- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 537
- Authors : Veena H C, Vijay K , Dr. S Rajendra, Ashok
- Paper ID : IJERTV5IS060822
- Volume & Issue : Volume 05, Issue 06 (June 2016)
- DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.17577/IJERTV5IS060822
- Published (First Online): 01-07-2016
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
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Schedule Control of an Apartment Building using Primavera Techniques
Veena H C¹,
1Post graduate Student, Department of Civil Engineering, NCET,Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Dr. S Rajendra3,
3Professor & Head of Department of Civil Engineering, NCET, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Abstract – Resource management is one of the most important aspects of construction project management in todays economy because the construction industry is resource- intensive and the costs of construction resources have steadily risen over the last several decades. Thus general schedule control techniques are useful in optimizing resource scheduling and project duration. General methods such as crashing techniques, reducing the activity duration, increasing the resources, applying calendar or increasing the working hours of the resources. These techniques help to reduce project duration use of unlimited availability of resources for completion of a project. Through it is observed that resources are limited in real project scenario. It has been observed that the project delays occur due to insufficient supply of resources. In large scale projects, preparing an accurate and workable plan is very difficult. Computer packages like MS Project and Primavera project planner are used in construction industry. Project management techniques can be used to resolve resource conflicts and also useful in minimizing the project duration within limited availability of resources to make the project profitable. The main aim of this study is to analyze the schedule control techniques by constraints and activity types is done using primavera P6 software for an apartment building. The project schedule control decreases the duration due to apply of constraints, level of effort, resource dependent it has an effect on the project duration.
Keywords; Schedule control, Constraints, Activity types, Level of Effort, Resource Dependent, Primavera.
A resource can be defined as an entity that is assigned to an activity and is required to accomplish the task. It is recommended to create and assign the minimum number of resources to activities. A resource is any quantifiable item in limited supply and of sufficient value to justify tracking and assigning of specific activities for a project.
Every project schedule has its own precedence constraints, which means that each activity can be processed when all its predecessors are finished. In general the purpose of project scheduler is to minimize its completion time, subject to precedence constraints. A more general version assumes that to develop one or more activities, resources such as tools, equipment, machines, or human resources are needed.
Vijay K²,
2 Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, NCET,Bangalore,Karnatka, India
R Ashok Kumar4
4Executive Director and CEO of CADD Centre Training Services Pvt Ltd,
Yelahanka,Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Each resource has limited capacity; consequently at a certain moments one activity may not begin their processing due to resource constraints even if all their predecessors are finished. This type of problems is called Resource-constrained project scheduling problem (RCPSP) which involves assigning jobs or tasks to a resource or a set of resources with limited capacity in order to meet some predefined objective.
In this study we can find out the different factors which affect the time and cost of a construction project. The actual cost and time can be also reduced so that the project can be efficient.
To control the scheduling of project by applying constraints and activity types to reduce the project duration.
As it has inbuilt linear programming techniques and where we can give the best schedule or duration to save cost and proper utilization of resources.
A study on the optimization of the schedule of resource constrained construction project using primavera techniques is carried out on a residential apartment in this study.
Table 3.1 Project details
Project name
Columbus Square (residential apartments) consists of 6 towers (A,B,C,D,E,F) each consisting of B+G+12 floors
Total area
4 acres
Project under study
Tower A (B+G+4 floors)
Total built up area (from basement to terrace)
5557.3 sqm (59797.38 sq ft)
Total no of flats
25 flats
Project start date
15 Nov 2013
Project completion date
15 Sep 2015
Total duration of project
568 days
Estimated cost
6,35,41,828.78 Rs
In this study using the features of primavera we have worked out on to reduce the scheduled project duration without using conventional methodology. Schedule control techniques used in primavera are explained below.
In this project it is observed that on a regular schedule using primavera P6 we got the following results.
Table 3.2 Before applying schedule techniques using Primavera
Estimated project duration
568 days
Start date
15 Nov 2013
Completion date
15 Sep 2015
Estimated budgeted total cost
Rs. 6,35,41,828.78
This project deals with the data of one tower construction with 4 floor of 59797.38 sq ft with 5 flats per floor.
Constraints: Applying date constraints to the activities based on the type of work. Constraints are used to impose restrictions on activities that cannot be realistically scheduled with logical links Sometimes activities must be accomplished according to specific dates rather than the dates determined by other activities in the project. The need to use a constraint to delay an activity to start as late as possible without affecting any activities after it.
Activity constraints applied for activity ID A1170
Fig 3.1 Shows before applying constraints in Primavera
Table 3.3 Before applying constraints
Activity ID
Activity name
Start date
Finish date
17 Oct 2014
21 Nov 2014
Project start and finish dates
15 Nov 2013
15 Sep 2015
Total duration = 568 days
Proposed change:
The WBS of block work and frame fixing of an activity first floor was started on 15 Oct 2014 instead of 17 Oct 2014
Fig 3.2 Shows after applied constraints in primavera
Table 3.4 After applied constraints: After rescheduling the changes in the plan is as follows:
Activity ID
Activity name
Start date
Finish date
17 Oct 2014
19 Nov 2014
Project dates changing after rescheduling
15 Nov 2013
12 Sep 2015
Total duration 566 days
There is an effective schedule conrol on duration=568-566= 2days
Level of Effort: Level of effort activities gets their dates and durations from their predecessors and successors. Its most common to assign a predecessor with an SS relationship and a successor with an FF relationship. Then when resource is allocated to the activity his/her effort will be spread over the activity duration. The level of effort in primavera optimizes the duration.
LOE applied for activity ID A1610, A1620, A1630, A1640, A1650
Fig 3.3 Highlighted activities shows to apply LOE
Table 3.5 Before applying LOE:
Activity ID
Activity name
Start date
Finish date
Tile selection
19 Jan 2015
13 Mar 2015
Tile testing
13 Mar 2015
17 Apr 2015
ground floor
17 Apr 2015
23 May 2015
first floor
06May 2015
10 Jun 2015
Second floor
23 May 2015
27 Jun 2015
Project start and end date
15 Nov 2013
12 Sep 2015
Total duration = 566 days
Proposed change:
The WBS of flooring, skirting and dadoing was changing activity type from task dependent to level of effort.
Fig 3.4 Highlighted activities shows LOE is applied
Table 3.6 After applied LOE:
After rescheduling the change in the plan is as follows:
Activity ID
Activity name
Start date
Finish date
Tile selection
16 Jan 2015
16 Jan 2015
Tile testing
16 Jan 2015
16 Jan 2015
Ground floor
16 Jan 2015
16 Jan 2015
First floor
30 Dec 2014
30 Dec 2014
Third floor
12 Dec 2014
12 Dec 2014
Project changing dates after rescheduling
15 Nov 2013
28 Jul 2015
Total duration = 527 days
There is a effective schedule control on duration = 566-527
Resource dependent: By changing the resource calendar and relationships with lag and lead with the available total float. When the scheduled work hours of a particular resource divert from the project default calendar. Primavera has an exclusive feature in which the activity type called Resource Dependent, when applied will use the calendar over riding the activity duration by increasing usage of resource in term of number of hours. This feature can be used where resource utilization is used and can be given more number of working hours, so that we further optimize the schedule.
Resource dependent applied for activity ID A1310
Fig 3.5 Highlighted activity shows to apply Resource dependent
Table 3.7 Before applying resource dependent:
Activity ID
Activity name
Start date
Finish date
Fourth floor
28 Feb 2015
23 Mar 2015
Project start and end dates
15 Nov 2013
20 Jun 2015
Total duration = 494 days
Proposed change:
The WBS of electrical conduting in activity A1310 was changing activity type from task dependent to level of effort.
Fig 3.6 Highlighted activity shows resource dependent is applied
Fig 3.7 Highlighted WBS shows duration and cost after rescheduling
Table 3.8 After applied resource dependent: After rescheduling the changes in the plan is as follows:
Activity ID
Activity name
Start date
Finish date
Fourth floor
28 Feb 2015
23 Mar 2015
Project changing dates after rescheduling
15 Nov 2013
20 Jun 2015
Total duration = 494 days
There is no effective schedule control on duration = 494 days and there is an effective schedule control on cost = 6,35,44,434.65 rs.
Proposed changes
Original duration
Change duration
Applying of constraints to WBS of block masonry and frame fixing
568 days
566 days
2 days
Constraints to Groove cutting
566 days
566 days
No changes
Apply LOB to WBS of flooring
566 days
527 days
39 days
Applying LOB to water proofing in balcony
527 days
519 days
8 days
Applying LOB to WBS of block masonry and frame fixing in activity ID A1210
519 days
494 days
25 days
Applying resource dependent to WBS of RCC slab
494 days
494 days
No changes
Applying resource dependent to WBS of electrical conduting in activity ID A1310
494 days
494 days
No changes
Proposed changes
Original duration
Change duration
Applying of constraints to WBS of block masonry and frame fixing
568 days
566 days
2 days
Constraints to Groove cutting
566 days
566 days
No changes
Apply LOB to WBS of flooring
566 days
527 days
39 days
Applying LOB to water proofing in balcony
527 days
519 days
8 days
Applying LOB to WBS of block masonry and frame fixing in activity ID A1210
519 days
494 days
25 days
Applying resource dependent to WBS of RCC slab
494 days
494 days
No changes
Applying resource dependent to WBS of electrical conduting in activity ID A1310
494 days
494 days
No changes
Table 3.9 Schedule control sequence table
Total = 74 days
Based on study carried out on the best features of primavera in schedule control techniques, it is concluded that primavera can be used to schedule project and reduce project duration in the construction projects by the following reasons:
Finally the project compares all the schedule techniques and let us knows the actual performance of the project, so as to take quick decision by the planning engineer/project manager in case of schedule parameters.
The project review was carried out to have a complete view of the case study of project and found out the difference in scheduled control against planned schedule.
For schduling control study on constraints and activity types is done using primavera P6 software. The project schedule control decreases the duration due to apply of constraints, level of effort, resource dependent it has an effect on the project duration.
In this case study decrease in duration is 13.03% which will increase in project cost also. In a real time project, solving schedule control using primavera P6 software gives the best result can be realized.
In this project without touching any resources to optimizing, the total duration using level of efforts, resource dependent and constraint have been reduced.
A real time project solved using this optimization software shows that best converging result can be obtained.
VEENA H C, Pursuing Final Year M-tech in Construction Technology In Nagarjuna College of Engineering And Technology, Bangalore.
I am thankful to Mr. Vijay K, Dr. S Rajendra and Mr. R Ashok Kumar for their guidance. I also thank department of civil engineering NCET, devenahalli. And last but not the least my dear friends who have supported me to complete this project work.
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