Design And Analysis Of Thrust Chamber Of A Cryogenic Rocket Engine

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV2IS80225

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Design And Analysis Of Thrust Chamber Of A Cryogenic Rocket Engine

S. Senthilkumar 1, Dr. P. Maniiarasan 2 ,Christy Oomman Jacob 2, T. Vinitha 2

1 Research Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Anna University, Chennai

2 Department of Aeronautical Engineering ,Nehru Institute of Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore


The basic concept of a rocket engine relays on the release of the internal energy of the propellant molecules in the combustion chamber, the acceleration of the reaction product and finally the release of the hot gases at the highest possible velocity in the convergent/divergent nozzle. Liquid rocket engines burn propellants, which undergo chemical reactions to convert the stored chemical energy to thermal energy which results in the generation of thrust. Thrust chamber of cryogenic engine is modeled at a chamber pressure of 40 bar and thrust of 50KN to reduce the high temperature and pressure in the combustion chamber. CFD analysis is done to show the pressure and temperature variation in the thrust chamber modeled for 50KN thrust and chamber pressure of 40 bar. The design of rocket engine should be such that it should withstand the high pressure and high temperature of the combustion chamber.


C*-characteristic velocity Cf thrust coefficient

At -throat area

Dt-throat diameter F-thrust

Rcc-radius at the convergent cylindrical portion Rcd-radius at the cylindrical divergent portion De- nozzle exit diameter


    Payload capacity can be increased with the propulsion system having higher specific impulse, in general liquid propellant engines results in longer burning time than conventional solid rocket engines which result in higher specific impulse. Liquid propellants can be classified based on the storable conditions, namely earth storable, cryogenic, space storable etc. Among these cryogenic propellants are widely used because of their high specific impulse compared to other type of propellants. Cryogenics are high energetic propellant combination, also the future space mission needs a propulsion system with the high thrust and reusable capacities, like Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME), which can also leads to

    reduction in launch cost per kg of payload with the highly improved payload capacity. As above said space shuttle main engine uses Liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen as a propellant combination with high specific impulse over the other cryogenic propellant combinations. Apart from the LOX/ LH2 combination, LOX/ RP- 1 (Kerosene) semi- cryo combination is widely used in Russian launch vehicle engines of RD- 107, RD- 108and RD- 461 in the Soyuz launch vehicles, which offers slightly lower specific impulse than LOX/ LH2 combination with advantage of handling. The demand of increasing payloads and increasing size of satellite increases the need of more efficient rocket propulsion system. The cost of the payload can be decreased by implementing new reusable launching systems with the intentions to increase the efficiency of the launching system. For such condition high energetic cryogenic propellant combination provides suitable thrust to weight ratio with high specific impulse than current existed earth storable propellants.

    The thrust chamber of a cryogenic rocket engine is exposed to extreme conditions during operation where pressures go as high as 20MPa and temperatures reach 3600K, this high pressure and high temperature leads to high heat transfer rates (

    100 to 160 MW/m2) in thrust chamber. Under these

    harsh conditions, the combustor must incorporate active cooling to increase the thrust chamber life by depressing thermal stresses and preventing wall failure. Regenerative cooling is the most effective method used in cooling of liquid propellant rocket engines


    The propellant combination of liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen has high specific impulse compared to other propellant combinations have been used in many rocket engines. The thermal analysis is a major issue in at the channel exit. Those parameters are important for the design of injectors and of the coolant pump. The design of a liquid rocket engine, because the prediction of peak heat-flux from the combustion gases to the engine wall is necessary to ensure the structural integrity of the combustion chamber. The need for thermal analysis is essentially important to extend the engine life by effective and efficient cooling system. Moreover, the analysis of the cooling channel flow is essential to predict not only the

    efficiency of the coolant, but also the coolant temperature and pressure.The design of thrust

    F = Isp act× total×g


    chamber consists of many parameters and detail

    calculations, using basic geometric parameters are

    total =


    adequate to understand the regenerative cooling

    = 14.5 Kg/s

    effect of the system. For the built-up of gas- dynamic profile of the combustion chamber, it is necessary to give some input data to the system such as thrust (at sea level), chamber pressure, ambient pressure and propellant components. Some

    total =

    At =

    Pc At





    14.5 2159


    of these parameters are listed below in the table.




    Liquid hydrogen(LH2)


    Liquid oxygen(LOX)

    Ambient pressure

    1 bar

    Table 1 LPRE Requirements

    Chamber pressure is very important in the designing of rocket engine. The thrust chamber performance increases with increase in chamber pressure and also higher chamber pressure reduces the performance losses due to kinetics. Thrust chamber size and weight decreases as the chamber pressure increases. Higher chamber pressure provides higher nozzle expansion ratio, which in turn reduces the chamber and nozzle envelope for a fixed thrust. For LOX/LH2 combination of oxidiser and fuel, mixture mass ratio is found to be between

    4.5 & 6 not at the stoichiometric value of 8. This is because a gas which is slightly richer in fuel tends to have a lower molecular weight. This results in a higher overall engine system performance. As area ratio (AR) increases, the specific impulse increases, due to higher expansion of hot gas which generates higher velocity at nozzle exit. But AR is primarily selected based on the application of engine in the booster stage or upper stage.


        The performance parameters are obtained through NASA-CEA code for the given input condition of the engine. Those values are listed in the following table.




        2249 m/s

        Specific impulse Isp

        376 s

        Thrust coefficient, Cf


        Molecular weight


        Table 2 Parameters from NASA-CEA Code

        Total mass flow rate can be calculated from the following equation

        = 7.83×10-3 m2

        Dt = 100 mm

        The chamber volume is the function of mass flow rate of the propellants and their average density and of the stay time needed for efficient combustion.

        Vc = tc*V*ts Combustion chamber volume (Vc)

        Vc = L*× At

        = 635 × 7.83E-3

        = 4987278 m3

        While designing the combustion chamber, proper value of L* is to be considered because an increase in L* beyond a certain limit results in decrease in overall engine system performance. In case of operating cryogenic engines the contraction ratio

        varies in the range from 1.58 to 5. Design of very high contraction area ratios (> 5) have difficult in maintaining stable boundary layer, adjacent to the throat.


        The configuration of the combustion chamber is cylindrical which provides sufficient surface area for cooling. For this engine configuration, semi convergent angle of 20 degrees has been selected, favoring a lower heat flux and thereby maximizing the life of the chamber. For current engine configuration, Rcd/ Dt were taken as 1. So Rcd = 1 * 100 = 100 mm. Usually the ratio of the radius of curvature at entry to the convergent of the diameter of the chamber Rcc/ Dc varies from 0.5 to 1.5. If the value is too low say < 0.5, then there is a possibility of flow separation along the convergent portion with associated heat transfer problems. Comparatively high value of Rcc/ Dc is taken for design. For the current configuration engine Rcc/ Dc has taken as 1.0, so the value of Rcc for the engine is 200 * 1 = 200 mm.

        Fig 1 A Schematic of Thrust Chamber Profile

        The convergent length of combustion chamber is the sum of the axial length of the portion between the cylindrical chamber & the Nozzle cone (X1), length of the conical portion (X2) & the length between conical potion and the throat (X3), these three lengths are calculated as follows.

        X1 = Rccsin

        = 200sin20

        = 68.4 mm

        X3 = Rcdsin

        = 100sin20

        = 34.2 mm



        The use of bell type contour nozzle will give higher performance. The parabolic approximation methods suggested by G.V. R. Rao is a convenient tool for designing a near optimum bell nozzle contour. The nozzle contour immediately upstream of the throat is a circular arc and also the divergent section nozzle contour is made up of a circular entrance section with a short radius. From this point to exit, the parabola is fitted.

        For this current configuration, divergent portion of the nozzle, a parabolic bell shaped contour has been chosen. The radius of curvature at the starting of the divergent (Rct) decides the rate by which the expansion can be achieved in the divergent and also the rate of maximum heat flux. Rct/ Dt can vary from 0.25 to 1. Usually a low value is selected because it results in better thermal margin (heat flux is less) and smooth profile contour resulting in reduction of coolant pressure drop. For current engine design a ratio of 0.5 has been selected Rct = 100 x 0.5 = 50 mm. The bell nozzle usually employs a higher initial wall angle for faster expansion in the initial divergent section and then a uniform axially directed flow at the nozzle exit. Axial length of nozzle from the throat section to the exit plane is calculated assuming the bell nozzle as

        an equivalent conical nozzle. Equivalent conical

        X2 =

        C Rt Rcc 1 cos Rcd 1 cos




        half angle is usually between 12 deg to 18 deg. The angle has been selected for this configuration as 20 deg with nozzle area ratio of 15.

        = 87.67 mm

        Nozzle exit diameter is calculated based on the value of area ratio as in the literature by Schuff

        Lcon = X1+X2+X3

        = 190 mm

        De =


        The volume of the nozzle convergent portion (Vcon) has been computed by assuming the convergent portion as the frustum of a cone as reported in literature by Huzel.

        = 15 100

        =387.3 mm

        Substituting Rt = 50 mm, Rct = 25 mm and semi divergent angle =15 deg.

        Vcon =

        L R 2 R 2 R R

    1. con c t c t



      1 Rct sec 1


      Volume of the cone Vcon = 3481931.8 mm3

      Volume of the cylindrical portion = Vc

      – Vcon



      15 1 25sec15 1


      = 4987278-3481931.8

      Vcyl = 1505346 mm3 Length of the cylindrical portion


      Lcyl =




    2. c

    = 539.39 mm

    Length of the bell nozzle is to be 80% of that of an equivalent conical nozzle

    Lbell = 0.8 Ldiv=434.4 mm

    = 48 mm

    Fig 2 2-D Diagram of Thrust Chamber


    In order to verify the design quality of the nozzle flow field investigation of the nozzle has to be studied. A 2-D axis symmetric computational simulation of the flow field is necessary, which may be either developing a code or by using commercial code. In the present study computation has been made to obtain flow through the nozzle using commercial software FLUENT. In the present study two dimensional structured grids were generated on the nozzle profile along with extended domain. For axis symmetric computation, quadrilateral cells with map scheme was used for grid generation


      The boundary conditions values are taken from NASA-CEA code.

      Pressure inlet

      Total pressure = 40 bar

      Total temperature = 3420 K Material properties (combustion gas)

      Specific heat = 3768 J/Kg-K

      Viscosity = 1.0455E-4 Kg/m-s

      Thermal conductivity = 0.5590 W/mK Molecular weight = 13.37

      Fig 3 Mesh Domain of the Thrust Chamber


      The following results contains the information about the nozzle pressure, velocity, temperature and mach no variation along the nozzle and domain for LOX/LH2 propellant combination.

      Fig 4 Contours of Static Pressure

      Fig 5 Contours of Mach Number


      Theoretica l results

      Computationa l results

      Totalmassflowrat e (Kg/s)



      Exit mach number



      Total temperature(K)



      Total pressure(bar)



      Fig 6 Contour of Velocity Magnitude (m/s)

      Fig 7 Contour of Static Temperature (K)

      Fig 8 Contour of Total Pressure

      Table 3 Nozzle Flow Analysis Results


Cryogenic propellants in liquid rocket engine provide high specific impulse which is suitable for use in rocket upper and booster stages. For the thrust chamber modeled at 50KN of thrust and chamber pressure of 40 bar with the propellant combination of LH2/LOX shows a very good consistency when compared with computational results. From the analysis result it is found that cryogenic rocket engine with the propellant combination of LH2/LOX is suitable for design of upper stage rocket.


  1. Schuff, R., Maier, M., Sindiy, O., Ulrich, C., and Fugger, S., (2006) Integrated Modeling and Analysis for a LOX/Methane Expander Cycle Engine: Focusing on Regenerative Cooling Jacket Design" AIAA paper 2006-4534, 42nd AIAA/ ASME/ SAE/ ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit.

  2. Dieter, K., (1971), Huzel ., David, H. and Liang, H., Design of Liquid Propellant Rocket Engines" NASA Technical Report, Second edition.

  3. Mustafa, E. B.,(2008) Analysis Of Regenerative Cooling In Liquid Propellant Rocket Engines Middle East Technical University, Mechanical engineering, M.E. Thesis.

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