Experimental Investigation And OP Timization of Femto Second Laser Micro Machining of Aluminium Co Mposite

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTCONV11IS07004

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Experimental Investigation And OP Timization of Femto Second Laser Micro Machining of Aluminium Co Mposite

Rekha R

Associate Professsor, Department of MECHANI CAL ENGINEERING,

SARANATHAN College Of Engineering, Trichy Tamilnadu, India


UG Scholar

Department of MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, SARANATHAN College Of Engineering, Trichy Tamilnadu, India


Micromachining is a main concept in aeronau tical engineering. The goal of the work is to fi nd the optimized control of the femto second laser micro machining machine which we hav e used in this work. Aluminium composite, w hich is the lightest metal is used as the speci men. Concentric pattern holes are made in th

e specimen. The changeable parameters for e

xperiment are Scanning speed, Repetition rat e and Laser power. 0.008mm dia holes are ma de. The optimized method is concentrated in the greater depth achieved and surface roug hness achieved so to find it we have used Uni versal tribometer to take the picture and anal yze it using the software Gwyddion.


UG Scholar

Department of MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, SARANATHAN College Of Engineering, Trichy Tamilnadu, India


UG Scholar

Department of MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, SARANATHAN College Of Engineering, Trichy Tamilnadu, India


    Femtosecond laser micromachining is a cutting

    -edge technology that uses ultrafast femtosec ond 1015 lasers to create high-precision featu res in materials at a microscopic scale. This tec

    hnology has gained widespread interest and u se in many industries, including microelectroni cs, medical devices, photonics, and microfluidic s.

    The term "femtosecond" refers to the duration of the laser pulse, which is typically around 10-1

    5 seconds. This ultrafast pulse allows for precis e material removal with minimal heat affected zones and minimal collateral damage to the su rrounding area. This is because the high-intens ity laser energy is absorbed by the material in a very short amount of time, which causes it to vaporize and create a small crater or hole.

    Femtosecond laser micromachining has severa l advantages over traditional micromachining t echniques such as mechanical drilling, milling, or chemical etching. For example, the laser's hi gh precision allows for the creation of complex 3D structures with sub-micron resolution, whic h is not possible with traditional techniques. A

    dditionally, femtosecond laser micromachining can be used to machine transparent materials such as glass or polymers, which are difficult to process with traditional methods.

    The process of femtosecond laser micromachi ning involves several steps. First, the laser bea m is focused onto the material surface using a lens system. The laser beam typically has a wav elength in the Near-Infrared (NIR) or visible ra nge, which allows it to be focused to a spot siz e of a few microns in diameter. The laser energ y is then absorbed by the material, which caus es it to vaporize and create a small crater or ho le.

    The parameters of the laser beam, such as its energy, pulse duration, and repetition rate, are carefully controlled to achieve the desired mat erial removal rate and precision. For example, i ncreasing the laser energy or decreasing the p ulse can increase the material removal rate, bu t may also increase the heat affected zone and collateral damage. Conversely, decreasing the l aser energy or increasing the pulse duration ca n decrease the material removal rate,

    but may also decrease the heat affected zone and collateral damage.

    Femtosecond laser micromachining is its abili

    ty to create high-precision features with sub-m icron resolution. This precision is due to the las er's ultrafast pulse duration, which allows for p recise material removal without damaging the surrounding area. Femtosecond laser microma

    cellent machinability The alloy is available in va

    rious forms such as plates, sheets, bars, and ext rusions.


      chining is its ability to machine transparent ma terials. This is because the laser's ultrafast puls e duration allows it to create micro channels or holes in the material without damaging the sur rounding area. This is particularly useful in appl ications such as microfluidics, where transpare nt materials such as glass or polymers are ofte n used.

      2. MATERIAL

      Aluminium composite 6061 is precipitation-har dened aluminium alloy that contains magnesiu m and silicon as its major alloying elements. It i s a heat-treatable alloy that can be strengthen ed by aging after solution heat treatment. The alloy has a nominal composition of 97.9% alu minum, 0.6% silicon, 1.0% magnesium, 0.28% ir

      on, 0.2% copper, 0.25% chromium, and 0.15% zinc. It is widely used material in various indu stries due to its excellent properties such as hi gh strength, good corrosion resistance, and ex

      Taguchi L9 array is used for conducting e xperiments in Femtosecond laser micromachi ning. The L9 design is often used in qual ity engineering and product design to stu dy the effect of multiple factors on a re sponse variable. The design consists of n ine experimental runs, with each run test ing a different combination of levels of the four factors being studied. The level s are typically chosen to represent high and low values for each factor.


      To optimize the femto second laser micro mac hining we use the aluminium composite as the sample and we used some changeable parame ters. They are Scanning speed (mm/s) (250 – 75 0), Repetition rate (KHz) (1 – 50) and Laser pow er (%) (80 – 90). We have used concentric hole pattern to drill holes in the sample in the diam eter of (0.008) mm. We drilled 3 holes per sam ple with different parameters. Figure 1 represe

      nts the femto second laser micro machining ce

      nter. FIG 1 shows the femto second laser micro machining in NIT.

      FIGURE 1

    3. RESULT

      We have made a L9 series of the parameter as t he input values to the machine. To study about the drilled holes, we use WHITE LIGHT INTERFE ROMETER to capture the picture and analyze it using GYWDDION software. So, we found the depth and surface roughness at the holes. So, at lower scanning speed we could achieve mor e material removal, but the surface roughness i s not good in that parameter it is good in high scanning speed, high repetition rate and at hig

      epth of material removal, but they may also lea

      d to increased heat-affected zones and decrea sed machining resolution. So, the optimized p arameter is high scanning speed high repetitio n rate and more laser power. The time taken fo r machining is also less compared to other and

      minimum recast layer formation, so the peak a nd valley depth values are low.


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