- Open Access
- Authors : Jupudi Santhosh Ku Mar, Chinnam Subhakar Rao, B.Sita Rama Anjancyulu, Kandula Ganga Raju, Md. Faisal, P. Narendr A Babu, N A G K Manikanta Kopuri
- Paper ID : IJERTV13IS030041
- Volume & Issue : Volume 13, Issue 03 (March 2024)
- Published (First Online): 15-03-2024
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Improving Strength of Concrete by Partial Replace ment of Coarse Aggregate with UPVC Waste
Published by : http://www.ijert.org
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Volume 13, Issue 03 March 2024
Improving Strength of Concrete by Partial Replace ment of Coarse Aggregate with UPVC Waste
Jupudi Santhosh ku mar",Chinnam Subhakar rao",B.Sita Rama Anjancyulu\ Kandula Ganga Raju\ Md. Faisal'' and P. Narendr a Babu 1 and N A G K Manikanta Kopuri 2
''uGStudenls Final Year, 1Associate Professor & HOD.2 Assistant professor Department of Civil Engineering, N R l Institute of Teclrnology, Agriripall i , India
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Abstract-This paper invest igates the effect to fusing UPVC (unplasticized polyvinyl chloride) waste material on the concrete. U PVC Waste was collected from new constructed houses. Most plastics are not biodegradab le. An important problem we are facing is du mping of plastic materials it causes lot of problems. Plastic due to its properties such as light weight and its ability to be molded into any desired shape has enhanced its popularity. The construction industry is one of the largest consumers of natural resources, includ ing coarse aggregates, lead ing to env ironmental concerns and resource depletion. To address these issues, this study investigates the feasibility of replacing coarse aggregates with Crushed Value-added Plastic Concrete (UPVC) waste in M30 grade concrete. The research explores various replacement percentages, namely 0%, 5%, I 0%, and 15%, to assess their impact on the mechanical
properties of the concrete mix. Experimental investigations were carried out to evaluate the compressive strength and split tensile strength ofthe UPVC concrete specimens.
Key Words: Cement, Aggregates and UPVC waste.
Concrete is a widely used construction material due to its strength and durability. However, the prod uct ion of concrete requ ires a significant amount of natural resources, such as coarse aggregates like gravel and sand. This extract ion process can have negative environmental impacts, includ ing habitat destruction and increased carbon emissions.
oroduction. 011e such materia\ is U VC waste, which stands for lno.last icizcd 1canons.
To address these concerns, researchers have been exploring alternative materials for concrete type ot plast ic hat 1s common y useu 111 pipes, w maows, ana otller ba 1Td111g app1oolvv inyl chloride. ft is a
The idea beh ind part ial replacement is to subst itute a portion of the trad it ional coarse aggregate with UPVC waste in concrete mixtures. This substitution can have severa l potential benefits. First, it can reduce the demand for natural resources by utilizing recycled U PVC waste. Second, it can help in waste management by d iverting plastic waste from landfills. Finally, it can enhance the overall sustainability of concrete structures.
When it comes to the mechanical properties of concrete, researchers have found that the inclusion of UPVC waste can have mixed effects. Some studies have shown a decrease in compressive strength
. higher plastic content, while others have reported improvements in flexural strength and impact htance. lt's important to note that the optimal percentage of U PVC waste replacement may vary
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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Volume 13, Issue 03 March 2024
depending on factors such as the type and quality of plast ic, the concrete mix design, and the intended applicat ion.
Workability is another crucial aspect to consider when using U PVC waste in concrete. The add it ion of plastic particles can affect the flow and consistency of the mixture. Researchers have explored various methods to optimize the workability by adjusting the water-cement ratio.
Various researches for the partial replacement of coarse aggregate with waste materials, which are related to my vvork, areas under:
Muthusamy et al., (2013) This study focuses on invest igat ing the possibility of integrating crushed rubber seed shell as partial coarse aggregate replacement material in concrete making. Total of five mixes consisting various content of crushed rubber seed shell as partial coarse aggregate replacement ranging from 0, 5, I 0, 15 and 20%, respectively.
Thomas et al., (2014) EPS beads are used as partia l replacem ent to coarse aggregates. The results showed that the amount of polystyrene beads incorporated in concrete influences the properties of hardened concrete. At 28 days, it was found that compressive strength of 5%,I0%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 30% EPS incorporated concrete strengths were 91%, 77 %, 71%, 63%, 57%, and 45%, respectively when compared to concrete with no bPS case.
Umapathy et al., (20J 4) The results indicated effectiveness of tiles as coarse aggregate by partia l replacement of convent ional concrete by 20 %, 30%, 50%and cement as rice husk ash with 10%,15% and 20% without affecting the design strength.
Shelke et al., (2014) The characteristic prope1ties of concrete such as compressive strength, flexural strength, impact resistance, bond strength & split tensile strength using the mix made by replacing coarse aggregate with crushed coconut shell aggregate were reviewed in the present work.
Bharat et al., (2015) rn this d issertation coarse aggregate is partially replaced by coarse aggregate upto 25% with regular interval of 5%, along with fly ash partial ly replacing cement in concrete of grade M40 and properties like workability, compressive strength and flexural strength is evaluated.
Vanitha et al., (2015) Waste Plastics were incrementally added in 0%, 2%, 4%, 6%, 8% and 10% to replace the same amount of Aggregate. The result shows that the compressive strength of M20 concrete with waste plast ics is 4% for Paver Blocks and 2% for Solid Blocks.
Sanjeev et al., (2016) It was observed that th is preliminary study on parent and substitute aggregate was compu lsory before replacing the parent aggregate with substitute aggregate. Partia l replacement of such aggregates wou ld prevent the usage of natural aggregates wh ich arc in the zone of depict ion, thus protecting the natu ral resources and reduc ing landfilli ng of mine wastes.
Ishwariya (2016) In this study we use to find out the compressive strength of concrete by the replacement of coarse aggregate by crumb rubber in norma l concrete in grade of M25 and M30. Fina lly a comparat ive study is made among the nor mal conventional beam over to the rubcrete beam.
Published by : http://www.ijert.org
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Volume 13, Issue 03 March 2024
Ashwini (2016) An experimental study is made on the utilizat ion of £-waste particles as fine and coarse aggregates in concrete with a percentage replacement ranging from O %, 20% to 30% i.e. (0%, i0%, 20% and 30%) on the strength criteria of M20 Concrete.
Chandran (2017) This study reviews the feasibility of using waste tires in the form of chips with d ifferent sizes in concrete to improve the strength as well as protecting the environm ent.
Varsha and Aruna (2019) The mix design of M20 grade of concrete for normal m ix (without E-waste) and with a partial replacement of coarse aggregates with E-waste material wit h 5%, 10%, I 5%, 20%, 25% and 30% is carried out. The effect of E-waste particle size using less than I O mm, between I O to 15 mm and up to 20 mm on compressive strength of concrete cubes and flexural strength of beam is also studied.
Jasim and Ban (2019) The results showed that light-weight concrete blocks units can be obtained at a
25% and 30% replacement ratio in all groups with satisfactory compressive strength. The optimu m replacement ratio was about 20% in the three groups so that physical and mechanical prope11ies were satisfactory.
Onyeka (201 9) The compressive strength of concrete with I 00% granite at 28 days is 26N/mm2, whi le that of concrete gave 25.04 N/mrn2 strength s, 24.37N/rnm2 , 22.22 N/mm2 and 2 l .55N/mm2, for 15%, 25%, 35% and 45% replacement of gran ite with glass respectively.
Priyadharshini (2020) The partial replacement of the coarse aggregate in the propo11ion of 10%,20% and 30% replacement. the specific gravity of the shell was analyzed and 16nun shell were selected for the experiment.
Bharan et al., (2020) The paitial replacement of M- sand by steel slag with l 0%, 20% and 30% to find the optimu m percentage of replacement. Using optimum percentage as constant, the Coarse Aggregate is replaced with certain percentage by [-Waste.
Suryakanta et al., (2021) The present study is aimed at concrete mix with partial replacement of coarse aggregate by LOPE granu les (0%, I 0%, 20% and 30%) that wi l l provide an advantage in reducing the dead weight of structure. This mix in the form of cubes and cylinders were subjected to compression and
split tension to ascertain the strength parameter. Hence the use of plast ic granules in concrete making is not only beneficial but also helpti-11 in disposal of plastic wastes.
Beiram and Mutairee (2021) The study focused on the effect of the partial replacement of coarse aggregates with waste rubber chips of different proportions I 0%, 20%, and 30% in volume on the beams u ltimate torque, and rotation, as well as the ductil ity index, stiffness, crack ing torque, and failure modes.
Saurav et al., (2021) The partially replacing coarse aggregates at four levels, namely 7 percent , 12 percent , 17 percent , and 22 percent with a constant interval of 5 percent. The find ings of the study conclude that the strength of concrete increase up to the level of 7 percent coarse aggregate is replaced by e-waste.
Musa Adamu (2021) The result obtained from Al-based models revealed that both HWM and SVM showed h igher prediction skills in pred iction of a. Overa ll, comparative performance resu lts proved that HWM-M4 ind icated an outstand ing performance of 09953 and 0.9982 in both the train ing and
testing stages, respectively.
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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Volume 13, Issue 03 March 2024
Anil et al., (2023) The rubber tire waste is split into coarse chips and then this crumb tire aggregate is added as 5%, 10%, 15% to replace the coarse aggregate. In this study, worka bility and compressive of rubberized concrete was evaluated to invest igate the optimal use of cru mb rubber as coarse aggregate in concrete.
The constituent materials used in th is project were gathered from different sources. Necessary tests were conducted on these materials to choose the k ind and type of material.
CE:MENT: Cement when mixed with minerals fragments and water, binds the particles into a whole compact. Cement is the most important and costliest ingred ient of concrete. Ordinary Portland cement of 53 grade confirming to requ irements of IS: 12269 – 1987.
Table -1 Physical properties of cement
Specific gravity
f ineness test
Norma l consistency
30 %
Initial setting time
40 min
Final setting time
330 min
FIN E AGGR EGATE: As per IS 383-2016, Fine aggregate is defined as material that will pass a
4.75rnm sieve. For increased workability and for economy as reflected by use of less cement, the fine aggregate should have a rounded shape.
Table -2 Physical properties of fine aggregate
S.NO |
1 |
Specific gravity |
2.67 |
2 |
Fineness modulus |
2.55 |
3 |
Bu lking |
34% |
4 |
Zone |
11 |
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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Volume 13, Issue 03 March 2024
COARSE AGGREGATE: As per IS 383-2016, Coarse aggregates can be defined as irregular broken stone or naturally-occurring grounded gravel used for making concrete. Coarse aggregates are retained on lhe sieve of mesh size 4.75 nun. llacts as volume increasing component and is responsible for slrenglh, hardness and durabil ity of concrete.
Table -3 Physical properties of Coarse aggregate
Specific gravity
Fineness modulus
Aggregate I mpact value
20.27 %
Aggregate crushing value
U PVC WASTE: UPVC, which stands for unplasticized polyvinyl Chloride, is a low-maintenance bu ild ing material used as a substitute for painted wood, mostly for window frames and sills when installing double glazing in new bu ild ings, or to replace older single glazed w indows.
Fig :i Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (UPVC)
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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Volume 13, Issue 03 March 2024
Compressive strength :
The strength in compression has a defin ite relationship with all other propertie s of concrete. In Tndia cubic a mou lds of size 1 50 mm * 1 50 mm* 150 111111 had casted and tested for 7 days, 14 days and 28 days . The test results are tabulated below.
% replacement of UPVC waste
Compressive strength (N/mm 2
7 Days
14 Days
28 Days
Fig :2 Cube under compression testing machine Table – 4 compressive strength values
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ISSN: 2278-0181
Volume 13, Issue 03 Marc p024
39.55 3.18
25 1.98
7 DAYS N/mm'2
8 14 DAYS N/mm'2
28 0AYS N/mm'2
0% 5% 10% 15%
UPVC replacement percentages%
Tus: split lcnsik strengt h obtain,;d by testing the dimcusiou ol' cylinder i, 300 mm height amt 150 mm dia meter for MJO grade of concrete to al l the rnixe designed for various replacement given below.
lig:J Cylinder u nde r co11111rcssion testi ng m11ch ine
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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Volume 13, Issue 03 March 2024
Table -5 Split tensile strength values
% replacement of
UPVC waste
Split tensile strength (N/mm 2
7 Days
·t 4Days
28 days
7 DA'IS N/mmA2
14 DA\'S N/mm"2
28 DAYS N/mm"2
0% 5% 10% 15%
UPVC replacement percentages %
For a given water cement ratio, use of UPVC plastic waste 111 concrete lower the density, compressive strength and split tensile strength.
The compressive strength for 0% replacement of coarse aggregate is 39.55 N/mm2 and for 15% is
33.2 N/mm2 .The tensi le strength for 0% replacement of coarse aggregate is 3.39 N/mm 2and for 15% is 1.98 N/ mm2 .
TJPVC: waste can he userl to replace coarse aggregate in concrete. The compressive strength varies from 0% replacement to 5% replacement of Natural coarse aggregates, but with strength equal to or more than Target mean compressive strength.
So, 5% Replacement of coarse aggregate with Plastics is suggestable. Compressive, tensile strength
are decreases from 5% to 15% replacement with coarse aggregate.
(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
Pu blished by : http://www.ijert.org
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Volume 13, Issue 03 March 2024
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ISSN: 2278-0181
Volume 13, Issue 03 March 2024
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