Effective Class Room Assessment Techniques for Teaching and Learning – State of Art

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV6IS050098

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Effective Class Room Assessment Techniques for Teaching and Learning – State of Art

J. Phani Prasad,

Assistant Professor, Dept of CSE,

Vardhaman College of Engineering, Hyderabad, Telangana 500018

Abstract: The Teaching learning process now a days is becoming more important now a days with respect to change in the technological considerations that are prevailing society in terms of teaching aids and methods that are employed by the people. Most of the people are accustomed to use the formal traditional teaching methods rather than Active learning methods

In This paper a survey of some in class assessment methods are highlighted which gives an insight of presentation to the practioners.

Keywords: CAT, Teaching and Learning, Muddiest point, one sentence, memory matrix, minute paper


Teaching learning process is a continuous cycle or activity in which we can share our thoughts and upgrade, share our knowledge. In traditional teaching the total emphasis of the lecture is student centric or the entire communication is moving in one way where in a person (mentor) is delivering a lecture and the students are centered towards the ongoing lecture

The other Draw back in the traditional teaching when compared to class room assessment teaching is the evaluation of the student learning will take place at the end of the term, which is too late to have any alterations to it. They are very threatening to the student because they are graded casually and it affects the credibility of course.

The purpose of class room assessment is to enable both students and teachers to improve their learning. So before using any active learning technique the following queries has to be kept in our mind

  1. What do I want to know?

  2. Which technique will I use to get this information?

  3. How will I introduce this technique to my students?

  4. How much class time will I take?

  5. How will I know whether technique is successful or not?

  6. What instruction changes I Make after I receive the feedback?

Proposed Class Room Assessment Techniques:

In class activities first of all designed to provide the students about the feed back and the learning to happen more effectively in teaching learning process

  1. Muddiest point Technique: Muddiest Point technique is the very simple and easy technique to use. It is one of the technique which is efficient, because it facilitates users high information by spending less investment of time and energy. The method focus on asking students to note down quick response to a question what was the muddiest point in (ALOHA for ex/any topic)? The focus of this technique might be a discussion on a topic, assignment etc.

    Steps to be followed in This Technique:

    1. If you are using this technique in the class allocate some few minutes at the end of the class, and allow enough time to ask some query, and allow student s to respond ,and to collect their answers by the end of session

    2. Let students know before hand how much time they will have to respond and what use you will make of their responses.

    3. Pass piece of papers or cards for students to make their responses

    4. Collect the responses as or before students leave. Stationing yourself at the door and collecting "muddy points" as students file out is one way leaving a "muddy point" collection box by the exit is another.

    5. Respond to the students' feedback during the next class meeting or as soon as possible afterward.

  2. One sentence Summary:

    This simple technique challenges students to answer the questions "Who does what to whom, when, where, how, and why?" (represented by the letters WDWWWWHW) about a given topic, and then to synthesize those answers into a simple informative, grammatical, and long summary sentence.

    After students figure out what kind of problem they are dealing with, they often must then decide what principle or principles to apply in order to

    solve the problem. This technique focuses on this step in problem solving. It provides students with a few problems and asks them to state the principle that best applies to each problem.

  3. Focused listing or memory matrix

    Select a single word or keyword or concept from a particular topic and direct students to note various ideas that is related to that focus point or create a memory matrix that student can fill in

    Faculty can determine where more emphasize might be needed in future lessons, make midpoint corrections, and measure the class progress in learning one element(s) of the course content.

  4. Minute paper

    During the last few minutes of the class period, ask students to answer on a half-sheet of paper or for the Email Minute have them email responses:

    • What is the most important point(s) you learned today?

What point(s) remains least clear to you? Other queries include:

  1. At what moment were you most engaged as a learner?

  2. At what moment were you most distanced as a learner?

  3. What action was most helpful?

  4. What action was most puzzling or confusing?

  5. What surprised you?

Choose 1 or 2 questions to use for a Minute Paper this month in one of your classes.

Benefits of CAT for faculty:

  1. Provide short term feedback for the faculty on day to day basis on teaching learning process when there is a chance of correction in the mid of the course.

  2. Provide useful information about student learning with a much lower investment of time compared to tests, papers, and other traditional means of learning assessment.

Benefits of CAT for students:

  1. Engage students in the assessment process.

  2. Help students become better monitors of their own learning.

  3. Point out the need to alter study skills.

  4. Allow them to be as honest as possible when done anonymously.

Conclusion: By implementing the class room assessment techniques in teaching learning process the students and teachers will be engaged in life long and continuous learning strategy, which improves their knowledge and skills in an effective manner.


  1. Briggs, C. and D.Keyek-Franssen. (2010). Clickers and CATs: Using Learner Response Systems for Formative Assessments in the Classroom.

  2. Steadman, M. (1998). Using Classroom Assessment to Change Both Teaching and Learning. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, no. 75, Fall 1998.

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