Scenario of Communication in the Challenging Environment

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV1IS6082

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Scenario of Communication in the Challenging Environment

Scenario of Communication in the Challenging Environment

Swati Shrivastava Shweta Gupta Assoc. Proff. Comm. Skills Asst. Proff. Comm. Skills

Department of Science & Humanities Department of Science & Humanities IES Group of Institutions, Bhopal (M.P.) IES Group of Institutions, Bhopal (M.P.)


It is impossible not to communicate Modern Professionals & Engineers believe that communication is the base to all thoughts and ideas. In order to fit in the professional spheres, individuals have to work on the way they communicate. Industries are also voicing their concern about the need for better communication skills among engineering students. The professional profile of modern qualified engineers should include well developed communication skills and high English Language proficiency to help in achieving success in the modern highly competitive global work arena. The present paper highlights that, how the crisis of communication among technicals is becoming a biggest barrier in their professional growth.

Key words – lg2 (learning language), arena.


Communication is the basic element of human interactions that allows people to establish, maintain and improve contact with others. It is the means by which message is transmitted, conveyed, and received. The requirement of globalized world demands engineer graduates to equate themselves with language skills and knowledge in order to promote its business and increase its productivity. In the present scenario engineer graduate should have both technical and nontechnical skill to be fit in the new millennium of organization.


body language

body language. Using the right tools to communicate the right messages at the right time can salvage a crisis and motivate people to work towards success. Truly said, communication works but for those who work at it. In existing globalization scenario, most of the Information Technology, I.T Enabled Services, management institutes, public and private sector, multi-national Companies, Union Public Service Commission, and State Public Service Commission are search for a right and suitable fresher for executive posts. Whatever be the recruiting criteria that I.T, ITES, industry giants had in their agenda, once this was clear a first class degree would not serve the purpose, the candidate have to satisfy the skill sets that the companies were looking for and unanimously, the skill set that they were looking for communication skills.

Students Problems in (2nd Language Learning) Communication:

There are number of problems which act as hurdles for effective communication. Individual problems of students are given below:

Some students write well, but they are not able to express themselves orally.

Some speak fluently, but cannot write without grammatical errors.

Some are comfortable speaking among themselves in a small group, but are not comfortable facing the audience.

Some having problems with their body language and use inappropriate with others, some find it difficult to maintain eye contact.

Some are always misunderstood.

Students' problem in Group Communication:

Limited vocabulary

Inaccurate grammar





Lack of fluency Imperfect pronunciation Lack of active listening

Effectively communication centers round the usage of words, speed of delivery of words, pitch modulation and

Fear of speaking in public

Fear of expressing certain views Lack of confidence

Lack of group skills Fear of making mistakes

Lack of exposure and practice

Constituents of Communication Skills:

To be successful, a person requires an integrated set of communication skills. These skills comprise, writing skills, speech skills, listening skills, non verbal skills. One should have communication skills, while reading, writing, listening, speaking, conversation with various groups of people, government officials, bankers, family members etc.

Writing Skills

Writing in other words, is above all for communication for conveying ideas and feelings from one minds to another mind.

Accuracy, appropriateness, attentiveness, to your

audience, avoiding of ambiguity.

Brevity or conciseness, brightness or buoyancy. Correctness, clarity, consistency, concreteness Early morning works well for many

Plan to write three to five notes minimum daily.

Shorter sentence pack more power. They are also easier to read and understand

Should be clear, brief content, conceptuality, important points to be covered.

Use sweet words, simple language, be legible, be clear and be concise and readable.

Write and rewrite until you are able to capture the idea in one sentence.

Reading Skills

Reading is skill by itself, which requires aspirants to make simple changes in their approach to master the talent. For a better grip over communication and

languages skills, a student should give sufficient time to

By reading book, one can improve his way of expression. Books are temples of knowledge.

Books motivate the young mind and activate to read the subject, language and also enhance reading habits.

Books play a vital role in the mental development of youth.

The great ideas will definitely help the readers in later life. So read, mark, learn and inwardly digest what is there in the books.

Speaking Skills

The importance of art of the speaking is now more kneel felt than ever before. Whether one is an executive, an engineer, a doctor, a lawyer, Software professional, a public relations practitioner, a journalist, an accountant or a politician, he cannot be successful without knowing how to speak. A good speaker is a good listener too. Knowledge, confidence and delivery are the basic elements of an effective speech and that requires training. One has to develop self-confidence and try to remove fear of psychosis slowly. The following points to be know in mind before you speak.

Think before you speak.

Know your message

Know something about the audience.

Get the points quickly. Then, it is easier for the listener to remember what you said.

Plan and prepare in advance what you want to day and what you want to approach.

Use easy language and use simple words.

Give importance to the subject and Voice should be sweet.

Modulate your tones as per the topic. Illustrate with examples.

Stick to the time schedule

Have the facts and respond well to questions.

Order in which we are taught

reading every day. This should be done on a daily basis so that the memory gets refreshed with the knowledge. This is why reading occupies a prime place in the skills set of a person. The youth are advised to bear the

following tips while reading.

Read inspirational or motivational books

Listening Skills: Order in which we learn

Listener 45%

Speaker 30%

Reader 16%

Writer 9%

Subscribe to newspaper, newsletters, and periodicals journals of your interest to update your knowledge.

Read the life history of great leaders, scientists, academicians, technocrats etc.

Underline the important points, note down the difficult words, consult the dictionary.

Habituate concentration improve vocabulary.

Listening skills are one of the important part of communication processes. Here are some of the characteristics of a good listener.

You must have patience.

Opennes and desire to understand.

Concentration, intelligence and maintain eye contact. Resist distractions and encourage speaker.

Summarize to clarify. Have empathy

Take time to listen Look attentive Don't interrupt Show interest

Listening and expression is given paramount importance in team work and building better inter-personal relations at the work place.

Team aspirations can be met only by proper listening. This gives a chance to think of better ideas both at individual and team levels.

Language skills and communication skills are essential for getting good placement in the information technology and I. T. Enabled Services, M. N. Cs., public sector and private sector industries etc. Everyone should revise the language habits from time to time, in accordance with changing life pattern and customs. As mentioned earlier, language is an expression of human activity and because human activity is constantly changing, language also changes along with it.

Every communicator must know the significance of language which is essential for effective communication. There is no life without communication and communication flows like a river. Hence communication is the life line of management and it is vital for good management. Unless and until one should master the communication skills, he/she cannot get employability. He/ she should develop communication and language

skills practicing the following:

While interacting with someone, give importance to the message.

Do not be pre-occupied with grammatical accuracy.

Once you become fluent, you should try to improve grammar.

Accept yourself as you are.

Practice is very important. Whenever you get an opportunity to speak in front of others, make use of it. Face the audience boldly.

Keep a good dictionary with you as your companion. Read newspapers, read stories, articles, news-items, watch news on T.V. , Radio, Develop your listening skills.

Mingle with others freely; it helps you to develop interpersonal and group skills.

Cultivate habit of reading books. By reading books, you can improve and develop 'Creativity'.

Selection of right books, good books to read is the key factor to success.

Motivate the young minds and activate to learn subject and language.

The great ideas will definitely help the reader in his later life. So read, Mark, learn and inwardly digest what is there in the books.

Books are temples of knowledge. Visit the Library regularly at fixed hour.

Now-a-days, knowledge is open for all in so many forms. You need to acquire desired knowledge from vast sources available.


1. Comfortable environment.

Social awkwardness is a reality for everyone; so make an effort, no matter how uncomfortable you are, to help ease the tension around you. This activity will make you feel comfortable too, You can do this by being first to approach others, shaking hands, asking how their day is going, sharing a tasteful personal story, or by making an upbeat and positive joke about yourself. By doing this you are setting the stage for an open and comfortable dialog for all parties. No, you wont lose face as the rooms clown, you will however, be appreciated as the leader of the group.

2 Others views acceptance

You dont want to be that guy that spends time thinking of what he will say next instead of listing to what is being said now. Nobody will want to hang out with you, or work with you, for that matter. Instead, be curious about others. Try to understand what they are saying. In order to understand them accurately, ask questions related to what they

You dont want to be that guy that spends time thinking of what he will say next instead of listing to what is being said now. Nobody will want to hang out with you, or work with you, for that matter. Instead, be curious about others. Try to understand what they are saying. In order to understand them accurately, ask questions related to what they said.

  1. Expression in the form of a response

    When you actively listen to others, you can phrase your comments in reference to the current conversation. Show that you are paying attention to others and they will pay attention to what you have to say too. You would be amazed how interesting a conversation can become when

    you actually allow dialog to build from one thought to the next.

  2. Engage others with YOUR perspective, not the perspective.

    Keep an open mind. You may have a great philosophy, or idea that you want to share, but make sure you present it as your opinion, not an absolute fact. If you come across as always being right, others may stop paying attention to you because they dont feel you are interested in their point of view.

  3. Avoid repetition

    You want to get your ideas across, but if the other person does not understand or agree, repeating what you just said is not going to convince them. You should always refresh and rephrase your thoughts to present them a different way. Maybe you were not clear the first time, or the second. It is your responsibility to communicate so that you can be understood. If the person you are speaking with does not understand you, that is because you have not figured out the best way to communicate your messageORyour message is not as good as you think it is.

  4. Others idea to be invited

Make an effort to include ideas from other people in your conversation. If you have an idea that you want to discuss, have it be the starting point of the discussion, but anticipate that the topic will evolve. Your role is to facilitate the process of others adding value to what you started. If you keep this mindset, people will gravitate to you, your ideas and your perspective.


In the global workplace, organizations and businesses are focusing on having strong intercultural communication. Since the world has become smaller with advancement in technology, we are now working with people across the world. It is important to know that different countries follow different work practices, conduct business differently, think differently, and have different expectations. In order to expand business ventures, people need to have good communication skills. To achieve the goals of an organization, the employees need to understand the requirements and

culture of the client, so that they can interact efficiently and have a smooth business transaction.

People with effective communication skills have certain competencies and advantages. They can work well with people of other cultures, help promote the sales of a product, and establish business processes worldwide. They will know how to tactfully overcome difficult crises such as dealing with irate international customers. The BPO industry in India trains their employees on soft skills and customer management. Several international call centers recruit employees with excellent communication skills because these employees can effectively perform their role and bring in more business for the organization. The IT sector requires many of their employees to travel to other parts of the world. This is where professionals with good communication skills and good technical skills help in the growth and establishment of a business.

Thus we can say that by making a conscious effort incorporating afore mentioned measures to improve communication skills in both work and personal discussions, one will see a marked improvement in his ability to communicate effectively. Remember, this is an ongoing effortgood luck!


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