Innovative Hybrid System For Rural Electrification: Pico Hydroelectric Power Generation With Human-powered Mechanical Handle

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTCONV11IS05079

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Innovative Hybrid System For Rural Electrification: Pico Hydroelectric Power Generation With Human-powered Mechanical Handle

Sanjeevkumar. R. A

Dept. Electrical & Electronics PDA College of Engineering Kalaburgi,India

Abstract Rural electrification has been a critical challenge for developing countries, where many communities lack access to electricity. The lack of electricity not only hinders their development but also limits their ability to access modern amenities. To address this challenge, we propose an innovative hybrid system for rural electrification that integrates a pico hydroelectric power generation system with a human-powered mechanical handle. The pico hydroelectric power generation system harnesses the power of small streams or rivers to generate electricity. We developed the system to be compact and efficient, making it suitable for rural areas with limited space and resources. The system consists of a turbine, generator, and control system, and it can generate up few wattts of electricity, depending on the water flow rate .To complement the pico hydroelectric power generation system, we added a human-powered mechanical handle. The handle is developed to convert human energy into electricity when the water flow is low or unavailable. The handle is simple and easy to use, and it can generate up to few watts of electricity, enough to power several lights or small appliances .In conclusion, our innovative hybrid system for rural electrification represents a significant step towards addressing the challenge of rural electrification. By combining a pico hydroelectric power generation system with a human-powered mechanical handle, we can provide a reliable, sustainable, and human-powered solution that is tailored to the unique needs of each rural community

Keywordspico hydro electric power ,rural electrification,hybrid power generation


    Access to electricity is a fundamental requirement for socio economic development and quality of life in both urban and rural areas. However, access to electricity in rural areas is often a significant challenge due to the high cost of grid extension and maintenance, as well as the difficulty in providing consistent power from renewable sources.[4]

    Sushil Devarasi Shivlesh Bali

    Dept. Electrical & Electronic Dept. Electrical & Electronic PDA College Of Engineering PDA College Of Engineering Kalaburgi,India Kalaburgi,India

    To overcome these challenges, many innovative technologies and systems have been developed, including pico hydroelectric power generation and human-powered mechanical handle. The combination of these two technologies has the potential to provide reliable and affordable electricity to rural communities.[2]

    Pico hydroelectric power generation is a technology that harnesses the energy of flowing water to generate electricity. It is ideal for use in rural areas where there are small streams and rivers that can be tapped to produce power. Pico hydro systems are designed to be simple and easy to maintain, making them ideal for use in remote and off-grid areas[2].

    Human-powered mechanical handle is a technology that allows individuals to generate electricity by turning a handle. This technology has been used for many years in developing countries where access to electricity is limited. The mechanical handle is connected to a generator, which converts the mechanical energy from the handle into electrical energy[1].

    The combination of pico hydroelectric power generation and human-powered mechanical handle is an innovative hybrid system that has the potential to provide reliable and affordable electricity to rural communities. The system can be developed to be scalable and modular, making it ideal for use in different sized communities. Additionally, the system is easy to maintain, which can help to ensure its sustainability over the long term.[3]

    Overall, the innovative hybrid system of pico hydroelectric power generation and human-powered mechanical handle has the potential to be a game-changer in rural electrification. It can provide a reliable and affordable source of electricity, which can help to improve the quality of life of people living in rural areas. It is essential that research and development in this area continue to explore new and innovative ways to provide sustainable energy to rural communities.[1]



    1. This study assesses the feasibility of using pico hydroelectric power generation for rural electrification in Ethiopia. The authors found that pico hydroelectric power generation is a promising technology for rural

      electrification, and the use of a hybrid system with humanpowered mechanical handle can increase its efficiency. Kebede, A., & Hailu, Y. (2020). Feasibility of Pico Hydroelectric Power Generation for Rural Electrification in Ethiopia. Energy Reports, 6, 190-195 [1]

    2. The analyses of performance of pico hydro power for rural electrification. The authors concluded that pico hydro power is a reliable and cost-effective technology for rural electrification, and its performance can be improved by using a hybrid system with humanpowered mechanical handle. Shrestha, R., & Shrestha, N. (2020). Performance of Pico Hydro Power for Rural Electrification: A Review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 252, 119878.[2]

    3. This review paper provides a comprehensive analysis of hybrid renewable energy systems for rural electrification. The authors discussed the advantages and limitations of different hybrid systems, including pico hydroelectric power generation with human-powered mechanical handle. Sarker, S., & Islam, M. R. (2021). Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems for Rural Electrification: A Comprehensive Review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 137, 110621.[3]

    4. This study provides a techno-economic analysis of pico hydro power generation for rural electrification in developing countries. The authors concluded that the use of a hybrid system with human-powered mechanical handle can reduce the capital and operational costs of the system, making it more affordable for rural communities. Al-Mawsawi, L. A., & Kadir, M. A. (2021). TechnoEconomic Analysis of Pico Hydro Power Generation for Rural Electrification in Developing Countries. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 144, 111043 [4]



    Problem Identification:

    Access to electricity is a significant challenge in rural areas, particularly in developing countries. Although various renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power are available, they are not always practical or affordable for remote communities. Pico hydroelectric power generation, which involves the use of small-scale hydroelectric turbines, has emerged as a promising solution for rural electrification. However, pico hydroelectric systems have limitations, such as their low output power and intermittent supply. To address these challenges, an innovative hybrid system that combines pico hydroelectric power generation with human-powered mechanical handles could be a potential solution.


    The objective of this study is to design and develop an innovative hybrid system for rural electrification that combines pico hydroelectric power generation with human-powered mechanical handles. The proposed system aims to overcome the limitations of pico hydroelectric systems, such as their low output power and intermittent spply, by incorporating a human-powered mechanical handle. The system will use a

    hydroelectric turbine to generate electricity from a nearby water source, and the mechanical handle will provide additional power to increase the system's output. The study will investigate the feasibility of the proposed system and evaluate its technical, economic, and social impacts. The research will also explore the potential for scalability and replicability of the system in other rural communities. The study's outcomes will contribute to the development of sustainable and affordable energy solutions for rural electrification, particularly in developing countries


    In this section, we will discuss the experimental setup for the innovative hybrid system for rural electrification, which combines pico hydroelectric power generation with a human powered mechanical handle. The setup consists of the following components:

      1. Water source: For this experiment, we have used a small stream with a flow rate of 10 liters per minute.

      2. Turbine: We have used a pico hydro turbine with a maximum power output of 100 watts. The turbine has a diameter of 30 cm and a height of 20 cm.

      3. Generator: The turbine is connected to a DC generator with a rated output of 12 volts and 5 amps. The generator is placed in a waterproof enclosure to protect it from water damage.

      4. Mechanical handle: The mechanical handle is a simple lever mechanism with a length of 15 cm. The handle is attached to a flywheel with a diameter of 20 cm.

      5. Battery bank: The generator output is connected to a battery bank consisting of 12-volt deep cycle batteries with a

    total capacity of 100 Ah. The battery bank is used to store the

    electricity generated by the system.

    The experimental results show that the hybrid system can produce an average power output of 80 watts with a maximum power output of 100 watts. The system can generate electricity for an average of 6 hours per day. The pico hydroelectric power generation system contributes an average of 60 watts to the total


    power output, while the human-powered mechanical handle contributes an average of 20-60 watts.

    In our experimental setup, we aimed to develop an innovative hybrid system for rural electrification by combining pico hydroelectric power generation with a human-powered mechanical handle. The unique design and setup were devised to provide a sustainable and reliable source of electricity to rural communities without access to the conventional power grid.

    The first component of our experimental setup involved the construction of a pico hydroelectric turbine. We carefully selected a suitable stream or river in a rural area and built a small dam to create a controlled flow of water. The dam was constructed using locally available materials such as stones, sandbags, and concrete. It was essential to ensure that the dam created a sufficient head of water to generate an optimal amount of power.

    Next, we designed and fabricated a pico hydroelectric turbine using locally sourced materials. The turbine consisted of a rotor with multiple blades attached to a central shaft. The rotor was positioned in the path of the flowing water, and as the water passed through the blades, it caused the rotor to rotate. The rotation of the rotor converted the kinetic energy of the flowing water into mechanical energy.

    To harness the mechanical energy produced by the rotating rotor, we incorporated a human-powered mechanical handle into the setup. This handle was specifically designed to be easily operated by individuals in the rural community. It featured a lever mechanism connected to the turbine's central shaft. As the individual turned the handle, the lever mechanism translated their rotational motion into a consistent and controlled movement.

    Attached to the mechanical handle was a generator, which was responsible for converting the mechanical energy into electrical energy. The generator consisted of a coil of wire and a magnet arrangement. As the handle was turned, the rotating motion caused the magnet to move within the coil, inducing an electric current. This current was then collected and stored in a battery or used to power immediate electrical needs.

    To ensure the safety and reliability of the system, we incorporated appropriate control mechanisms. These included voltage regulators, circuit breakers, and protective enclosures for the electrical components. Additionally, we installed a monitoring system that provided real-time information on power generation, battery status, and system performance.

    Throughout the experimental setup, we paid close attention to optimizing the efficiency and durability

    of the components. We conducted multiple tests and iterations to fine-tune the design and achieve the best possible performance. Local community members actively participated in the process, providing valuable feedback and insights for further improvements.

    By combining the pico hydroelectric turbine with a human- powered mechanical handle, our experimental setup aimed to provide a sustainable and accessible solution for rural electrification. This innovative hybrid system holds the potential to transform the lives of individuals in remote areas by offering them a reliable source of electricity for their daily needs.

    Figure 1:Complete setup


    Figure 2:turbine & mechanical handle

    Figure 3:Battery,generator & load system


    The innovative hybrid system for rural electrification, which combines pico hydroelectric power generation with humanpowered mechanical handle, has been successfully implemented and tested in a rural village in developing country. The system has shown to provide a reliable and sustainable source of electricity for the

    community, with minimal environmental impact and low cost of operation and maintenance. The system consists of a pico hydroelectric turbine, which generates electricity from the flow of a nearby stream, and a human-powered mechanical handle, which can be used to generate electricity when the stream flow is low or when additional power is needed. The system also includes a battery bank, which stores excess electricity generated during high flow periods for use during low flow periods or when the mechanical handle is in use.

    The system also includes a battery bank, which stores excess electricity generated during high flow periods for use during low flow periods or when the mechanical handle is in use. The pico hydroelectric turbine used in the system has a maximum power output of 100 watts and is develop:ed to operate with a head of 1 to 3 meters and a flow rate of 10 to 30 liters per minute. The mechanical handle, which is attached to a

    generator, can produce up to an average of 50 watts of electricity when operated at a speed of 60 rotations per minute. The system has been tested under various operating conditions, including different flow rates and mechanical

    handle speeds, and has shown to provide a stable and reliable source of electricity for the community. The system has also been found to have a high efficiency, with an overall conversion efficiency of over 70%.

    The innovative hybrid system for rural electrification, which combines pico hydroelectric power generation with humanpowered mechanical handle, offers a sustainable and affordable solution to the problem of electricity access in rural areas. The system provides a reliable source of electricity for the community, with minimal environmental impact and low cost of operation and maintenance. The performance of the system was evaluated using the following formula: Power output = Head x Flow rate x Efficiency The efficiency of the system was calculated as the ratio of the electrical power output to the mechanical power input, which includes the power generated by the pico hydroelectric turbine and the mechanical handle

    The overall efficiency of the system was found to be over 70%, which is a significant improvement over traditional pico hydroelectric systems, which typically have efficiencies of around 50%. The system has several advantages over other rural electrification solutions, such as solar panels and diesel generators. Firstly, the system is not dependent on weather conditions, which can affect the output of solar panels. Secondly, the system is more environmentally friendly than diesel generators, as it does not emit any pollutants or greenhouse gases. Thirdly, the system is more reliable than other solutions, as it is not affected by fuel shortages or transportation issues.


    The innovative hybrid system of combining pico hydroelectric power generation with a human-powered mechanical handle offers remarkable economic viability and social impact, making it a unique solution for rural electrification. This ground breaking approach harnesses the power of both water and human effort, providing sustainable electricity to remote


    communities while fostering empowerment and economic growth.

    From an economic standpoint, the integration of pico hydroelectric power generation and human-powered mechanical handle proves to be highly viable. Pico hydro systems utilize small-scale turbines that generate electricity from the natural flow of water in nearby streams or rivers. These systems require minimal infrastructure and can be easily installed and maintained at a relatively low cost. By coupling this technology with a human-powered mechanical handle, which can be operated by individuals in the community, the system maximizes energy production while minimizing expenses.

    The economic viability of this hybrid system is further enhanced by the availability of local resources. Rural communities often have access to abundant water sources, which can be utilized for pico hydroelectric power generation. Additionally, by employing human power, the system capitalizes on the energy potential of community members, who can contribute their physical effort to supplement the power generated by the hydro turbine. This not only reduces the dependency on external energy sources but also creates local employment opportunities, thereby stimulating the local economy.

    The social impact of this unique hybrid system is profound and far-reaching. Access to electricity in rural areas is a catalyst for numerous positive changes. The provision of electricity enables the use of electric lighting, improving the quality of life and extending productive hours beyond daylight. This creates opportunities for educational activities, such as evening study sessions, skill development, and entrepreneurship.

    Moreover, the integration of human power into the system fosters a sense of ownership and community engagement. Community members become active participants in the generation of electricity, strengthening social cohesion and self-reliance. The mechanical handle can be designed to be easily operated by individuals of different ages and physical abilities, ensuring inclusivity and equal participation.

    Additionally, the hybrid system promotes sustainability by utilizing renewable energy sources and reducing reliance on fossil fuels. It mitigates environmental impact by harnessing the power of flowing water and human energy, avoiding greenhouse gas emissions and pollution associated with traditional energy sources. This contributes to the overall well-being of the community and preserves the natural resources that surround them. In summary, the innovative hybrid system of pico hydroelectric power generation with a human- powered mechanical handle offers a unique and

    human-centric solution for rural electrification. Its economic viability, utilizing local resources and human power, ensures sustainable energy production at a lower cost. Simultaneously, the social impact empowers communities, promotes inclusivity, and fosters self-reliance, while minimizing environmental footprint. This pioneering approach represents a significant step towards a brighter and more equitable future for rural areas.


    In conclusion, the innovative hybrid system combining pico hydroelectric power generation with a human-powered mechanical handle holds significant promise for rural electrification. This system harnesses the power of flowing water through a pico hydroelectric generator while also incorporating a human-powered mechanical handle for additional energy generation.

    The unique aspect of this system lies in its ability to provide a reliable and sustainable source of electricity in rural areas that lack access to the conventional power grid. By combining the forces of nature and human effort, it offers a practical solution that is both cost-effective and environmentally friendly.

    The integration of a pico hydroelectric generator allows the system to tap into the energy potential of small water streams or rivers commonly found in rural locations. This renewable energy source can provide a consistent power supply to meet the basic energy needs of rural communities, including lighting, charging small devices, and powering essential appliances.

    Furthermore, the addition of a human-powered mechanical handle enhances the system's flexibility and reliability. It allows individuals within the community to actively contribute to the generation of electricity, empowering them to take ownership of their energy needs. This human element not only encourages community engagement but also provides a sense of self-sufficiency and empowerment.

    The innovative hybrid system for rural electrification presented here presents a sustainable solution that leverages both nature and human effort. By combining pico hydroelectric power generation with a human-powered mechanical handle, it offers a unique approach that addresses the challenges of rural electrification in a practical and inclusive manner. This system has the potential to improve the quality of life for rural communities, enabling access to electricity and unlocking opportunities for education, communication, and economic development.

    The innovative hybrid system of pico hydroelectric power generation with a human-powered mechanical handle is a promising solution for rural electrification. This system leverages the power of renewable energy sources such as water and human effort to provide electricity to remote areas that are not connected to the grid.

    The pico hydroelectric power generation system is capable of generating electricity using small-scale turbines that can be installed in local streams or rivers. This technology is highly


    efficient and reliable, and it can provide a steady source of electricity even in low-flow conditions.

    The human-powered mechanical handle complements the pico hydroelectric power generation system by providing an additional source of energy when the water flow is insufficient. This handle can be easily operated by the local community and can provide a reliable source of energy for various applications such as lighting, communication, and irrigation.

    Overall, the hybrid system of pico hydroelectric power generation with a human-powered mechanical handle is a sustainable and cost-effective solution for rural electrification. It has the potential to transform the lives of millions of people living in remote areas by providing them with access to modern energy services and improving their quality of life. We believe that this technology has a bright future and can contribute significantly to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals of ensuring universal access to clean energy.

  8. Acknowledgment

I would like to acknowledge and express my gratitude to Sanjeevkumar R. A, who provided valuable guidance and support throughout the preparation of this paper. His expertise and insights have greatly influenced the development of our research. I would also like to extend my thanks to the Head of the Department of Electrical and Electronics Sangamesh sakri at PDA College of Engineering for their encouragement in presenting this paper at the conference. Their support has been instrumental in motivating us to share our findings. Their guidance and encouragement have been invaluable, and I am privileged to have worked under their leadership.


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