IC Layout Design of 4-bit Universal Shift Register using Electric VLSI Design System

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV6IS040320

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  • Open Access
  • Total Downloads : 314
  • Authors : Raj Kumar Mistri, Rahul Ranjan, Pooja Prasad, Anupriya
  • Paper ID : IJERTV6IS040320
  • Volume & Issue : Volume 06, Issue 04 (April 2017)
  • DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.17577/IJERTV6IS040320
  • Published (First Online): 11-04-2017
  • ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
  • Publisher Name : IJERT
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IC Layout Design of 4-bit Universal Shift Register using Electric VLSI Design System

1Raj Kumar Mistri, 2Rahul Ranjan,

1,2Assistant Professor, RTC Institute of Technology,

Anandi, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India

3Pooja Prasad, 4Anupriya 3,4B.Tech Scholar,

RTC Institute of Technology, Anandi, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India

Abstract – There is need to develop various new design techniques in order to fulfil the demand of increased speed, reduced area for compactness and reduced power consumption. It is considered that improved other performance specifications such as less delay, high noise immunity and suitable ambient temperature conditions are the prime factors. In this paper two different techniques are used for designing a 4-bit Universal shift register (USR) and then a comparison is made about area and average delay. First one is Transmission Gate (TG) technique and second one is GDI Technique. This paper describes the design of an Integrated Circuit (IC) layout for a 4-bit USR. The layout was designed by use of an open source software namely Electric VLSI Design System which is Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tool. LTspiceXVII is used as simulator to carry out the simulation work.

Key Words: TG, GDI, Comparator, VLSI, CMOS, DRC, LVS, ERC, USR.


    1. TG Technique

      Transmission gate logic circuit is a special kind of pass- transistor logic circuit. It is built by connecting a PMOS transistor and an NMOS transistor in parallel, which are controlled by complementary control signals. Both the PMOS and NMOS transistors will provide the path to the input logic 1 or 0, respectively when they are turned on simultaneously. Thus, there is no voltage drop problem whether the 1 or 0 is passed through it [1].

    2. GDI Technique

      GDI cell contains three inputs G (common gate input of NMOS and PMOS), P (input to the source/drain of PMOS), and N (input to the source/drain of NMOS). Bulks of both NMOS and PMOS are connected to N or P (respectively), so it can be arbitrarily biased at contrast with CMOS inverter. It must be remarked, that not all the functions are possible in standard P-Well CMOS process, but can be successfully implemented in Twin-Well CMOS or SOI technologies. GDI

      Technique allows improvements in design complexity level, transistor counts, static power dissipation and logic level swing. Fig.1 represents the basic building block of GDI cell. In this cell Boolean expression of Z is . +

      . . On the basis of this expression, any logic can be

      implemented by GDI cells. Implementation Detail of gates has described in table.2.

      Fig.1 basic building block of GDI cell

    3. Universal shift register (USR)

      USR is a shift register which can be operated in all modes. USR can have a number of modes to operate it. In my case we designed it for two control lines which can be operated in four modes. For control lines C1C0=00 no change or output of USR always keep the previous value. Similarly C1C0=01 give right shift, C1C0=10 left shift and C1C0=11 parallel load (output of USR load the parallel input provided to it).

    4. Electric VLSI Design System

      Electric VLSI Design System is a powerful open source full custom IC Design Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tool. In this EDA tool, verification of IC Design layout involves mainly three processes. These are DRC (Design Rule Check), LVS (Layout Versus Schematic) and ERC (Electrical Rule Check).

      Design Rule Check (DRC): DRC is the first most powerful physical verification process to check IC design Layout. DRC will not only check the designs that are created by the designers, but also the design placed within the context in which it is going to be used. Therefore, the possibility of errors in the design will be greatly reduced and a high overall yield and reliability of design will be achieved.

      Layout Versus Schematic (LVS): LVS is the second and most powerful physical design verification process in which layout is matched with its equivalent schematic design. In LVS schematic is assumed as a reference and layout is checked against it. In this process, the electrical connectivity of all signals, including the input, output and power signals to their corresponding schematic are checked.

      Besides that, the sizes of the device will also be checked including the width and length of transistors, sizes of resistors and capacitors[2].

      Electrical Rule Check (ERC): ERC is third and optional physical design verification process to check the layout. This is used to check the error in connectivity of device. ERC is specially used to check for any unconnected, partly connected or redundant devices. Also, it will check for any disabled transistors, floating nodes and short circuits.

    5. LTspiceXVII simulation software

    LTspiceXVII is the simulation software which we have used in this project. It is a high performance SPICE simulator that provides a schematic capture and waveform viewer. It is used to simulate the outputs of both schematic circuit and layout during DRC and LVS.


    There are different technologies to construct integrated circuits such as bipolar integrated technology, CMOS technology, NMOS pass transistor logic, Transmission Gate(TG) technology and gate diffusion input(GDI) technology. In this paper we have used two technologies to design 4-bit USR and comparison is made against these technologies. The main reason of using GDI technique is due to its low propagation delay time, low power consumption and low chip area.

    There are basic design rules which are to be used in order to design an IC layout successfully. These rules are called layout design rule. The layout rule which is to be followed in Electric VLSI Design System has a universal parameter in which rule described. Table.1 gives the clarification about layout design rule.


    minimum well size


    minimum well spacing between same potential


    minimum well spacing between different potential


    minimum well are



    minimum polysilicon1 width


    minimum polysilicon1 spacing


    minimum spacing between polysilicon1 to metal


    minimum polysilicon1 area



    minimum polysilicon2 width


    minimum polysilicon2 spacing


    minimum spacing between polysilicon1 to metal


    minimum polysilicon2 area


    METAL 1,2,3,4,5

    minimum metal width


    minimum spacing between same metal


    minimum spacing between different metals


    Table.1 fundamental of layout design rule [3]

    minimum metal area


    METAL 6

    minimum metal 6 width


    minimum metal 6 spacing


    minimum spacing between metal 6 to other metals


    minimum metal 6 area


    VIA 1,2,3,4

    minimum via width


    minimum via area


    VIA 5

    minimum via 5 width


    minimum via 5 area


    In our design the basic building blocks are inverter, 3- input AND gate, 4-input OR gate, 2-input NAND gate and 3-input NAND gate. Design consists mainly two sub-modules which are positive edge triggered delay flip-flop (D-FF) and 4x1multiplexer. D-FF uses inverter, 2-input NAND gate and 3-input NAND gate to implement it and 4×1 multiplexer uses inverter, 3- input AND gate and 4-input OR gate. So implement our design we need to develop basic buildings block used in project. Fig.2, fig.3, fig.4, fig.5 and fig.6 are the basic building blocks of our design. They are inverter, 2-input NAND gate, 3-input NAND gate, 3- input AND gate and 4-input OR gate respectively.

    Fig.2 schematic and layout of 3-inverter

    Fig.3 schematic and layout of 2-input NAND gate (GDI tech)

    Fig.4 schematic and layout of 3-input NAND gate (GDI tech)

    Fig.5 schematic and layout of 3-input AND gate (GDI tech)

    Fig.6 schematic and layout of 4-input OR gate (GDI tech)

    As discussed previously the main sub-modules of our design are 4×1 multiplexer and positive edge triggered delay flip-flop (D-FF). So further then we have designed the sub-modules which has shown in fig.7 and fig.8

    Fig.7 schematic and layout of D-FF (GDI tech)

    Fig.8 schematic and layout of 4×1 MUX (GDI tech)

    Finally we have implemented USR using sub- modules.

    Fig.9 and fig.10 are the schematic and layout of USR. There are various applications of our design. This design is flexible by which higher order of USR can be implemented. One application of shift registers is in the conversion of data between serial and parallel, or parallel to serial. Apart from that this can be used in digital electronic devices like computers as temporary data storage, data transfer, data manipulation and counters. USR are used in computers as memory elements. Many of the digital system operations like division, multiplication are performed by using USR.

    Fig.9 schematic of 4-bit USR (GDI tech)

    Fig.10 layout of 4-bit USR (GDI tech)


    1. Wave form

      Functionality of any design can be evaluated by the waveform obtained after the simulation. Here the simulation result of USR has shown in fig.11. Detail of its operation has described in section II. All four operations has described in the resultant waveform. Control parameter has taken as C1 & C0. This control parameter has used to operate USR in different modes. C1C0=00 gives

      No change or previous output, similarly C1C0=01 right shift, C1C0=10 left shift and C1C0=11 parallel load.

      3-input AND

      Fig.11 simulation result of 4-bit USR

    2. Spice code

    3-input OR

    The spice code is the code to provide input signal to design. We have used following spice code to generate above waveform.

    V1 VDD 0 DC 5

    V2 GND 0 DC 0

    .incluce C:\Electric\C5_models.txt

    V3 PR 0 DC 5 PULSE 0 5 0 1ps 1ps 200ns 200ns

    V4 CLR 0 DC 5 PULSE 5 0 0 1ps 1ps 5ns 200ns

    V6 CLK 0 DC 5 PULSE 5 0 0 1ps 1ps 5ns 10ns

    V7 SI_LR 0 DC 5 PULSE 5 0 0 1ps 1ps 3ns 6ns

    3-input NAND

    V8 SI_RL 0 DC 5 PULSE 5 0 0 1ps 1ps 4ns 8ns

    V9 C1 0 DC 5 PULSE 5 0 0 1ps 1ps 100ns 200ns

    V10 C0 0 DC 5 PULSE 5 0 0 1ps 1ps 50ns 100ns

    V11 I0 0 DC 5 PULSE 5 0 0 1ps 1ps 7ns 14ns

    V12 I1 0 DC 5 PULSE 5 0 0 1ps 1ps 9ns 18ns

    V13 I2 0 DC 5 PULSE 5 0 0 1ps 1ps 12ns 24ns

    V14 I3 0 DC 5 PULSE 5 0 0 1ps 1ps 14ns 28ns

    .tran 1ps 200ns

    In the spice code VDD is assigned a DC value of 5 volt and GND the DC value of 0 volt. C5_models.txt indicates the model file for NMOS and PMOS transistors. PULSE keyword is used to generate train of pulses and .tran keyword gives the transient analysis.


    Todays technology demands to develop various new design techniques in order to reduce the chip area, propagation delay and power consumption. So it is necessary to make comparison against different technologies. Table.2 provides comparison against different technologies where multi-inputs gate has implemented. This table basically provide idea to develop the design by the use of TG and GDI techniques.



    SL NO






    Table.2 Transistors usage in multi input Gates by different technologies











    3-input NOR










    TG GDI

    2-input XOR

    Fig.12 delay and transistors usage in USR using TG & GDI tech






    1. C. H. Chang, J. Gu and M. Zhang, A review of 0.18um full adder performance for tree structured arithmetic circuits, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, vol. 13, No. 6, pp.686-695, June 2005.



      2-input XNOR

    2. Soh Hong Teen and Li Li Lim, IC Layout Design of Decoder Using Electric VLSI Design System, International Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering Vol. 3, No. 1, February, 2015, pp:54-60

    3. A. P. Douglas and E. Kamran, Basic VLSI Design, 3rd ed., Prentice Hall, 1994, pp. 72-76.

    4. About Electric. (May 2013). [Online]. Available: www.staticfreesoft.com/electric.html

      Our design lastly provides following result whose details have given in table.3. TG tech. Uses 456 transistors whereas GDI tech. uses only 312 transistors to implement our design (USR).

      Table.3 Transistors usage and delay of USR


      Transistors Usage

      Average Delay(in µs)

      Power consumption











Electric VLSI Design System is a high performance EDA tool that provides complete aids in designing the IC layout. It integrates the schematic editor, circuit simulator, schematic driven layout generator, layout editor, layout verification and parasitic extraction. Another advantage to Electric VLSI Design System is that it allows swapping between the designs data with other standard EDA tools in the industry [4] .

GDI tech reduces 31.5% of chip area, 29.2% of average delay time and also 26.7% of power consumption over TG tech which has shown in fig.15.

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