJERTV3IS120631
- Volume & Issue : Volume 03, Issue 12 (December 2014)
- Published (First Online): 02-01-2015
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
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Torsional Effect on Multi-Storeyerd Buildings with Water Tanks Due to the Seismic Forces by using Sap 2000 Software
Archana Kotte Dr. G. Sudarsana Rao
Student At JNTUA College of Engineering, Professor & Rector of JNTUA Civil Engineering Department Civil Engineering Department
Ananthap,uramu JNTU College of Engineering
Andhra Pradesh Ananthapuramu,
Andhra Pradesh INDIA.
Abstract Many multi-storeyed buildings tend to have irregular features in configuration, which are not suitable for the buildings to resist the forces generated during an earth quake. The presence of heavy roof top masses like water tanks, air handling units, swimming pools etc., increases the seismic forces in the members of a building .The present study compares the forces in the columns of a few building models which have the water tanks supported on columns considerably above the roof level.
Elevated tanks are important structures in storing vital products, such as petroleum products for cities and industrial facilities, as well as water storage. These structures have various types and are constructed in a way that a greater portion of their weight is concentrated at an elevation much about the base. Damage to these structures during strong ground motions may lead to fire or other hazardous events. The liquid mass of the tank will modelled as lumped mass known as sloshing mass, or impulsive mass. The corresponding stiffness constants associated with the lumped mass will be determined depending upon the properties of the tank wall and liquid mass. Tank responses including base shear, overturning moment, tank displacement, and sloshing displacement will also be calculated.
Two models for the same building will be developed by changing the position of the tank one placed eccentrically and another placed by splitting equally and located symmetrically. The forces in the columns will be obtained for both the cases.
Index Terms normal building, building with empty weight, building with full water weight
Elevated tanks are important structures in storing vital products, such as petroleum products for cities and industrial facilities, as well as water storage. These structures have various types and are constructed in a way that a greater portion of their weight is concentrated at an elevation much about the base. Damage to these structures during strong ground motions may lead to fire or other hazardous events. In the research , a reinforced concrete elevated tank, with 900 cubic meters capacity, exposed to
three pairs of earth quake records was analyzed in time history using mechanical and finite element modeling techniques. The liquid mass of the tank was modeled as lumped mass known as sloshing mass, or impulsive mass. The corresponding stiffness constants associated with the lumped mass were determined depending upon the properties of the tank wall and liquid mass. Tank responses including base shear, overturning moment, tank displacement, and sloshing displacement were also calculated. Obtaining results revealed that the system responses are highly influenced by the structural parameters and the earthquake characteristics such as frequency content
SAP 2000 represents the most sophisticated and user- friendly release of the SAP series of computer programs. When initially released in 1996, SAP2000 was the first version of SAP to be completely integrated within Microsoft Windows. It features a powerful graphical user interface that is unmatched in terms of ease- of-use and productivity. Creation and modification of the model, execution of the analysis, and checking and optimization of the design, and production of the output are all accomplished using this single interface. A single structural model can be used for a wide variety of different types of analysis and design
Proper configuration and design of the structural members are essential for the safety of a building against seismic forces. Though the placement of heavy water tanks above the roof level is a functional requirement and may not be critical for a building in terms of resisting gravity loads, it increases vulnerability of some columns in the building for seismic forces, especially if they were not adequately designed for seismic forces.
The results from the present study quantify the vulnerability in terms of the torsion in the multi-storeyed building. The study helps in creating awareness in the design of such buildings located in earthquake prone areas. Such type of investigation is
necessary where the water distribution to the individual apartments /offices in a multi-storied building is based on gravity flow from the roof tanks
Design of building with gravity loads:
Two ten storied building was considered. In that building one which is having 5 panels in x direction and 5 panels in y direction which are of 5m length. In this here it has fixed moments at the bottom floor that is ground floor. In that building two which is having 6 panels in X direction and 4 panels in Y direction which are of 5m length.
Second building was taken into consideration for middle placing of the water tank for getting the accurate results. Then the earthquake loads and gravity loads are applied for empty tanks. Then gravity loads and earthquake loads are applied for the full water tank.
Building no 1:
Model 1A:
plan elevation
Model 1B:
These are the dimensions of the building which is having 5 bays in x direction and 5 bays in y direction which are of length 5m in both x and y direction.
Model 1C:
No of stories |
10 |
Story height |
350mm |
Characteristic strength of Concrete |
M30 |
Characteristic strength of steel |
Fe 415 |
Beams in X direction |
300×400 mm |
Beams in Y direction |
300×300 mm |
External columns |
600x 600 mm |
Internal columns up to 4th floor |
900x 900 mm |
Internal columns above 4th floor |
550x 550 mm |
Dead load |
1.5KN/ sq.m |
Live load on slab |
1 KN/sq.m |
Live load on remaining floors |
3 KN/sq.m |
plan elevation
Model 1A: Normal building with 5 x 5 bays and each bay length is 5m
Model 1B: Building with water tank dimensions 5m x 5m x 3.5m at the eccentric position
Model 1C: Building with tank dimensions 10m x 10m x 3.5m at the eccentric position
Model 1D: Building with tank 10m x 10m x 3.5m at the eccentric position close to the centre of building
plan elevation
Model 1D:
change in weight will be same but the change in torsion is more. This means by changing the position of the tank we can get the change in percentage of torsion
Here we can observe that the torsion is more in the tank placed near to the central position then the tank placed at the eccentric position.
Building no 2:
We constructed another building with
plan elevation
By using SAP2000 we constructed these symmetrical building with 5×5 bays with 5 m length each and we checked the stability of the structure by designing. We calculated the area of steel (AST) of the building for the economical calculations we got. For each model we calculate he AST of beams and columns of models separately and we will add those both and this is the model 1A are shown and all the models are done like that only
Ast of beams as 2.654 m2 Ast of columns as 11.58 m2
Total ast of building is 14.234 m2 Calculation of Torsion:
Building |
Weight (KN) |
%change in weight |
Torsion (KN-m) |
%change in torsion |
Model 1A |
100921 |
——— |
3860 |
———- |
Model1B |
101174 |
0.25% |
4277 |
9.75% |
Model 1C |
102090 |
1.15% |
4330 |
10.8% |
Model 1D |
102090 |
1.15% |
4518 |
14.5% |
Here we have the bar graph between the % change in weight and % change in torsion shows us the clear variation between them
Model Model Model Model
1A 1B 1C 1D
Here we have come to know from the above table that for model 1C and model 1D %
horizontal 6 and vertical 4bays and with length and breadth area of 6m X 4m and we designed it by using sap2000 because the central position of the building can be fixed at the central if the building has non symmetrical bays. The data of the building is
Dimensions :
No of stories |
10 |
Height of the storey |
350 mm |
Beam dimension |
600 x 400 mm2 |
Dimension of column 1 |
700 x 700 mm2 |
Dimension of column 2 |
600 x 600 mm2 |
Dead load |
1 KN/m2 |
Live load on terrace |
1 KN/m2 |
Live load on remaining floors |
2.5 KN/m2 |
Characteristic strength of concrete |
M30 |
Characteristic strength of steel |
Fe 415 |
Model 2A: normal building with 6 x 4 bays and each bay length is 5m
Model 2B: Building with water tank dimensions 10m x 10m x 5m at the eccentric position
Model 2C: building with water tank dimensions 10m x 10m x 5m at the centre of building
These are the figures which can be shown the different models which are stated above
By using SAP2000 we constructed these symmetrical building with 6 x 4 bays with 5m length each and we checked the stability of the structure by designing.
We calculated the torsion of a building by placing water tanks at different positions on the roof of a building and we compared with the torsion in normal building without any tank.
Model 2A:
Calculation of Area of Steel and Concrete:
Build ing |
Weig ht (KN) |
%change in weight |
Area of steel AST( m2) |
% chang e in AST |
Area of concre te ASC |
% cha nge in AS C |
Mode l 2A |
1087 75 |
——— – |
2.82 |
——– |
875.7 97 |
—– —– – |
Mode |
1267 |
16.5% |
3.487 |
23.65 |
1085. |
24.0 |
l 2B |
29 |
% |
945 |
5% |
Mode |
1271 |
16.8% |
3.490 |
23.75 |
1145. |
30.8 |
l 2C |
54 |
% |
465 |
% |
Model 2B:
plan elevation
By using this tabular form we will a draw a graph which gives a clear comparison between different models and their values. And that bar graph is shown below
Model 2A Model 2B Model 2C
Calculation of Torsion:
Model 2C:
plan elevation
Building |
Weight (KN) |
% change in weight |
Torsion (KN-m) |
% change in torsion |
Model 2A |
108775 |
——— |
1115 |
———– |
Model 2B |
126729 |
16.5% |
1180 |
5.83% |
Model 2C |
127154 |
16.8% |
1256 |
12.64% |
By using this tabular form we will a draw a graph which gives a clear comparison between different models and their values. And that bar graph is shown below
plan elevation
Model 2A Model 2B Model 2C
Here whether the percentage change in weight in buildings is same but due to the position of the water tank the %change in torsion is different.
Design of building with gravity loads and earthquake loads (IS1893-2002):
Earthquake can cause damage not only on account of the shaking which results from them but also due to other chain effects like landslides, floods, fires and disruption to communication. It is, therefore, important to take necessary precautions in the sitting, planning and design of structures so that they are safe against such secondary effects also.
Here we consider the zone III for medium soils we have done
Calculation of Area of steel:
Buildin g |
Weigh t (KN) |
%change in weight |
Area of steel AST(m2 ) |
% change in AST |
Model 2A |
108775 |
———– —- |
2.92 |
———— —- |
Model 2B |
126729 |
16.5% |
3.96 |
35.16% |
Model 2C |
127154 |
16.8% |
4.10 |
40.41% |
By using this tabular form we will
The following assumptions shall be made in the earthquake resistant design of structures:
Earthquake causes impulsive ground motions, which are complex and irregular in character, changing in amplitude and period each lasting for a small duration. Therefore, resonance of the type as visualized under the type as visualized under steady- state sinusoidal excitations, which will not occur as they would need time to build up such amplitudes.
Earthquake is not likely to occur simultaneously with maximum flood or wind or maximum sea waves.
The value of elastic modulus of materials, wherever required, may be taken as for static analysis unless a more definite value is available for use in such condition
a draw a graph which gives a clear comparison between
different models and their values. And that bar graph is shown below
Model 2A Model 2B Model 2C
In the limit state design of reinforced and pre stressed concrete structures, the following load combinations shall be accounted for:
1) 1.5 (DL + IL)
2) 1.2 (DL + IL+ EL)
3) 1.2 ( DL + IL EL)
4) 1.5 (DL EL)
5) 1.5 (DL + EL)
6) 0.9 DL + 1.5EL
7) 0.9 DL 1.5EL
Weight (KN)>
% change in weight
change in torsion
Model 2A
Model 2B
Model 2C
Calculation of Torsion:
The bar graph is drawn showing
Model Designing:
We constructed model 2
the variation in the % change of weight and the % change of torsion from table 6
building with horizontal 6 and vertical 4bays and with
No. of stories
Height of the storey
Beam dimensions
600 mm x 400 mm
Dimensions of column 1
700 mm x 700 mm
Dimensions of column 2
600 mm x 600 mm
Dead load
1 KN/m2
Live load
2.5 KN/m2
Characteristic strength of
Characteristic strength of steel
Fe 415
length and breadth area of 5m X 5m and we designed in such a way that we applied all the load combinations and the earth quake forces according to IS 1893: 2002 specifications by using sap2000. The data of the building is
Model 2A Model 2B Model 2C
Building with gravity loads, earthquake loads (IS 1893-2002) and hydrodynamic loads (IITK-GSDMA GUIDELINES):
Water consumption rate( per capita demand in litres per day per head)with which people should be survived
Quantity = per demand x population
It is very difficult to estimate the quantity of water demand by the public, since there are many variable factors affecting the water consumption. The various types of water demands, which a city may have, may be broken into following class
Industrial and
commercial demand
Public Including
fire Demand uses
Losses and Waste
Load combinations:
The load combinations according to IS 1893:2002 is taken for seismic forces and these are the combinations when hydro dynamic load is present in the tank (or) when the tank is empty.
100% + 30% rule implies following eight load combination
Weight Calculations:
Weight (kN)
Roof slab
Floor slab
Floor beam
Elevation of tank
( ELX + 0.3ELY)
( ELX + 0.3ELY);
(0.3ELX + ELY);
(0.3ELX + ELY)
( ELX 0.3ELY)
(ELX 0.3 ELY)
( 0.3ELX ELY)
after that we will find out Spring Mass Model for Seismic Analysis for the water tank by using IITK-GSDMA guidelines which are specified for the water tank designs.
Preliminary Data:
Component |
Size (mm) |
Roof slab |
250 |
Wall |
250 |
Floor slab |
250 |
Floor beams |
600 x 400 |
columns |
600 x 600 |
Slab of the tank above the columns
According to IITK-GSDMA guidelines we will find out lateral stiffness of staging, time period, design horizontal seismic coefficient, base shear, base moment, hydro dynamic pressures, pressure due to wall inertia, pressure due to vertical excitation, sloshing wave height and the remaining which we need for us.
Calculation of Area of Steel:
Building |
Weight (KN) |
%change in weight |
Area of steel AST(m2) |
% change in AST |
Model 2A |
108775 |
————– |
2.92 |
———– — |
Model 2B |
136293 |
25.29% |
4.48 |
53.42% |
Model 2C |
137485 |
26.39% |
4.53 |
58.13% |
By using this tabular form we will a draw a graph which gives a clear comparison between different models and their values. And that bar graph is shown below
Calculation of Torsion:
Buildin g |
Weight (KN) |
% change in weight |
Torsion (KN-m) |
% change in torsion |
Model 2A |
108775 |
———– |
4950 |
———— |
Model 2B |
136293 |
25.29% |
5896 |
19.1% |
Model 2C |
137485 |
26.39% |
6018 |
22.6% |
The given graph represents the above table which compares between weight and torsion. By using this tabular form we will a draw a graph which gives a clear comparison between different models and their values. And that bar graph is shown below
No. of stories |
10 |
Height of the storey |
350 mm |
Beam dimensions |
600 mm x 400 mm |
Column 1 |
700 mm x 700 mm |
Column 2 |
600 mm x 600 mm |
Dead load |
1 KN/m2 |
Live load on Terrace |
1 KN/m2 |
Live load on remaining floors |
2.5 KN/m2 |
Characteristics strength of concrete |
M30 |
Characteristic strength of steel |
Fe 415 |
Here we have taken a 6 bays in x direction and 4 bays in y direction and we place the water tank of size 10 m x 10 m x 3.5 m is divided into two tanks of 5 m x 5 m x 3.5 m size and we placed them near to centre on the roof of building
Model 2D: The building with 6 bays of length 5m in x direction and 4 bays of length 5m in y direction and the tank is divided into two and distributed on the roof
Calculation of torsion:
building |
weight |
% change in weight |
Torsion |
% change in torsion |
Model 2B |
136293 |
————– |
5896 |
————- — |
Model 2C |
137485 |
0.87% |
6018 |
2.07% |
Model 2D |
139025 |
2.00% |
3585.3 |
-39.19% |
As we know that as the weight increases on
the roof of the building torsion increases from previous chapters but here we are doing how the torsion will vary when the heavy tank is divided in to the tanks of small volume and
thats why we divided here the 10 m x 10 m x 3.5 m tank into two tanks of volume 5 m x 5 m x 3.5m
Here below the table represents the dimensions of the building which we are taking. Here we consider model 2C which is having centrally constructed over head tank and the thing which is having more torsion when compared to other buildings.
In the tanks are divided the torsion value is decreased very much compared to total mass of the tank present at one place. This represents the uniform distribution of the mass on the roof of the slab
Above is the graph which represents the comparison between weight and the torsion for the 3 models
model 2b model 2c model 2d
The seismic forces on the ground floor will be more when compared to the top floors because the columns will affect more than the beams in each floor.
When we the tank is divided symmetrically on either side from the centre of the building the load will be distributed uniformly to the whole building then the affect of seismic forces on the columns will become less.
From the design we conclude that the columns below the water tank are more affected especially from ground level to top floors.
Change in the weight of a building not only gives the change in torsion but also position of the extra mass also shows change in torsion
Change in torsion is more when we place the extra mass at the centre then at the eccentric position
When we keep extra mass at the centre then the central frame of the whole building will not show any torsional values that means the torsion at the central frame is zero
Torsion is more in YZ direction then in XZ direction of building.
When the tank is splitted equally into on either side of the building as shown in fig the torsion is decreased very much compared to the eccentric and central position of the building
In the presence of a heavy roof top water tank, the columns in the ground storey supporting the water tank experience the maximum increase of seismic forces. The situation can be critical for the columns in an open ground storey, when walls are absent for facilitation of parking or other usage.
The sloshing effect of water was found to be small for the size of the tank relative to the building. Hence, it can be neglected in the analysis for the member forces in a building
The elevation of heavy roof-top water tanks is significant with respect to the concentration of internal forces in the supporting columns. Hence, the elevation should be accounted for in the analysis of a building for seismic forces
The seismic forces in the columns increase when the tank is eccentrically located or centrally located in the plan of building. The forces are reduced when the tank is split equally and positioned symmetrically in plan
IITK-GSDMA guidelines for seismic design of liquid storage tanks (2007), Indian Institute of technology Kanpur and Gujarat state Disaster Management Authority.
IS 1893, Indian Standard criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of structures, Part 1 (2002): General provisions and buildings, part 2 (Draft):
Liquid Retaining Tanks, Bureau of Indian standards, New Delhi.
IS 13920: 1993, Ductile detailing of Reinforced concrete Structures Subjected to seismic forces , Bureau of Indian standards New Delhi.
Manual on Water Supply Treatment (1999), Central public health and environmental engineering Organisation, Government of India
Housner, G.W. (1963), The Dynamic behaviour of Water tanks , Bulletin of the seismological society of America vol.53, No.2,pp.381-387
Jojy, 1, (2011), Effect of Heavy Roof- Top water tanks on the seismic Forces in a typical multi storied Building, B. Tech, Project report submitted to Indian Institute of Technology Madras.