Agent based Scheduling of Real Time Tasks in Cloud Computing using Bidirectional Bidding Mechanism

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTCONV4IS22008

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Agent based Scheduling of Real Time Tasks in Cloud Computing using Bidirectional Bidding Mechanism

Y. R. Himadyuti M.Tech, ISE Department, AMC Engineering College,

Bangalore, India.

Prof. J Selvin Paul Peter HOD, ISE Department AMC Engineering College Bangalore, India.

AbstractThe cloud computing has become an efficient paradigm to run real-time and complex applications to store and manage the voluminous amount of data. Scheduling plays a major role in managing the execution of real-time applications in cloud computing environment. Cloud provider provides services to run the tasks in cloud and maintain the quality of service for its customers. To ensure the cloud providers QoS, we propose a novel agent-based scheduling mechanism to run the customers tasks in cloud and provide dynamic resources. In agent-based scheduling, we introduce a bidirectional announcement based bidding mechanism to allocate tasks and resources dynamically. In addition, it consists of three phases, i.e., basic matching phase, forward announcement-bidding phase and backward announcement-bidding phase. However, the scalability is necessary when scheduling is performed in dynamically adding virtual machines which gives elasticity. We have designed calculation rules for both forward and backward announcement bidding mechanism which helps for selecting contractors. The experiments are evaluated for both random synthetic workload and Google cloud trace logs. The experiment results show that our agent-based scheduling mechanism gives better performance compared to existing methods.

Keywords Agent – Based Scheduling, Bidirectional Announcement Bidding Mechanism, Cloud Computing, Dynamic Resources.


    The computing world is rapidly transforming towards developing software for millions to consume as a service, rather than to run on their individual computers. In cloud computing, most of the services are based on pay-per -use [1]. The virtualization technology is generally used in clouds, which is used to separate a single physical machine into multiple virtual machines in a cost-effective way [2]. Virtual machines should be dynamically provisioned to match actual application demands, rather than the peak requirement. Cloud service providers have to ensure that they can be flexible in their service delivery to meet various consumer requirements, while keeping the consumers isolated from the underlying infrastructure [3]. Using the server virtualization technology, a single host can run multiple Virtual Machines (VMs).The VMs will achieve fine-grained optimization of computing resources which dynamically relocated the live VM operations such as creation, migration and deletion [4].

    To obtain high performance for real-time heterogeneous systems, scheduling algorithms play an important role. Examples of such applications include aircraft control

    systems, transportation systems and medical electronics [5]. In a commercial multi cloud environment, it consists of a lot of entrusted cloud providers with private information about their resources. The problem of scheduling of workflows in heterogeneous computer systems is known to be NP- Complete.

    The agent-based technology deals with task allocation issue in distributed systems which derived from Distributed Artificial Intelligence (DAI) [7]. According to Wooldridge and Jennings, an agent has capable of controlling its own decision making in the cloud environment which provides a way to allocate tasks.

    In agent-based scheduling technique, it has multiple individual agents which are capable of handling multi-agent system. The agents are interacting with each other in a system which has the ability to cooperate, coordinate, and negotiate.


    Scheduling strategies are used in many applications and in various areas. Qin et al. proposes scheduling algorithms can be either static or dynamic [5]. The Quality of Service (QoS) requirements must be addressed in various hard and soft real- time systems. In fault tolerant, it introduces primary-backup model which executes the backup scheduler simultaneously while executing primary scheduler [9]. It achieves high flexibility, availability and schedulability of the resources.

    VM consumes many resources which reduce the resource consumption; this issue is solved by Genetic Algorithm (GA) [4]. Kong et al. uses the type-I and type-II fuzzy logic systems predict the resource availability and workloads to improve the system availability and performance. Rodriguez and Buyya suggested a resource provisioning and scheduling strategy for real-time workflow on Iaas cloud, in which the swarm optimization technique minimize the overall workflow execution within timing constraint [10].

    Goiri et al. proposed an energy-efficient and multifaceted scheduling policy, in this approach for VM allocation it consider the maximum providers profit [11]. Grauber et al. proposed energy-efficient scheduling algorithm, to achieve energy saving in cloud environment it performs live migrations in virtual machines. However, the aforesaid algorithm does not solve the issue of scalability in dynamic scheduling efficiently. Meanwhile, the scheduling of tasks and resources should be performed dynamically in cloud environment.

    In agent-based scheduling, the jobs are scheduled dynamically in an efficient manner. The agent-based distributed manufacturing scheduling are based mainly on the combination of market-based mechanisms used by the multi- agent systems. Further, scheduling is done in distributed system which allows parallel computing and improves the performance of the system.

    In this study, we investigated a novel agent-based scheduling to improve the scheduling based on CNP model. The proposed strategy adopts the bidirectional-bidding mechanism where both tasks and resources are announcers and bidders.


    In this section, we deal with the system model, notation and proposed model architecture used in our work.

    1. Preliminaries of ABSBB

      The host set is represented as H= { p , p ,.., hk } where hk is the number of host .and the active host set is represented as Ha with n elements, H a H . For each host hk H a it has a

      VM set which represent in the form V {V1, V2, …V|H

      a | } . A set of task is represented in the form T {t1, t2 …} where the tasks are independent, non-preemptive, and aperiodic and essentially with deadlines. A task ti submitted by a user can be modeled by a collection of parameters i.e., ti

      {ai ,li , di , pi } where ai ,li , di and pi are the arrival time, task length, deadline, and priority respectively. Let sijk represents the start time and fijk represents the finish time of task ti on v jk .

      In this paper, we followed some constraints to run the task on VM. Each task can only be allocated to one VM which cannot be shared by other task

      The start time sijk can be calculated as,

      sijk = max{ai, rjk}, (1)

      The ready time rjk can be calculated as,

    2. System Architecture

      Our system architecture is depicted in fig. 1. The Agent based bidirectional bidding mechanism is designed with three main agents namely VM Agent, Task Agent, and Manager Agent. The basic interaction between agents is performed by the following steps,

      Initially, the process starts with the VM Set. From the VM Set, a new VM is generated and updated in VM Agent. Then, the VM information sends to Manager Agent. From the Task Set, a new task is generated in Task Agent. Task Agent sends task information to Manager Agent. Later, Manager Agent filters matching reult and sends to Task Agent. Then, Task Agent sends forward announcement to VM Agent. VM Agent calculates forward bidding and sends to Task Agent. Meanwhile, Task Agent awarded VMs to VM Agent. However, VM Agent sends backward announcement to Task Agent. Then, Task Agent calculates backward bidding and sends to VM Agent. Finally, bidirectional contract is awarded between task and VM Agent. In this process, VM can be added dynamically when a new task is arrived.

    3. Agent Based Model

      Our Agent based model constitutes of three agents, i.e., task agent, VM agent and manager agent. An agent is a self- reliable program that is capable of controlling its own acting and decision making, based on its perception of its environment, in pursuit of one or more objectives. A task agent is created with the arrival of the task and disappears with the end of the task. A VM agent is created when the VM is established, and dies out once the VM is destroyed. The manger agent is usually existent. The manager agent receives information from both the task agents and VM agents. The agent model is designed as follows,



      • T A = {tiA , i = 1,2,…,| T |} is a task agent set, where ti

        represents the ith task agent inT A .

        V A = {v Ajk , j = 1,2,… | vk |, k = 1,2,…,| Ha |} is a VM agent set, where V jkA donates the jth VM on hk .

      • m A represents a manager agent.



    c jk

    if xpik 0 | ap ai ,

    The bidirectional bidding mechanism which deals with three phases, i.e., basic matching phase, forward-announcement





    if xpjk 1| ap ai .


    bidding phase, backward-announcement bidding phase.

    1. Basic Matching Phase

      The finish time fijk can be calculated as,

      fijk sijk eijk


      The finish time determine whether the tasks deadline can be satisfied. If both the preceding task and succeeding task are allocated to same VM, which cannot be execute at same time.

      This comes to the following constraint C1.

      In this phase, VM need to satisfy the basic requirement of tasks. If it satisfies, the manager agent will filter the task and VM. The process can be explained in detailed as follows:

      1. When a new task arrives, the new task agent is generated. The task agent sends the task information to manager agent.

      2. After a new task arrives, dynamically a new VM is generated by VM agent. The VM agent sends the VM information to manager agent.

        s f V

        i p, j1,|Vk |,k1,|Ha |,

      3. The manager agent receives the task and VM

        c : ijk pjk

        if x x 1


        information, then matches the information and filters



        1 f s




        the results.

      4. Then the manager agent sends the selected VM information to task agent.

    2. Forward-Announcement Bidding Phase

      In this phase, the task agent selects the VM to execute the task in it. The VM is selected based on the bidding value. The process can be explained in detailed as follows:

      1. Firstly, the task agent receives the VM information from the manager agent.

      2. Then each task agent sends the task information with its parameter such as arrival time, length, priority, deadline to the VM agent.

      3. After making forward announcement, VM Agent calculates the bidding value.

      4. Task agent receives the bidding value of VM agent and make forward contract.

        The task agents negotiate with VM agent to select one or

        1. Forward Bidding Computation: In forward- announcement phase, the task agent selects the VM based on the calculation of forward bidding value. The calculation rule for forward bidding is as follows:

          Fbijk=di eijk f pjk (7)

          The f pjk represents the preceding task finish time on the same VM. If fbijk > 0, it can able to complete the task before deadline. Else, it cannot finfish the task before deadline.

        2. Backward Bidding Computation: In backward- announcement phase, the VM agent selects the task based on the calculation of backward bidding value. The calculation rule for backward bidding is as follows:

        p .e

        more VMs for a task on situation with the intention of the VMs can guarantee the timing constraint.






        d f








        k ki j ji

        Where bbijk is used to represent the bidding value of task to v jk and the parameter represents the weight of priority. While allocating the task, highest priority is considered.

        1. Strategies for Bidding

          In both forward and backward bidding, we use selection strategies for awarding contract between task and VM agent. Two selection strategies are used for awarding contract which is MAX strategy and P Strategy.

          • AN = {ani,i = 1,2,. . n} denote an announcer set.

          • BIi = {biij,j = 1,2, mi} denote a bidder set for an announcer.

        BV = {brij, i = 1, 2 …n, j = 1,2,.. mi}denote a bidding value set.

        Fig. 1. System Architecture

    3. Backward-Announcement Bidding Phase

      In this phase, the VM agent selects the task to run on it. It selects the task based on the bidding value. The process can be explained in detailed as follows:

      1. VM agent sends backward announcement to task agent.

      2. Then the task agent receives the VM agent information and calculates the bidding value.

        1. MAX Strategy: When more than one bidder bid at the same time, the announcer will choose the maximum bidding value ani AN, if biik is selected, it must meet the constraint:

          bv ij BV bv ijk bvij | j k

        2. P Strategy: P Strategy is a probability selection

        strategy. When more than one bidder bid at the same time, the announcer will choose the bidding value based on the probability policy.

        ani AN, the winning probability prj of bidder brij

        can be calculated as:


      3. After calculation, task agent sends the bidding value to VM agent.

      4. Then the VM agent receives the bidding value and

        prj bvij / bvik

        k 1


        make backward contract.

      5. Later, bidirectional contract is perform between task

        and VM agent.

        If the randomly generated number satisfies the following formula (10), then the bidder brij is selected as a contractor.

        j 1 j

        prm pr prn


    4. Bidding Value Computation:

      In previous section, the selection is mainly based on the bidding values. The forward-announcement phase deals with forward bidding computation and the backward- announcement phase deals with backward bidding computation.




    We present our novel agent based scheduling algorithm in cloud computing ABSBB on the basis of our agent-based scheduling model for independent, aperiodic, real-time tasks.

    1. Role of Manager Agent

      In Algorithm 1, it shows the pseudo code of manager agent. The manager receives the new tasks and chooses the VM which satisfy the basic requirement of task agents. Then it sends the selected VM to task agent to run the task.

      Algorithm 1: Process of Manager Agent

      1. Twaiting the tasks that arrive at the same time instant;

      2. foreach tiA in Twaiting do

      3. ViA the VM agents that satisfy the basic requirements of tiA;

      4. Send the ViA to task agent tiA;

      5. while Twaiting do

      6. The task agents start the process by algorithm 2;

      7. The VM agent start th process by algorithm 3;

      1. Twaiting the tasks that arrive at the same time instant;

      2. foreach tiA in Twaiting do

      3. ViA the VM agents that satisfy the basic requirements of tiA;

      4. Send the ViA to task agent tiA;

      5. while Twaiting do

      6. The task agents start the process by algorithm 2;

      7. The VM agent start the process by algorithm 3;

      Line 1 represents the new arrival of task is in task queue. Line 2- 4 represents that the manager agent chooses the VM for task agent. Line 5-7 performs the task allocation.

    2. Role of Task Agent

      Task Agent sends the announcement information to VM Agent. According to forward bidding value which is calculated by VM Agent, Task Agent selects a VM based on selection strategy and makes forward contract for VM.

      A in v do

      A in v do



      Task agent ti

      Task agent ti

      sends the announcement information to

      sends the announcement information to

      Algorithm 2: Process of Task Agent

      1. valueList;

      1. valueList;

      2. foreach vjk i

      2. foreach vjk i



      Line 2-4 represents the task agent announcement information is send to VM agent and receives thi e forward bidding value. Line 5 represents whether the task can be completed before its deadline or not. Line 7 and 8 represents the selection strategy. Line 9-17 represents a new VM creation which performed by algorithm 4 and represents the allocation and rejection of task.

    3. Role of VM Agent

      VM Agent sends the announcement information to Task Agent. According to backward bidding value which is calculated by Task Agent, VM Agent selects a Task based on selection strategy and makes bidirectional contract between Task and VM.

      the task agents that send the forward contract with the VM

      the task agents that send the forward contract with the VM

      A ;


      A ;


      Algorithm 3: Process of VM Agent

      1. Tcandidate

        agent vjk

      2. if Tcandidate NULL

      1. Tcandidate

        agent vjk

      2. if Tcandidate NULL



      1. foreach tiA in Tcandidate do

      2. bbijk tiA s backward bidding value;

      3. valueList.add (bbijk ) ;

      4. VM agent vjkA selects a bidder tAselect based on the values in valueList

        using the MAX/P strategy

      5. Build a bidirectional contract between the task and VM;

      6. Twaiting .remove (t A );


      1. foreach tiA in Tcandidate do

      2. bbijk tiA s backward bidding value;

      3. valueList.add (bbijk ) ;

      4. VM agent vjkA selects a bidder tAselect based on the values in valueList

        using the MAX/P strategy

      5. Build a bidirectional contract between the task and VM;

      6. Twaiting .remove (t A );


      Line 4-6 represents the VM agents backward announcement information which sends to task agent and receives the backward bidding value calculated by task agent. Line 7 represents that the VM agent select the task based on the selection strategy. Line 8 represents the bidirectional contract between the task and VM.

    4. Dynamic Resource Provisioning

      v A ;

      v A ;




      fbijk VM agent v jk calculates the forward bidding value;


      fbijk VM agent v jk calculates the forward bidding value;

      1. if fbijk 0 then

      2. valueList.add ( fbijk ) ;

      3. if valueList then

      4. Task agent ti selects a bidder based on the values in valueList v select using the MAX/P strategy

      5. else

      6. vnew scaleUpResources();

      7. if vnew NULL then

      8. The new VM generates a new VM agent and send the information to manager agent;

      1. if fbijk 0 then

      2. valueList.add ( fbijk ) ;

      3. if valueList then

      4. Task agent ti selects a bidder based on the values in valueList v select using the MAX/P strategy

      5. else

      6. vnew scaleUpResources();

      7. if vnew NULL then

      8. The new VM generates a new VM agent and send the information to manager agent;





      Allocate ti to v new;

      Allocate ti to v new;

      Twaiting .remove (t A );

      Twaiting .remove (t A );



      15. else

      15. else





      Reject ti ;

      Reject ti ;

      Twaiting .remove (t A );

      Twaiting .remove (t A );



      1. Create newVM with processing power Pnew ;

      2. find FALSE ; vnew NULL ;

      3. Foreach hk in Ha do

      4. if hk can accommodate newVM then

      5. Allocate newVM to hk ;

      6. vnew newVM; find TRUE ;

      7. break;

      8. if find == FALSE then

      9. sourceHost Migrate VMs among the hosts to make room for


      10. if sourceHost NULL then

      11. Allocate newVm to sourceHost;

      12. vnew newVM ; find TRUE ;

      13. if find==FALSE then

      14. Turn on a host hnew in H Ha ;

      15. if the capability of hnew satisfies Pnew then

      16. Allocate newVM to hnew ;

      17. vnew newVM ;

      1. Create newVM with processing power Pnew ;

      2. find FALSE ; vnew NULL ;

      3. Foreach hk in Ha do

      4. if hk can accommodate newVM then

      5. Allocate newVM to hk ;

      6. vnew newVM; find TRUE ;

      7. break;

      8. if find == FALSE then

      9. sourceHost Migrate VMs among the hosts to make room for


      10. if sourceHost NULL then

      11. Allocate newVm to sourceHost;

      12. vnew newVM ; find TRUE ;

      13. if find==FALSE then

      14. Turn on a host hnew in H Ha ;

      15. if the capability of hnew satisfies Pnew then

      16. Allocate newVM to hnew ;

      17. vnew newVM ;

      Algorithm 4: Function scaleUpResources ()

      In this algorithm, it creates a new VM when a new task arrives. Line 3-7 represents that the host can able to accommodate the new VM. If it accommodate, then allocate the new VM to host. Line 9 represents that migration of VM when the host doesnt accommodate the new VM. Line 14 represents if migration also gets fail, and then turn the passive host into active host.

    5. Improved Greedy Strategy

    In Improved Greedy Algorithm it discuss about scheduling without any selection strategies.

    1. T newly arrived tasks and tasks in the waiting queue;

    2. find FALSE;

    3. foreach ti in T do

    4. foreach v jk in V do

    5. Calculate the bidding value fbijk ;

    6. if fbijk > 0 then

    7. Allocate ti to v jk ;

    8. find TRUE;

    9. if find == FALSE then

    10. Create a new VM v pq and calculates the bidding value

      fbipq ;

    11. if fbipq > 0 then

    12. Allocate ti to v pq ;

    13. else

    14. Reject t i ;

    1. T newly arrived tasks and tasks in the waiting queue;

    2. find FALSE;

    3. foreach ti in T do

    4. foreach v jk in V do

    5. Calculate the bidding value fbijk ;

    6. if fbijk > 0 then

    7. Allocate ti to v jk ;

    8. find TRUE;

    9. if find == FALSE then

    10. Create a new VM v pq and calculates the bidding value

      fbipq ;

    11. if fbipq > 0 then

    12. Allocate ti t v pq ;

    13. else

    14. Reject t i ;

    Algorithm 5: The I-Greedy Algorithm

    Line 1 represents when a new task arrives from the waiting queue it stores the task information in a task list. Line 3-8 represents, when each new task arrives it calculates forward bidding and allocate the task to VM. Line 9-14 create a new VM and calculate the forward bidding value and allocate the task to VM. Else, it rejects the task.


    To evaluate the proposed method, we used cloudsim toolkit for simulation. The performance of ABSBB scheduling is observed by different constraints as follows.

    The performance of the proposed system has been evaluated based on various numbers of VMs with different configurations and list of tasks with different deadlines.

    In fig. 2, it is observed that the task completion time is less as the number of tasks increases. The number of tasks in each VMs Queue will be in waiting stage until it gets the CPU.

    In fig. 3, it is observed that the average waiting time of the task in VM queue to get the CPU is very minimal when compared to the existing system. The waiting time increases as the number of tasks with the tight deadline arrives in the VM. Our proposed system can satisfy the task to complete within specified deadline.

    The performance of real workload i.e., Google cloud trace logs run for 29 days which gives the results for 25 million tasks. On the day of 18, it gives the performance

    result for 955,626 tasks which is submitted to the cloud.

    Fig. 2. Time Graph for ABSBB.

    Fig. 3. Waiting Time of tasks in the VMs queue.


In this paper, we introduced an agent-based bidirectional bidding mechanism for task scheduling in cloud. We designed different agents to schedule the tasks; it includes the forward and backward announcement bidding mechanism. The calculation rules and selection strategies are used to award contract between task and VM for scheduling. In our future work, instead of MAX Strategy and P Strategy we are going to implement Game based bi-objective selection strategy. In Game based bi- objective selection strategy, the winner of task and resource is selected by the minimum product of time and cost across all agents.


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