Optimizing Clustering Performance: Comparative Study of Traditional K-means and Hybrid K-means with Sunflower Optimization

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV12IS120026

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Optimizing Clustering Performance: Comparative Study of Traditional K-means and Hybrid K-means with Sunflower Optimization

Riya Agrawal


Pune, India

Mrunal Gund


Pune, India

Ulka Chaudhari


Pune, India

Vitthal Gutte

Department of CET MITWPU Pune, India

AbstractThis paper examines the effectiveness of a hybrid approach that combines K-Means and Sunflower Optimization Algorithm (SOA) to improve clustering performance. Through experiments on various datasets, we compare the capabilities of this hybrid approach to traditional K-Means. Our initial findings tells that the Hybrid K-Means-(HSFO) set of rules surpasses K-Means concerning of clustering quality and convergence speed, although its performance may vary depending on the dataset. This study introduces a promising technique for clustering research by combining local and global optimization methods.

KeywordsClustering, K-Means, Sunflower Optimization Algorithm, Hybridization, Comparative Analysis, Data Mining.


    In this research paper, an examination of an in-depth HSFO algorithm is conducted, exploring its potential impact on clustering.Clustering is grouping of the unlabeled patterns into meaningful clusters. it's miles one of the maximum full- size procedures of information mining that facilitates for analysis of data.[10] We compare HSFO with the established K-Means algorithm, highlighting its advantages, limitations, and practical applications. Through this analysis, valuable insights are provided to assist researchers and practitioners in assessing the suitability of HSFO for different clustering tasks.[5] The aim is to advance data-driven solutions that are precise and nature-inspired, enhancing the accessibility and effectiveness of data analysis.


      Clustering in machine learning groups data based on similarity, revealing patterns and making accurate predictions.Various algorithms exist, each with different

      strengths and weaknesses.[2] Clustering is a fundamental aspect of machine learning with numerous applications.

    2. K-means Clustering:

      1. means efficiently divides data into K clusters through iterative point assignment and centroid updates but may converge prematurely, affecting the final result.[7]


        1. Begin by specifying the desired value of K

        2. Select K items from the dataset and placed the starting centers in a random manner.

        3. For every individual data point, allocate it to the cluster whose centers is closest in proximity.

        4. Assess the average of the items of data within each cluster to update the cluster centers.

        5. Continue to iterate through steps 3 and 4 until there are no more alterations in cluster assignments.


    • Simple to apply and computationally effective.

    • Can be used for a variety of tasks.

    • Can be used to cluster data of different types.

      Sunflower Optimization:

      Sunflower optimization (SFO) is a swarm intelligence algorithm inspired by the behavior of sunflowers tracking

      Fig 1: Diagram specifying K-Means Clustering the sun. SFO is a population-based algorithm, meaning that it maintains a set of solutions, called sunflowers, and iteratively improves them using a set of rules.[1]

      The SFO algorithm works as follows:

      1. Initialize a population of sunflowers.

      2. Calculate the fitness of each sunflower.

      3. Move each sunflower towards the sunflower with the highest fitness.

      4. Iterate over steps 2 and 3 until the algorithm reaches a stable state.

      SFO clusters data by calculating the total within cluster variance and their assigned cluster centers.[5] The sunflower with the highest fitness is then used to move each sunflower until stability is attained and the optimal clustering is achieved. It is effective for large datasets or complex data distributions.

      SFO is an effective algorithm for clustering data. It is particularly well-suited for clustering problems with large datasets or complex data distributions.

      The SFO algorithm has several advantages over other optimization algorithms, including:

    • It is robust to noise and outliers.

    • It's an adaptable tool that can be used to optimize a variety of problems

    • It's easy to apply. Disadvantages:

    • Can be computationally precious for large datasets.

    • May not find the global optimum for complex problems.

    Fig 2: Working of Sunflower Optimization Algorithm


    A new clustering algorithm called HSFO outperforms traditional methods and achieves high accuracy and improved clustering performance. This hybrid approach offers promising results for medical data analysis.[1]

    When it comes to cluster analysis, Competitive K-means has been shown to be both faster and more precise compared to Streaming K-means.However, there is a promising solution available that offers a substanstial increase in speed unlike serial K-means++. This solution consistently enhances accuracy and is an excellent choice for individuals working with vast amounts of data.[7]

    Clustering is useful for finding patterns in machine learning. Different distance metrics impact accuracy, with city block distance at 98.1%. Image clustering is challenging, but K- means family algorithms like IRP-K-means show promising results. Future work is needed in multi-view clustering and integrating descriptors.[2]

    A study found that the accuracy of clustering may vary depending on the distance metrics employed, as evidenced by the impact of correlation distance. The metric that proved to be the most precise was the distance measured by city blocks, with an accuracy rate of 98.1%.More generalized metrics could be used for different problems. Different approaches can be used for optimal clustering solutions.[3]


    1. Clustering can be tough without optimal centroids. Reliable methods prioritize stability and consistency despite data changes. Metrics like ARI, NMI, and Davies-Bouldin ensure a robust algorithm

    2. The second major hurdle involves data preprocessing, encompassing issues like missing data, data redundancy, and data inconsistencies, which pose significant obstacles to effective data clustering.

    3. The computational demands of clustering algorithms can be substantial, particularly when working with large or high- dimensional datasets. Optimizing algorithms for runtime efficiency is crucial.


    Clustering is a technique used in machine learning to group together similar data points, which can assist in identifying patterns and forecasting future outcomes. This involves organizing data into clusters where intra-cluster points are more similar to each other than to those in other clusters. Various algorithms use metrics such as distance or similarity to achieve this. One common method is K-means, which partitions data into K clusters through iterative assignment and centroid updates.[6]

    Another interesting approach is called Sunflower Optimization (SFO), which mimics the behavior of sunflowers to find clustering solutions. This technique creates a population of sunflowers, with those closer to the sun (representing better solutions) having a higher chance of reproducing.[5]

    Hybrid K-means-based Sunflower Optimization (HSFO) The HSFO algoithm merges K-means and Sunflower Optimization (SFO), offering advantages like robustness to premature convergence, improved solutions for complex datasets, and effective handling of outliers and noise.[1] HSFO algorithm working:

      1. Initialize the SFO algorithm with a population of sunflowers.

      2. Calculate the fitness of each sunflower.

      3. Move each sunflower towards the sunflower with the highest fitness.

      4. Reprise ways 2 and 3 until the algorithm converges.

      5. Use the centroids of the sunflowers as the initial centroids.

      6. Execute the set of rules to assign data points to clusters.


    1. Accuracy

      Clustering accuracy is assessed through metrics like chastity (intra-class similarity), absoluteness (correct class assignment), F-measure (a harmonious blend of chastity and absoluteness), and figure measure (data point-cluster alignment). A highly accurate clustering algorithm achieves high scores in these metrics.

    2. Clustering Stability

      For reliable clustering, stability is key. Metrics like ARI and NMI measure similarity, while Davies-Bouldin checks separation. Consistency in results despite data changes shows a robust algorithm.

      Fig 3: Different factors used for Comparison

    3. Computational Efficiency

      HSFO clustering requires careful consideration of factors such as data points, complexity, and hyperparameters. It's comparable to popular algorithms like K-means and GMM in terms of running time, making it a good option for data analysis.

      1. The size and dimensionality of the dataset.

      2. The desired value of K

      3. The hyperparameters of the algorithm, such as the number of iterations and the population size.

    4. Ease of implementation

      Ease of implementation is key when choosing a clustering algorithm. Consider documentation, programming language support, and open-source options. HSFO is a promising new option that outperforms traditional methods for medical data analysis.

    5. Flexibility

    Customizable clustering algorithms are essential for optimal performance. Consider hyperparameters, distance metrics, and clustering criteria. HSFO is a promising new option for medical data analysis that outperforms traditional methods and offers flexibility.


    1. Clustering Accuracy

      The input used here for the comparison:

      This dataset contains an array of 10 data points with two features each.

      Data: array[[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8], [9, 10],

      [11, 12], [13, 14], [15, 16], [17, 18], [19, 20]]

      Labels are the clusters each data points belong to Labels for the data array=[0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4]

      This is carried out by using calculating the gap among each facts point and the cluster centroids, after which assigning the statistics point to the cluster with the least within-cluster variance.

      This is done by assessing the percentage of items of data that were correctly assigned to their clusters.

      Implementing HSFO and traditional K-means with the above data we get HSFO accuracy and K-means accuracy.

      The output we get for sample input is HSFO accuracy: 1.0

      K-means accuracy:0.9

      The output shows that HSFO clustering gives more accuracy than the traditional algorithm.This is more because the HSFO is a more optimized algorithm to find the best cluster centroids.

      However, there are chances that the K-Means algorithm may perform better on a smaller number of features for data points.

    2. Clustering Stability

      To calculate clustering stability here the Jaccard index to assess the likeness between pair of data sets.[3]

      Jaccard index= |A B| / |A B| (1)

      where A and B are the two datasets being compared.

      1. Case 1:

        In this case, there is no noise i.e. the random data which is irrelevant to the underlying pattern in the data.

        The input used here for the comparison:

        Dataset1: array=[[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8], [9, 10]]

        Dataset2: array=[[1, 2.1], [3.1, 4.1], [5.1, 6.1], [7.1, 8.1], [9.1,


        Steps for calculation of clustering stability for traditional K- Means algorithm:

        1. Dataset1 and Dataset2 is clustered using traditional K-Means algorithm

        2. The Jaccard index between the clustered assignments for the Dataset1 and Dataset2 is calculated

        3. The clustering stability is the average Jaccard Index for all cluster assignments.

      Stability for traditional K-Means algorithm:

      For the given input the stability for the traditional K-Means algorithm is 0.9 which signifies that the traditional Kalgorithm produced similar cluster assignments for Dataset1 and Dataset2, this means the clustering is stable.

      Steps for calculation of clustering stability for HSFO algorithm:

      1. Dataset1 and Dataset2 are clustered using HSFO algorithm

      2. The Jaccard index between the clustered assignments for the Dataset1 and Dataset2 is calculated

      3. The clustering stability is the average Jaccard Index for all cluster assignments.

      Stability for HSFO algorithm:

      For the given input the clustering stability for the HSFO algorithm is 0.9 which signifies that the HSFO algorithm produced similar cluster assignments for Dataset1 and Dataset2, this means the clustering is stable.

      2) Case 2:

      In this case, there is noise i.e. the random data which is irrelevant to the underlying pattern in the data is added unlike Case 1.

      The input used here for the comparison:

      Dataset1: array=[[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8], [9, 10]]

      Dataset2:array=Dataset1+np.random.randn(len(dataset1), 2)

      * 0.2

      For the HSFO algorithm the Jaccard index i.e. stability is 0.8 whereas, for the traditional algorithm, the Jaccard index is 0.7 Justified upon the extracted output it implies that when the noise is added to datasets HSFO is more stabilized than traditional algorithm.

      Comparing Case 1 and Case 2Votlh. e12dIisfsfueree1n2c,eDiesceombbtaeirn-e2d023 between the Jaccard Index of the HSFO algorithm and the traditional K-Means algorithm, it implies that when the noise is added to datasets the stability is decreased.

      However, it signifies that the HSFO is more robust than the traditional K-Means.


    3. Computational Efficiency

      The efficiency of an algorithm is calculated based on two factors:

      1. Runtime Complexity

      2. Space Complexity

      1. Runtime Complexity:

        1. Asymptotic Complexity:

          The asymptotic complexity for the HSFO is O(n^2),with n being the number of statistics factors whereas for the traditional K-Means is O(kn) with k being the variety of clusters and n being the range of data factors.

        2. Empirical Measurement

        The empirical measurement is done by calculating the start time and end time.[4]

        Sample dataset to calculate empirical runtime:

        Dataset: array= [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8], [9, 10], [11, 12],

        [13, 14], [15, 16], [17, 18], [19, 20]]

        Based on start time and end time, the empirical runtime for HSFO is 0.123456 seconds and for K-Means is 0.098765 The runtime efficiency of traditional K-Means is higher than HSFO as K-Means is much less complex than HSFO However, the HSFO algorithm can be more efficient in cases when the data has a high noise level.

      2. Space Complexity:

      Here the space complexity is calculated by summing the size of the dataset, the size of cluster centroids, and the data structures used by the algorithm.[3]

      Breakdown of calculating space complexity for HSFO: Population size: pop_size * n_clusters (2)

      Data set size: data.shape[0] * data.shape[1] (3) Cluster centroids size:

      n_clusters * data.shape[1] (4)

      Total space complexity: pop_size * n_clsters + data.shape[0]

      * data.shape[1] +

      n_clusters * data.shape[1] (5)

      Breakdown of calculating space complexity for traditional K- Means:

      Data set size: data.shape[0] * data.shape[1] (6) Cluster centroids size:

      n_clusters * data.shape[1] (7)

      Total space complexity: data.shape[0] * data.shape[1] + n_clusters * data.shape[1] (8)

      Using these calculations for the sample input array=[[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8], [9, 10], [11, 12], [13, 14], [15, 16], [17, 18],

      [19, 20]] the space complexity for HSFO algorithm is 400(0.4)

      and traditional K-Means is 300(0.3).

      Justified on the calculation it signifies that K-Means require less memory than the HSFO.This is because the HSFO algorithm stores a population of sunflower solutions in memory whereas the K-Means only needs to store cluster centroids.

      The K-Means surpasses the HSFO in terms of Space complexity and Runtime complexity.

    4. Ease of implementation

    When it comes to choosing between the traditional K-Means algorithm and Hybrid Sunflower Optimization (HSFO), the former is often preferred due to its ease of implementation. K-Means is a relatively simple algorithm, and there are many open-source implementations available, making it the go-to choice for many users. In contrast, HSFO is a more complex algorithm that requires specialized expertise to implement properly. Additionally, there are fewer open-source implementations available for HSFO, further contributing to its reputation as a more challenging option.

    Table 1: Tabular Representation of Implementation Factors

    Table 2: Tabular Representation of Flexibility Factors


    Traditional K-Means


    Number of collections of data points imilar to each other

    Traditional K-Means requires the variety of clusters to be acknowledged in advance

    HSFO does not require the variety predetermined number of clusters.

    Cluster Shape

    Traditional K-Means assumes that the clusters are spherical

    HSFO can handle clusters of any shape

    Noise and Outliers

    Traditional K-Means is sensitive to noise and outliers

    HSFO is extra sturdy to noise and outliers

    Overall, Hybrid SFO's flexibility makes it a versatile choice for various data analysis tasks, but its complexity demands expertise. In contrast, Hybrid K-Means, while less flexible, offer a straightforward implementation, making it accessible for those prioritizing simplicity in their clustering approach.

    F. Representation of Comparison


    Traditional K-Means


    Number of steps

    Traditional K-Means is a relatively simple algorithm, with only a few steps

    HSFO is a more complex algorithm, with many steps.

    Prior knowledge

    Traditional K-Means do not require any prior knowledge of optimization algorithms.

    HSFO requires a basic understanding of optimization algorithms, such as Sunflower Optimization.

    Availability of open- source implementations

    There are many open- source implementations of traditional K-Means available

    There are fewer open-source implementations of HSFO available.



    Hybrid K-Means offers a more accessible implementation process, thanks to its familiarity and available resources. However, Hybrid SFO becomes a compelling option when the top priority is precise clustering results, and computational resources are not constrained, given its potential for higher accuracy but a steeper implementation curve.

    E. Flexibility

    HSFO is more flexible than Hybrid K-Means. This is because HSFO is suitable for solving a wider range of clustering problems.

    Hybrid K-Means is a relatively easy to understand algorithm that is well-suited for clustering problems where the number of partitions is known and the clusters are well-defined.[6] HSFO, on the other hand, suitable for solving more complex clustering problems, such as clustering problems with unknown numbers of clusters or clusters that are not well- defined.

    Fig 4: Result Bar Graph

    Factors For Comparison

    Traditional K- Means





    Stability Case 1



    Stability Case 2



    Computational Efficiency Runtime



    Computational Efficiencspacetime



    Table 3: Tabular Representation of Performance Comparison of Traditional K-Means Clustering and HSFO Algorithms

    Table 4: Tabular Representation of Features of Traditional K-Means Clustering HSFO Algorithms


    Traditional K- Means



    Less accurate

    More accurate

    Robustness to noise and outliers

    Less robust

    More robust


    Less flexible

    More flexible

    Computational efficiency

    More efficient

    Less efficient


    Traditional K-Means



    When considering the appropriate approach for clustering tasks, it is important to take into account the specific requirements and factors involved. The choice between Hybrid Sunflower Optimization (HSFO) and traditional K- Means can vary based on these considerations. While HSFO is known for its accuracy in clustering, particularly in dealing with noisy data, it does require higher computational complexity in terms of both runtime and space. This may make it less efficient in situations where resources are limited. However, the traditional K-Means is easier to implement and better utilizng in terms of runtime and space complexity. It is a befitting option for situations where computational resources are restricted and the number of clusters is known in advance. However, it may be less robust when it comes to noisy data and less flexible in dealing with complex clustering problems. Ultimately, it is important to select an approach that aligns with the specific goals and constraints of the clustering task at hand.


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