Preventing Vampire Attack in Wireless Sensor Network by using Trust Model

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV4IS060403

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Preventing Vampire Attack in Wireless Sensor Network by using Trust Model

Ashish Patil


Department of Computer Engineering G.C.O.E., Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India

Rahul Gaikwad

Assistant professor Department of Computer Engineering G.C.O.E., Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India

AbstractWireless ad-hoc sensor network is prominent platform for communication and research. Wireless ad- hoc sensor network is vulnerable to Denial of Service (DOS) attack. Denial of service attack(DOS) makes resources are blocked and not available to users. This Denial of service attack is create suitable condition for Vampire attack and make main cause for it. In Vampire attack it makes the node to consume more battery power and degrades the network performance. Vampire attack does not rely on any particular type of routing protocol. In propose system energy consumption and trust value is calculated for each node to mitigate the vampire attack.

Keywords-Denial of Service,Wireless Sensor Network, ad-hoc network, routing


    Wireless sensor network (WSN) is promise of providing the communication in complex environments. Nodes in Wireless sensor networks are connected to each other and forms the networks. These nodes are use in various application such as to monitor environmental condition, providing communication services in military. All this application requires node is more reliable and compatible. Node is getting the power from its battery for performing its task .If the node uses more battery power for its work then its lifetime is less and that node can disconnected from the networks. This makes the performance of the network is degrades. The wireless sensor network (WSN) is ad-hoc in nature so it is vulnerable to Denial of service attack [1].

    Generally Denial of service (DOS) attack is an attempt to make a machine or network resource unavailable to its intended users. There are various types of DOS attack such as jamming the signal, power exhaustion and flooding with useless traffic. In power exhaustion adversary is attacks on the node and consumes more battery power of the node[8]. Vampire attack is one of the type of power exhaustion attack

    .In carousel attack adversary sends the packet in routing loop and in stretch attack adversary sends the packet in longest possible path so that it consumes more battery power of the node[8].

    In vampire attack node is consumes more battery power for its packet transmission. If the node consumes more battery power then it can be discharge and disconnected

    from rest of the networks. Vampire attack forms by the combination of carousal and stretch attack. These two attacks mainly focus on reducing the energy of the nodes.

    1. Carousal Attack

      In Carousel attacks, an adversary sends the packets in routing loop as shown in figure1. In figure 1 packet is sending from source to sink. If we send packet from source to sink then shortest path is from source – node f- node E – Sink. But here packet is not follows shortest path. Adversary attacks on the network and forms the loop as shown figure 1[8]. Packet is send from source to node A. node A forward packet to node B. then node B sends packet to node c. node c forward packet to node D. then node D send packet to node

      E. Then node E instead of forwarding packet to Sink, it is Sends packet to node F. Then node F forward packet to node A and forms loops [8]. Then same path is repeated for many times and it causes more energy consumed by the nodes. so, because of these energy depletion performance of the networks degrades[8].

      Figure 1: Carousal Attack

    2. Stretch Attack

      In Stretch attack, an adversary constructs artificially long routes and potentially traversing every node in the network[8].In these attack it increases packet path length.In figure 2 packet sending from source to sink. The shortest path for forwarding packet is source-node F-node E-Sink but here in Stretch attack, an adversary forward packet in longest path as shown by dark line in figure2[8]. So it increases energy usage by the network. As carousel attack is depending on position of attackers, Stretch attack is more effective and this

      attack is independent on attackers position relative to the destination. The impact of these attacks can be further increased by combining both Carousel and Stretch attack and increasing the number of adversarial nodes in the network. Although network does not employ authentication or network use only end-to-end authentication. so here adversary can replace routes in any overhead packets[8].

      Section two describes the literature survey. Existing system describes in section three. Section four describes proposed system .Discuss the result in section five.

      wormhole attack. In packet leash sender node uses temporal packet leash and geographical packet leash. In temporal packet leash sender node uses its timestamp i.e. sending time of the packet. In geographical packet leash sender uses its location and sending time of the packet to receiver

      In DOS adversary can be disturb establish routes through themselves for drop, monitor and manipulates the packet. Some protocols are providing security on path discovery and ensure only valid path are found. But this cannot protect against vampire attack. Vampire cannot use illegal path for communication.

      In SYN Flood attack adversary attacks on the network and depletes the resources such as CPU time, bandwidth and that cause the problem in the network. In this adversary makes the multiple connections with the server and allocates the more resources. Such attack can be prevented by using SYN cookies [5]. It form minimal load on the client who initiated with small number of connections and prevent adversary or malicious node to consume more number of connections.

      Figure 2: Stretch Attack


    Power draining attack is not perfectly mitigate at routing layer. Power draining found in Denial of sleep attack. Denial of sleep attack to keep away the node to enter in to low power sleep mode and consumes more battery power. In this adversary is having the knowledge of MAC layer [2]. MAC layer protocol designed for wireless sensor network and save battery power by placing radio in low power mode. Raymond and Marchany suggested use of G-MAC protocol to improve its performance [2].In G-MAC protocol requests to broadcast traffic must be authenticated by the gateway node before the traffic can be sent to other nodes. Therefore, only the gateway suffers power loss due to unauthenticated broadcast.

    In path based Denial of Service (DOS) attack adversaries attacks on network by flooding the data packet along multi hop end to end communication path [3]. Path based DOS attack is easy to launch and disabling large portion of wireless sensor network. To defend against path based DOS attack an intermediate node must able to detect spurious packet or replayed packet and then reject them. For the detection of spurious packet use lightweight secure mechanism to defend against path based DOS attack. in this mechanism configures one way hash chain along a path enabling each intermediate node to detect a Path based DOS attack and prevent propagation of spurious or replayed packet.

    Another attack can be possible through path based DOS attack is wormhole attack [4]. In wormhole attack adversary record the packet or individual bit of packet at one location. After recording the packet tunnel it to the other location and then replays them in to the networks from that point. This tunnel distance is longer than nomal wireless transmission range of single hop. Packet leash is used for detection of


    In Existing system uses AODV for routing. In AODV source node broadcast the route request (RREQ) message across the network[1]. The neighboring node receives this request message and updates their information for source node to set up backward pointers for source node in routing table. Route request(RREQ) message contain source node IP address, current sequence number and broadcast ID. The node receiving route request(RREQ) message send route reply(RREP) message to the source node. If source node not getting any response then it rebroadcast the route request(RREQ) message. The node keeps the track of route requests (RREQ) source IP address and broadcast ID. If they receive a route request (RREQ) which they have already processed, they discard the route request (RREQ) message and do not forward it. As the route response (RREP) propagates back to the source nodes set up forward pointers to the destination [1]. Once the source node receives the route response (RREP), it may begin to forward data packets to the destination. The major drawback of AODV has it do not provide any security mechanism. AODV performs its basic operation only.


    In proposed work vampire attack prevented by using energy weight monitoring algorithm (EWMA) and finding corresponding trust value of each node. For preventing vampire attack first detect carousal and stretch attack. After detection of carousal and stretch attack reduce their impact in wireless sensor networks by using energy weight monitoring algorithm (EWMA)[8].Then finding trust value of each node in the network for performing routing operation.

    In this paper we use three steps to prevent vampire attack. In the first step reduce the impact of carousal attack. Reduce the impact of stretch attack in second step. In third step perform secure routing based on trust value.

    Step 1: Reduce impact of carousal attack

    As we see in the carousal attack in figure1 it form the loop for forwarding the packet. These repeatedly transmission of same packet through same node depletes more battery power of the node and degrade the network performance. The process of repeating the packet is eliminated by aggregating the data transmitting within forwarding node. In data aggregation copy the content of the packet which is transmitting through the node. This copied content compare with the data packet transmitting through the node. If the transmitted packet is same as the copied packet then stop the packet transmitted through them. In this way it avoids the redundant packet transmitting through the same node and protect from the carousal attack


      1. Initialize source and destination node in networks

      2. Source node sends packet to its neighboring node. Then neighboring node forward packet to its next node till packet reaches its destination.

      3. If loop is detected then it is identified as carousal attack.

      4. Perform data aggregations for each node.

      5. If (transmitted packet= = copied packet) Then discard the packet

      6. stop packet transmission

    Step 2: Reduce impact of stretch attack

    In stretch attack adversary is finding artificially long route. For find out malicious node in the network every node is add the test field while receiving the packet and forward packet to next node. Then test field is check for each node. if the test field is correct then normal operation is continue and if the test field is wrong then create an alarm packet. Then alarm packet is broadcast and announces that node is malicious so that it avoid for further communication.

    In stretch attack use energy weight monitoring algorithm (EWMA)[8].In this algorithm use energy of the node for identified adversary and perform routing operation. Attacked node consumes more energy and reaches threshold energy level. In this phase the node with threshold level energy (attacked node) sends ENG_WEG message to all its surrounding nodes. After receiving the ENG_WEG packets the surrounding nodes sends the ENG_REP message that encapsulates information regarding their geographical position and current energy level. The node upon receiving this stored in its routing table to facilitate further computations.


    1. Initialize source and destination node in networks

    2. For finding adversary added test field while receiving packets.

    3. If (Test field of current node= = Test field of next node)

      Then Continue Else

      Create alarm packet

    4. If Nodeenergy > =Thresholdenergy

      Broadcast alarm packet and announce that node is malicious

    5. Then malicious node broadcast ENG_WEG packet to its all neighbour nodes.

    6. After receiving ENG_WEG packet neighbour node sends ENG_REP packet that contain geographical position and current energy level of the node.

    7. Stored in routing table for routing purpose.

    Step 3: Secure Routing based on Trust value

    For performing routing operation calculate trust value for each node. Node sometimes fails to transmit and start dropping packets during the transmission. Such nodes are responsible for untrustworthy routing. Trust based scheme can be used to track untrust nodes and isolate them from routing. Find out trust value of each node by calculating total packets they transmit, total packets they receive and total packet they dro[7].Attacker node which is having low trust value is eliminated from data transmission. Node with high trust value is selected and that leads to reliable data delivery[7].

    Trust value calculation is based on parameters shown in table 1.Count type describe whether transmission is successful or failure.

    Count type












    Table I :Node trust calculation parameters

    RREQ and RREP are route request and route reply messages respectively which are exchanged between the nodes. Qrs is query request success rate which is calculated from number of neighbor node who have successfully received RREQ message from source node[7]. Qrf is query request failure rate which is calculated from number of neighbor node who have not received RREQ message from source node[7]. Qps is defined as the query reply success rate which is calculated as successful replies (RREP) received by the source node who broadcast RREQ. Qpf is defined as the query reply failure rate which is calculated based on the number of neighboring nodes which have not sent the replies for the query request. Qds is defined as the data success rate calculated based on successfully transmitted data and Qdf is defined as data failure rate calculated based on data which have failed to reach destination.

    Qr = (Qrs-Qrf)/(Qrs+Qrf) Qp = (Qps-Qpf)/(Qps+Qpf) Qd = (Qds-Qdf)/(Qds+Qdf)

    Where Qr, Qp and Qd are intermediate values that are used to calculate the nodes Request rate, Reply rate and Data transmission rate. The values of Qr, Qp, and Qd are normalized to fall in range of -1 to +1. If the values fall beyond the normalized range then it clearly shows that the failure rate of the node is high and denotes that the corresponding node may not be suitable for routing[7].

    Trust value of each node is calculated from Qd which gives data transmission rate. Energy consumption for every node calculated above in step 2.Advesary is having the lower trust value and consumes more energy. So the node with low trust value and more energy consumption is discarded from the netwok.


    1. Calculate the Qr,Qp,and Qd for each node in the network

    2. Calculate the trust value of node by considering data transmission rate i.e.Qd

    3. Sorted in the routing table according to trust value

    4. The node with low trust value and more energy consumption is eliminated from data transmission

    5. Node with high trust value and low energy consumption refer for routing.

    6. Perform routing operation in the network


The above proposed system implemented in network simulator-2(NS2).For the result we discuss throughput, energy consumption by the node and delay. Throughput is defined as the number of successful packet receives at the destination. The average time taken by a data packet to arrive in the destination is referred as delay. It also includes the delay caused by route discovery process and the queue in the data packet transmission. Only the data packets that successfully delivered to destination that countered. Energy consumption is defined as the amount of energy consumed by a network process.

Figure 3: Comparative graph of carousal attack for throughput

Figure 4: Comparative graph of stretch attack for throughput

Figure 5: Comparative graph of carousal attack for Energy Consumption

Figure 6: Comparative graph of stretch attack for Energy Consumption

No. of nodes

Carousal Attack








-1260.612398 J














52.386 3



Table II : Result for carousal attack

No. of nodes

Stretch Attack








-1332.398361 J

















Table III : Result for stretch attack

Above we see comparative graph of carousal attack and stretch attack for throughput and energy consumption. Throughput is increased after reducing carousal attack as shown in figure3.for stretch attack also throughput is increases as shown in figure4. The result for each parameters are shown in above tables.

In proposed work uses energy consumption and trust value for prevention of vampire attack. It improves the security in wireless sensor networks. The throughput of Energy Weight Monitoring algorithm (EWMA) is always better as compared to AODV even by increasing the number of nodes and by varying the speed.


In this paper we define vampire attack as an resource deplation attack in which it consumes more battery of the node. Vampire attack is one of the type of Denial of Service attack (DOS) .This attack not depends on any particular type of protocol. In proposed system use energy consumption and trust value of the node to mitigate vampire attack. The simulations results show that the impact of this attack reduced in great extent. A full solution is not given yet but some amount of damage was avoided. In future we improve our techniques to prevent DOS attack which are not able to stop vampire attack fully.


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