- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 335
- Authors : Aditya Verma, Ravindra Kumar Goliya
- Paper ID : IJERTV5IS050898
- Volume & Issue : Volume 05, Issue 05 (May 2016)
- DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.17577/IJERTV5IS050898
- Published (First Online): 28-05-2016
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
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Comparison of Static Wind Load on High Rise Building According to Different Wind Loading Codes and Standards
Aditya Verma
M. Tech Student, Department of Civil Engineering
Jaypee University of Engineering & Technology Guna(M.P.), India
Ravindra Kumar Goliya
Asst. Professor, Department of Civil Engineering
Jaypee University of Engineering & Technology Guna(M.P.), India
Abstract All the International wind loading codes and standards provide guidelines and procedure for evaluation of wind load and effect of wind on high rise structures. This paper describes a comparison of response of building due to wind load by four countries wind loading code. The different codes used in this present study include Japan (AIJ-RLB-2004), India (IS 875- 3), Hong-Kong (CP-2004), New-Zealand (AS/NZS1170.2:2002).
The study was conducted on 200m high rise rectangular building for static wind characteristics i.e. static analysis. The comparative results are obtained from the different international wind loading codes and standards for terrain category 2 for all codes. Different perimeter like design wind pressure at different height, gust factor, base shear and base bending moment also compare. The aim of this paper is comparing the results of various wind loading codes and standards with Indian wind loading code and standard. The difference in these parameters have been given in this paper. For high rise building, the first mode of natural frequencies also specified for dynamic analysis of building.
KeywordsStatic Wind Load, Tall Builliding
Wind load on the buildings are typical dynamic in nature. The approach wind speed largely depends on surface roughness and topography condition for the approach flow of wind. Wind plays an important role in the design of the tall structure because it exerts a load on the structures. For any high rise vertical construction, wind is more significant load factor than the earthquake and gravity load. Calculated results can be used in the selection of the design parameter of the building. As we know that if the load increases this will affect most of parameters of design such as dimensions of structural members, strength of material, and quantity of material and cost of the construction. Terrain category define as the surface condition of approach flow (smooth or rough). Different wind loading codes considered different terrain condition from terrain category 1 to terrain category 5 where terrain category 1 to 5 indicate smoother to rougher condition. Table: 1 show the terrain category considered by different wind loading codes and standards.
Table: 1 Terrain Category Considered by Different Wind Loading Codes and Standards.
Code/standard |
Number of terrain categories |
IS : 875 (part 3)-1987 (INDIA) |
4 |
CP-2004 (Hong-Kong) |
1 |
AIJ-RLB-2004 (Japan) |
5 |
AS/NZS1170.2:2002 (New-Zealand) |
4 |
The code and standards considered in this report are:
Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ-2004) Recommendation for Load on Building.
Code of Practice on Wind Effect in Hong-Kong (CP- 2004)
Code of Practice for Design Load for Buildings and Structures Is 875(part 3)-1987
Australia / New-Zealand : Minimum Design Load on The Structures (AS/NZS1170.2:2002)
For a building of height of 200m and 70m by 40m in plan, the results calculated for this structure in along wind direction are design wind pressure at different height of the building, base shear and base bending moments. The comparison of wind pressure, base shear and base bending moments using these different wind loading codes and standards for terrain category 2, are presented in this study.
Although the comparison of wind load on medium rise building is given as earlyas 2009. This comparison given by Yukio Tamura, John D. Holmes, Prem Krishna, Lu Guo, Akira Katsumua. They compare the wind load according to 15 Asia-Pacific wind loading code and standard. Most of the researchers in the past two decades have focused on the wind load comparison on structures (Nilhil Agrawal, V. K. Gupta, Amit Gupta, Achal Mittal in 2012)
The study is carried out on a high rise building which is a reinforce cement concrete frame structure type residential plus commercial building assumed to be located in a cyclonic zone in Vishakhapatnam (Figure: 1).Topography is flat in all directions. Building is rectangular in cross-section (70m by 40m in plan), building having height ground surface is 200m. The roof is flat. Wind direction is normal to the 70m wall face. Basic wind speed is 50m/s. Terrain category is considered 2 category in all wind loading codes.
Fig: 1 High Rise Building
Is 875(part3) India
(Hong- Kong)
02 (New-Zealand)
Design wind speed
Design wind
Design wind speed
wind speed
VsitB = VRMd(Mz,cat
VZ = Vb K1
Vz= 1.05 Vg
K2 K3 m/s
U0= basic wind speed
VR = regional 3s
KD= wind directional
gust wind speed in
wind speed
Vg = basic
Vb= basic
EH = wind speed
wind speed
Md = wind
wind speed
profile factor at
Z =
reference height
Zg = gradient
Krw = return period
Mz,cat = height
conversion factor
= power
exponent for
Ms = shield
mean wind
multiplier =1
Mt = topography
phy factor
multiplier =1
Is 875(part3) India
(Hong- Kong)
02 (New-Zealand)
Design wind speed
Design wind
Design wind speed
wind speed
VsitB = VRMd(Mz,cat
VZ = Vb K1
Vz= 1.05 Vg
K2 K3 m/s
U0= basic wind speed
VR = regional 3s
<>KD= wind directional Where
gust wind speed in
wind speed
Vg = basic
Vb= basic
EH = wind speed
wind speed
Md = wind
wind speed
profile factor at
Z =
reference height
Zg = gradient
Krw = return period
Mz,cat = height
conversion factor
= power
exponent for
Ms = shield
mean wind
multiplier =1
Mt = topography
phy factor
multiplier =1
Table: 2 calculation procedure for design wind speed and design wind pressure in codes/standards
Design wind
Designwind pressure
qH = (1/2) P U 2
P(kg/m3): air density
1.22 assumed
Design wind pressure
qH=(1/2) P U 2
where P(kg/m3): air
density 1.2
Design wind
Pz=0.6 Vz2/1000
P= (0.5) Pair VsitB 2
P(kg/m3): air
density 1.2
The ratio of height to minimum lateral dimension of the building is (200/40 )= 5
Natural frequency in first mode = 0.09H/d and F0 = 1/T
For 70m face
H=200, d=70
F0= 0.46 Hz 1Hz
For 40m face
H=200, d=40
F0= 0.35 Hz 1Hz
In both case natural frequency is less than 1 Hz, in this case dynamic analysis is needed, but this paper consist only static analysis.
Wind Velocity Profile According to Different Wind Loading Codes and Standards
Where H is height in meter
Fig: 2 Wind Velocity Profile (IS 875-3)
Fig: 3 Wind Velocity Profile (CP-2004)
Fig: 4 Wind Velocity Profile (AIJ-RLB-2004)
Fig: 5 Wind Velocity Profile (AS/NZS 1170.2:2011)
New-Zealand show that velocity is constant from 100m to 200m of building height. Velocity is constant because of in AS/NZS 1170.2:2011 code the terrain factor for 100m and for any height more than 100m is 1.40( In Terrain category 2). In AS/NZS1170.2:2011 the terrain multipliers for regions C and D.
Fig: 6 pressure distribution along height of the building
In figure 2, the pressure distribution by Indian code and standard and New Zealand code and standard show nearly equal values of pressure distribution along the different height of the building. The pressure distribution up to height 200m, New-Zealand shows the pressure distribution is constant from 100m to 200m of building height. Pressure is constant because of in AS/NZS 1170.2:2011code the terrain factor for 100m and for any height more than 100m taking 1.40. In
AS/NZS1170.2:2011 the terrain multipliers for regions C and D (regions near to sea shore). Fig: 6 show the higher pressure distribution values of Japan than other wind loading codes and standards and Hong- Kong have lower values of pressure distribution than others.
In the Hong- Kong there is no any formulation and table given for calculation of design wind speed and design wind pressure the whole calculation is based on power law equation.
Table: 3 Base shear Q (KN) and Base bending moment M (MN-m)
33174.19 KN
3573.716 MN-m
34565.41 KN
3883.01 MN-m
31374.68 KN
3428.629 MN-m
29298.63 KN
3131.810 MN-m
Comparison of base shear Q of other codes with Indian code
Fig: 8 Comparison of base Bending moment M of other codes with Indian Code
Hong-Kong shows the value of M is 4.05% less than Indian code value
New-Zealand shows 12.36% less value of M than Indian code value
Japan have 8.65% higher value of M than Indian code value
Fig: 7 Comparison of base shear of other codes with Indian code
Hong-Kong shows the value of Q is 5.43% less than Indian code value
New-Zealand shows 11.68% less value of Q than Indian code value
Japan have 4.19% higher value of Q than Indian code value
Comparison of base Bending moment M of other codes with Indian Code
This paper presents a comparative analysis of parameters in along wind direction (wind direction is along 70m face) of a tall building. Parameters are design wind velocity and design wind pressure at different height of the building, base shear and base bending moment.
The value of base shear and base bending moment, according to Japan wind loading code show the highest value in comparison to other wind loading code and New-Zealand show the least value. India and Hong-Kong show nearly equal results. The mean value of base shear three codes (Japan, Hong-Kong and New-Zealand) is 31746 .24 this is only 4.4% less than Indian code. The mean value of base bending moment three codes (Japan, Hong-Kong and New-Zealand) is 3481.15 this is only 2.6% less than Indian code. The mean value of base shear and base bending moment is near equal to base shear and base bending moment calculated by the Indian wind loading code.
Yukio Tamura, John D. Holmes, Prem Krishna, Lu Guo, Akira Katsumua.(2009) comparison of wind loads on medium-rise building according to Asia – pacific codes/standardsThe Seventh Asia-PacificConference on Wind Engineering, November 8-12, 2009, Taipei, Taiwan.
John Holmes, Yukio Tamura, Prem Krishna.(2009) Comparison of wind loads calculated by fifteen different codes and standards, for low, medium and high-rise buildings11th Americas conference on wind engineering. June 22-26, 2009.
AIJ-RLB-2004, Architectural Institute of Japan, Recommendation for Load on Buildings, Tokyo.
AS/NZS1170.2:2002, Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand, Structural Design Action, Part 2 Wind Action.
CP-2004, Building Department, Hong-Kong Special Administrative Region, China, Code of Practice on Wind Effect Hong-Kong.
IS875(Part 3)-1987, Indian Standard Code of Practice for Design Loads(other than Earthquake) for Building and Structures , Part 3- Wind load.