- Open Access
- Authors : Kiran Kumar M S, Sanmathi R, Sharavi C, Syeda Ayesha Siddiqa, Umme Habiba B M
- Paper ID : IJERTCONV10IS11017
- Volume & Issue : ICEI – 2022 (Volume 10 – Issue 11)
- Published (First Online): 18-08-2022
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Stabilization of Black Cotton Soil Using Jute Fibre
Kiran Kumar M S
Department of Civil Engineering Jain Institute of Technology Davangere, India
Sanmathi R
Department of Civil Engineering Jain Institute of Technology Davangere, India
Sharavi C
Department of Civil Engineering Jain Institute of Technology Davangere, India
Syeda Ayesha Siddiqa Department of Civil Engineering Jain Institute of Technology Davangere, India
Umme Habiba B M Department of Civil Engineering
Jain Institute of Technology Davangere, India
Abstract Population growth has created better and more economical vehicle operations. There is an urgent need to develop a new method that improves the geotechnical properties of the subsoil. It has been found that jute fibers have a significant impact on improving unconstrained compressive strength over time. Unconfined compressive strength (UCS) and the soil's California Bearing Ratio (CBR). it is added to the soil in variable percentages.The observed values show a significant contribution to strength improvement when fibers are added. Improving soil properties such as optimal moisture content, maximum dry density by adding jute fibers to the soil. In our present study we got optimum for 4% usage of jute fibres.
Keywords Black cotton Soil, CBR, MDD, stabilization, Jute Fibre, OMC.
Along with air and water, soil is one of the most important natural resources in the world. The term soil is a composed of minerals, organic matters and solid particles produced by disintegration of rocks. It continually undergoes development by way of numerous physical, chemical and biological processes, which include weathering with associated erosion. Given its complexity with and strong internal connectedness, soil ecologists regard soil as an ecosystem.
A. Soil stabilization
Soil stabilization a general term for any physical, chemical, mechanical, biological, or combined method of altering a natural soil to serve a technical purpose to reinforce road surfaces or any.
OBJECTIVES The main objectives of project work are:
To increase the dry density and California bearing ratio of soil using jute fiber as a blend and improve the basic geotechnical properties of BC soil.
Investigate the effect of jute fibers on soil compressive strength.
Suggest the optimal dosage of jute fibers for overall improvement of the geotechnical properties of black cotton soil.
To determine the effects of adding jute fiber to black cotton soil on its properties such as Consistency Limits, Modified Proctor Test, California Stress Ratio Test, Atterberg Limits (Plastic Limit and Liquid Limit) and Unconfined Compressive Strength of the Soil.
A.Materials used
The different materials used in this project are
Black cotton soil
The soil used in the present study is expansive black cotton soil. Because of its expansion and contraction properties, black cotton floors have poor properties for large-scale construction. These soils are generally impermeable, expanding and becoming sticky during the rainy season and contracting during the dry season, causing cracks in the soil.
Jute fibre
Natural fiber 100% biodegradable, recyclable and therefore environmentally friendly, with a silky golden sheen. The second most important and most commonly grown plant fiber after cotton. High tensile strength with low extensibility.
Collect the black cotton soil from the ground to a depth of 1.5 m.
Basic tests can be performed on soil from harvestedblack cotton.
Prepare the soil samples by adding jute fibers in different percentages (2%, 4% and 6%).
In our case we prepare soil samples for the following test mixes.
Soil particulars
% of jute fibre added
Natural BC soil
Natural BC soil+0%jute fibre
Soil sample-1
Natural BC soil+2%jute fibre
Soil sample-2
Natural BC soil+4%jute fibre
Soil sample-3
Natural BC soil+6%jute fibre
Table 1. Trial samples
The following are the tests performed in the laboratory for the above prepared soil samples.
Specific gravity test (IS: 2720 Part-3,1980)
Plastic limit test (IS: 2720 Part-5, 1985)
Liquid limit test (IS: 2720 Part-4, 1985)
UCS (IS: 2720 Part-10,1991)
CBR Test (IS: 2720 Part-16,1987)
Proctor compaction (IS:2720 Part-8, 1983)
The test results are incorporated in table and plot the graphs.
Conclusions can be given by comparing the obtained graphs.
Basic tests on Natural BC soil
Table 2 indicating basic test results on BC soil
Tests Conducted
Test results
Grain size analysis test
CU=14.5 CC=2.75
Specific gravity test
Liquid limit test
Plastic limit
UCS Test
CBR Test
Table 2 Basic tests
Fig No.1 Variation of UCS Test results
D. California bearing ratio test
It can be observed from table no 5 the CBR value shows gradually increasing for increase in percentage of jute fibre. Table no 5 showing CBR test results for different soil samples.
Table no 5: table showing the overall CBR test results
B. Specific gravity test
Specific gravity is the ratio of mass/weight of dry soil solids in air to mass/weight of an equal volume of distilled water at 270°C. Soil specific gravity is used to calculate void fraction, porosity and degree of saturation when density and water content are known. Soil specific gravity helps in soil identification and classification. Table 3 showing the results of the specific gravity test for different soil samples.
Table No.3: specific gravity for different soil samples (density bottle method)
Soil Samples with jute fibers added
UCS (Kg/cm2)
Natural BC Soil
Natural BC Soil+ 2% jute fibre
Natural BC Soil+4% jute fibre
Natural BC Soil+6%jute fibre
C. Unconfined compression test
From the table no 4 it can be observed that the UCS for natural BC soil showing 20.35(Kg/cm2) and is gradually increasing with addition of jute fibre.
Table no 4: table showing the overall UCS Test results
Soil sample with % of jute fibre added
CBR (%)
Natural BC soil
Natural BC soil+2%jute fibre
Natural BC soil+4% jute fibre
Natural BC soil+ 6%jute fibre
Fig No.2: Variation of CBR Test results
E. Proctor compaction test
From the table no 6 it can be observed that the MDD for natural BC soil showing 1.67 (gm/cc) and is gradually increasing reaching optimum at 4% and then it decreased. Hence BC soil +4% of jute fibre is taken as optimum.
Soil sample with % of jute fibre
MDD (gm/cc)
Natural BC soil
Natural BC soil+2%jute fibre
Natural BC soil+4%jute fibre
Natural BC soil + 6%jute fibre
Table no 6: table showing the overall MDD test results
Soil Samples with jute fibers added
Specific gravity
Natural BC Soil
Natural BC Soil+2%jute fibre
Natural BC Soil+4%jute fibre
Natural BC Soil+6%jute fibre
Fig No.3: Variation of MDD Test results
Table no 7: table showing the overall optimum moisture content results
Soil sample with% of jute fibre
OMC (%)
Natural BC soil
Natural BC soil+2%jute fibre
Natural BC soil+ 4% jute fibre
Natural BC soil+6% jute fibre
Fig No.4: Showing variations OMC test results
From this study it can be observed that the percentage addition of jute pieces (L = 30 mm and D = 2 mm) improves the properties of the BC soil.
From this it can be concluded that the MDD gradually increases and acquires an optimal value for the soil + 6% jute fiber compared to the natural soil BC.
The addition of jute fiber to expansive soil decreases its OMC and increases its MDD.
The results of the CBR tests will show that the addition of jute fibers gradually improves the resistance and significantly reduces the deformation behavior of the soil.
The UCS of natural BC soil increasing with the addition of jute fibre, soil strength increases with the addition of 6% jute fibre.
From the above general observations for the MDD, the California load ratio and the UCS test, it can be concluded that the soil sample with the addition of jute fibers gives good promising results.
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