Exploring the Path of Building a Case Library for New Liberal Arts Courses in Universities from an Evidence-based Perspective

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV12IS070043

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Exploring the Path of Building a Case Library for New Liberal Arts Courses in Universities from an Evidence-based Perspective

1Zhaoyi Li, 2Chengfei Wei

1 Lecturer, School of Journalism, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, Nanjing, China

2 (Corresponding Author) Lecturer, School of Marxism, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, Nanjing, China; P.h.D, Jindal Institute of Behavioural Sciences, O.P. Jindal Global University, Haryana, India

Abstract: The construction of a case library for new liberal arts courses in universities faces practical difficulties such as unclear target positioning, lack of technical means, and incomplete evaluation mechanisms. The core of evidence-based theory lies in finding the most scientific data and evidence to solve the problem of service recipients. Building a case library for new liberal arts courses in universities from an evidence-based perspective is necessary for top-level driving, technical support, and practical needs. Exploring the path of building a case library for new liberal arts courses in universities from an evidence-based perspective requires paying attention to three aspects: Guided by evidence-based concepts, clarifying the goals of building a case library for new liberal arts courses; Based on evidence-based methods, create a case library for new liberal arts courses; With Evidence-based practice as a reference, establish the evaluation criteria of the new liberal arts curriculum case database system.

Keywords: Evidence-based; New liberal arts; Course case library; Institutions of higher learning


The new liberal arts is a concept proposed by Hiram College in order to combine new technology with traditional liberal arts, aiming at integrating modern information technology into social science education, providing college students with multiple ways to acquire knowledge, expand knowledge and cultivate and enhance innovative thinking. Currently, the construction of new liberal arts courses has become a hot topic in the field of higher education in recent years. On the one hand, universities continue to improve the teaching of humanities-related courses; On the other hand, it effectively integrates high-quality teaching resources on the basis of the existing professional curriculum teaching and uses intelligent technology to open emerging interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary courses and practical teaching courses. In addition, various universities are actively promoting the construction of the new liberal arts curriculum system, and the case library of the new liberal arts curriculum is an important link and necessary path in actively promoting the construction of the new liberal arts curriculum system.

There have been a lot of studies in the academic community on the construction of case libraries for new liberal arts courses in universities. Based on the characteristics of different majors, such as medicine, history, and chemistry courses teaching case libraries, a new case library construction plan that is in line with the development of this major has been proposed. However, there is relatively little research on building a course case library based on scientific concepts and methods to deepen the concept of new liberal arts construction. Therefore, this article proposes that building a course case library based on an evidence-based perspective has both theoretical and practical significance.

  1. The Realistic Dilemma Faced by the Construction of Case Library for New Liberal Arts Courses in Universities

    The construction of a case library for new liberal arts courses is an effective support for the smooth implementation of the new liberal arts course system. It is not only a main tool to help teach various types of new liberal arts courses, including general courses, basic courses, and professional courses, but also a supportive tool to optimize the demand side of the university discipline system and promote the construction and innovation of the education and teaching system. Although the construction of the new liberal arts curriculum system in various universities has made good progress, the construction of the new liberal arts curriculum case library is facing many practical difficulties.

      1. The targeted positioning of the construction of the new liberal arts course case library is not clear

        The novelty of the new liberal arts lies in emphasizing the cross-listing of some advanced courses in one major with another major (the same course will meet the professional needs of two different majors); Teachers integrate mobile technology into the curriculum.[1] In other words, the new liberal arts education integrates emerging technologies based on the separation of traditional disciplines and a knowledge system that emphasizes the characteristics of liberal arts, adding content elements related to other disciplines and majors, and endowing liberal arts education with stronger practicality.

        Due to the fact that the construction of new liberal arts courses is a new teaching task and goal integrated into the general, basic, and professional courses offered by each secondary college, the construction of case libraries needs to rely on each secondary college. At present, there is a problem of unclear positioning of the construction goals of various secondary colleges. Firstly, some secondary colleges believe that the construction of new liberal arts courses is only a new form of disciplinary and educational system development. As a highly specialized college, it should focus on teaching professional theoretical and practical knowledge, which leads to an excessive emphasis on the knowledge system of disciplinary separation and professional characteristics. However, a single knowledge transfer cannot meet the needs of students. To put it further, even if new technologies and other related disciplines are integrated, there is still a simple stacking of technology integration with other related disciplines and professional case selection. Secondly, there is a lack of high-level positioning, cognitive biases, and a lack of clear teaching objectives to formulate, implement, lay out, and promote the construction of new liberal arts courses. It is believed that there is currently no need to invest too much manpower, material resources, and financial resources in building a new liberal arts course case library. Thirdly, the positioning of professional course teachers in the construction of new liberal arts courses is not accurate, and their understanding is not deep enough. There is a phenomenon of selecting new cases (including related content of other disciplines) and previous professional cases being two skins. The construction of the case library for new liberal arts courses should not only consider the integration of new technologies but also consider the selection of new cases that align with the professional knowledge imparted. At present, it is inevitable that there is a phenomenon of hard integration among professional course teachers, which means that the integrated cases cannot meet the actual needs of students.

      2. The construction methods of the new liberal arts course case library lack technical expertise

        The construction of a case library for new liberal arts courses requires the selection of appropriate methods, but the current construction methods lack technical expertise. Firstly, the case library of the new liberal arts curriculum is mainly based on various disciplines in various universities, mostly for internal use, resulting in limited resource sharing of the case library. In fact, as early as thebeginning of the 21st century, various disciplines, especially liberal arts majors, have begun to build course case libraries to assist teaching. For example, the construction of news and communication professional case libraries has been explored and gained in various countries around the world. In 2007, the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism began to implement the plan and declared that Knights Case study is a new exploration of the School of Journalism. In 2011, it was renamed the Case Consortium of Columbia, As the most comprehensive, professional, and internationally influential case

        library platform currently available. The School of Journalism of Renmin University of China began to explore the construction of a professional case library in 2005, and then Central China Normal University began to build a professional case library, which is also a pioneer in the world. But the problem is that most of the construction of case libraries for liberal arts courses is based on universities, and resources are not interconnected between schools. Teachers and students from other universities are unable to view and use relevant course case libraries without permission, resulting in low resource utilization and conversion rates of case libraries, which cannot be opened for use by subject teachers, students, and researchers from various universities around the world. This phenomenon gradually extends to the construction process of the new liberal arts curriculum case library. Each university only builds on a small scale, without timely communication with other universities regarding the construction concept and implementation plan. It is also difficult to adjust and modify according to the suggestions and opinions of scholars and experts, which is likely to lead to the problem of dividing disciplines into different disciplines and building a closed door in the construction of the new liberal arts curriculum case library.

        The second is that scientific methods have not yet been found to obtain the best case studies for the course. With the continuous development of technology and the development concept of new liberal arts construction, it is necessary to break the traditional mode of relying on the manual collection of cases. The traditional method not only requires more professional course teachers to invest in it, resulting in a longer construction cycle, but also has the problem of unscientific case collection, selection, and analysis. Therefore, how to select suitable methods in the continuous development of technology is currently an urgent problem to be solved. Some colleges and universities use the big data screening method, focusing on selecting relevance cases without considering causality. Although the dilemma faced by traditional methods is alleviated to some extent, it cannot completely solve the fundamental problem. For example, in a massive number of cases, it is inevitable that inaccurate or non-compliant course cases may appear, and once these cases are selected in the case library, they cannot be accurately used in the later stage. It is even possible that professional course teachers may choose cases with inaccurate analysis during course teaching due to unfamiliarity with other related subject content, which greatly reduces student participation and teaching effectiveness.

      3. The evaluation mechanism for the construction of the new liberal arts course case library is not sound

    From the construction of the new liberal arts course case library, it can be seen that the second-level colleges of various universities have not formed a unified outline and specific requirements, which makes it difficult to establish a standardized evaluation mechanism for the construction of the new liberal arts course case library, leading to the lack of unified storage standards for selected cases. Firstly, the selection of some cases is relatively vague and arbitrary. On the one hand, professional course teachers have a good understanding of the system and content of the professional knowledge they impart and develop outlines and plans before teaching. The classroom design is relatively formed. After the reform of the new liberal arts curriculum system, it is relatively unclear how to select cases that are coupled with the curriculum. On the other hand, due to the lack of understanding of new technologies or interdisciplinary content among professional course teachers, the selection of cases is

    highly likely to lack relevant elements of new technologies or interdisciplinary content, and the selected cases cannot reach a consensus with the teaching objectives of professional courses, resulting in a more arbitrary selection of cases.

    Secondly, it is difficult to accurately analyze cases of new liberal arts courses. Building a case library for new liberal arts courses does not include all cases related to new technologies or other disciplines that match professional knowledge, but rather requires evaluation and analysis of the selected cases. However, at present, professional course teachers lack new media literacy and interdisciplinary thinking ability, excessive evaluation and analysis of professional knowledge, and inadequate analysis of new technologies and interdisciplinary content, failing to explore connotation and master precise teaching methods. This is likely to lead to the uniform selection and analysis of teaching cases, and the homogenization and simplification of course case libraries

    directly affect the breadth and depth of case library construction. Given the vague and arbitrary selection of cases, fragmented new technological elements, and interdisciplinary content integration, it is difficult to accurately analyze cases, which can easily lead to formalized and labeled construction and weaken the overall effectiveness of the new liberal arts course case library construction.

  2. The necessity of constructing a case library for new liberal arts courses from an evidence-based perspective

    The term evidence-based originates from evidence-based medicine, and means to use the best available research evidence carefully, accurately and wisely to determine patient treatment measures. [2] Its core idea is to continuously search for massive and diverse clinical experience data, providing information explanations and references for clinical diagnosis and treatment, clinical research, and health decision-making in the form of written and electronic publications. Thus, the evidence-based approach involves finding the most scientific data and evidence to address the issues of service recipients.

    In the 1990s, the field of social sciences gradually used the ideas and methods of evidence-based medicine for reference, through the perfect combination of research object group will, the best evidence and research methods, to profoundly reveal and explain the regularity and scientific problems in the field of social sciences, and then promote the development of scientific decision-making and Evidence-based practice as an emerging interdisciplinary.[3] It can be said that based on evidence-based practice and intelligent technology, a more intelligent, accurate, and convenient case library of new liberal arts courses will be built to meet the practical needs of researchers, educators, and educational objects. Moreover, with the introduction of the evidence-based research method of scientific research evidence trend into the construction of new liberal arts course case libraries, alleviating the problems of hard integration and superficial of course cases, it will undoubtedly be beneficial to improve the scientificity and accuracy of new liberal arts course case libraries in universities. In a certain sense, it is necessary to build a case library for new liberal arts courses in universities from an evidence-based perspective in three aspects.

      1. Building a case library for new liberal arts courses from an evidence-based perspective has a top-level drive

        New liberal arts education needs o break down disciplinary and professional barriers, and building a new liberal arts curriculum case library can cross-disciplinary, professional, and curriculum boundaries, allowing obscure and difficult-to-understand professional knowledge of various disciplines to be imparted to students through case studies to broaden their academic horizons. Therefore, building a course case library based on an evidence-based perspective can better serve the teaching practice of new liberal arts courses.

        At the same time, the case library of new liberal arts courses is developed through technological empowerment to improve the quality of construction. Based on an evidence-based perspective and driven by top-level construction, the case library will supplement and deepen the exploration path of various disciplines and professional courses in universities. The construction of new liberal arts has shifted from the disciplinary barriers of traditional liberal arts teaching to the organic integration of new technologies and interdisciplinary courses. Based on an evidence-based perspective, corresponding case library construction plans can be tailored to the characteristics of each college and major, avoiding a one size fits all approach. It is no longer just a simple supplement to the case library content by professional course teachers, but an effective construction of new liberal arts course case libraries based on science and technology. To some extent, the problem of vague and arbitrary case selection by professional course teachers in the past will be solved, and the scientific construction of the course case library will also drive the comprehensive innovation and development of the new liberal arts education system.

      2. Building a case library for new liberal arts courses from an evidence-based perspective has technical support

        The evidence-based theory is applicable to various types of education, especially in highly specialized higher education, as university teachers and students pay more attention to the selection of methods and methods in teaching and research. The

        construction of a scientific case library also enables teachers to guide students to transform the knowledge and skills they have learned into internal morality and literacy based on the teaching of professional courses and focuses on cultivating students to use scientific means to achieve personal development. It can be said that evidence-based theory is highly consistent with the construction of case libraries for new liberal arts courses in universities. Building a case library for new liberal arts courses in universities from an evidence-based perspective is an inevitable and scientific choice. The focus of constructing a case library for new liberal arts courses in universities is on technical support. As a scientific research category, evidence-based theory maximizes the lack of external validity of traditional empirical research and improves research validity by collecting, evaluating, and selecting the best evidence, thus increasing the stability and replicability of social science discoveries. Therefore, evidence collection, integration, evaluation, and selection are the necessary paths for the scientific, objective, and practical transformation of situational social problem research. They are important optimizations of traditional statistical analysis methods, basic prerequisites for promoting the application of social sciences, important measures to improve research reliability and validity, and also the fundamental core of the construction of the new liberal arts curriculum case library.[4] Specifically, the internet is filled with various cases, some of which are just simple cases without specific analysis, and even the analysis may be second-hand materials with varying quality. If we search for corresponding course cases based on the teaching objectives of each class, it is inevitable that there is a problem of looking for a needle in a haystack, and it is not necessarily accurate to find suitable cases in a short period of time. Building a course case library based on an evidence-based perspective can quickly select cases that meet the characteristics and knowledge content of the college and major from a large number of cases, reducing the difficulty and poor selection of cases, making case collection and selection more scientific and precise, and providing support for scientific teaching. Moreover, the use of scientific research methods can help transform the best cases into knowledge resources in the case library of new liberal arts courses in universities, ensuring the accuracy and rationality of the construction direction, and further promoting the high-level development of various disciplines and majors.

      3. There is a practical need to build a case library for new liberal arts courses based on an evidence-based perspective

    The purpose of constructing a case library for new liberal arts courses is to meet practical needs. Based on an evidence-based perspective, it not only improves the teaching ability of professional course teachers but also provides guidance for cultivating versatile talents. On the one hand, reform and innovation in the field of education cannot be separated from the construction and improvement of the teaching staff. An excellent university teacher should be the four guides for students, the guide for students to hone their character, the guide for students to learn knowledge, innovate their thinking, and contribute to their motherland. Due to the fact that the evidence-based approach is a new perspective, building a case library for new liberal arts courses in universities from this perspective requires consideration of teachers learning and mastery of multi-dimensional goals such as case resource management, method and technology mastery, and service mode analysis. Therefore, professional course teachers must constantly learn in order to better build a case library for new liberal arts courses and select appropriate course cases from the case library, thereby improving course teaching capabilities.

    On the other hand, building a case library based on an evidence-based perspective focuses on cultivating the learning ability, technical ability, application ability, decision-making ability, and other aspects of the target audience. It requires the target audience to be proficient in relevant technologies and operational skills, master multi-disciplinary knowledge, break their professional limitations, expand their research fields, and provide guidance for cultivating versatile talents. At the same time, building a case library for new liberal arts courses from an evidence-based perspective meets the personalized needs of university students. For students, besides studying in the classroom, it is essential to quickly and accurately find their target cases in the new liberal arts course case library after class. Building a case library for new liberal arts courses from an evidence-based perspective

    facilitates students to quickly and accurately search, saving search time and providing more enjoyable and exclusive services. In other words, starting from the actual needs of students, constantly updating and constructing the case library of new liberal arts courses, shifting from passive giving to active demand, ultimately enabling all trainees to incorporate the ideal of precise learning into reality.

  3. The Implementation Path of Building a Case Library for New Liberal Arts Courses from an Evidence-Based Perspective The task of constructing a case library for new liberal arts courses is arduous. On the surface, the construction of a case library is to serve teaching, but in reality, it is to improve the systematic mechanism of the new liberal arts education system and talent cultivation system. Compared to the construction of traditional course case libraries, starting from an evidence-based perspective not only means more scientific and practical decision-making and planning, but also means more convenient, precise, andefficient course careers and practical revolution. With the support and empowerment of various intelligent technology in the information age, the evidence-based perspective is constantly improving, and it will also promote the scientific, intelligent, and

dynamic leap of course case library construction.

It can be seen that building a course case library based on an evidence-based perspective is not only a concept and approach for the construction of new humanities but also includes promotion strategies and practical paths. The following three construction links must be highly valued.

    1. Guided by evidence-based concepts, clarify the construction goals of the new liberal arts course case library

      The evidence-based concept emphasizes the comprehensive application of high-quality evidence. Currently, various structured data, semi-structured data, and unstructured data provide rich data support for scientific research, and scientific quantitative research has also ushered in a development climax. However, transforming ubiquitous data into evidence that can be used under evidence-based concepts requires scientific processes such as peer review, system evaluation, and guideline authentication. It is necessary to promote data in four aspects: evidence production, evidence synthesis, evidence evaluation, and evidence application the conversion of evidence at different stages ultimately forms a closed-loop evidence ecosystem system, thereby achieving the comprehensive application of high-quality evidence in the scientific field.[5] Guided by the evidence-based concept, the aim is to compare complex course cases to data and use this concept to guide the transformation of general and complex course cases into high-quality and optimal course cases, which can be invested in the case library to create a scientific course ideological and political case library. It can be said that the evidence-based concept will empower the construction of the new liberal arts course case library to gain higher scientific recognition and build a rigorous and precise course case library that organically integrates disciplines and majors.

      The first is to clarify the service targets for the construction of the new liberal arts course case library. The evidence-based concept lies in providing scientific and satisfactory information services to service recipients. The main body of higher education is teachers and students, therefore, the construction of a new liberal arts curriculum case library based on evidence-based concepts should target the actual needs of teachers and students. When formulating top-level designs, universities will focus on serving both teachers and students as a whole. Each college and major will further plan from the organizational system, construction logic, and policy support, integrate resources, and coordinate development.

      The second is to clarify the concept of collaborative education among teachers in various disciplines and majors. In the construction process of the new liberal arts curriculum case library, it is inevitable that teachers of a single discipline or professional course will encounter unfamiliar fields. It is necessary to strengthen communication with teachers of other disciplines and majors to accurately analyze interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary elements in curriculum cases. This will play a huge role in promoting the construction of the case library.

      The third is to clarify the personalized needs of students. The construction of the new liberal arts course case library is not only to provide convenient information services for professional course teachers but also to meet the personalized needs of educational objects in the new era. Based on the evidence-based concept, use scientific means to comprehensively grasp the needs of educational objects for courses, accurately analyze which course cases educational objects are interested in according to data such as click-through rate and length of stay on the page, and accurately implement educational programs in future teaching. Students can also rely on new technologies to extend their learning time and enrich their learning resources.

    2. Based on evidence-based methods, create a case library for new liberal arts courses

      The construction concept of the new liberal arts course case library can be likened to the knowledge service platform of China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), where evidence at all levels can be queried and used by service objects. This not only saves time and cost in collecting evidence but also accurately meets the different needs of service objects.

      The first is to establish a scientifically oriented case selection standard. Meta-analysis and systematic evaluation in evidence-based research methods are fundamental components of the scientific process by synthesizing the original scientific research results to achieve a comprehensive understanding and problem-solving and determining the sources of changes in research results.[6] Intended to obtain higher-level scientific evidence. The prerequisite for forming a systematic evaluation standard for the case library of new liberal arts courses is to comprehensively and accurately select course cases, analyze the selected course cases using techniques such as meta-analysis and systematic evaluation, and obtain more scientific cases. Specifically, cases can be classified according to different colleges and majors, and classified and graded according to evidence-based methods. For example, they can be divided into general course cases (where students can quickly identify valuable content), special course cases (including interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary content that requires professional course teachers to analyze and explain in conjunction with the course), etc., optimizing the structure of case types and forming a strong driving force for the development of professional course databases. Based on the position of each chapter in the entire semesters curriculum, determine the number of course cases for each chapter, such as 3-5 cases for key chapters and 1-2 cases for basic chapters.

      The second is to establish a curriculum-oriented case analysis standard. The analysis of course cases should be based on the course arrangement, rather than solely focusing on the value of the case itself. Therefore, selecting professional course teachers to analyze course cases can provide a better understanding, of course, teaching objectives, teaching plans, teaching requirements, etc. Specifically, for general course cases, provide a point-by-point analysis, with at least 500 words or more. For influential special course cases, combined with professional characteristics, different types of analysis such as text, animation, and audio and video are selected to avoid the monotony and dryness of text analysis. If the course case has already been analyzed and the content cannot be directly used, it should be organized and summarized, indicating the source of citation, to avoid infringing on the copyright of others.

    3. With evidence-based practice as a reference, establish a systematic evaluation standard for the case base of new liberal arts courses

The construction of the new liberal arts curriculum case base needs to form a systematic evaluation standard for the case base operation mode, referring to as the evidence-based practice mode, that is, dynamic research methods and rigorous method design, to ensure the standardization of process research and the authenticity of research results to the greatest extent. This is undoubtedly an important means to improve the quality of the new liberal arts course case library, consolidate the teaching quality of the course, and enhance the adaptability of high-level talent cultivation.

The first is to dynamically update the case library of traditional courses in various majors. Although it is the construction of a

new case library for liberal arts courses, the traditional case library also needs to be updated ogether. For example, journalism, communication studies, law, finance, and other majors with obvious professionalism and practicality have established case bases that conform to their own disciplinary development. Therefore, the evaluation criteria for case bases of these professional courses should be updated and improved according to professional characteristics, teachers and students needs, and a disciplinary team should be formed to re-evaluate cases in the case base, remove outdated cases, and add and update cases in a timely and regular manner. To a certain extent, it can provide systematic evaluation standards support for the precise selection of new liberal arts course cases and the scientific construction of case libraries in various majors.

The second is to establish a standard for the operation system of the new liberal arts course case library. Adhering to the concept of dynamism, on the one hand, maintains the dynamism of course case selection and analysis. In the future construction and practice of the new liberal arts course case library, it is still necessary to maintain real-time and effective supplementation and update of the case library. Because any effective case selection and analysis can be completed not only through a single construction task, but also by continuously removing redundant content and supplementing new content to meet the needs of the times, keeping the entire case library in a dynamic and sufficient state, to ensure that the cases in the database are the latest and best cases, and better serve and practice professional course teachers and students. On the other hand, maintain the dynamism of method usage. Actively use cloud computing, big data analysis, intelligent algorithms, and other emerging technologies to comprehensively mine the massive curriculum case resource pool, deeply explore the relevance of discrete case sets, and boost the accuracy and effectiveness of evidence-based, so as to avoid professional course teachers preference for simple subjective experience when selecting cases, and thus improve the accuracy and scientificity of the construction of the new liberal arts curriculum case database. In addition, establish a feedback mechanism and reward policy for the case library of new liberal arts courses. Establish a feedback pool to collect and summarize the suggestions and opinions of teachers, students, and researchers from various universities on the use of the new liberal arts course case library, and regularly organize discipline professional teams to analyze it and propose improvement plans. At the same time, evaluate the case library of the new liberal arts curriculum and promptly delete inappropriate case selection and analysis. Reward professional course teachers or teams with outstanding case signatures, and continuously optimize and innovate the case library of new liberal arts courses.


The construction of a case library for new liberal arts courses is an important measure for building a new liberal arts curriculum, and also a practical exploration for creating a high-end communication platform for scientific and technological information. Building a new case library for humanities courses from an evidence-based perspective, utilizing intelligent technology and precise methods to scientifically approach the problem threshold of traditional humanities, striving to break down disciplinary and professional barriers, reforming traditional teaching systems, and creating a course case library that intersects and integrates different fields. This is of great significance for the reform of academic paradigms, optimization of teaching content, and innovation in talent cultivation.


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