Multimodality Video Representation

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV1IS5481

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Multimodality Video Representation

1 M. Nagaraju , 2 B. Srinivas kumar

3 P. S.S.S.Sreedhar , 4 I. Lakshmi Narayana

1,2,3,4 Assistant professor, IT Department Gudlavalleru Engineering College, Gudlavalleru, A.P, India


This paper surveys the approaches to video representation, focusing on semantic analysis for content-based indexing and retrieval. A problem of adaptive representation of digital multimedia is critically assessed and some novel ideas are presented. Furthermore, the concept of video multimodality is reevaluated and redefined in order to introduce modalities such as editing technique or affect to the audience.

Keywords – video representation, multimodality, content based indexing and retrieval, semantic gap

  1. Interoduction

    In the field of multimedia content-based retrieval there has been a plethora of interesting research work presented recently that focuses on problem of the semantic gap between low-level information extracted from the media and the users need to meaningfully interact with it on a higher level. However, the majority of ideas follow a paradigm of finding a direct mapping from low-level features to high level semantic concepts. Not only does this approach requires extremely complex and unstable computation and processing [3], but it appears to be unfeasible unless it targets a specific and contextually narrow domain [25, 4, 15]. Little has been done to design a system capable of creating appropriate representations of video media on various levels of complexity and thus improve adaptability and reliability

    of multimedia retrieval. As given in [2, 27], the multimedia database stands as a central point of the modern creativity and thus the challenge to effortlessly interact with the large digital media collections is our prime goal. In addition, much of the recent research attempts to utilize the multimodal character of the video media [41, 26, 35] but fails to fully exploit the underpinning information from these closely intertwined modalities.

    This paper is an attempt to shed new light on multimodal video representation and to give a critical survey of publications in this field. The everlasting question of the optimal representation of digital video media, targeting not only content-based retrieval but content analysis in general,

    is reassessed in order to identify the reasons behind such a persistent problem as the sematic gap. There have been numerous literature surveys on the various aspects to content based video indexing and retrieval [37, 38, 41]. However,

    the problem of appropriate multimodal representation has been practically ignored, since the choice of low-level features in current retrieval systems tends to be independent of the content and its semantics.

    Following a similar approach to the problem of video representation, the concept of video media multimodality

    is critically rethought outlining the outstanding approaches that challenge this problem. To support these claims, a survey of two common approaches to multimodal video representation, opposite in their character, is given i.e. data driven and concept driven generation of representation models.

    The structure of the paper is as follows. The following section 2 Contains outlines the problem of video representation. The section 3 brings a novel perspective to the concept of multimodality in digital video media. Data driven approaches to representation is given in section 4 and top-down algorithms are presented in section 5. The paper finalizes with major conclusions and the list of the referred publications.

  2. Video Representation

    In the context of semantic retrieval of video media, we address the problem of computational video representation, i.e. how to abstract the audio-visual experience of the user by means of computational models. This is clearly a difficult task that has to involve both appropriate computation and processing as well as the way in which a user experiences targeted media. However, this is not a common approach to video retrieval, where the focus is on the way information is extracted from the digital media, whether it makes sense to the user or not.

    The foundational work that has formulated the problem of computational video representation was presented by Davis [13, 12] and Davenport et al. [11]. In [12] multilayered, iconic annotations of video content called Media Streams is developed as a visual language and a stream based representation of video data, with special attention to the issue of creating a global, reusable video archive. Being radically oriented towards a cinematic perspective of video representation, the work presented in

    [11] sets the scene to a novel approach to the content-based video analysis based upon a shot, an irreducible constituent of video sequences. But this was where research community stopped following this paradigm and got attracted to extraction and analysis of low-level features, ignoring the fact that these features would make little or no sense to the end user. And it wasnt until the definition of Computational Media Aesthetics (CMA) in a number of publications by Dorai and Venkatesh [17, 16] that the user centered representation reemerged within the video retrieval community. The main idea behind CMA is to have a focus on domain distinctives, the elements of a given domain that shape its borders and define its essence (in film, for example, shot, scene, setting, composition, or protagonist), particularly the expressive techniques used by a domains content creators [1]. This is clearly a diametrically opposite point of view to the common perception that the video should be indexed by the terms for which automatic detectors can be realized [38]. Nevertheless, these two different approaches are bound to merge in order to achieve the goal of semantic retrieval of

    video media. Sections 4 and 5 outline work following these approaches, but let us first address the concept of multimodality in video media.

  3. Multimodality

    Seen from the generic system-centered perspective, multimodality is the capacity of the system to communicate with a user along different types of communication channels and to extract and convey meaning automatically [31]. However, the prevailing opinion is that the multimodality of video media is the capacity of an author to express a predefined semantic idea, by combining a layout with a specific content, using at least two information channels, where the channels can be either visual, auditory or textual [38]. Is it really true that these are the only communication channels by which the meaning of video is conveyed?

    In recent publications challenging fundamental issues in content-based multimedia retrieval [34, 39, 29] there has been an evident turn towards semiotic approach to the problem of the semantic gap. Semiotics is the study of signs and of the way meaning is transmitted and understood [36]. It has been applied widely in the analysis of film and video media, underlining the importance of communication through modes such as editing, narrative structure, visual composition (mise en sc`ene), etc. The groundwork for the semiotic analysis in film theory was set by Eisenstein [18], Kuleshov [23] and later by Metz [28]. The Kuleshov experiment [19] indicated the importance and effectiveness of film editing by showing that juxtaposing two unrelated images could convey a separate meaning. Given the definition of multimodality [31] stated above, this implies that editing is a valid modality of video media. In this manner one could come up with more modalities that could be assined to video media and ergo the widespread approach to multimodality as merging only visual, auditory and textual information seems to be hindering the development of the semantic analysis in content-based video retrieval.

    However, a number of publications show a tendency towards a more sophisticated take on multimodality. The intensity and type of feeling or emotion, both referred to as affect, that are expected to arise in the user while watching a video clip have been computationally represented and modeled by Hanjalic and Xu [20]. In the recent publication by Dimitrova [14] an interesting proposition to exploiting concepts of short- and long-term memory in content analysis is presented. In addition, the influence between the multimedia modalities can be modeled through cross-modal association, as presented in the work by Li et al. [26].

    Nevertheless, a clear definition of an infinite set of modalities is essential in order to make automatic classification feasible. On the other hand, the number of low- level features extracted from various modalities is limited. Therefore, a balanced interaction between feature driven bottom-up approaches and top-down algorithms could be a solution to a generic model for video representation.

  4. Data Driven Representations

    This approach is the standard way of extracting low-level features and deriving the corresponding representations without any prior knowledge of the related domain. Therefore, this is the hard-encoded way of representation driven by expert knowledge. A rough categorization of data-driven approaches in the literature

    yields two main classes [42]. The first class focuses mainly on signal-domain features, such as color histograms, shapes, textures, which characterize the low-level audiovisual content. The second class concerns annotation-based approaches which use free-text, attribute or keyword annotations to represent the content.

    Many content-based indexing and retrieval systems have been proposed focusing mainly on the definition of suitable descriptors, the generation of appropriate metrics in the descriptors space and efficient addressing of the large workload and high complexity of the underlying image processing algorithms. The existing systems fall broadly under four categories depending on the chosen content and indexing structures used: query by content, iconic query, SQL query and mixed queries. Query by content is based on images, tabular form, similarity retrieval (rough sketches) or by component features (shape, color, texture). The iconic query represents data with icons as its visual abstraction and specifies a query by the selection of appropriate icons. SQL queries are based on keywords, with the keywords being conjoined with the relationship (AND, OR) between them, thus forming compound strings. The mixed queries can be specified by text as well as icons. For a larger overview of relevant approaches a number of extensive surveys are available [37, 38, 41].

    Although useful for representation of video within a limited domain, such approaches lack the capability to adapt to different domains. Indeed, the richness of audiovisual content is difficult to describe with a few keywords and data driven representations, while content perception itself is a subjective and task-dependent process. The problem is exacerbated by motion and other temporal features. Trying to foresee which elements will be the most useful for subsequent retrieval is very difficult.

  5. Top-Down Approaches

    Top-down retrieval systems utilize high-level knowledge of the particular domain to generate appropriate representations. This knowledge can be predefined by expert users, semi-automatically learned or acquired in a completely automatic manner. These categories can differ in the way by which high-level information influences extraction and processing of low-level features. In other words, the system can eliminate unimportant features from the initial feature set, re-processes the features in order to generate new representations or influence the feature generation and analysis at the very stage of extraction and processing.

    The majority of existing retrieval systems utilize expert knowledge in a hard-coded manner. The representations are generated in a predetermined way and they are not influenced by high-level information of the analyzed media [37]. Techniques such as relevance feedback

    [33] [40] [43] and incremental machine learning [10] enable intervention of the user in the process of knowledge acquisition. There are many promising examples of semi- automated or semi-supervised video retrieval systems that exploit this idea. An approach by Dorado et al. [15] generates the concept lexicon that may consist of words, icons, or any set of symbols that convey the meaning to the user by utilizing fuzzy logic and rule mining techniques to approximate human-like reasoning. A nice example of a domain driven semi-automated algorithm for semantic annotation is given by Burghardt [6] where a specific animal face tracker is formed from user labeled examples utilising Ada-boost classifier and Kanade- Lucas-Tomasi tracker.

    In the work by Bloehdorn et al.[5] a M-OntoMat- Annotizer is designed in order to construct ontologies that include prototypical instances of high-level domain concepts

    together with a formal specification of corresponding visual descriptors. Thus, it formalizes the interrelationship of high- and low-level multimedia concept descriptions allowing for new kinds of multimedia content analysis and reasoning.

    In a recent overview on supervision and statistical learning for semantic multimedia analysis, Naphade [30] outlines that the problem of small sample statistics limits using traditional learning techniques. However, innovations such as labeled and unlabeled learning, active learning and discriminant techniques have made it more feasible to use statistical models for more general video indexing problems. In their earlier work, Naphade et al.[32] defined a factor graph network of probabilistic multimedia objects, multijects, in a probabilistic pattern recognition fashion using hidden Markov and Gaussian mixture models. Another approach that attempts to link a subset of low-level features and words was taken by Barnard et al. in [3] where the joint distribution of image regions and words was learned utilizing multi-modal and correspondence extensions to Hof-manns hierarchical clustering/aspect model, a translation model adapted from statistical machine translation and a multi-modal extension to latent dirichlet allocation.

    An interesting approach of emergent semantics brings a novel way to create meaning within an analysed collection. Emergent computation, as presented by Staab [39], is based on the idea that appropriate semantic structures might arise purely from the physics of the task environment, rather than from an experts elaborate considerations. Specifically focusing on the image databases, Santini [34] claims that images dont have an intrinsic meaning, but that they are endowed with a meaning by placing them in the context of other images and by the user interaction. Since semantics do shape the representation model, a straightforward implication of this idea is that as well as semantics, video representation depends upon the dynamic of the database and interaction with the user, and cannot be predetermined. The idea of emergent semantics could have far-reaching repercussions in the way that content-based retrieval develops.

    There are number of domain specific systems that exploit a unique set of features to form a reliable representation. Such examples include semantic analysis of sports, documentaries, newscasts or soap operas. An algorithm presented by Leonardi et al. in [24, 25] exploits hidden markov models on multimodal data to achieve structural and semantic classification of football videos. On the other hand Bertini and Del Bimbo [4] designed a solution for highlights detection in sports videos using finite state machines that encode he temporal evolution of the analyzed highlights. Bearing in mind that the development and evaluation of such a complex task as multimodal video representation requires a large scale content-management framework, there are number of research projects and initiatives that are addressing this problem.

    The target of the aceMedia project [22] is the integration of knowledge and multimedia content technologies, focusing on the benefits of the end user, in the context of a user centered scenario. In order to simplify the user experience, the aceMedia project focuses its efforts on knowledge discovery and self-adaptability embedded into media content, which will allow it to be self organizing, self annotating, and more readily searched and communicated, by providing tools to automatically analyze content, generate metadata and annotation, and support intelligent content search and retrieval services.

    The ICBR (Intelligent Content-based Retrieval) system [8] exploits a unique opportunity to deal with semantic gap issues by integrating a large video database with its semantic description organized in a structured

    taxonomy. This framework proved to be a unprecedented environment for development of novel representation for semantic video analysis of wildlife documentaries [21, 9, 7].

  6. Conclusion

As elaborated above, there is a need for more focus on novelties in video representation in order to tackle the problem of semantic gap. In the situation where the type of the index describing a unit of media is defined by descriptors proposed in the MPEG-7 standard and is limited by the set of index terms for which automatic detectors can be realized [38], the prospect of solving the problem of the semantic gap seems rather remote. Introducing a more sophisticated way of representing information embedded in the video media by interacting with the user and analyzing more modalities could bring that essential advance to content-based video indexing and retrieval.

Future work will be focused on defining a generic framework for indexing and retrieval of video in order to evaluate different algorithms for video representation and assessing this novel area in a more objective way.


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