An Extended TDW Scheme by Word Mapping Technique

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV4IS070288

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An Extended TDW Scheme by Word Mapping Technique

Arun P. R.

PG Scholar,

Computer Science and Engineering

Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology Kalady, India

Sumesh M. S.

Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Engineering

Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering and Technology Kalady, India

AbstractIn the recent years there is a large growth in web contents over the internet. The internet does not provide any standard mechanism for verification of web contents before hosting them in web servers, which cause to increase the near and exact duplicated contents over the internet from heterogeneous sources. These duplicate contents can exist either intentional or accidental. The problem of finding near- duplicate web pages has been a subject of research in the database and web-search communities for some years. Since most prevailing text mining methods adopted term-based approaches, they all suffer from the problems of word synonymy and large number of comparison. In this paper, we are going to deal with the detection of near and duplicate web pages detection by using term document weighting scheme, sentence level features and addressing the synonym detection. The existence of these near and duplicate web pages causes the problems that ranges from network band width utilization, storage cost, reduce the performance of search engines by duplicated content indexing, increase load on a remote host.

Keywords Near Duplicate Detection, Sentence TDW Matrix, Stemming, Word mapping


    Web Mining is the branch of data mining which deals with the study of World Wide Web [1]. It refers to the use of data mining techniques to automatically find out and mine information from World Wide Web documents and services. In every second millions of bytes are added all over the world. As the size of data is increasing there should be a mechanism in order to find the duplicate and nearly duplicate contents in internet. The existence of the same contents in multiple times and in various format will lead to a wide array of problems that ranges from basic storage ,to network bandwidth utilization, to search result quality, to load on a remote host etc.

    Most people depend on the search engines for finding the required information. The existence of nearly duplicated contents frustrate the user by returning duplicated contents as search results, thereby lead to use more bandwidth for transferring these contents from a remote server which again lead to make unnecessary load on a remote machine. There will not be any benefit of keeping the nearly duplicated contents in multiple host, which demands more space for storage [2]. The existence of the

    nearly duplicated contents can either accidental or intentional. The reason of the existence these contents are due to the absence of a standard mechanism for developers in order to ensure the existence of their webpage contents, which cause the accidental content occurrence. Intentional duplicate contents arise for web spamming to get a higher ranking position by keyword stuffing or to make doorway pages. Search engines are suffers from indexing of nearly duplicated contents which reduces the quality of result.

    For a method to detect the nearly duplicated web page in addition to address the problems such as synonym detection, rank based outcome, dimensionality of document representation, reduced number of comparison should consider the following, existence of local noise, html tag based content representation, URL in the page, heterogeneous sources.

    The recognition of similar or near-duplicate documents in a huge collection is a momentous problem with extensive applications. This is certainly demanding in the web-scale due to the voluminous data and high dimensionalities of the document [3].Due to high rates of duplication in the web document the need for detection of duplicated and nearly duplicated document is high in diverse applications like crawling [4], ranking [5], clustering [6], archiving and caching [7].


    There are research papers have suggested methodologies for near duplicate detection both in general documents and the web documents obtained by web crawling. The representation of document content is an important factor because which represents as features of that particular document for further comparison with other documents.

    In Boolean model, a document term weight is represented by either zero or one. The occurrence of a term represented by one and its absence by zero. But this model fails to rank the similar documents outcomes due to its equal weighting scheme for all terms .This model has extended by Gerard Salton et al.[8]. The check summing approaches are used to find out the web pages that are exact duplicates of each other due to mirroring [9].

    Broder [1] has proposed a method to find syntactic similarity of files based on shingles, shingles is the word sequence of adjacent words shingles are generated for all documents after tokenizing it. Similarity of files calculated by the common shingle occurrence among them. In this method the authors noted that it does not work well on small documents.

    I-Match relies on collection statistics which proposed by Abdur Chowdhury [10]. A hash value for each document is computed using SHA1 algorithm. For each document generates a pair <doc_id,hash value>. Duplicate files is detect by a collision while inserting the pair into a tree or a hash table. This method applicable to the detection of exact match in a large dataset

    A signature based approach proposed by Martin Theobald [11].The extracted pattern from a document is termed as a signature. A spotsigs at a location sj in a document is represented by aj(dj , cj) which defines an antecedent word(aj),spot distance (dj) and a contiguous spot chain of cj word. [12] introduced a practical approach for relevance measure of inter-sentence. The method focused in extracting the interior meaning of sentence. When considering a web page It is not possible to focus only in the main content, it might contains the advertisement, banner contents, links into other web pages. Even the main content is same the existence of noise will affect the performance of this method.

    Midhun Mathew [13] proposed a novel approach for near-duplicate detection of web pages using TDW Matrix. This method uses a new weighting scheme for terms which based on the tag where the content is belongs. Each html tag is pre assigned with a weight, then the term weight is calculated by multiplying term frequency and tag weight.


    The proposed approach uses the term document weight (TDW) scheme for the detection of near and duplicate web pages, because a web page content is completely different from an ordinary text file so the relevance of a term is varying not only based upon the frequency of term appeared but also where it present in the document. Consider an example where a shared term is present in two web documents. In the first document it present in the title tag where as in the second page it present in the content block, the relevance of the term in these two documents are different.

    The proposed method consist of four phases preprocessing, word mapping, comparison reducer and cosine similarity. The preprocessing stage takes an input web page. First step is to extract the web page content based on the html tags, then extract sentence count from web page by parsing each tag contents then perform stop word removal. The stop words are consider to be the connectives/p>

    and preposition in English language. The resulting string content is tokenized.

    Fig 1: Proposed Architecture

    The word mapping phase receives the tokenized content and for each word having a synonym extract the row of its synonyms and returns the minimum length word for stemming. For example a word x3 is having a synonym then extract the first synonym field value for x1 from the particular row, the first field will be minimum length synonym term for x3.














    In many cases, morphological alternatives of words have similar semantic interpretations and can be considered as equivalent for the purpose of many applications. Porters stemming algorithm is used to map the term into its root form. Compute the TDW matrix for the web page based on the term appearing frequency and tag weighting. Letrec1, rec2, rec3 be three records. rec1= {t2, t1, t3} rec2= {t4, t1,

    t3} rec3={t2, t4, t1, t3}.The notation fti be the number of times the term appear in a specific tag. The TDW matrix with sentence feature is given in Table 2.




    Sentence Feature























    wtrepresent the tag weighting scheme. Here we use the weighting scheme [15].

    Term Field








    Anchor Text To the same web site


    Anchor Text To a different website






    Main block



    taking the prefix set. The basic idea behind prefix filtering principle is that if two web pages share infrequent terms, there is a chance that it might be similar. If there is no terms are common in prefix set, that record can be evaded from further processing. Once prefix filtering is over, positional filtering principle is applied in order to prune unwanted records from pre-final set Pfs.

    Positional information can be exploited in several ways to further reduce the pre final set size. Position of each term in a record can be counted, starting from one, which gives information about the upper bounds of overlapping in which Jaccard threshold t can be stated in terms of overlap threshold O as

    J(r,ri) t O(r,ri) (|r|+|ri|) (3)

    Upper bounds of O can be calculated as

    u_bound=1+ min(|r|-p, |ri|-q) (4)

    Where record r shares a term at pth position with another record riat position q. If uboundsatisfies overlap threshold O, record ri can be added into the final set F from where an optimalset is extracted. Based on records from the final set F having a matrix M with rows be the term weights and attribute name is the stemmed word.

    Final phase is to find the cosine similarity of input record set with the final record set F.TheJaccard threshold 0 t

    1,can be mapped into an angle180 0 accordingly, using the formula

    Comparison reducer phase is used to reduce the number of record comparison. In this phase three filtering mechanisms are used. The first step in filtering is done based on the number of sentences. The number of input web page sentenceSk is compared with the number of sentences

    t=180*(1 t) (5)

    Let tw1, tw2,,twn be the input record term weight set and the remaining rows be the outcome of filtering

    1 2 . .

    1 1 1 2 . . 1

    in the record setSdi. The web pages which satisfy the sentence feature difference within a threshold bound will

    M= . . . . .

    . . . . .



    |Sdi – Sk| <Ts (1)

    1 2 . .

    The first row be the term weighs of the input record and the remaining rows be the term weights of final set F. Each

    The resultant web pages are filter by prefix and positional

    filtering [14] mechanism.

    Prefix length = |r|- t.|r|+1 (2)

    By assuming the threshold value t as Jaccard similarity threshold. Each term in prefix set of recordr is equated with prefix set of all records in the repository and if any record riis sharing a term with r in its prefix set, it is added to pre- final set Pfs. The records should be in global ordering while

    column weight represent the weight for the same term, if any term is absent then the weight will be zero.

    Cos = 1. 1+ . 2++ . (7)

    12+ 22++ 2. 12+ 22++ 2

    Obtain the by cos-1 measure and compare with the tto obtain the final near and duplicate set of web pages.

    Input: Tokenized term Ti

    Output: Stemmed term

    1. If(exist(Ti).synonym)

    2. Extract_synonym[]=Synonym(Ti);



    Input: Input Web page W


    1. E_content=tag_based_content(W);

    2. T_sentences=T_sentences+s_count(E_content);

    3. Content=stop_word_removal(E_content);

    4. T[]=Tokenize(Content);

    5. For j=0 to |T|

    5.1 Wm_c=WordMapping(T[j]); 5.2



    6. End

    7 Sentence_TDW_Matrix(W,Wm_c).append(T_sentence);



    Input:Sentence_TDW_Feature(W),Sentence_TDW_Feature(R i),Jaccard threshold t

    Output: Pre final of Sentence_TDW_Feature(Ri)

    1. P_len(W)= (Sentence_TDW_Feature(W).length-1)-ceil(t* Sentence_TDW_Feature(W).length-1)+1;

    2. S_count= Sentence_TDW_Feature(W).T_sentences;

    3. W_slice=Slice(Sentence_TDW_Feature(W),p_len(w));

    4. For i=0 to |Ri|

    4.1 S_count(i)= Sentence_TDW_Feature(i).T_sentences; 4.2If ( |S_count(i)- S_count| <Ts)

    4.2.1 P_len(i)= (Sentence_TDW_Feature(i).length- 1)-ceil(t* Sentence_TDW_Feature(i).length-1)+1;

      1. W_slice(i)=Slice(Sentence_TDW_Feature(i),p_len(i));

      2. If(exist((Sentence_TDW_Feature(w).attribute_name),( Sentence_TDW_Feature(i).attribute_name)))

        1. P=array_pos(Sentence_TDW_Feature(w));

        2. Q= array_pos(Sentence_TDW_Feature(i)); 4.4.3

    ot=(t/(1+t))*(|Sentence_TDW_Feature(W)|+|Sentence_TDW_F eature (i)|);

    4.4.4u_bound=1+min(|Sentence_TDW_Feature(W)|-p, (|Sentence_TDW_Feature (i)|-q);

      1. If(u_bount>= ot)

      2. Pfs[]=Sentence_TDW_Feature(i); 5 End

    1. End

    2. End

    3. Return Pfs;



    Input: Input Web page W,Record set Ri,jaccard threshold t

    Output: Final near duplicate web pages from repository (o*).

    1. Sentence_TDW_Feature =Preprocessing (W);

    2. Pfs=Comparison_reducer(Sentence_TDW_Feature(W), Sentence_TDW_Feature(Ri),t);

    3. t=180*(1 t);

    1. Fs=Cosine_Similarity(Pfs, t);

    2. Return sort(Fs);

    A.Algoithm : Near_Duplicate_Detection


    2.1 Ti


    1. End

    2. Return porter_stem(Ti);



    Input: Pre-final set (Pfs), Sentence_TDW_Feature(W) Output: Final set of near duplicate web pages (F)

    1. For i=0 to |Pfs|

      1.1 Cos_angle[]=cos-1(Sentence_TDW_Feature(i), Sentence_TDW_Feature(W));

    2. End

    3. Return sort(Cos_angle);


    1. Data Collection

      The required dataset was collected from Google search engine. Created a repository of web pages obtained by querying some specific keywords and collected all similar web pages with respect to the higher rank position. Some of the result were omitted due to the lack of required contents retrieved and based on required file formats. Each page thus obtained is pre-processed, featured and weighted according to the weighting scheme and properly indexed to create a sentence TDW matrix. This procedure was repeated for ten different queries and experiments were conducted on ten different repositories thus created. Each experiment is resulted an optimal set of near-duplicate web pages with respect to the first ranked web page in the query result.

    2. Experimental Setup and Result

      To conduct the required experiment, we created an online tool which is capable of extracting features form web page either by giving a URL or by upload the web page from the local system. The system build a sentence TDW matrix for the input web pages by applying stop word removal, extractingsentence feature and stemming. Applied the filtering principles and cosine similarity to tag a record or a web page as a near duplicate one. All these phases are implemented in PHP. The resultant information has used to plot the graph showing the retrieval status.

      Table 4 shows a sample content processing in the preprocessing phase. The output of this phase will used to build Sentence TDW matrix. The matrix formed by arranging the term as attribute names. The weights are inserted into the column with respect to the record entry



      Obtained output

      Tag based content extraction

      In the recent years there is a massive development in the web pages, there are billions of web pages existing in the search engine which decreases the efficiency and effectiveness of the search results of the

      search engine.




      Stop word removal

      recent years massive development web pages billions web pages existing search engine decreases efficiency effectiveness

      search results search engine


      recent, years, massive, development, web, pages, billions, web, pages, existing, search, engine, decreases, efficiency, effectiveness, search, results, search,


      Word mapping

      recent,ages,bulky,development,web,side,e xisting,seek,motor,drop, efficiency,

      effectiveness, seek,results,seek,motor


      recent, ag. bulki, develop, web, side, exist, seek, motor, drop, effici, effect, seek,

      result, seek, motor

      Fig 2: Sentence TDW Matrix

    3. Result Analysis

      For evaluating the degree of accuracy, efficiency and scalability of our proposed approach, we have used repository that contains the webpages documents obtained through querying in Google search engine. The performance of the proposed approach is evaluated with the help of evaluation metrics such as, Precision, Recall.

      Precision (P) =


      shown in fig2.

      Recall(R) =



      Query Word

      No.of near- duplicates


      Recall %








































      While creating a repository of 100 pages, a TDW matrix of almost size 100 x 1700 is created in preprocessing phase. When the word mapping scheme is applied the term count reduced to almost 1400. The sentence feature comparison greatly reduce the record size into 14 , as by continuing to prefix and positional filtering and final cosine similarity, the resultant near duplicates is three records.


Near-duplicate web pages stance a serious problem to the web crawling and have become the main concern for the web search engines. Near duplicates rise the cost of giving results, suffer large amount of space to store the indexes and ultimately slows down the result, hence affecting both the accuracy, time for execution and frustrate the user. There has proposed a number of algorithms designed for the detection of near duplicate detection based on similarity scores and signatures. In this paper, we have proposed a four phase efficient method for detecting the near duplicates using the sentence level features, words mapping technique and the term document weighting scheme. The work includes a cascade filtering techniques. The experimental results have proved that the proposed approach is efficient and having improved precision and recall. The accuracy and scalability of our algorithm using two standard benchmark measures, precision and recall.


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