- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 253
- Authors : Mr. Y. S. Santawani, Prof. S. R. Suralkar
- Paper ID : IJERTV3IS111066
- Volume & Issue : Volume 03, Issue 11 (November 2014)
- Published (First Online): 27-11-2014
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
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Bandwidth Enhanced Hexagonal Patch Antenna using CPW Fed
Mr. Y. S. Santawani1 Lecturer, E & TC Dept. SSBTs COET, Bambhori, Jalgaon (M.S),India
Prof. S. R. Suralkar2
Associate Professor, E & TC Dept.
SSBTs COET, Bambhori, Jalgaon (M.S),India
Abstract A Compact patch antenna for Ultra Wideband (UWB) applications is proposed here. The antenna is fed by Coplanar Waveguide technique & geometry having Hexagonal shape. The designs have the dielectric constant 4.4, substrate thickness of 1.6 mm and loss tangent of 0.02. This antenna produces omni-directional radiation pattern & efficient return loss (S11< -10 dB) from the frequency range 2.9Ghz to 12Ghz. The proposed geometry is examined by using a method of moments based Electromagnetic solver IE3D which are applicable for wireless UWB application like Wi-Fi (Wireless fidelity), ,WLAN (wireless local area network), Wi-MAX(world interoperability for microwave access) .The parameters like return loss, gain, Directivity are investigated.
KeywordsPatch Antenna, UWB, CPW, Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity)
having bands of 2.4/5.2/5.5/5.8Ghz [10]. So avoid interference, we must design a UWB antenna. CPW fed antennas have the advantages of wide bandwidth and easy integration with monolithic microwave integrated circuits, the designs of the CPW-fed wide antennas have recently received much attention. T he p r o p o s e d a n t e n na i s fe d wi t h C P W b e c a us e i t ha s L e s s r a d i a t i o n a nd d i e l e c t r i c l o s s [11]. Large no of micro strip patches to be used in wireless applications. In this design we use Hexagonal Patch to increase bandwidth. The main objective of this antenna is to design antenna that are suitable for the future. UWB communication system s that will be applicable to techniques like Wi-Fi, Wi-MAX, WLAN.
In the year 2002, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has released the unlicensed UWB spectrum 3.1 GHz to 10.6 GHz for the commercial purposes The FCC has also allocated a bandwidth of 7.5GHz, i.e. from 3.1GHz to 10.6GHz for UWB applications so far the largest spectrum allocation for unlicensed use the FCC has ever been granted [1-2].To realize a high rate of wireless transmission, the widespread use of ultra-wideband (UWB) systems has attracted much public attention on the development of UWB antennas with good impedance matching and radiation pattern over a wider 3.1 – 10.6 GHz frequency range. [3]. T he i nc r e a s e o f wi r e l e s s t e c h no l o g y ha s m o t i va t e d d e s i g n e r s t o ma ke a ne w a nt e n na wh i c h c s a n c o ve r wi d e r a n ge fr e q ue nc i e s a nd a p p l i c a b l e t o mo s t o f d e v i c e s . D ue t o l o w p r o fi l e , s i mp l e s t r u c t ur e & e a s e wi t h i n t e gr a t i o n, t he P a t c h a nt e n n a a t t r a c t s a l l t h e r e s e a r c h e r s . [4]-[9].However, there still exist several narrow bands for other communication systems over the designated frequency band, such as: world interoperability for microwave access (Wi-MAX), the wireless local area network (WLAN) & wireless fidelity(Wi-Fi). The Wi-Max frequency bands are 2.3/2.5/3.3/3.5/3.7/5.8Ghz, while Wi-fi and WLAN are
Details of the antenna design are discussed and simulation results of the proposed antenna are presented. Initially we started the design with rectangular shape then hexagonal patch is created to increase the B.W. The proposed Hexagonal patch antenna having length x width dimensions are 25.1 mm × 20 mm shown in Fig.1.
Fig 1. Proposed Hexagonal Shaped antenna
The proposed antenna is made with dielectric substrate (FR4) having the permittivity of 4.4 with the thickness of 1.6mm. Higher thickness of substrate is selected because, a thicker substrate will increase the radiation power, reduce conductor loss and improve Band width .The Radiation element is hexagonal shaped, which is fed by CPW. The proposed antenna produces wider bandwidth with good radiation properties.
The Hexagonal Patch has the width of W3 & lengths of L1+L2. The Hexagonal patch widths are W3, W4,W5 whereas L1,L2,L3 are the lengths. The proposed antenna having the Optimal length dimensions of length & width which as follows-
Table-1 Optimal Dimensions of length & width of proposed antenna
In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed system , the antenna is simulated through the simulation tool IE3D
The Fig 2 Shows Return loss which is less than -10db all over the UWB range. The Bandwidth is defines as the frequency range in which return loss is -10db[12].The proposed antenna having a very high bandwidth band i.e more than 100% of UWB band. At the Frequency near 11.8Ghz, it shows maximum return loss of 31db.
Fig 3. Simulated Total Field gain of Hexagonal shaped antenna
Fig.3. shows the simulated antenna having a non negative value of gain for all UWB frequency range. The Antenna gain G is closely related to the directivity, but it takes into account the radiation efficiency of the antenna as well as its directional properties .It is having the maximum value at 9Ghz.
C. Directivity
Return Loss
Fig 2. Simulated Return loss of Hexagonal shaped antenna
Fig 4. Simulated Total Field Directivity of Hexagonal shaped antenna
Fig.4 shows the total field directivity. To describe the directional properties of antenna radiation pattern, directivity is introduced. It is having maximum directivity of 6.75 around 9.3Ghz. All the shown dimensions are measured & optimized by using IE3D Simulator to achieve maximum bandwidth.[13] By observing the relevant parameters like return loss, gain & directivity, it might be useful for Ultra wideband applications
The proposed hexagonal shaped antenna which is fed by Coplanar waveguide is investigated.The simulated results give return loss less than -10db from 2.9Ghz to 12Ghz, which is more than 100% of UWB range, having efficient gain & good directivity. The simulation results shows that the proposed antenna can offer good performance for UWB application.
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