The Influence of Leadership, Job Description, Working Environtment Toward Motivation and Employees Performance

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV5IS120336

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The Influence of Leadership, Job Description, Working Environtment Toward Motivation and Employees Performance

A Study at Yang Ming Marine Transport Corp Surabaya

Ratih Kirana Diantari

Magister Management Technology Program Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, Indonesia

Bambang Syairudin, Mohamad Yusak Anshori Magister Management Technology Program Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Surabaya, Indonesia

Abstract Human resources have very important roles in a company, including in the shipping company. Shipping is the part of the transport process in business terms. Yang Ming Marine Transport Corp is a service company in shipping. Some aspects that affect the quality of human resources in Yang Ming Marine Transport Corp consist of: leadership, job descriptions, and working environment. Leader should be a good role model for their employees and employees should have a willingness to hear advice and critics from their leaders. Leaders must be fair to all employees. Explanation job description for each employee should be clear and comprehensive. Working environment also has effect to motivation and performances of employees. Leadership, job description, working environment aspect will affect the motivation and employees performance. The motivation of employees will encourage if a leader can firm and impact the performance of the employees themselves.

This research used Partial Least Square (PLS), which is a powerful method of analysis, because it can be used on any kind of scale data and the assumption that a more flexible terms. This method allows researchers to obtain the value of the latent variables for predictive purposes. The results obtained that motivation influenced employees performance amounted to 6,059. This suggests that the role of motivation that includes work performance, rewarded, and learning can affect employees performance.

Keywords Job Description, Leadership, Employess Performance, Working Environtment, Motivation.


    The shipping industry is a business of marine transportation services industry that provides a very big benefits for the transfer of good through the ocean. The development of this business is growing very fast and profitable.

    Human Resources (HR) is an individual who worked as a driver of an organization, whether institutional or company and be functioning as an asset to be trained and developed abilities (Novliadi, 2007:1). The role of HR in a company is important. Having well-trained and good human resources will generate innovative and creative ideas. The best services provided by the company will attract more customers (Hardianto, 2011). Human Resources in the shipping company has a crucial role, because the progress of a company can be seen from the performance of the employees themselves.

    Leadership is the ability to influence a group toward the achievement of the vision or set of goals (Robbins et al. 2013). The influence from team leader has a role to achieve certain goals within a company. The character of team leader can be seen if the team members can complete the work in accordance with his duties. The job description according Pophal (2008) is a written record of the responsibilities of a particular job. Every employee is working according to the job description.

    The working environment according Hidayat and Taufiq (2012) is a source of information and activities. Working environment becomes a supporting factor. If the environment is conductive, so employees can work efficiently. The impact of good working area will improve the quality of works and this would be beneficially prestige for the concerd agency The impact of a good working environment will improve the quality of the work and prestige are better for the agency concerned.

    One of the psychological motivations are determined by the direction of a persons behavior in an organization, the level of ones business, and the level of persistence someone (George and Jones, 2012). Each employees motivation can be triggered by several things. It can be seen from the characters of the leader who can be fair and firm against one employee to anothers. Comprehensive and clear job description could make employees work better. Moreover, clean and neat environment could also trigger employees motivation for working leader.

    The problem in this study will maintain all aspects of employee, namely leadership, job descriptions, and working environments. These aspects will affect the motivation and performance of employees. Companies see their non- conformance in the company, such a work which is not completed yet, unclear précis sanctions, and unclear the environmental conditions.


    1. Research Model

      In outline, this research is categorized by several phases, as shown in Figure 1.


      Research Question

      Research Purpose

      Literature Study

      Questionare Estimation

      Validity & Reliability Test



      Data Collection

      Data Analysis by Using PLS

      Conclusion & Suggestion


      Figure 1 Flowchart

      This research model as per below:

      Figure 2 The Research Model

      Based on the above research model, proposed research hypothesis as follow:

      H1 : Leadership influences motivation.

      H2 : Job Description influences motivation.

      H3 : Working environment influences motivation.

      H4 : Leadership influences performance of employees.

      H5 : Job Description influences performance of employees.

      H6 : Working environment influences performance of employees.

      H7 : Motivation influences performance of employees.

      This research analyzed by using Partial Least Square (PLS). PLS is a statistical modeling techniques that is a combination of principal component analysis, regression analysis and path analysis (Ricardo, 2010). The purpose of PLS is to help a researcher to obtain the values of the latent variables for predictive purposes. Model formally defines the latent variables is linear aggregates of the indicators (Ghozali, 2008). PLS is powerful analytical method (Ghozali, 2006), due to it is not based on many assumptions. PLS can explain the relationship of latent variables.


    In this study, researcher used 37 questionnaire, Preliminary data questionnaire consists of: education background, work experience, and the position or rank. From questionnaires, this result as shown in Figure 2. There are two indicators that do not qualify as a reflector of latent variables, because the value of the indicator loading below 0.5. Indicators that will be removed are X3.1 and Y1.1. Elimination of the two indicator value is less than 0:50, then the results are shown in Figure 3, where the value of the loading factor is already above 0:50, then the statement declared invalid.

    Figure 3 Beginning Convergent Validity



    T Statistic



    K --> M




    DK --> M




    LK --> M




    K --> KK




    DK --> KK




    LK --> KK




    M --> KK





    T Statistic



    K --> M




    DK --> M




    LK --> M




    K --> KK




    DK --> KK




    LK --> KK




    M --> KK



    Figure 4 Conclusion Convergent Validity Table 1 The Result of Hypothesis Testing

    It is clear that the requirements have been met convergent validity. The next step is testing the hypothesis by looking at the value of the t statistic of inner model that has been established. If the value of the t statistic > 1.96 then the relationship of latent variables can be said to be significant at = 5%. There are seven hypotheses that will try to be answered in this study, and the results of testing hypothesis can be seen in Table 1.

    Based on the result, the discussion on the following results:

      1. Hypothesis 1 (Leadership influences motivation) Testing hypothesis results showed that the relationship between the variables of leadership and the motivation did not have a significant relationship, because it has a value of t-statistic of 0.051. This shows that the leadership role includes equity, exemplary, and the openness have no effect on motivation.

      2. Hypothesis 2 (Job Description influence to motivation)

        Testing hypothesis results showed that the relationship between the variables of the job description and motivation did not have a significant relationship, because it has the t-statistic for 0494. This suggests that the role of job descriptions obtain clarity regarding responsibilities, clarity regarding the target and clearly defined authority did not motivate the employees.

      3. Hypothesis 3 (Working environment influence to motivation)

        Testing hypothesis results showed that the relationship between working environment and motivate did not have a significant relationship, because it has a value of t-statistic of 1.921. This suggests that the role of the working environment such as colors, ventilation, cleanliness and lighting does not motivate the employees.

      4. Hypothesis 4 (Leadership influence performance of employees)

        Testing hypothesis results showed that the relationship between the variables of leadership and the performance of the employee did not have a significant relationship, because it has a value of t- statistic of 0.292. Leaders are to be fair, open and exemplary less impact on employee performance.

      5. Hypothesis 5 (Job Description influence performance of employees)

        Testing hypothesis results showed that the relationship between the variables of job descriptions and employee performance did not have a significant relationship, because it has the t-statistic for 0448. This suggests that the role of the clear and comprehensive job description can improve employees performance.

      6. Hypothesis 6 (Working environment influence performance of employees)

        Testing hypothesis results showed that the relationship between working environment and performances of employee did not have a significant relationship, because it has the t-statistic for 1.182. Room temperature, adequate lighting, color, and cleanliness does not affect an employee's performance, because it was used by the current conditions.

      7. Hypothesis 7 (Motivation influence performance of employees)

        Testing hypothesis results showed that the relationship between the variables of motivation and employees performance has a significant relationship, because it has the t-statistic for 6059. This suggests that the role of motivation that includes work performance, reward, and learning can affect employees performance.


      1. Conclusion

        Conclusion for this study as follow:

        1. Leadership on the performance of the employee does not have a significant relationship.

        2. Motivation significantly affects on employees performance.

      2. Suggestion

        Based on the research that has been concluded, researcher can give the following advice:

        1. Motivation is an important factor in improving the performance of employees, so it needs to be further improvements.

        2. It needs to conduct more researches to know what standard motivation indicator that can improve employees performance, based on working environtment, being appreciated, learning, and spirit.

        3. There needs to be more researchs to determine what factors can improve employees performance.

        4. It needs to be improvements in the management system with regard to how to motivate the employees, so its performance can be continuesly increasing.


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