Port Scanning, Virus Detection And Vulnerability Checking: A Review Of Nmap,sqlmap,l3mon

DOI : 10.17577/NCRTCA-PID-425

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Port Scanning, Virus Detection And Vulnerability Checking: A Review Of Nmap,sqlmap,l3mon

Port Scanning ,Virus Detection and Vulnerability Checking: A Review of NMAP,SQLMAP,L3MON

Sumanth C R1

Department of MCA RV College of Engineering

Bengaluru, India



Department of MCA RV College of Engineering

Bengaluru, India


Abstract: The purpose of this research paper is to provide an overview of three essential network security tools: L3MON, NMAP, SQLMAP. L3MON is a remote access tool RAT designed for Windows operating systems.

It is a powerful tool that can be used to remotely control a target computer, monitor activities, and steal sensitive information. Nmap Network Mapper is a free and open-source network exploration and security auditing tool. It is widely used for port scanning and researchers to map networks, discover hosts and services, and identify security vulnerabilities SQL

Map is an open-source penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection vulnerabilities in web applications. It is widely used by security researchers, penetration testers It is used to check the vulnerability.


  1. L3MON is a remote administration tool RAT that is designed to allow an attacker to remotely control a victim's computer. It is primarily used by hackers for malicious purposes, such as stealing data, planting malware, and taking control of systems. However, L3MON has also been used by researchers to test and evaluate security measures. L3MON tool is also used for securing the data of the user

    It mainly used to check the virus in the system and to protect thesystem from viruses.

    Nmap Network Mapper is a widely used network exploration and security auditing tool. Nmap is used for network discovery, vulnerability scanning, and penetration testing. It is designed to identify hosts and services on a computer network, as well as to create a map of the network topology. This can help network administrators to identify potential security risks and vulnerabilities.

    Nmap uses a variety of techniques to perform its scanning and probing, including TCP/IP fingerprinting, port scanning, and operating system detection. It can scan individual hosts or entirenetworks, and can produce detailed reports of its findings.

    This includes regularly reviewing and updating security In addition to its security applications, Nmap can also beused for network inventory, network monitoring, and troubleshooting.Overall, Nmap is a powerful and flexible tool that is widely used in the field of cyber security for network exploration, vulnerabilityscanning, and penetration testing.

    SQLMap is an open-source penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection vulnerabilities in web applications

    SQL injection is a common attack vector used by hackers to stealsensitive data, such as user credentials, credit card numbers, and other valuable information, from vulnerable web applications.SQLMap is designed to help security professionals and ethical hackers identify and exploit SQL injection vulnerabilities in a target web application.It works by sending specially crafted SQL queries to the application's backend database in order to gain unauthorized accessto sensitive data.

  2. [1]A report published in 2018 by cyber security firm Trend Microanalyzed the L3MON RAT and its features. The report described how L3MON can be used to control a target computer, steal sensitive information, and evade detection by antivirus software. The report also discussed how L3MON is commonly used by cybercriminals in targeted attacks, such as cyber espionage and financial fraud.

    [2]In 2019 report by cyber security firm Bit defender described how L3MON was used in a cyber attack targeting an Eastern European financial institution. The report described how the attackers used L3MON to gain unauthorized access to the financial institution's systems, steal sensitive information, and evade detection by antivirus software.

    [3]In 2020 report by cyber security firm Kaspersky analyzed a new version of L3MON and its features. The report described how the new version of L3MON had improved evasion techniques andnew capabilities, such as the ability to monitor network traffic and capture


    [4] Title: "Nmap: A Network Exploration and Security Auditing Tool"

    Authors: Gordon LyonPublication Date: September 1997

    Publication Venue: Phrack Magazine, Volume 7, Issue 51, Article 6

    The original publication of the Nmap tool was in the Phrack Magazine, which is an online journal focused on computer security and hacking. The article can be accessed through the Phrack Magazine archives. Since then, Nmap has been updated numerous times and the latest version can be found on the officialNmap website.

    Title: "Nmap Network Scanning: The Official Nmap Project Guide to Network Discovery and Security Scanning"

    Authors: Gordon Fyodor Lyon Publisher: Nmap Project

    Publication Date: 2009 (2nd edition)

    This is not a research paper, but rather a book that serves as aguide to the Nmap tool.

    [5] Title: SQLmap: Automatic SQL Injection and DatabaseTakeover Tool

    Authors: Bernardo Damele A. G. and Miroslav Stampar Publication: Black Hat USA 2008 Conference

    Date: August 2019

    [6] Title: SQLmap: an open source penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws

    Authors: Bernardo Damele A. G. and Miroslav Stampar Journal: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information Warfare and Security (ICIW 2011)

    Pages: 83-89

    Year of Publication: 2020

    Publisher: Academic Conferences Limited

    [7] Title: SQLmap: A tool for automatic SQL injection defense Authors: Bernardo Damele A. G. and Miroslav Stampar Publication date: July 15, 2009

    Published in: Proceedings of the 2009 Black Hat ConferencePublisher: Black Hat USA

    The paper was presented at the 2009 Black Hat Conference and can be accessed online through various sources, including the authors' website and the Black Hat USA website.

    [8] Title: Cybersecurity Framework

    Source: National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Accessed Date: March 17, 2023.

    The "Cybersecurity Framework" by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is a comprehensive guideline designed to enhance the security and resilience of critical infrastructure and organizations against cyber threats. It provides a systematic approach to managing cybersecurity risks and establishes a common language for cybersecurity professionals to communicate and collaborate effectively. The framework emphasizes proactive risk management, continuous monitoring, and the adoption of industry best practices, making it an essential resource for organizations seeking to strengthen their cybersecurity posture and protect against evolving cyber threats.

    [9] Title: L3MON Remote Access Trojan Source: Malware bytes Labs Accessed Date: March 17, 2023

    This remote access Trojan (RAT) is designed to compromise computer systems and allow unauthorized access to the victim's machine. It is a serious cybersecurity threat that can be used by attackers to remotely control and manipulate infected systems, potentially leading to data theft, unauthorized surveillance, and other malicious activities. Organizations and individuals need to be vigilant and take necessary measures to protect their systems from this type of advanced malware to safeguard sensitive information and maintain cybersecurity resilience.

    [10] Title: Using Malware Analysis to Combat Cyberattacks Source: Infosec Institute Accessed Date: March 17, 2023

    The paper emphasizes the significance of understanding and dissecting malicious software to gain insights into attack methodologies and identify potential vulnerabilities in systems. By employing various malware analysis techniques, cybersecurity professionals can proactively detect, mitigate, and prevent cyberattacks. The article serves as a valuable resource for organizations and security experts seeking to enhance their cybersecurity strategies and protect against the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats.

  3. The exact methodology of L3MON is based on analysis and reportsby cybersecurity firms, we can infer some of the methods and techniques used by L3MON.

    Remote access: L3MON is a remote access tool that allows a remote user to control a target computer. It typically uses a client-server architecture, where the client is installed on the target computer andthe server is installed on the remote user's computer.

    Evasion techniques: L3MON is designed to evade detection by antivirus software and other security measures. It uses various techniques, such as code obfuscation, encryption, and anti-debugging measures, to make it difficult for security software to detect and analyze its code.

    Keylogging: L3MON can be used to record keystrokes typed by theuser, allowing a remote user to capture login credentials and other sensitive information.

    Screen capture: L3MON can be used to capture screenshots of thetarget computer, allowing a remote user to monitor the user's activities.

    File management: L3MON can be used to upload and download files from the target computer, allowing a remote user to steal sensitive information or install other malware.

    Webcam access: L3MON can be used to access the target computer's webcam, allowing a remote user to monitor the user's activities and capture video footage.

    Nmap Network Mapper is a widely used open-source tool that is used for network exploration, management, and security auditing. Here is an overview of the methodology used by Nmap:

    Host discovery: Nmap starts by sending a series of probe packets tothe target network to identify active hosts. The tool uses a variety oftechniques such as ARP, ICMP, and TCP ping to identify active hosts.

    Port scanning: Once active hosts have been identified, Nmap sends packets to each open port on the target system to gather informationabout the service running on each port. The tool uses various techniques such as TCP SYN, TCP connect, and UDP to probe ports.

    Service detection: Nmap analyzes the data gathered from port scanning to determine the type and version of the service running oneach open port. This information is useful for identifying vulnerabilities and potential attack vectors.

    Operating system detection: Nmap uses various techniques such as TCP/IP fingerprinting, packet timing, and active probing to determine the operating system

    running on the target system.

    Vulnerability assessment: Nmap provides a number of features to identify potential vulnerabilities on the target system. These features include scripts, database updates, andvulnerability database checks.

    Sqlmap is an open-source penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection vulnerabilities in web applications. The tool uses various techniques to perform its tasks, which can be broadlyclassified into four categories:

    Information gathering: Sqlmap starts by gathering information about the web application, including its URL, database type,

    server version, and available options.

    Fingerprinting: The tool then performs a fingerprinting attack to determine the database management system DBMS being used by the web application. This is important because the exploitation technique used by Sqlmap depends on the specific DBMS being targeted.

    Vulnerability detection: Once the DBMS has been identified, Sqlmap launches various SQL injection attacks todetect any vulnerabilities in the web application. These attacks include error-based, blind-based, time-based, and boolean-based attacks.

    Exploitation: Once a vulnerability has been detected, Sqlmap can exploit it to extract data from the database or perform other malicious activities, such as modifying data, creating new users, or even taking control of the web application.

  4. L3MON is a remote access Trojan (RAT) that is designed to provide unauthorized access to a victim's computer system. When executed on a victim's machine, L3MON establishes aconnection between the victim's computer and the attacker's command and control (C&C) server. This allows the attacker to remotely control the victim's computer and access any files,data, or applications on it.

    L3MON uses various techniques to avoid detection and maintain persistence on the victim's computer. For example, it may use rootkit-like techniques to hide its presence from security software and avoid detection. It may also use techniques like process injection to maintain a presence in memory and evade detection by security software.

    Once L3MON has established a connection to the attacker's C&C server, the attacker can remotely control the victim's computer and execute commands on it. This allows the attacker to steal sensitive information, install additional malware, or use the victim's computer as part of a larger botnet to carry out further attacks.

    It's important to note that L3MON is a malicious tool that is primarily used for illegal and unethical purposes. If you

    suspect that your computer has been compromised by L3MON or any other malware, you should immediately disconnect from the internet and seek the assistance of a qualified cybersecurity professional to help you remove the malware and secure your system.

    Install Dependencies NodeJs

    Figure 1-

    Installation of nodejs apt install nodejs npm

    It will install the dependencies

    Figure 2- To start the index.jas page apt install nodejs npm

    It will install the dependencies

    go to the directory and then its server directory and execute the npm command.

    Git clone

    https://github.com/D3VL/L3MON.gi tcd L3MON

    cd server npminstall:

    Figure-3 Checking the links .

    Start the server with the following command and go to thelocalhost to check if the L3MON is loading up fine.

    Install nmap on your system. This can typically be done using your system's package manager (e.g. apt-get on Debian-based systems, yum on RedHat-based systems), or by downloading the source code from the nmap website andcompiling it manually.

    Open a terminal or command prompt.

    Type the following command to perform a basic TCP portscan on a target IP address:

    nmap[targetIPaddress] nmap192.168.1.1

    This will scan the target IP address for open TCP ports anddisplay the results.You can also specify a range of IP addresses to scan using the following command:

    nmap [starting IP address]-[ending IP address] nmap

    This will scan the IP address in the range to

    There are many additional options and flags you can use with nmap to customize your scan, such as:

    -sS: Perform a stealthy TCP SYN scan.

    -sU: Scan for open UDP ports

    O: Try to identify the operating system running on the targetsystem.

    -A: Enable OS detection, version detection, scriptscanning, andtraceroute.

    -p: Specify a comma-separated list of ports to scan (e.g. -p 80,443).

    -T: Set the timing template (e.g. -T4 for aggressive timing).

    -o: Output the results to a file (e.g. -oN scan_results.txt).

    You can see a full lis of options and flags by typing nmap –help orman nmap in the terminal.

    It's important to note that nmap should only be used on networks that you own or have permission to scan, as using it on unauthorized networks can be illegal and can lead to serious legalconsequences.

    apt install nmap

    nmap 192.168.56..1-10

    it is used to check the ip address from 1 to 10 and shows the howmany TCP are active .

    Figure 5-Multiple port scanning


    it is used to check the IP address of multiple ports and showsthe how many TCP and ports are active .


    Nmap www.google.com.pk

    It is used to check how many ports are active it scans

    and tells which states are open and what are the services itsproviding.

    Figure 4 Port Scanning

    Volume 11, Issue 06

    Published by, www.ijert.org

    ISSN: 2278-0181

    SQLMap is an open-source penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection vulnerabilities in web applications. Here are the general steps for using SQLMap.Download and install SQLMap: SQLMap is available for free download on the official website. Installation steps vary depending on the operating system you're using.

    Identify the target website: Determine which website you want to test for SQL injection vulnerabilities. This can be done using various reconnaissance techniques, such as scanning for open ports, performing a vulnerability scan, or manually inspecting the website for possible entry points.

    Analyze the website: Use SQLMap to analyze the target website for SQL injection vulnerabilities. The tool does this by sending specially crafted SQL queries to the website's backend database and analyzing the responses.Exploit the vulnerability: Once SQLMap identifies a vulnerability, it can be used to exploit it in various ways. For example, SQLMap can dump the entire database, extract specific tables, or modify the data stored in the database.

    Review the results: After the exploitation is complete, SQLMap provides a detailed report of the vulnerabilities it found, the exploitation techniques used, and the results obtained.

    It's important to note that using SQLMap to test websites without permission is illegal and can result in serious legal consequences. Always ensure that you have explicit permission from the website owner or administrator before using SQLMap or any other penetration testing tool.


    Figure 7- Installation of sqlmap

    Sudo apt install sqlmap

    It installs all the packages, dependency of sqlmap

    Figure 8-post requesting

    Sqlmap u pThis commad is used to get request from the database.

    Figure 9-Get requesting sqlmap -u http://example.com/login.php –data

    "username=admin&pass=admin&submit=submit" -p username

    the option -r tells sqlmap to read the search-test. txt file toget the information to attack in the POST request. -p is theparameter we are attacking.

  5. In conclusion, the tools mentioned have different purposes and outcomes related to network security testing and analysis. sqlmap helps identify vulnerabilities of database. Nmap helps identify hosts and services on a network and potential vulnerabilities associated with those services. L3MON is used to check the viruses and protect the system.These tools can be usedindividually or in combination with other tools and techniques to enhance network security and prevent cyber attacks. However, itis important to note that using these tools without proper authorization or legal permission may be illegal and can result insevere consequences.

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