A Study on Lead Generation Digital Marketing Strategies for Startups

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTCONV12IS03108

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A Study on Lead Generation Digital Marketing Strategies for Startups

Mr. S.Madesh Arun Selvam, Assistant Professor, MBA Department, &

S.Dhanus Aathithya R. Manikandan K.N.Yokanand,Final Year MBA

Shree Venkateshwara Hi-Tech Engineering College,

Gobichettipalayam,Erode(Dt),Tamilnadu eMailid- madesharunselvam1998@gmail.com

Mobile No: 9629555246


This research paper describes a framework for research in digital marketing that highlights the strategies in the marketing process as well as the effectiveness of the marketing process and impact of different technological tools and social media platforms. Using the framework, we have organized the research methods about the elememts and review the research literature in the broadly defined digital marketing space. The purpose of the research paper is to examine the effectiveness of digital media marketing strategies and different social media options used for marketing. This paper mainly studies significance of digital marketing and differences between digital marketing and offline marketing and the effectiveness of technological tools and social media platforms on success of digital advertising methods.This research paper has been edited to help small business to integrate digital advertising in their business models and to recognize the usefulness of social media marketing over traditional advertising strategies.


Digital marketing is the process of advertising of products or services of companies using digital technologies available on internet including mobile

phones, display advertising, and any other digital medium like google and facebook ads etc. Philip Kotler is considered as the Father of Modern Marketing. The advent of digital marketing can be traced back to the time of early 1980s. Before Digital marketing we had Traditional Marketing, which is a conventional mode of marketing that helps to reach out to a semi-targeted audience with various offline advertising and promotional methods which may have evolved over the past few decades.[1] Digital marketing encompasses all marketing efforts that use an electronic device such as mobile phones computers or the internet. Businesses leverage digital channels such as search engines, social media, email, and other websites to connect with current and prospective customers. Digital Marketing is defined by the use of numerous digital tactics and channels to connect with customers where they spend much of their time online.

Literature Review

The objective of this chapter is to provide SME with an overview of the most impor- tant digital marketing tools (for later reference, tools also include go- to-market channels and digital platforms) in order to close the knowledge gap, leverage the opportunities of digital technology in this field, and reduce the

capability gap to LE. An initial literature review revealed that only a small number of researchers had the objective to identify and describe such digital marketing tools. Overall, there are only a small number of publications on SME digital marketing that cover more than just one specialized topic, e.g. social media, content marketing, or marketing automation

Benefits of Digital Marketing

Global Reach: Digital marketing enables businesses to reach a vast global audience, breaking geographical barriers.

Cost-Effective: It offers cost- efficient advertising compared to traditional methods, allowing better budget allocation.

Targeted Marketing: Precise targeting options ensure reaching the right audience and increasing conversion rates.

Measurable Results: Digital marketing provides real-time analytics, allowing immediate assessment of campaign performance.

Personalisation: Tailored content and personalised campaigns enhance customer engagement and satisfaction.

Brand Building: A consistent digital presence helps establish a strong brand identity and reputation.

Higher ROI: Effective strategies yield higher returns on investment and increased revenue.

24/7 Accessibility: Online presence ensures businesses are accessible to customers round-the- clock.

Interactivity: Engaging content and two-way communication foster lasting customer relationships.

Adaptability: Digital

marketing allows quick adaptation to changing market trends and customer preferences.

Main Components of Digital Marketing

Content Marketing: Crafting unique and relevant content to captivate and engage the target audience.

Social Media Marketing (SMM): Using social media to build a brand presence, engage followers, and drive traffic.

Email Marketing: Sending targeted emails to promote products, nurture leads, and build customer loyalty.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: Putting sponsored adverts on search engines and social media to increase traffic.

Influencer Marketing: Teaming with influencers to promote services or products to their dedicated audience.

Online PR (Public Relations): Building positive brand image and managing online reputation through media and press coverage.


Effectiveness digital marketing strategies

Online marketing is the process to attract potential customers for business through particular banner, articles, video, images, flash animation, ads displaying platforms, website rediecting etc. Marketing activities or information are planned as an elegant tempt to the visitors in which particular website of business wants to attract. This information is particularly placed on main page or front page of website to reach key audiences. Online

Marketing is the practice of leveraging web-based channels to do brand awareness of a company and its products or services to its potential customers.[2] The purpose of digital advertising is to get people see your companyads and to visit your website and then convert those visitors into potential customers. It has the same fundamental tactics like Establishment and building brand recognition as followed in conventional offline advertisement process. Determination of pricing of various products, run campaingns and displaying ads about those services, discounts, special offers etc


Your website is the most digital advertising strategy because all other digital marketing elements redirect people to your website, which should effectively convert potential customers. Elements of website design that generate conversions are using best SEO practices and tools, having a good user experience, and capitalising the analytics results which various analytical companies present. A website without effective SEO will not appear in the top search results on a Search Engine Results Page (SERP) and henceforth wont generate many clicks from Google, Bing, duck duck goes and other search engines. These clicks are critical to your digital marketing efforts because you need to drive as much traffic as possible to your website to generate direct sales.[4] Even the most beautiful website will be mostly ineffective without the proper use of SEO. Using keywords that guests are likely to search for and optimising your site for search engines will improve your SEO and push your website to the top of the organic listings. While Facebook and Twitter offer limited analytics to track marketing campaigns and tweets, your website has the ability to collect

comprehensive information on who your guests are, how they know about your site, and what they view while on your site, what kind of products they like, what their prefeences are.[5] This information is invaluable whileanalysing the prefernces of your visitors and can be used to market your resort to a targeted, engaged audience .Websites are able to capture much more information about how guests engage with your website and brand than social media analytics. Aside from data on your guests, website analytics have the power to track marketing campaigns so youll quickly be able to determine how successful your marketing campaign SEO (SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION)

SEO aims to re-direct more traffic from the website from members of the targeted audience. These are consumers who are actively searching for the products and services the business offers, as well as users searching for more top of the funnel content.PPC is a paid form of advertisement that depends upon an auction-based system.With PPC, the organization bids on the specific keywords that they want in their ads to show up for ad triggers when a users search includes the specific keyword. These ads then appear at the top of search results, If a user decides to click on the advertisement, then the buyer of the keywords then pay for that click. PPC aims to reach out to searchers with transactional questions, whether theyre ready to buy the products or services. When they click on the ad, search engine users will redirect to the original website and see a call-to- action conversion, whether by purchasing a product, signing up for an email newsletter, or buying a trial period subscription.PPC is one of the most cost-effective paid advertising

methods. For many businesses such as small startups which looking for a quick way to advertise their services, PPC is a go to online marketing strategy. It propels the business website to appear on the top of search results, which can help if the companys organic search result ranking is high and which can make a particular to company to stand out among other similar companiesGoogle handles morethan 60,000 searches a second or more than two trillion searches per year so undoubtedly, its a go-to platform for PPC campaigns. That is why many companies invest their PPC budget in google ads, which offers a better ROI as compared to other search engines. As PPC ads target keywords with a transactional intention, a massive number of users purchase a product or service. PPC is an essential element for comprehensive marketing advertisements.


Off page is basically we can promote our website through internet. In Off page we have included

  1. Image submission

  2. 2. Video submission

  3. Social media

  4. Book marking

  5. Blog directory submission

  6. Article submission

On Page SEO;

On page is basically that we do within our website. Such as

  1. Meta Title

  2. Meta Descriotion

  3. Content Optimization

  4. Google Web Master

  5. Google Analytics

  6. Google Adword


In content marketing, the business focuses on reaching, engaging, and connecting with consumers via content. This content, which includes videos, blog posts, infographics, and banners provides informational values to users. Marketing associates target specific The chosen content must be beneficial and relavent and authentic. People would want to create a original and high quality content that makes users want to share it with their friends, families, co- workers, and other people in their social network. The goal of content marketing as a digital media strategy is to provide valuable information to target audience, increase traffic, and generate conversions. From a technical standpoint, content marketing also focuses on optimizing content for search engines to improve keyword visibility in search results.Content marketing is a smart digital marketing strategy to use as it connects more users to a particular product and converts visitors into customers through funnel buying. The best part is that it costs 62% less and generates 54% more leads than traditional marketing efforts. Content marketing is a long-term and ongoing strategy that delivers an impressive ROI. That ROI includes new leads and clients for the business, as well as increases in the associates conversion rates. More than 60% of users prefers companies that create aunthentic and beneficial content. Many users respond well to informational content from companies while many users choose to ignore the messages conveyed by companies.


Email marketing focuses on retaining the already existing customers, as well as gaining new. Its an exceptional technique for generating brand awareness, keeping the company on the

top of the mind, and encouraging repeated purchases. email marketing is developing and refining the ad campaigns, as well as growing the audience. email marketing also focuses on providing users with valuable information otherwise, people wouldnt stay subscribed.The idea is that, while these users may not need the services or products now, theyll remember the brand name when its time to make a purchase. That brand awareness encourages them to choose the desired company when theyre ready to buy. When those subscribers need a service, whether maintenance, emergency, or installation, they have a higher chance of choosing that business because the company's proven themselves as knowledgeable and trustworthy.One of the benefits of this strategy is that you can also segment the audience and personalize the email campaigns. For example, businesses may create a campaign for users that purchased a certain product or visited a particular webpage. The main objective of email marketing as a digital marketing initiative is to stay at the top of mind for potential customers, and provide current clients with beneficial information, like relevant industry news, and personalized content, like product coupons, that keep them coming back. Its impressive return emphasizes the potential of this Internet marketing strategy for increasing businesssrevenue, brand awareness, or client retention rates. It also shows that users like weekly promotional emails for businesses that want to generate more leads, as well as more revenue, email marketing is a go-to online marketing strategy. Audience segmentation, email design, and personalization can also maximize the results of email marketing. For example, smart segmentation can increase your revenues by up to 76%.


Social media marketing focuses on building brand awareness and

increasing conversions. A social media marketing campaign can feature one or several social media platforms, depending on the target audience and their platform preferences. A few of the most popular platforms for this Internet marketing strategy includes Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn. In addition to marketing the company on social media, this strategy often focuses on advertising too. The core goal of social media marketing is to increase brand awareness and conversions, as well as build and maintain your companys reputation. That is why social media marketing focuses on creating informational and promotional content, plus interacting with users on the various platforms. With less than 30% companies using social media as a marketing strategy. Even better, more than 25% of a users Internet time is spent on social media meaning its a perfect outlet for connecting. A few other reasons to use social media marketing include: More than 65% of consumers use social media for customer service. Users rely on social media for more than sharing content with friends and family. They also use it for connecting with companies, whether by highlighting a positive shopping experience or requesting a companys assistance. If a business is inactive on social media, thy leave users with limited options for contacting the said business. Inconveniencing their clients can lead to low client retention, which has a direct impact on the revenues. That is why having an active presence on social media is essential.


With the use of video marketing, the company increases its reach, grows its revenue, and expands its customer base. This method focuses on creating

informational and valuable videos for its target audience. A few types of videos for video marketing are such as Instructional, announcement, behind the scenes, events and more. youre working to build brand awareness among your target audience irrespective f your video content. This brand awareness leads to conversion of potential customers.Video marketing focuses on improving brand awareness, conversion rates, and generating of company revenue through displaying ads of other business associates. It accomplishes these goals by creating valuable, high-quality content for users. Its also an excellent addition to email marketing and content marketing, which both benefit from using videos.Like content marketing, the videos can also influence the purchases made by users. A how-to video, for instance, can convince users that your product is the best fit for their business or lifestyle. If your company invests in influencer marketing, an influencers video can also persuade their followers to choose your products. Pages with videos appeal more to users especially on social media platforms, which is why itscritical to improve the optimization of your pages. With videos to complement your content, you can earn a better rank for competitive keywords, which can result in more valuable traffic and leads for your business.


Increasing website traffic:

With all digital marketing strategies, one of the main goals is to increase traffic to a companys website. When people visit a website, theyre there for a reason. Whether theyre looking for information on the products, searching for how to contact

their team, or reading a recent post on their blog, people arent staying on their website by accident.The more visitors it attracts to the companys site, whether through content marketing, SEO, or email marketing, the more opportunities someone has to inform potential customers about what the business has to offer.

Driving storefront traffic:

If a business operates on a physical storefront, one of the main goals is likely to bring customers into their location. Online marketing strategies, are like local SEO, can help achieve this goal and attract more foot traffic. Users rely on search to find businesses near them, which is why 80% of local search convert.

Boosting brand awareness:

When someone uses digital marketing, they get there brand in front of more potential customers, whether through search results, email inboxes, social media platforms, or another outlet. As a result, more people become aware of the said brand. Theyll get to know of the branding, there products, and what sets them apart from their competitors. Then, when they need the products or services they offer, theyre more likely to remember the brand and make a purchase.

Raising revenue and conversions:

The biggest and most important objective of any marketing strategy is to increase revenue. By improving the target audiences traffic to the website and store, as well as partnering with the leading digital marketing agency, can increase your companys sales


Google Analytics is a very important digital marketing tool. It allows you to measure the results of individual campaigns in real-time, compare the data to previous periods. Google Analytics allows you to track many important metrics, covering all aspects. You can monitor the effectiveness of your online marketing strategies, onsite content, user experience, and device functionality. All these statistics show you what is working well, and what isnt. After identifying the problems of your site business organozation may implement the solution to the business model. Google Analytics allows you the information needed to improve your website. Google Analytics is implemented with "page tags", in this case, called the Google Analytics Tracking Code, which is a snippet of JavaScript code that the website owner adds to every page of the website.


The study started with the aim to analyse the different kinds related to marketing. Based on the discussion it has been found that in case of the digital marketing the most important aspect is to connect with the users. The ladder of engagement has shown the approaches to attach with the customers. The study has also revealed that in order to utilise the digital marketing in an effective way, the companies are required to design an effective platform. It has shown that in the current context, it has become important to integrate all the systems with that of the digital platform. The transition of newspaper from the printed version to the online version has been exemplified the current trends of the digitalisation. The research and practice

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