Universal ATM Card System

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV1IS8480

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Universal ATM Card System

Harshal M. Bajad1Sandeep E. DeshmukpPradnya R. Chaugule3Mayur S. Tambade4

1,2,3,4Students, Department of Information Technology, Genba Sopanrao Moze College of Engineering, Pune, India.


In recent days ATM (Automated Teller Machine) services are more popular because of their flexibility and easiness for banking systems. People are widely using their ATM cards for immediate money transfer, cash withdrawal, shopping, etc. Universal ATM card system which frees the user from using multiple cards for multiple accounts is natural improvement over modern day ATM systems. This system has multiple benefits over present day single card system. It frees the user from hassle of maintaining multiple cards. It decreases the cost of interbanking transactions as interfacing between different bank database is a resource consuming thing. In this paper we are explaining the comprehensive model of Universal ATM card system. This concept is more helpful for the customers who need to do the interbank fund transfers frequently, but current ATM card system only allow fund transfer within same bank.


ATM: Automated Teller Machine UATM: Universal ATM

UAC: Universal ATM Card NFS: National Financial Switch CIN: Card Identification Number

PIN: Personal Identification Number BIN: Bank Identification Number MII: Major Industry Identifier

IIN: Issuer Identification Number

  1. Introduction

    In this paper we propose a radically new set of banking transaction protocols and new architectural design. We believe the implementation of this model will make banking transactions more user friendly, less costly and more secure.This concept also uses a algorithm for

    efficient encoding and compression of data. We also demonstrate how this algorithm can be used in embedded systems and demonstrate its advantages while interfacing an embedded system in pure programming environment.Inter banking network in India is provided by National Financial Switch (NFS). NFS is responsible for routing the transactions. Universal ATM system implementation only requires minor changes in existing NFS architecture. Universal ATM relays on ATM cards to fulfill its functionality. This approach has advantage that it does not require massive infrastructuralchange, is easy to implement and does not interfere with functioning of existing system.Universal ATM cards (UAC) contains a 16 digit number called Card Identification Number(CIN). CIN will encode following information –

    1. Different Bank Account numbers

    2. Routing instructions

    3. Security coding

      Main challenge is to device an algorithm which will encode and decode the following information on UAC also the information should naturally integrate with database systems used by banks and should be robust enough to be calculate in real-time.

      • Existing ATM system

        In existing ATM system all ATM machines are connected to their respective bank servers and all bank servers are connected to a single interface i.e. National Finance Switch (NFS). When user swipes his ATM card at respective banks ATM machine, then that ATM machine directly links to its bank server for validation of ATM card. If the ATM card is of the same bank then transaction proceeds else connects to the respective banks server via NFS for the further transaction.



        BANK 1

        BANK 2

        BANK 3

        BANK 4

    4. The last digit on the card is known as the check digit and it determines whether it is a valid card or not.

        • Disadvantages of current ATM system

          1. User has to carry more than one ATM card for more number of bank accounts and also user has to remember password for each ATM card.

          2. Inter banking fund transfers are not allowed for one account to other account.

          National Financial Switch

          Fig. 1 Current concept of ATM system

      • Existing ATM Card Specification

      Fig. 2 ATM card Specification

      1. Identifying Card Issuer type: The first digit in a card represents the Major Industry Identifier and is known as MII digit. It represents the category of entity which issued your credit card. For example 4 means Banking and financial.

      2. The first six digits in a card represent the issuer and is known as Issuer Identification Number (IIN).

      3. Starting from the seventh digit to second last digit, i.e., 7th to n-1 digit in a card represents the account number.

      3) User has to pay extra charges when

      transactions are done from different banks ATM other than ATM card after free transactions over.

  2. Universal ATM system

    Universal ATM implementation requires minor change in present banking network. In Universal ATM system all ATM machines are connected to NFS and NFS is connected to all bank servers. NFS acts as a interface between all ATM machines and bank servers. It does not require any change in database schema of bank gateway and NFS.The routing algorithm and protocol needs to be changed.

    • ATM Functionality

    1. Read the card

    2. Send the CIN to NFS.

    3. Receives Bank Info.

    4. Sends the selected Bank to NFS.

    5. Connects to Bank Gateway.

  • NFS Functionality

  1. It calculates the associated bank info from CIN.

  2. It validates PIN

  3. It sends the associated bank info to ATM

  4. It receives the bank from ATM

  5. Route the transaction to associated bank.

  • Proposed Changes for Universal ATM card system

    1. Identifying Card Issuer type: The first two digit in a card represents the Major Industry Identifier and is known as MII digit. It represents the category of entity which issued your credit card. For example 4 means Banking and financial.

    2. The next four digits in a card represent the issuer and is known as Bank Identification Number (BIN).

    3. Starting from the seventh digit to last digit, i.e., 7th to n digit in a card represents the account number.

    4. The last digit on the card is known as the check digit and it determines whether it is a valid card or not.

    5. The routing algorithm and protocol needs to be changed.

    National Financial Switch

    BANK 1


    BANK 2

    will be authenticated for further transactions. If PIN is not get verified correctly access will be denied. After authentication process, using various algorithm NFS calculates all banks and bank accounts information with respect to CIN number and send all bank name list to ATM machine. Then user can select any of the bankfor further transactions. After bank is selected NFS redirects ATM machine to the particular bank server for further transactions.

    1. Algorithms Used

      Separate algorithms are used for calculation purpose of different numbers. That consists of

      1. BIN(Bank Identification Number):

        We are storing maximum four banks ID on card but each bank ID is of three digits, so 12 digits are required. As we are having only 4 digits to store the BIN on the card, to tackle this problem we are using Base Conversion Mechanism. We are using 52 symbols, as far as to develop the 52-base number system.The Base Conversion Algorithm compress the 12 digit decimal numbers into 4 digits52-Base number. That compressed number is stored on the card, when customer swipesthe card the CIN will be sent to NFS, and the NFS will accepts those 4 numbers to generate the 12 decimal digits by 52-base to decimal conversion mechanism. The split algorithm is used for 12 digits that we have got from the above process to make 4 groups of 3-digit, as each group is for identification of particular bank.


        BANK 3

      2. Account Number:

    In order to storing capacity of the card we also have to compress the account number

    information.By using Sine Series Algorithm

    Fig. 3 Model of Universal ATM system

    1. Process Description

      When a customer swipes an UAC ATM card at any ATM machine it directly link to NFS. ATM machine sends CIN number to NFS which is stored in magnetic strip on card. User will be asked for secured PIN for authentication. When user enters PIN, this PIN gets verified at NFS. If PIN gets verified correctly then user

      we are compressing 4 different banks 10 digit account number i.e. 40 digits into 10 digit decimal numbers.For the security reason we are using RSA encryption/decryption Algorithm, with the separate protocol number for each bank.

  • Features of Universal ATM system

      1. More user friendly than present system.

      2. Reduces transaction cost.

      3. Make banking system more inclusive.

      4. User can perform transactions for all his bank accounts using single ATM card.

      5. Inter banking fund transfers are easily possible.

  • Applications

  1. Banking Sector.

  2. Cellular billing technology

  3. VAS services

  4. Mobile banking.

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