Task Management System Using AI Prioritizations

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV13IS040324

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Task Management System Using AI Prioritizations

Manazir Musthafa

Dept. of Computimg Technologies

School of Computing, College of Engineering and Technology,SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur, Chennai, India

Dr. Amj Muthukumaran,

Associate Professor

Dept. of Computimg Technologies

School of Computing, College of Engineering and Technology,SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur, Chennai, India

  1. Abstract

    The "Task Management System with AI Prioritization" is an innovative solution designed to streamline and enhance the efficiency of task management for individuals and organizations. In today's fast-paced world, effective time management is crucial, and this system aims to empower users to prioritize tasks intelligently.

    The system incorporates an AI-based prioritization mechanism that takes into account various factors, such as deadlines, importance, and user-defined urgency levels. Leveraging machine learning, the AI model learns from historical task data to predict and assign priorities to new tasks automatically. This ensures that users can focus on the most critical and time- sensitive activities, optimizing productivity and minimizing the risk of missed deadlines.


    Intuitive Task Entry: Users can effortlessly add tasks through a user-friendly interface, providingessential details such as task name, deadline, andurgency scale.

    AI Prioritization: The heart of the system lies in its AI prioritization engine. Tasks are automatically assigned priority levels based on a combination of historical data and real-time parameters, allowing for intelligent task management.

    Data Import: The system supports data import functionality, enabling users to upload task datasets in CSV format. This feature facilitates bulk task entry and enhances the scalability of thesolution.

    Dynamic User Interface: The web-basedinterface provides dynamic views of tasks, allowing users to visualize and interact with their prioritized task list. The interface is responsive and adaptable, ensuring a seamless experience across various devices.

    Secure Authentication: Multi-user functionality is implemented with secure user authentication, ensuring that each user has a personalized and private workspace. The "Task Management System with AI Prioritization" not only simplifies task management but also contributes to improved time utilization and decision-making. The integration of artificial intelligence adds a layer of intelligence, making the system adaptive to changing workloads and user preferences. This project represents a step forward in leveraging AI for practical, day-to-day applications, addressing the challenges associated with effective task prioritization in modern work environments.


    In an era characterized by rapid technological advancements and an ever-increasing demand for productivity, effective task management stands as a cornerstone for individuals and

    organizations alike. The intricate balance of handling multiple responsibilities, meeting deadlines, and prioritizing tasks necessitates a sophisticated approach that goes beyond conventional methods. This project endeavours to address this need by introducing an innovative AI-prioritized task management system, designed to enhance efficiency and streamline the intricacies of time management.

    The modern landscape of task management has evolved significantly, driven by the integration ofArtificial Intelligence (AI) into various facets ofour daily lives. AI's prowess in data analysis, pattern recognition, and decision-making presents a unique opportunity to revolutionize how tasks are prioritized and managed. This project explores the intersection of AI and task management, aiming to harness the potential of intelligent algorithms to optimize workflows and enhance overall productivity.

    Traditional task management systems lack the adaptive intelligence needed to prioritize tasks based on dynamic factors such as urgency, importance, and workload. This limitation inspired the development of an innovative solution that leverages artificial intelligence to autonomously prioritize tasks, providing users with a more efficient and reliable way to managetheir time.

    The goal is to create a system that not only assistsusers in organizing their tasks but also takes into account the varying levels of urgency and importance, ensuring that critical deadlines are met without compromising the overall quality ofwork. By incorporating AI prioritization, the project aims to offer users a tool that adapts to their unique schedules and preferences, ultimately enhancing their productivity and reducing the stress associated with taskmanagement.

    Problem Statement: In contemporary society, individuals face an ever-growing challenge in managing an array of tasks, each possessing distinct levels of importance and urgency. Conventional task management systems often lack the adaptability and intelligence required to effectively prioritize tasks according to the dynamic nature of users' schedules and preferences. This project seeks to address this problem by developing an AI-driven task management system capable of autonomously prioritizing tasks based on user behavior, deadlines, and the urgency of each task.




    The motivation for the AI-prioritized task management system project stems from the recognition of the challenges individuals, especially students, face in effectively managing their tasks and deadlines. As a student myself, I have experienced the pressure of juggling various responsibilities, assignments, and deadlines simultaneously. Time management becomes crucial in such scenarios to ensure tasks are completed efficiently without the last-minuterush.


    The Random Forest algorithm is an ensemble learning technique that combines the predictions of multiple individual models, known as decision trees, to enhance overall performance and

    accuracy. Each decision tree is constructed by considering a random subset of features and a random subset of the training data. The final prediction is determined by aggregating the predictions of all individual trees, often through a majority vote for classification tasks or averaging for regression tasks.

    Incorporation in the Project:

    In the context of the AI-prioritized task management system, the Random Forest algorithm can be employed for various purposes, primarily in the machine learning model used for prioritizing tasks. Here's how it can be incorporated:

    Task Priority Prediction:

    The project involves training a machine learning model to predict the priority of tasks based on various features such as deadlines, importance, and workload.

    Random Forest can be employed as the underlying algorithm for this prediction task. Theensemble nature of Random Forest helps in capturing complex relationships betweenfeatures and task priorities.

    Training the Model:

    The model is trained using historical data, where the features include information about tasks (e.g., name, deadline, importance) and the target variable is the priority of each task.

    By considering random subsets of features and data for each tree in the forest, the Random Forestmodel can generalize well and avoid overfitting.

    Ensemble Prediction:

    When a new task is added to the system or when a user requests task prioritization, the Random Forest model can provide predictions based on the learned patterns.

    The ensemble nature ensures that the model is robust and less prone to outliers or noise in the data.


    Random Forest is known for its adaptability to different types of data and tasks. In the task management system, this adaptability is crucial as tasks and user preferences can vary widely.


    While Random Forest models are not as easily interpretable as a single decision tree, they do provide insights into feature importance.

    Understanding which features contribute more to task prioritization can be valuable for users seeking transparency in the decision-making process.


    Linear Regression is a supervised machine learning algorithm used for predicting a continuous outcome variable based on one or more predictor variables. It establishes a linear relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable by finding the best-fit line. The goal is to minimize the difference between the predicted and actual values.

    Incorporation in the Project:

    In the context of the AI-prioritized task management system, Linear Regression can be incorporated for specific tasks related to predicting deadlines or workloads. Here's how itcan be utilized:

    Deadline Prediction:

    Linear Regression can be applied to predict task deadlines based on historical data. The features may include the urgency of tasks, historical completion times, and other relevant factors.

    The model learns the linear relationship between these features and the actual deadlines, enabling the system to predict when a task is likely to be completed.

    Simple and Interpretable:

    Linear Regression models are relatively simple and interpretable, making them suitable for scenarios where a clear understanding of the relationships between variables is beneficial.

    Users can gain insights into how specific factorscontribute to the predicted outcomes, enhancing transparency.

    Efficient for Linear Relationships:

    Linear Regression is effective when there is a linear relationship between the input features andthe target variable. In cases where such relationships exist, Linear Regression can provide accurate predictions.

    Complementary to Random Forest:

    While Random Forest captures complex relationships in data, Linear Regression focuses on linear dependencies. Combining these models can offer a more comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing task prioritization.

    Data Exploration and Insights:

    The model can be used for exploratory data analysis, allowing users to understand the trends and correlations between different variables in the task management system.

    By incorporating Linear Regression, the task management system can enhance its predictive capabilities for specific aspects such as deadlineestimation and workload assessment, providing users with valuable insights for effective task prioritization and planning.


    K-Nearest Neighbors is a supervised machine learning algorithm used for both classification and regression tasks. It makes predictions based on the majority class (for classification) or the

    average (for regression) of the K-nearest data points in the feature space. The proximity between data points is determined by a distance metric, commonly Euclidean distance.

    Incorporation in the Project:

    In the context of the AI-prioritized task management system, the K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm can be applied for certain aspects, particularly in collaborative filtering for personalized task recommendations. Here's how it can be incorporated:

    Collaborative Filtering:

    Collaborative filtering is a technique that makes automatic predictions about the interests of a user by collecting preferences from many users(collaborating). KNN is a popular choice forcollaborative filtering.

    In the task management system, KNN can be used to identify users with similar task preferences based on historical data.

    User Similarity Calculation:

    Each user's task history can be treated as a feature vector, and the similarity between users is calculated using distance metrics such as Euclidean distance or cosine similarity.

    KNN identifies the K-nearest neighbors to a given user, indicating those users with the most similar task preferences.

    Task Recommendations:

    Once the most similar users are identified, the system can recommend tasks that these similar users have prioritized or found important.

    This collaborative approach enhances personalization, as users receive recommendations based not only on their own history but also on the preferences of like-minded users.

    Dynamic Adaptation:

    KNN is particularly well-suited for dynamic adaptation. As users interact with the system, the KNN model can continuously update recommendations based on evolving task preferences.

    Hyperparameter Tuning:

    The parameter 'K' in KNN represents the number of nearest neighbors considered for making predictions. Tuning this hyperparameter allows customization of the model's sensitivity to local variations in the data.

    By incorporating K-Nearest Neighbors, the task management system gains a collaborative filtering mechanism that provides personalized recommendations based on the preferences of similar users. This contributes to a more user- centric and adaptive task prioritization approach.


Data Collection:

Gather historical data on user tasks, including task names, deadlines, importance, and completed tasks.

Users provide feedback on task completion and importance.

Feature Engineering:

Extract relevant features from the collected data, such as task deadlines, importance ratings, and user feedback.

Transform categorical data into numerical representations.

Machine Learning Model Integration:

Integrate machine learning models for task prioritization. Utilize a Random Forest algorithm for predicting task priorities based on historical data and features.

Collaborative Filtering:

Implement a K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) model for collaborative filtering.

Identify users with similar task preferences based on historical data and user interactions.

User Feedback Loop:

Establish a feedback loop where users provide feedback on recommended tasks.

User feedback is used to update and fine-tune themachine learning models.

Deadline Prediction:

Implement time-series forecasting techniques to predict task deadlines.

Consider historical data and user behavior to enhance accuracy.

User Interface Design:

Develop a user-friendly interface with modules for task entry, viewing, and feedback.

Incorporate personalized user dashboards to display recommended tasks.

Security Measures:

Implement user authentication to ensure secure access to personalized data.

Apply encryption techniques for sensitive user information.

Database Integration:

Set up a database to store user profiles, task data, and model-related information.

Utilize SQL or a similar database management system.

Web Development:

Develop the front-end using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for a responsive and interactive user interface.

Utilize a web framework like Flask for the back- end development.

Testing and Validation:

Conduct rigorous testing to ensure the system's functionality, security, and responsiveness.

Validate the machine learning models with diverse datasets.


Deploy the system on a server for public orprivate access. Monitor system performance and address any issues that may arise.

Fig. Data Flow Diagram


Optimized Time Utilization:

The AI-prioritized task management system revolutionizes time management by dynamically prioritizing tasks based on urgency, importance, and workload. Users experience enhanced efficiency in completing critical assignments, leading to more balanced workloads and reducedtime-related stress.

Personalized Productivity Boost:

Tailored to individual preferences, the system adapts to users' unique work styles. By providing personalized task prioritization insights, it empowers users to make informed decisions, resulting in improved productivity, higher- quality work, and an overall reduction in the feeling of overwhelm.

Continuous Adaptation for Success:

The AI's continuous learning ensures the system remains relevant and adaptive to users' changing needs. This not only facilitates academic andprofessional success but also establishes the platform as a valuable tool for individuals seeking a comprehensive and evolving solution to their task management challenges.


    The project, an AI-prioritized task management system, has successfully addressed the challengeof enhancing time efficiency and task prioritization for users. The integration of AI algorithms, particularly the Random Forest model, has demonstrated its effectiveness in predicting task priorities based on deadlines and urgency levels.

    The empirical study revealed promising results in terms of task prioritization accuracy and system response time. Users reported positive feedback, indicating satisfaction with the system's functionality. Comparative analyses against traditional task management systems showcased the unique advantages of incorporating AIprioritization.

    User adoption rates and engagement metrics demonstrated a favorable reception, with users actively utilizing the system for task management. The system's scalability was tested, ensuring its performance remains robust under varying user and task loads.

    Security audits confirmed the system's integrity in handling user data, prioritizing the protection of sensitive information. Addressing reported bugs and continuous improvement based on userfeedback have been integral to refining the system.

    The 3 algorithms used in the project includes: Linear Regression, Random Forest Algorithm, KNN Algorithm.

    Following is the comparison of the F1 score of the algorithms to obtain an accurate Time Table:

    Fig. Matrix comparison

    Fig. Pictorial Representation of the accuracy of Random Forest Algorithm and KNN algorithm

    In conclusion, the AI-prioritized task management system has proven to be a valuable tool for users seeking efficient time management and prioritization. The positive outcomes from the empirical study affirm the system's effectiveness and lay the foundation for future enhancements, ensuring its continued relevance and utility in diverse user scenarios.


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