- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 92
- Authors : Rakesh M, Sunil Y, Manish Kumar Thakur
- Paper ID : IJERTCONV7IS09015
- Volume & Issue : NCRAEM – 2019 (Volume 7 – Issue 09)
- Published (First Online): 14-06-2019
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Rakesh M, Sunil Y,
Dept of MCA Acharya Institute of Technology Soldevanahalli Bangalore, Karnataka
Manish Kumar Thakur
Asst Prof, Dept of MCA Acharya Institute of Technology Soldevanahalli Bangalore
ABSTRACT – In India, farming is a primary occupation of most of the population. Agriculture sector contributes 17% of the Indian GDP. Everyday technology is improving, but still, in India, few farmers using advanced technology and others are using old technology because of lack of knowledge and not earning more profit. The farmer didn't have any proper knowledge for which pest which pesticide to be used and in local pesticide shops, the shopkeeper will give unwanted pesticide which not controls the pest and the pesticide are not genuine which causes a farmer to get a loss to avoid this.
armer is a web application which provides all farming equipment like pesticides, irrigation, and seeds from the branded companies. E-Farmer is a web application developed for farmers. E-Farmer is B2C (business to consumer). The main aim of the E-Farmer to get the genuine product to the farmer and avoid the brokers. A farmer can buy the product if they interest. Where Farmer can view the product and also search product. In E-Farmer site farmer can view the disease of the plants and their control measure with a specific pesticide for Example, if farmer grown tomato plant in his field, he can search the tomato plant on the site all the details (like a disease and measure to control the disease with a specific pesticide) of tomato plants available here. So the farmer can control fungal and pest diseases easily. The farmer produces more profit with less investment. E-Farmer is a platform for supporting the marketing of agricultural products.
E-Farmer is a web application, it is built in PHP and Mysql. It can be browsed in both mobile and computer. Where a farmer can log in to the website and buy the seeds, fertilizer, pesticides, and irrigation tools. It's straight from the company without the mediators, so it helps the farmer to avoid a mediators charge, it facilitates to get branded pesticides which will control specified pest and insects and also it serves to produce hybrid seeds to the farmer which give more yields to compare to local stores.
E-Farmer is B2C (business to customers) where admin can add the product, edit and edit products, where Farmer want to log in and search for a product like pesticides, irrigation tools, fertilizers, and seeds. The customers can view the product and add to the cart and checkout. It saves the farmer time and likewise cut the mediators charge.
The main aim of this project is building a web app which will help farmers from Indian villages to buy a branded product without mediator charges and save time. It helps farmers ensure greater profitability. It is a computerized approach for safer, better and clear marketing. Here, the main Users of this website are farmers and admin.
From the analysis and research, we get to know there are some e farming websites are there and there are not user- friendly. It is a B2B (business to business) application which any seller can sell the product which may be not a branded or genuine. Farmer didn't, have any idea about the product and buy it, which cause the farmer to cause losses. To avoid this we have come up with a new idea which is B2C (business to customer). Where admin will add a branded product directly from the company and farmer buy it through this we can avoid farmer getting losses. Some Farmer didn't have proper knowledge about the pesticides, fertilizers, seeds and irrigation tools. So our web app helps the farmer to select the right product and genuine product.
Not User-Friendly: The existing system is not user- friendly it's not categorized so difficult to find a product.
Its a B2B Application: It is a B2B Application (Business to Business), so we cant assure that all the product be genuine or branded products.
It doesnt have more information: In the existing system we dont have more information about specific pesticides will kill specific pests and insects.
Dont have information about irrigation tools: Existing system doesnt have information about irrigation tools.
User-Friendly: The proposed system is a user-friendly its categorized so easy to find a product.
Its a B2C Application: It is a B2C Application (Business to Consumer), so we can assure that all the product be genuine and branded products.
It have more information: In the proposed system we have more information about specific pesticides will kill specific pests and insects. It helps the farmer to
select specific products and help to gain quality yields without damage.
It have information about irrigation tools: proposed system have information about irrigation tools and helps the farmers.
E-Farmer is a web application built in PHP and Mysql. It is a computerized approach for better and clear marketing which helps the farmers to get the original and good quality products. The admin will add the product directly from the company at reasonable prices. The Customer can view the products if the like they can buy the product else browse it. The Customer can search the product and add to cart if they need for their agriculture use. The web application is a B2C.
Architecture Diagram of E-Farmer
Use case Diagram of E-Farmer
Philosophies in understudy data the executives framework are apportioned into modules. Every module speaks to exercises completed by every division. The nitty gritty data about every module is given as pursues
Admin Module
Login: Admin needs a login to perform all administrative works from admin panel.
Add category: Admin can add a category of products in the system. To perform this action admin need to login to the system.
Add Product: Admin can add product and a detail description of the product. Admin can also approve a product that has been added by a farmer.
Manage Product: The description price and manufacturer of the product can be changed by admin at any time. He/she has the capability to publish or unpublished of product.
Farmer Module
Register: The Farmer can perform the general registration to have access as a registered customer.
Login: After completing registration customer login to perform the necessary job.
View Product: The Farmer can view the product and check the information.
Add to Cart: Farmer can product to cart even they are not registered but they cannot pay the bill. Only a registered customer can avail the payment option.
Payment: The Farmer can buy the product from the website and pay online or cash.
The E-Farmer: An E-Commerce Site for Agricultural Product is successfully designed and developed to fulfil the necessary requirements of a farmer, as identified in the analysis, such as the system is very much user-friendly, form level validation and field level validation is performing very good. The old manual system was suffering from a series of drawbacks. The present project has been developed to meet the aspirations indicted in the modern age. Through the developed project, anyone can visualize the effectiveness and efficiency in real life. It is very helpful for computerization or doing the automation of a personal information management system. This program helps reduce the manual method and stress which is done by a person and that is a time-consuming and lengthy process. With this application users information are stored very efficiently in a secured database. The trend of information improvement in the generation has improved the quality and services of human operation just as the case of this application for job services has reduced the mobility rate of human and improve their standard of database storage.
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