- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 27
- Authors : Rosmy John
- Paper ID : IJERTCONV3IS28018
- Volume & Issue : NSRCL – 2015 (Volume 3 – Issue 28)
- Published (First Online): 24-04-2018
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License:
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Cloud Computing
Rosmy John
Dept. computer science, Carmel college Mala Thrissur, India
Abstract: Cloud computing is a technology that uses the internet and middle remote servers to maintain data and applications. Cloud computing is defined as a type of computing that relies on sharing computing resources rather than having local servers or personal devices to handle applications.
Key words: Definition, Characteristics, service models, Deployments of cloud services, how cloud computing works, Cloud computing standards, Cloud computing in the data and for small business, Software licenses
When you store your photos online instead of on your home computer, or use web mail or a social networking site, you are using a cloud computing service. If you are an group, and you want to use, for case in point, an online invoicing service instead of update the in-house one you have been using too many years, that online invoicing services is a cloud computing service.
Cloud computing refers to the delivery of computing resources over the internet. Instead of maintenance data on your own hard drive or updating applications for your needs you use a service over the internet, at another location, to store your in rank or use its applications. Doing so many give raises to certain privacy implication.
For that reason the office of the privacy commissioner of Canada. (OPC) has prepaid some responses to frequently asked questions (FAQs). We have also developed a detail sheet that provides complete information on cloud computing and the privacy challenges it presents.
In cloud computing, the word cloud (also phrased as the cloud) is used as a metaphor for the internet, so the phrase cloud computing means a type of internet- based computing, where different services-such as servers, storage and applications-are delivered to an organizations computers and devices through the internet. A good example of cloud computing is yahoo, email or Gmail etc.
By US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, on- demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provides interaction. This cloud model promotes availability and is composed of five essential characteristics, three service models, and four deployment models.
cloud computing has four type of characteristics on- demand self service, broad network access, resource pooling, rapid elasticity and measured service. On-demand self service means customers can request and manage their own computing resources, broad network access it allows services to be offered over the internet or private networking, resource pooling is the customers draw from a pool of computing resources, usually in remote data centers, rapid elasticity and measured service that can be scaled larger or smaller; and use of a service is measured and customers are billed accordingly.
Cloud computing is a delivery of computing services over the internet. Cloud services allow individuals and business to use software and hardware that are managed by third parties at remote locations example of cloud services include online file storage, social networking sites, web mail and online business applications. The cloud computing model allows access to information and computer resources from anywhere that a network connection is available. Cloud computing provides a shared pool of resources, including data storage space, networks, computer power, and specialized corporate and user applications.
Cloud computing is comparable to network computing, a type of computing where unemployed processing cycles of all computers in a network are harness to solve problems also intensive for any separate machine.
In cloud computing has three service models that are Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (LaaS). SaaS means a pre- made application, along with any required software, operating system, hard ware, and network are provided, the PaaS an operating system, hardware and network are provided, and the customer installs or develops its own software and applications, in LaaS it provides just the hardware and network; the customer installs or develops its own operating system, software and applications.
The deployments of cloud computing including private cloud, community cloud, public cloud, and hybrid cloud.
Generally communication, services provided by a public cloud are offered over the internet and are owned and operated by a cloud provides. Some example social networking sites, online photo storage services private, the cloud infrastructure is operated solely for a specific organization, and is managed by the organization or a third party. Community cloud, the service is shared by several organizations and made available only to those groups. The infrastructure may be owned and operated by the organizations or by a cloud service provides.
The goal of cloud computing is to apply traditional, or high-performance computing power, normally used by military and research facilities, to performance tens of trillions of computations per second, in customer-oriented applications such as a financial portfolios, to deliver personalized information, to provide data storage or to power large, immersive online computer games. To do this, cloud computing uses networks of large groups of servers typically running low-cost consumer PC technology with specialized connections to spread data-processing chores across them. This shared IT infrastructure contains large pools of systems that are linked together. Often, virtualization techniques are used to maximize the power of cloud computing.
There is a good chance you have already used some from of cloud computing. If you have an e-mail account with a web based e-mail service like hotmail, yahoo! mail or Gmail, then you have had some experience with cloud computing. Instead of running an e-mail program on your computer, you in to log into a web e-mail account remotely. The software and storage for your account does not exist your computer — its on the services computer cloud.
The standards for connecting the computer systems and the software needed to make cloud computing work are not fully defined at present time, leaving many companies to define their own cloud computing technologies. Cloud computing systems offered by companies, like IBMs blue cloud technologies for example, are based on open standards and open source software which link together computers that are used to deliver web 2.0 capabilities like mash-ups or mobile commerce.
Cloud computing has started to obtain mass appeal in corporate data centers as it enables the data center to operate like the internet through the process of computing resources to be accessed and shared as virtual resources in a secure and scalable manner for a small and medium size business (SMB), the benefits of cloud computing is currently driving adoption. In the SMB sector there is often a lack of time and financial resources to purchase, deploy
and maintain an infrastructure. In cloud computing, small businesses can access these resources and expand or shrink services as business needs change. The common pay-as- you-go suscription model is designed to let SMBs easily add or remove services and you typically will only pay for what you do use.
Lets say youre an executive at a large corporation. Your particular responsibilities include making sure that all of your employees have the right hardware and software they needed to do their jobs. Buying computers for everyone isnt enough you also have to purchase software or software licenses to give the employees the tools they require. Whenever you have a new hire, you have to buy more software or make sure your current software license allows another user, its so stressful that you find it difficult to go to sleep on your huge pile of money every night.
Soon, there may be an alternative for executives like you. Instead of installing a suite of each computer, you had only had to load one application. That application would allow workers to log into a web-based service which hosts all the programs the user would need for his or her job. Remote machines owned by another company would run everything from email to word processing to complex data analysis programs. Its called cloud computing, and it could change the entire computer industry.
In a cloud computing system, theres a significant workload shift. Local computers no longer have to do all the heavy lifting when it comes to running applications. The network of computers that make up the cloud handles them instead. Hardware and software demands on the users side decrease. The only thing the users computer needs to able to run is the cloud computing systems interface software, which can be as simple as a web browser, and the clouds network takes care of the rest.
Cloud computing offers benefits for organizations and individuals. There are also privacy and security concerns. If you are considering a cloud service, you should think about how your personal information and your customers can best be protected. Carefully review the terms or service or contracts, and challenge the provider to meet your needs.
www.webopedia.com\TERM\C\cloud computing.html
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