- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 3762
- Authors : Ankit Anand, Pushkar Praveen
- Paper ID : IJERTV1IS5454
- Volume & Issue : Volume 01, Issue 05 (July 2012)
- Published (First Online): 03-08-2012
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Implementation of RSA Algorithm on FPGA
Ankit Anand, Pushkar Praveen
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, (CDAC) Noida, India
This paper presents the design and implementation of a flexible key RSA encryption that can be used as a standard device in the secured communication system based on Montgomery algorithm. The VHDL modelling of this RSA encryption design has the unique characteristics of supporting multiple key sizes, and it can easily be fit into the systems that require different levels of security. In order to implement the RSA operation a simple nested loop addition and subtraction have been used. This has made the processing time faster and used comparatively smaller amount of space in the FPGA. RSA is fully described using VHDL on Xilinx ISE software. Target device 3s1600efg320-4 also belongs to the same company. This is an advantage since Xilinx ISE software provides full support for all the code-to-FPGA processes for Xilinx FPGAs. The RSA encryption implementation has made use of 13,779 units of logic elements and achieved a clock frequency of 69.09MHz.
Keywords Cryptosystem, Encryption, Decryption, RSA, Security, VHDL.
Now these days electronic data communications and Computer networks have made, it very much important to develop new ways to guarantee their security. As the time passes demand of security in the communication channel increases, and the development of a new and efficient hardware security module has started to get the primary preference. A large number and wide varieties of works have been done on the hardware implementation of RSA encryption algorithm. The hardware implementation of RSA encryption scheme has been proposed by Khalil. Where they use Montgomery algorithm with modular multiplication and systolic array architecture. This design scheme focuses on the implementation of a 1024-bit RSA
cryptographic processor. But these design have the drawback of a slower processing time, though some of them use a faster clock. Shand have proposed a software implementation of RSA cryptography. A different approach has been taken by Chris for implementing RSA cryptographic scheme. But, it does not provide the flexibility of using many practical applications as it can only be implemented with a fixed key size.
The RSA cryptosystem was invented by Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman in 1977. This is the most commonly used public-key cryptographic algorithm, and it is considered secure when sufficiently long keys are used. The security of RSA depends on the difficulty of factoring large integers. Difficulty of factoring n to find the original primes p,q defines the strength of RSA. Hence the larger the value of primes, the harder the factorization. Again, typical values for these primes are 512 to 4096bits. We can easily understand it from the algorithm given below
Select any prime numbers p, q
Compute n = p*q
Compute phi = (p-1)*(q-1)
Select e, such that 1< e < phi, and gcd(phi, e)
= 1
Find d such that ed = 1 mod phi
Public key KU = {e, n}
Private key KR = {d, n} For any plaintext M < n, Encryption, C = Me (mod n) Decryption, M = C d (mod n)
Steps of encryption and decryption transform:
RSA involves a public key and a private key. The public key can be known to everyone and is used for encrypting messages. Messages encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted using the private key. The keys are generated by following steps:
Choose two distinct large random prime numbers p and q.
Compute n = pq. The number n is used as the modulus for both the public and private keys.
Compute the Eulers function: (n) = (p 1) (q 1).
Choose an integer e such that 1< e < (n); e and
(n) share no factors other than 1 (i.e. e and (n) are co- primes); e is released as the public key exponent.
Compute d to satisfy the congruence relation de 1 (mod (n)); i.e. ed 1 (mod (n)).
Or, d = (1 + x (n)) / e
A popular choice for the public exponents is e = 216
+1= 65537. Some applications choose smaller values such as e = 3, 5, 17 or 257 instead. This is done to make encryption and signature verification faster on small devices like smart cards but small public exponents can lead to greater security risks. The public key consists of the modulus n and the public (or encryption) exponent e. The private key consists of the modulus n and the private (or decryption) exponent d which must be kept secret and the decryption exponent d has to be greater than n0.292, otherwise the RSA crypto- system can be broken.
Mathematics used for RSA
For hardware implementation of RSA, an intelligent algorithm is needed in order to reach a higher efficiency. Hence, exponentiation is achieved by performing a number of squaring and multiplications. Given the integers M, e, and n, the e has to be changed to binary in order to start the algorithm to compute Me.
Output C = M e (e contains h-bits) If eh-1 = 1, then C: =M else C: =1
For i = h-2 down to 0
C: = C x C
if e i = 1, then C:= C x M Return C
Let us assume e = 43 = 1010112. So the h = 6 (e contains 6 bits). Using Left-to-Right method, as e5 = 1, C = M algorithm starts as the following table:
ei |
A |
B |
4 |
0 |
(M) 2 |
(M)2 |
3 |
1 |
(M2)2 |
(M)4 * M |
2 |
0 |
(M5)2 |
(M)10 |
1 |
1 |
(M10)2 |
(M)20 * M |
0 |
1 |
(M21)2 |
(M)42 * M = M43 |
Table 1: LR method of computing exponentiation
Hardware Implementation
During the hardware design the whole process is divided into five modules.
Initial module
Montgomery multiplication
Core module
Final module
RSA Top module
Initial Module: This module consist all the inputs, initialize and produce16 bit output. This is then used by the next module as the input.
Montgomery Multiplication: The core performs a classical modular exponentiation. The data needed is the following:
Bit size: this is a constant value which specifies the bit length of value y, it is necessary in order to perform private-key exponentiation (The usual value of this
field will be 512) or public-key exponentiation (It can vary between a few bits). It can be calculated as log2(y) being y the key used to cipher.
X: This is the plain text input which will be ciphered.
Y: This is the key input, which will be used to cipher X
M: This is the module M input.
r_c: this is a 512 bit length constant needed by the ciphering algorithm in order to achieve a high performance.
Start in: active it when load the first 16 bits of m.
valid in: should be active high (logical value of 1 as long as the data is being introduced).
S: This port is the data output of the exponentiation.
Valid out: as its name says, it indicates when the values on S are valid.
The Montgomery multiplier is the biggest partof the architecture. Depending on the mode signal four different operations are performed. Table shows all available modes of operation.
Pass through the sum and carry
Right shift of sum and carry
Shift in of interface data
Shift out data to the interface
Table 2: Operation mode of the Montgomery multiplier
The pass through mode is used for converting the carry-save representation into the binary representation. The control unit has to ensure that all other inputs except the sum and carry inputs are set to zero. The right shifting of the sum and carry inputs is used during the computation. The third mode is used to load input data. The fourth mode is used the control unit has to
ensure that the right inputs were applied at the right time.
The RSA implementation uses an address width of two bits, so four different values can be stored in the single- port RAM. The following values are stored in the single-port RAM (SPRAM):
At address 00: r2 is stored which is needed for the transformation of integers from the Z domain to the Montgomery domain.
At address 01: the number one is stored which is needed for the transformation from the Montgomery domain to the Z domain.
At address 10: is stored and it is replaced with a after the transformation to the Montgomery domain.
At address 11: the result of one Montgomery multiplication is stored. It will be overwritten after the next multiplication is finished.
Core Module: This module is used for generating different cores like Single port Ram Core for storing the data, FIFO for first in first out the data and also the FIFO feedback.
Final Module: This is the last module which computes all the previous output values and produces the 1024 bit data.
Top Module: This module is the control unit for controlling the functioning of the rest of the modules and to ensure that the RSA algorithm flow is followed and maintained. The RSA Core is actually a modular exponentiation and it is realized by mapping the modular exponentiation algorithm onto hardware. The Top modules include the Montgomery Multiplication Block RAM blocks and a Controller. Our design approach is not to hard-wire the modulus into the logic circuit but by storing the operands in RAMs.
Simulated Results:
Figure 1: Simulated Result of Top Module
Synthesis Result:
Figure 2: RSA_Top Module Hardware
Figure 3: Detailed Schematic of Hardware generation of Top Module of RSA
Table 3: Device Utilization Summary
Timing Summary:
Minimum period: 14.473ns (Maximum Frequency: 69.093MHz)
Minimum input arrival time before clock: 8.905ns Maximum output required time after clock: 10.657ns Maximum combinational path delay: 10.457ns.
The main aim of this project is the development of high performance RSA. We start with reviewing basic theoretical foundations of RSA. Todays FPGA are ready for RSA implementations operation on full word size, using Montgomery algorithm it is possible to implement RSA with common word sizes like 1024 bits, 1536 bits, and 2048 bits. The results also shows that a proper interface design and a well implemented device driver are needed to provide the same throughput on application layer as on the hardware layer and we have got the waveform successfully after simulation and also got the hardware design for RSA after synthesis.
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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 5, July – 2012