A Survey On Interference In Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV1IS8071

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A Survey On Interference In Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks

Vol. 1 Issue 8, October – 2012

S.K.Manju Bargavi

Research Scholar, Anna University of Technology Coimbatore, India.

Dr. G.P.Rajamani

Principal, King College of Technology

Namakkal, Tamilnadu, India

Kaliyaperumal Karthikeyan

Department of Computer Science, Eritrea Institute of Technology, Asmara, Eritrea, N.E.Africa


Energy utilization in general and interference in particular being among the most critical issues in wireless ad-hoc networks. The Interference reduction is through the topology control, which seeks to establish a strong network while still keeping the interference at a minimum. It conserves energy by either reducing the transmission power for each node or preserving energy-efficient routes for the entire network. There is a tradeoff between energy efficiency of the nodes and routes in the topology. In addition, it may consume considerable energy to maintain the topology due to node mobility. In this paper describes the plain definition of interference and compare the model for interference in wireless ad-hoc networks

Keywords: Ad-hoc networks, interference, Unit Disk Graph, Exponential Node Chain.

  1. Introduction

    Wireless ad-hoc networks consist of nodes that can communicate via short-range wireless connections. Each node can be source, destination and router for data packets, thus no explicit infrastructure is required to set up and maintain an ad-hoc network. In wireless ad-hoc networks,

    energy-expensive long-range connections should be avoided, and the overall distance between two communicating nodes should be minimized to achieve low latencies.

    Interference, basis by multiple transmission signals being sent simultaneously over a shared radio frequency, induces a loss of data being sent over a network. Due to interference, the packets of data sent over wireless networks become lost and never make it to their destination, requiring more time and energy sent to resent the packets until they reach their final destinations. [1] This paper based on the topology control, how to reduce the interference in wireless ad-hoc networks.

    The concept of topology control is to reduce node power consumption in order to extend network lifetime. Since the energy required transmitting a message increases at least quadratic ally with distance, it makes sense to replace a long link by a sequence of short links. As Figure 1. Topology control can therefore be considered a trade-off between energy conservation and

    interference reduction on the one hand and connectivity on the other hand [2].

    Figure-1: Topology control constitutes a trade -off between node energy conservation and network connectivity.

    We make use of this interference definition to formulate the trade-off between energy conservation and network connectivity. In these requirements are connectivity (if two nodes are – possibly indirectly – connected in the given network, they should also be connected in resulting topology) and the spanner property (the shortest path between any pair of nodes on the resulting topology should be longer at most by a constant factor than the shortest path connecting the same pair of nodes in the given network). After stating such requirements, an optimization problem can be formulated to find the topology meeting the given requirements with minimum interference.

  2. Model

Wireless ad-hoc networks are modeled by Unit Disk Graph(UDG). In a UDG G=(V,E), there is an edge (u,v) E iff the Euclidean distance between u and v is at most 1. That is, we assume all nodes to have the same limited transmission ranges. In the network model, considered only undirected (symmetric ) edges are considered.

The main task of topology control algorithm is then to compute a subgraph of the given network graph g that maintains connectivity by reducing transmission power levels of the nodes in V and thereby attempting to reduce interference and energy

consumption [3]. A general flaw accoVrdoli.n1gIssue 8, October – 2012

to Rickenbach [3] is that the common of interference-reducing algorithms concentrate on simply reducing the number of links in a network, believing that with fewer signals present the interference will sort itself out. This is most valuable at generating a lower interference.

Definition 1.

The interference of a graph G=(V,E) is defined as

I(G)=max Cov(e)


  • Cov(e) represents the number of network nodes affected by nodes u and v communicating with their transmission powers chosen such that they exactly reach each other. The resulting topology can be required for

    • to maintain connectivity of the given communication graph

    • to be a spanner of the underlying graph

    • to be planer

In Figure 2, sample topology consisting of five nodes with their corresponding interference radii

Figure-2. A sample topology consisting of five nodes with their corresponding

interference radii(dashed circles) Nodes u experiences interference I(u)=2 since its is covered not only by its direct neighbor but also by node v.

  1. Algorithms

    M. Burkhart et. al [2] describes the LISE, LLISE, LIFE algorithms are perform the graphs with low interference with the network

    Roger Wattenhofer [5] considered as the XTC algorithm based on selection of neighbor nodes and edge selection. In Figure 3 shows the comparison of the nodes with XTC algorithm with the low interference.

    Figure-3. The Unit Disk Graph G (left) the Gabriel Graph of G(center), GXTC of 1400 nodes placed randomly and uniformly on square field of 20 units side length.

  2. Nearest Neighbor Forest

    Pascal von Rickenbach[3] describes the Nearest Neighbor Forest does not generate the low interference. In Figure 4.node distribution for the transmission radius sufficiently large. In Figure 5. Show horizontally connected nodes for covering at least (n) nodes. The optimal tree does not connect the horizontal line with constant interference

    – depicted in Figure 6.

    Vol. 1 Issue 8, October – 2012

    Figure-4:Two Exponential Node Chain

    Figure-5 The Nearest Neighbor Forest yields interference (n)

    Figure -6 Optimal tree with constant interference

    segment is k, the resulting topologyVolh. a1sIssue 8, October – 2012

    O(k3) interference

    In this approahces not suitable for the reduce the interference. Exponential Node chain has been developed.

    Topology algorithms for reducing receiver-centric interference are those designed around the exponential node chain, a topology of nodes that are placed in a straight line with the distance between each pair of nodes growing exponentially longer.P.von Rickenbach et. al,[9] [3] describes the interference with optimal exponential node chain. The degree of each node is O(n).

    Figure-7 Exponential node chain topology [3].Here, each hollow node is a hub and is connected to every other node, as well as their nearby hubs.

    Figure-8. The Highway model [1]. Each hollow node is a hub.

    Another solution proposed by Rickenbach [3] involves the highway to be split into segments of equal length, with certain nodes designated as hubs. These hubs will connect to each other in a linear fashion, as other nodes connect to the nearest hubs, as in Figure 8. If the largest number of exponential node chains in a

  3. Conclusion

In this paper describes the analysis of interference in wreless ad-hoc network with algorithm used in different aspect. Today research focus in interference with challenge. Its easy to analyse interference in ad-hoc network.


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    Nov 2007

  2. M. Burkhart et. al, "Does Topology Control Reduce Interference?", Int'l Symp.Mobile Ad Hoc Networking & Computing, 2004, pp. 9-19.

  3. P. von Rickenbach et. al, "A Robust Interference Model for Wireless Ad- Hoc Networks," 5th International Workshop on Algorithms for Wireless, Mobile, Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (WMAN), April 2005, pp. 3-8.

  4. M. Fussen, R. Wattenhofer, and A Zollinger, "On Interference Reduction in Sensor Networks. Technical report, ETH Zurich, Dept. of Computer Science, 2004.

  5. R.Wattenhofer and A. Zollinger. "XTC: A Practical Topology Control Algorithm for Ad-Hoc Networks. In Proc. of the 4th Int. Workshop onAlogorithms for Wireless Mobile Ad Hoc Seson Networks (WMAN), 2004.

  1. V. Rodoplu and T. H Meng. " Minimum Energy Mobile Wireless Networks, IEEE J. Selected Areas in Communications. 17(8). 1999.

  2. Shih-Lin Wu and Yu-Chee Tseng, Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, Wireless and Mobile communication series, Auer Bach publications, Taylor and Francis Group.

  3. P. von Rickenbach et. al, Interference and Topology Control in Ad-Hoc Networks," Master's thesis, Distributed Computing Group, Institute for Pervasive Computing, 2004,pp. 33-48.


Mrs. Manju Bargavi is Research Scholar, Faculty of Computer Science & Engineering in Anna University of Technology,

Coimbatore, India. She has blended the wide experience of Ad hoc and networking research in the field of Computer Science. She has published a number of books related to the Computer Science.

Dr.G.P.RAJAMANI currently working as the Principal of King College of Technology Namakkal Tamilnadu, India has

got more than 30 years of experience in academics, research and industry. He obtained Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Madras in 1992.

Mr.Kaliyaperumal Karthikeyan is working as a Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science, EIT, Asmara, State of Eritrea, affiliated to the

Ministry of Education. He has blended his wide experience of 15 years in teaching and research in the field of CS and Electronics. He has published a number of international journal papers & books related to the Computer Science. His areas of research are Hardware, Software Simulation and Automata Methodologies. He is also the

member of IAENG, CSI and many joVuorln. 1alIssue 8, October – 2012

membership bodies

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