Video2Text: Multi-instance & Multi-level Region Annotation

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTCONV5IS01126

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Video2Text: Multi-instance & Multi-level Region Annotation

Yogeshwari Gowda

Department Of Electronics and Telecommunications Mumbai, India

Mayur Nehete

Department Of Electronics and Telecommunications Mumbai, India

Shruti Bore

Department Of Electronics and Telecommunications Mumbai, India

Akula Venkat

Department Of Electronics and Telecommunications Mumbai, India

Prof. Dr.Sinora Banker


Department Of Electronics and Telecommunications Mumbai, India

Abstract Picture book is a highly aesthetic genre, in which words and pictures together tells a story. Meanings in picture books are inextricably constructed by art and text. Picture books are different from the traditional story books in which pictures are used to supplement a text. Story books could be understood without reference to them. Illustrations undoubtedly explain the story to the readers, but some storybooks can be understood without them. Real-world videos often have complex dynamics and methods, for generating open-domain video descriptions and they should allow both input (sequence of frames) and output (sequence of words) of variable length. To approach this problem, we propose a novel end-to-end sequence-to-sequence model to generate text for videos. For this we are using Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN), specifically LSTMs, which have demonstrated state-of-the-art performance in image to text generation. Our LSTM model is trained on video-sentence pairs and learns to associate a sequence of video model is trained on video-sentence pairs and learns to associate a sequence of video frames to a sequence of words to generate a description of the event in the video clip. Our model naturally is able to learn the temporal structure of the sequence of frames as well as the sequence model of the generated sentences, i.e. a language model.

Keywords- Long Short Term Memory (LSTM),RNN (Recurrent Neural Network)


    Image to text annotation is a challenging research topic due to the requirements of the knowledge of both vision modality and natural language modality. The ultimate goal of image to text annotation is to generate natural language description for given image in a real-time , just like what we humans do. Moreover, the generated language should be capable of describing the objects and their relations in the image in a grammar error-free and fluent way.

    Despite the difficulty of this task, there have been emerging efforts recently due to the success of introducing the deep neural networks to this field. Most existing work leverages the deep convolution neural networks (CNN) and the recurrent neural networks (RNN) in an encoding- decoding scheme. In these work, the input image is usually encoded by a fixed length of CNN feature vector, functioning as the rst time-step input to the RNN; the

    description is generated by Conditioning the output word at each time step on the input visual vector as well as the previous generated words.

    We develop a video captioning system, which allows the users to 1) generate human-level natural language description of input video, 2) detect objects in the given video alongside caption generation, and 3) retrieve similar images and descriptions from a database. The core of the system is a combination of pre-trained deep convolution neural networks for object detection, and recurrent neural networks for caption generation.


    1. Take data set (images and videos both are relevant/similar/same)

    2. Extract features from images (sift, gist)

    3. Make clusters of feature (Bag of words)

    4. Classify clusters (manually)

    Take test video extract frames

    1. Extract features from images (sift, gist)

    2. Mach features from bag of words using nearest neighbor algorithm

    3. List out maximum confidant classes as annotation

    Text mining from annotations

    1. Generate database relevant to test samples (one can opt online documents)

    2. Build an N gram Language Model

    3. Take tags extracted from videos

    4. Use of NLP using N gram for auto sentence / correct sequence/ words generations


    1. First the input video has to be taken

    2. In the process of removing unwanted or redundant data from video we use Key frame extraction i.e. most relevant data images are obtained (using histogram analysis).

    3. Scale-invariant feature transform (or SIFT) is an algorithm in computer vision to detect and describe local features in

      images. SIFT key points of objects are first extracted from a set of reference images and stored in a database. An object is recognized in a new image by individually comparing each feature from the new image to this database and finding candidate matching features based on Euclidean distance of their feature vectors.

      The GIST descriptor has recently received increasing attention in the context of scene recognition. The idea is to develop a low dimensional representation of the scene, which does not require any form of segmentation.

    4. The bag-of-words model is a simplifying representation used in natural language processing and information retrieval (IR). In this model, a text (such as a sentence or a document) is represented as the bag (multiset) of its words, disregarding grammar and even word order but keeping multiplicity. The bag-of-words model has also been used for computer vision. The bag-of-words model is commonly used in methods of document classification where the (frequency of) occurrence of each word is used as a feature for training a classifier.

    5. As an alternative, the n-gram model can be used to store this spatial information within the text. Applying to the same example above, a bigram model will parse the text into following units and store the term frequency of each unit as before.

    Figure 1. An overview of Video2Text.


    1. GIST(Graphics and Intelligence Based Technology)

      GIST is a global descriptor. Observers Steps:

      1. Partition image into a 4×4 grid

      2. Calculate histograms in multiple orientation channels

      3. Calculate color/intensity histograms for each cell

      Figure 2. Use of GIST Descriptor

    2. SIFT (Scale-Invariant Feature Transform)

      It is a local descriptor.

      To detect and describe local features in images. Steps:

      1. Find the blurred image of the closest scale

      2. Rotate the region by the dominant orientation

      3. Divide the region into a 4×4 grid

      4. Create a histogram for each cell (8 angels)

      5. Normalize the vector

      Figure 3. Use of SIFT Descriptor

    3. N-Gram Model

    NLP is a probabilistic model of a language that gives a probability that a string is a member of a language is more useful. It specify a correct probability distribution, the probability of all sentences in a language must sum to 1.

    Here we are using this for speech reorganization. Steps:

    1. A language model also supports predicting the completion of a sentence.

    2. Predictive text input systems can guess what you are typing and give choices on how to complete it.



    Number of Video












    We first iterated the code and removed bugs to implement our first conversion from image to text. The tested system is MATLAB. It becomes very difficult to compare the two image. So, instead we tried comparing the two different image with the same object. Our method evaluated give precision between the same object and convert into textual format. We designed our experiments to get performance. In the first experiment we took normal objects such as elephant, butterfly etc . We tried to keep the object same with different angle so as to get proper recognisition. In the final experiment we were able to get the accuracy for our output.

  7. PROBLEM DISCUSSION AND SOLUTIONS The problem arises when the algorithm used was not able

    to get proper output. We tried using variour algorithm but atlast, GIST algorithm were able to get the exact matching of our object. The difficulty arises to test the train image and test images. It was necessary to link the path between the two test series. The coding was very tedious.


    The project focuses on converting video data into corresponding text. We use key frame extraction for extracting important images. After that we use SIFT and GIST for feature extraction. These are compared with the data base and the text corresponding to the image is obtained.


In the future, the project can be extended for classification of other modalities including text as well as video. The text modality deals with the detection of the text which is present on the screen i.e. indexing and searching is done on the basis

of words which are found onscreen. The visual modality i.e. video modality deals with pattern matching and image mining performed on the frames extracted from the video. A combination of two or more modalities can also be used. This project is a Desktop application, in future it can be extended as a server application.


We would like to express our deepest appreciation to all those who provided us the possibility to complete this synopsis. Our first and foremost thanks goes to Atharva College of engineering. A special gratitude we give to our final year project guide, Dr. Sinora S. Banker, whose contribution in stimulating suggestions and encouragement, helped us to coordinate our project with all required equipment and the necessary materials to fulfill the requirements regarding Video2Text:Multi-Instance & Multi-Region Annotation. A special thanks goes to HOD Prof. Jyoti Kolap & to the coordinator of the project, Prof. Prajakta Pawar who have invested her full effort in guiding the team in achieving the goal.


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