Employee Training and Development

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTCONV12IS03111

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Employee Training and Development


Ms.S.Prabhavathi, Assistant Professor, MBA Department, &

E.R.Sangeeetha, V.Kiruthika,E.Mohanavarshini,Final Year MBA Shree Venkateshwara Hi-Tech Engineering College, Gobi eMailid- sprabha_2005@yahoo.co.in

Mobile No: 6369529597

policies. Development takes a broader

This study shows the employee Training and development is an essential mechanism employed to optimize employee performance and foster their growth in terms of efficiency, productivity, job satisfaction, motivation, and innovation within the organizational context. Employee training and development is a set of activities and programs designed to enhance the knowledge, skills and abilities of employees.

Keywords: Training, Employee Performance, Development, Organization success, Increasing productivity, Effective management.


Employee training and development is a set of activities and programs designed to enhance the knowledge, skills and abilities of employees. It is a continuous process that aims to improve individual and organizational performance, foster career growth and adapt to evolving business needs.

Training focuses on teaching specific skills or knowledge to enhance job performance in the short term. It involves structured programs that teach employees how to perform certain tasks, use new tools or software or comply with company

approach, nurturing long-term growth and preparing employees for future roles and responsibilities. It includes activities such as mentoring, coaching, leadership, development and personal employee growth initiatives.


  • Increased Productivity

  • Quality Improvement

  • Learning time Reduction

  • Keeping yourself Updated with Technology

  • Effective Management


  1. Beydoun, Abdul Rahman and Saleh, Rima F. (2023) "LITERATURE REVIEW ON TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT IN WORK SETTING," BAU Journal –

    Society, Culture and Human Behavior: Vol. 4: Issue. 2, Article 13.

  2. Hashim (2001) in a survey identified the practices to training providers for evaluating training programs. The results showed that training providers use different evaluation methods that include trainees feedback, observation, interview, performance analyses, and training reaction forms.

  3. Cushway (2004) His research findings pointed that training is concerned with equipping onesresponsibilities to the

    required standard in their job and is concerned with giving individuals the necessary knowledge, skills and experience to enable them to take greater and more demanding roles and responsibilities.

  4. Brmely, P, Newby, A.C. (1984), Evaluation of Training Part II: The Organizational Context, examined some organizational factors requiring consideration in an evaluation study, including publicities and the extent to which evaluations can be truly objective. The authors also pointed out that thespecialized techniques developed outside the profession by non-trainers could be looked upon.


    Productivity increases when more output is produced with the same level of inputs or when the same amount of output is produced with less inputs.

    There are two widely used productivity concepts.

    • Labor productivity

    • Multifactor productivity

Labor productivity is defined as output per worker or per hour worked. Factors that can affect labor productivity include workers' skills, technological change, management practices and changes in other inputs (such as capital).

Multifactor productivity (MFP) is defined as output per unit of combined inputs. Combined inputs typically include laborand capital, but can be expanded to include energy, materials and services. Changes in MFP reflect changes in output that cannot be explained by changes in inputs.


Quality refers to the degree of excellence of something. The definitions of quality can vary across industries and its typically defined from the perspective of the end user.Think of a time when you received exceptional service. It could have been at a restaurant, a gas station, a hotel, or an airport.

Within the automotive industry, quality can be defined by the customer buying a vehicle, and is often rated based on things like safety, reliability, gas mileage, and owner satisfaction. In the airline industry, quality is based on things like service from staff, ease of check-in, and seat comfort.


  1. Outsource Content

    Think about it. How can your internal team possibly create 100% of the training content you need for 100% of your employees. It makes sense to outsource some of your training needs. Focus your internal team on creating the training that is unique to your company. Let them handle the specifics on yourbenefits package, mission/vision/values, internal processes, topics related to your culture, etc.

    When you work with a company like HSI, you gain access to a full library of off-the- shelf content that is ready and accessible to all employee day one.

    • Use our safety videos on fire extinguishers, PPE, electrical safety, etc. and use your team to create courses specific to your

      buildings on evacuation, emergency exits, and procedures.

    • Use our foundational sales and selling skills courses on uncovering customer needs, handling objections, making sales calls etc. Use your internal team to create custom content with your value proposition, messaging, features/benefits, etc.

    • Use our series on project management to cover the basics of the project charter, timelines, communication, etc. Then create your own training on your project management software like Basecamp or Teamwork.

  2. Convert to Microlearning

    Another way to reduce time consumption of employee training is to convert to microlearning. Research shows that employees get interrupted every 11 minutes. That is why our training videos average around seven minutes. Look at your outline for a session on anti- harassment, for example. There may be obvious shorter chapters'' to the content that could be converted to microlearning modules.

    Rather than clearing a full hour on the calendar, an employee could squeeze these videos into the natural breaks between meetings and other tasks.

  3. Incorporate Video

    Video training is perfect for topics where trainers find they are repeating themselves over and over. Onboarding new employees is a perfect example. Your HR team has to have the same benefits conversation with every new hire. Why not record that content in an informative video

    the new employee can watch at home with their family. Imagine filling out the online onboarding forms for health benefits, 401K etc.

    Video training offers several additional benefits.

    • Consistency: Ensure everyone receives exactly the same information in the same way. Live instructors may vary their delivery or story examples with each class or person. A video will not.

    • Accessibility: Videos can be watched anytime, anyplace. This helps shift workers, traveling salespeople, and learners in different time zones have equal access.

    • Efficiency: Your training team records the content once but it can be used by hundreds and thousands of employees.

  4. Allow Self-Directed Learning

    Instructor-led classes have to occur at a scheduled time and place which may end up being inconvenient for an employees work schedule. While video calls and webinar events dont require everyone to be in the same place, they do have the limitation of the designated time.

    The combination of microlearning in video form makes self-directed learning very easy. With the right platform, managers or admins can assign required courses with a deadline but allow the learners to complete the training at their own pace. Microlearning videos can be squeezed into a schedule in between meetings, while travelling, or after hours.

    In addition, with a full library of training videos learners can explore topics they are personally interested in.

    • A newly promoted supervisor might seek out a course on going from co-worker to boss.

    • An introverted, quiet employee might take a course on assertive communication.

    • An entry-level employee might need courses on business attire or email etiquette.

  5. Offer Mobile Learning

    In todays world of smartphones and tablets, your training must be mobile- ready. This is another important method to reduce the time consumption of training. Eliminating the time to travel to a training session whether it is out of town, in a separate building on your companys campus, or simply traveling to another floor in the same building.

  6. Leverage Blended Learning

While we are discussing time- saving methods for your training programs, we never want to compromise on quality or effectiveness. This is where your in-house team of instructors can spend their time more efficiently when combined with the training videos for a blended-learning experience for your learners.

Trainers can run a more interactive classroom environment by assigning eLearning videos as "pre-work." All learners come to class with a basic knowledge in common. The classroom time can be spent discussing more meaningful, real-life application scenarios.

Instructors could use videos in the classroom to reinforce training points and encourage discussion.

Managers can use videos in 1:1 coaching meeting with their direct reports for more targeted conversations.This may sound like a complete overhaul of your current training program but it doesnt have to be intimidating. Its simply a reallocation of resources using your teams time more effectively with the benefit of a more far-reaching training program.


  • Assess your current situation

  • Choose the right technology

  • Train your employees

  • Monitor and evaluate

  • Reward and recognize

  • Stay updated

  • Heres what else to consider1

  1. Assess your current situation

    The first step is to assess your current situation and identify the gaps and opportunities for technology improvement. You can use various methods, such as surveys, interviews, audits, benchmarks, or feedback, to gather information from your employees, customers, partners, and competitors. You should also review your strategic goals, budget, and resources, and align them with your technology needs and priorities

  2. Choose the right technology

    The next step is to choose the right technology that suits your specific needs and objectives. You should consider factors such as functionality, compatibility, scalability, security, reliability, usability, and cost. You should also evaluate the

    potential benefits and risks of adopting new technology, and how it will affect your operations, processes, policies, and culture. You can consult with experts, vendors, or peers, or conduct pilots or trials, to help you make informed decisions.

  3. Train your employees

    The third step is to train your employees on how to use the new technology effectively and efficiently. You should design and deliver training programs that are tailored to your employees' roles, skills, and learning styles.

  4. Reward and recognize

The fifth step is to reward and recognize your employees for their efforts and contributions in adopting and using the new technology. You should acknowledge and appreciate their achievements, feedback, and suggestions, and celebrate their successes and milestones. You should also provide incentives, such as bonuses, promotions, or recognition programs, to motivate and encourage them to continue learning and improving. You can use various ways, such as certificates, awards, or events, to show your gratitude and appreciation. Feedback, and coaching, and create a culture of learning and innovation. You can use various methods, such as online courses, webinars, workshops, manuals, or mentors, to facilitate learning and development.

4.Monitor and evaluate

The fourth step is to monitor and evaluate the impact and performance of the new technology on your employees and your business. You should collect and analyze data, such as metrics, indicators, or feedback, to measure the outcomes and

results of your technology initiatives. You should also identify and address any issues, challenges, or gaps that may arise, and make adjustments or improvements as needed. You can use various tools, such as dashboards, reports, or surveys, to track and communicate your progress and achievements.


Effective management has many benefits for an organizations success. However, it is not easy to achieve effective management. This section will learn about a few tips that will help you achieve effective management.

  1. Communicate with your team

    The first and foremost tip to achieve effective management is communication. Through effective communication, you will connect with your team members and understand them better.

  2. Arrange a meeting with your team

    The team members regularlyArranging regular appointments with your team members to learn about their needs and problems is necessary.

  3. Be consistent

    Consistency to positive efforts is essential if you want to achieve effective management in the organization. Be consistent with your meeting and feedback with the employees.

  4. Keep updating your knowledge

    Effective management can only be achieved if you keep updating your knowledge and using this knowledge to grow your organization.

  5. Empower others

An effective manager not only thinks about his growth and improvements. He helps his team members grow and learn new skills. He gives priority to the learning and development of his employees.

Types of training and development activities

There are many different types of training and development activities, but here are some of the most common ones:

  1. Classroom training: This is when employees attend a class or workshop in a classroom setting. They learn from a teacher or instructor and can ask questions and participate in discussions.

  2. Online training: This training is done through a computer or mobie device. Employees can access online courses or training materials from anywhere, at any time.

  3. On-the-job training: Employees learn by doing their job with the help of a mentor or supervisor. They can get hands on experience and learn from real-life situations.

  4. Conferences and events: Attending conferences, workshops, and other events can be an excellent way for employees to learn new skills and network with others in their field.

  5. Coaching and mentoring: In this type of training, an experienced employee or professional helps a less experienced employee develop their skills.

  6. Simulation and role-play: In these activities, employees practice skills in a simulated or role-play environment. This

can help them prepare for real-life situations and build their confidence.These are just a few examples of organizations' many training and development activities to help their employees grow and succeed.

The Benefits of Training and Development for employees

Training and development (T & D) can be helpful for employees. When employees learn new skills or improve, they become better at their job and more confident in their abilities. This can make them more valuable to their organization, and they may have more opportunities for advancement and higher pay. T&D also helps employees stay current with technology changes and other business areas. When employees feel like they're growing and developing, it can be more exciting and fulfilling to go to work every day. Overall, T&D is an excellent way for employees to improve their skills and grow in their careers.


  1. Identify the needs:

    Find out what skills or knowledge your employees need to improve their jobs. This can be done through surveys, performance evaluations, or talking to managers and employees.

  2. Set goals:

    Once you know what your employees need, set clear goals for the T&D program. What do you want your employees to learn or achieve?

  3. Choose the proper methods:

    There are many ways to deliver T&D, such as in-person classes, online courses, or on-the-job training. Choose the methods that will work best for your employees and your organization.

  4. Make it interactive:

    People learn better when actively involved in learning. Ensure your T&D program includes hands-on practice, discussion, and feedback opportunities.

  5. Measure success:

    It's essential to see if the T&D program works. Decide how you will measure success and track progress.

  6. Continuously improve:

As you implement the T&D program, listen to feedback from employees and make changes as needed. This will help you continuously improve the program and make it more effective.


In conclusion, Training and Development (T&D) is essential for enhancing employee skills, knowledge, and abilities. To create a successful T&D program, identify needs, set goals, choose effective methods, make it interactive, measure success, and continuously improve.

T&D activities include classroom training, online training, on-the-job training, conferences, coaching, simulation, and role-play. Benefits of T&D include improved job performance, confidence, career advancement, updated technology and business knowledge, and increased job satisfaction.


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