- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 17
- Authors : Bharath K N, Bharathganth M, Gowtham D, Logu G
- Paper ID : IJERTCONV6IS05015
- Volume & Issue : ETCAN – 2018 (Volume 6 – Issue 05)
- Published (First Online): 24-04-2018
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Autonomous Driving in Traffic and Parking area using WSN for Fuel Consumption
Bharath K N, Bharathganth M (Final year) Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology Affiliated to Anna University-Chennai, Tamilnadu, India.
AbstractThe number of on-road vehicles have increasing day by day, thereby increasing the air pollution, wasting the fuels in traffic and parking areas particularly in metropolitan cities. In these areas most of the traffic jams where happening. At the time all the vehicles have run only in 1st gear or 2 nd gear, by this way there is huge amount of fuels get wasted. To overcome this situation the switch over method is used in it, which means at the time of traffic and parking area the vehicles have run through the DC motors by the help of ultrasonic sensors, line following sensors. At that time hand brake and car steering get unlocked. It can be controlled through the wireless sensor network. In the parking area whether the vehicle identifies any space, it automatically gets parked at the available space with help of line following technique and after that hand brake and car steering get locked and also motor get into off condition after the vehicle get parked. Again the user can pick up their car through RFID. In that situation hand brake and car steering get unlocked and motor get starts automatically. And then in the traffic area by using the obstacle detector the vehicle moves autonomously and separate space is allocated for ambulance and two wheelers for emergency purpose. In this driving the power supply is given to the motors through the solar panel and car dynamo.
KeywordsUltrasonic senor; wireless sensor network; obstacle detector; line following sensor; Fuel Efficiency; solar panel
In this world the daily requirements are very difficult to produce as well as the people supposed to destroy the environment for their needs. By using vehicles like four wheelers are wasting the fuels in the traffic and parking area.To control this situation there is the idea to make the vehicle to run autonomously by the help of DC motors without starting the engine. Because electric car does not give more efficient mileage for long travelling. So to implement this concept in fuel cars to avoid more fuel wastages. In the Fig 1 and Fig 2 says many countries launched the rules in traffic and parking areas. By using this method to the idea can implement in it.
Fig 1 Fig 2
Execution of Parking Rules Execution of Traffic Rules
Gowtham D, Logu G (Final year) Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Kongunadu College of Engineering and Technology Affiliated to Anna University-Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
Traffic System
In traffic & parking area mostly all the vehicles moving in 1st or 2nd gear, in that way there is more number of fuels get wasted. In the below screenshots indicates the wastage of fuels in one metropolitan city. In below Fig 3 represents the proof of google search.
Fig 3 : Google search of fuel wastage
In the below concept Fig 4 represents the traffic areas are monitored and stored in the database by the cloud computing process. In that way the traffic instruction are communicate to the vehicle drivers. Through that the drivers are change their direction in the less traffic way. In this way the travellers can save their time.
Fig 4 : Block diagram of Existing method (Traffic system)
Drawback of traffic system
Need more storage space
Difficult to implement
Chance to accident
Parking System
By this system the vehicles are parked through the help of RFID is represented by Fig 5. Its main moto is to give the give the instruction to the each car of their vacant places before entering in to the parking area.
Fig 5 : Ciruit Diagram of Display method
Drawback of Parking system
High power consumption in traffic area
Large circuit
Complex implementation
Not equal to cost and benefits
No fuel Consumption
Causes air pollution
identifies any space, it automatically gets parked at the available space with help of line following technique. The instruction to the vehicle is giving through RFID. And also in traffic area this technique is used to run the car automatically. By using the obstacle detector sensor the car can drive safely and then the vehicle could not overtake another vehicles to avoid the accidents in traffic jams.
Hand Unit
Fig 6 : Proposed method Block Diagram (Hand Unit)
In this unit Fig 6 represents there is two types of the control should be handled in the appropriate areas. In the parking area all the sensors have worked for accurate parking. And in the traffic areas the obstacle detector sensor have work to avoid the overtaking another vehicles and also to avoid accident.
Vehicle Unit
To Overcome the existing method Fig 7 represents there is the idea to introduce the new techniques. To find the space availability, ultrasonic sensors are used. Whether the vehicle
Fig 7 : Proposed method Block Diagram (Vehicle Unit)
The proposed idea is to make the vehicles parking easy and safely. This project consist of two units, vehicle unit and hand unit. The vehicle unit is controlled through the RFID. In that time the vehicle is switch over the control of engine to the DC motors. And then to find the space availability,ultrasonic sensors are used. Whether. the vehicle identifies any space, it automatically gets parked at the available space with help of line following technique. This project will reduce the constraints in parking and saving the precious time of vehicle owners and also the consume more fuel. It should also helpful in Traffic area.
PICs are popular with both industrial developers and hobbyists alike due to their low cost, wide availability, large user base, extensive collection of application notes, availability of low cost or free development tools, and serial programming (and re-programming with flash memory) capability Various microcontrollers offer different kinds of memories. EEPROM, EPROM, FLASH etc. are some of the memories of which FLASH is the most recently developed. Technology that is used in PIC 16877 is flash technology, so
that data is retained even when the power is switched off. Easy programming and erasing are other features of PIC 16F877. PIC16F877A microcontroller is used in the project.
PIC is a family of Harvard architecture microcontrollers made by Microchip Technology, derived from the PIC1640.Originally developed by General Instrument's Micro electronics Division. The name PIC initially referred to "Programmable Interface Controller".Microcontroller is a general purpose device, which integrates a number of the components of a microprocessor system PICs are popular with both industrial developers and hobbyists alike due to their low cost, wide availability, large user base, extensive collection of application notes, availability of low cost or free development tools, and serial programming (and re-programming with flash memory) capability. Microchip announced on February 2008 the shipment of its six billionth PIC processor.
It has inbuilt CPU, memory and peripherals to make it as a mini computer. A microcontroller combines on to the same microchip:
CPU core
Memory (both ROM and RAM)
Fig 8 : Pin Diagram of PIC16F874A
IR Sensor
IR Transmitter
An IR LED also known as IR transmitter, is a special purpose LED that transmits infrared ray in the range of 760nm wavelength.
Fig 9 : IR LED
An IR LED shown in Fig 9 also known as IR transmitter, is a special purpose LED that transmits infrared ray in the range of 760nm wavelength. Such LEDs are usually made of gallium arsenide. The appearance is same as a common LED. Since the human eye cannot see the infrared radiations, it is not possible for a person to identify whether the IR LED is working or not, unlike a common LED.
IR Receiver :
An IR led is operated in forward bias just like any ordinary led. When it is in reversed biased condition if there is no light falling on the diode it will decreased and TX. The basic sensor circuit will be as follows
Fig 10 : Circuit Diagram of IR receiver
When the sensor is placed in front of a white surface the light emitted from led gets reflected on to diode so the
photodiode act as a short circuit. So the voltage at the output will be almost equal to 0v in case of black body or space then no light falls on the diode so it will act like an open circuit. So voltage at output will be almost equal to 5v.
Ultrasonic Sensor
Fig 11 : Ultrasonic Sensor
Working Principle
In fig 8 represents the Ultrasonic ranging module offers a 2cm – 400cm non-contact measurement function, the ranging accuracy could reach up to 3mm. The building
modules includes ultrasonic transmitters, receiver and control
The basic principle:
Making use of IO trigger for at least 10us high level signal
The Unit inevitably sends eight 40 kHz and detects whether there is any pulse signal back.
If any of a signal is received back in a high level, time of high output IO duration is the time from sending ultrasonic signal and receiving it back.
Test distance = (high level time× velocity of sound
(340M/S) / 2
RFID reader for its operating power and undoubtedly have a lower range limited up to few meters.
Fig 12 :Hardware of RFID E. Encoder HT12E:
The HT12E encoder is a CMOS IC built especially for remote control system applications. It is capable of encoding 8 bits of address (A0-A7) and 4 bits of data (AD8-AD11) information. Each address/data input can be set to one of the two logic states, 0 or 1. Grounding the pins is taken as a 0 while a high can be given by giving +5V or leaving the pins open (no connection). Upon reception of transmit enable (TE- active low), the programmed address/data are transmitted together with the header bits via an RF medium.
Here electrical energy is transformed into sound to send the pulse. The sound that is received back is converted into electricity. Thus the time lag between the sent and received sound signal is used to estimate the distance to the object. Spacing between sensors is dogged by their beam angles. The sensors must be spaced so that they do not interfere with each other. This interference is sometimes referred to as crosstalk. The target should be mounted perpendicular to the axis of the sensor.
RFID Transmitter and Receiver
RFID tag is a tiny device is represents in Fig 12 that stores and forwards the data to RFID reader. They are characterized in two types active tag and passive tag. Active tags are contains an inherent internal battery and do not demands power from the reader. Stereotypically active tags have a longer distance range than passive tags. Passive tags are slighter and lighter in dimensions than that of the active tags. They do not contain an inbuilt battery and thus they look upon
Fig 13 : Encoder PIN Diagram Encoder Operation Flowchart
Decoder HT12D
The HT12D is a decoder IC made especially to pair with the HT12E encoder. It is a CMOS IC made for remote control system application. The decoder is capable of decoding 8 bits of address (A0-A7) and 4 bits of data (AD8-AD11) information. For proper operation, a pair of encoder/decoder with the same number of addresses and data format should be chosen. The decoders receive serial addresses and data from programmed encoders that are transmitted by a carrier using an RF or an IR transmission medium. They compare the serial input data three times continuously with their local addresses.
Fig 14 : Decoder PIN Diagram Decoder Operation Flowchart
Output of Project
The work is to make the car to switch over the control of engine to motors by the RF id processor. And to execute the accurate parking and traffic rules.
Fig 15 : Output of Hand Unit
In Fig 15 represents the hand unit is the type of remote control which is used to control the vehicle through the RFID. It contains traffic and parking system. By choosing the command it will operate in it. It may need 9 volt battery supply. And in th Fig 12 the vehicle unit have the power of
5V DC supply is needed and the PIC microcontroller need 12 volt supply.
Fig 16 : Output of Vehicle Unit
Phase 1 In this phase,5the discussion of the RF id for to control the vehicle through the wireless.
Phase 2 In this phase, the encoder and decoder have operate the vehicle in the particular distance in the parking area to park the vehicles in appropriate place and also the autonomous driving in traffic .
Phase 3 In this phase, PIC microcontroller is the main controller for all the devices and also to implement the programs through it.
Result and Discussion
This section analyses the results obtained from the investigation of the proposed method it will save more fuel particularly in metropolitan cities.
The performance is evaluated based on the following metrics: Sensitivity, Specificity, Accuracy, and implementation.
During the testing phase, it do not disturbs any living things and it could not make any losses.
In the proposed work, there is the well controlling of our environment.
Whereas, it make happen for all possible manner including the emergency purpose also.
Implementation Procedure in Real Life
Make awareness to the car manufacturing company to construct the car by fixing these facilities. STEP 2 :
And make the government to involve in this project and give much more support to the constructing the roads and parking area.
Finally all people should combine to follow the rules and regulation for to save the fuel and also save our environment.
B.RamyaSri, A. Monika who were published in the International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing in the year 2017. And the efficiency is executed in the every parking areas.
Ndayambaje Moses,Y. D.Chincholkar who were published in the International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering in the year 2016 but it had not well execution.
Srishti Bhargava, Krishna Prakasha who were published in the International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics in the year 2017, it will execute more over in all the traffic areas in metropolitan cities.
Fig 17 : Design of car in raeal life
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Fig 18 : Advantages of implements