Performance Analysis of DSR, AODV and DYMO Protocols, Quality of Service Issues and Security in MANET

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV2IS110242

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Performance Analysis of DSR, AODV and DYMO Protocols, Quality of Service Issues and Security in MANET

ArunKumar B. R.

Professor & HOD, MCA Dept. BMS Institute of Technology Doddaballapura Main Road Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Gautam Sharma

Student, Department of MCA Sir MV Institute of Technology Bangalore, Karnataka, India


Applications of mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) are expected in wide varieties of area in spite of several constraints and challenges. MANET characteristics such as dynamic infrastructure arrangement, high level of heterogeneity, mobile nodes and hence dynamic topology, energy constraints, unreliable communication and security have posed a lot of challenges. The quality of service routing is a crucial factor in such an MANET environment. To optimize the routing algorithms, it is most important to evaluate the performance of the routing protocols, identify the research issues in connection to quality of service (QoS) with proper justification and to explore the security requirements in MANET. This work evaluates the performance analysis of on-demand routing protocols and certain QoS issues pertaining to routing protocols and the security.

Keywords: MANET, Quality of Service (QoS), Throughput, End-end Delay, Dynamic Source Routing (DSR), Dynamic MANET on-demand, Ad-hoc on demand distance vector (AODV), Security attacks,


    A mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) is composed of mobile platforms without predetermined infrastructure, nodes are free to move arbitrarily and self-organize to form a network over radio links. The key majority of applications of MANETs are focused on the areas where wire-line networks are not appropriate and rapid deployment and dynamic configuration are crucial. Such applications include military battlefields, emergency search and rescue sites, audio-video conferencing and sharing text/images dynamically using their mobile devices, etc.

    These applications involve group-oriented multicast computing without restrictions on number and mobility of members. The majority of the routing protocols proposed in the literature are striving towards the optimization of routing

    performance and extremely vulnerable to malicious nodes present and the types of attacks that happens on MANET.

    The multicasting in ad-hoc networks is a promising research area that requires considerable further study. In the literature survey, there are several quality of service multicast protocols proposed for MANET such as work in [24]. The analysis of the protocols on standard simulation tool such as QualNet is required which facilitates to design an adoptable mechanisms for the routing protocols. Thus, the work focuses on performances characteristics of the on-demand protocols namely AODV, DSR and DYMO which are considered necessary to be evaluated and analyzed in proper context so that the usefulness and the enhancement can be recognized.

    This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents relevant literature survey on certain routing issues. Brief note of the on demand protocols is discussed in Section 3. The simulation experiment set up and performance comparison of the protocols are detailed in Section 4. The Section 5 explores the security in MANET and finally, Section 6 passes the concluding remarks.


    The quality of service of the routing protocols inherently contributes to the performance of the MANET with the real time traffic such as conversational voice, videoconferencing and real time multimedia. It makes sense to get into the technological perspective of both application and network to control the jitter, to optimize the bandwidth utilization , ensure connectivity, monitor network partition, alert on the congestion and notification, admission control [1][2][3] and [4].

    Further, the type of the traffic of the network media such as best effort traffic, bursty traffic or bulky traffic generated by the application type can affect the QoS the network offers. Bursty nature of the network media traffic leads to dynamic resource allocation and utilization which calls for additional resources demand and increase in the cost of time. It should be noted that burst traffic of data leads to challenges in

    resource management which is scarce in MANET and effects the quality of service [5][6][7]. Therefore traffic management mechanism are highly essential for streaming in MANET.

    Transfer of media under stringent delay constraint is the characteristic of the streaming media[11]. Hence internet protocol (IP) with Best Effort service Model cannot be directly extended to MANET.

    TCP which is a dominant and prominent protocol in the internet adopts congestion control mechanisms only after the congestion starts signaling in the network. In addition to this, It is to be noted that TCP fairly shares link bandwidth between multiple connections [11]. This may leads to MANET to collapse if the same basic TCP mechanism is adopted. TCP queuing mechanisms such as First-In First Out (FIFO) or Drop Tail method is not suitable for the scaling up in internet, wireless networks and for heterogeneous type of networks environment.

    Packet Loss Analysis (PLA) is an important research issue in case of digitized audio transmission over a network in a series of packets where the receiver has to produce the original audio signal. Since all the packets have to be received with preserved timing relationships among them which is challenging in case of MANET because of node mobility, dynamic topology and connectivity, etc. PLA gains importance as the research issue in MANET.

    This literature analysis summarizes and up holds that network traffic type, traffic models such as best effort service model of IP, Congestion control mechanisms and PLA are the key research issues in MANET routing apart from the issues identified in [22]. The issues of the layers other than the network layer have to be adopted by the MANET routing protocol by employing cross layer paradigm to offer the QoS routing.


    In this paper, the brief note of the on demand protocols studied are presented along with the many references to other related works.

    1. Ad-Hoc on-Demand Routing (AODV)

      The Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol belongs to the class of distance vector routing protocol (DVR) which is intentional for use by mobile nodes on demand basis in an ad hoc network. AODV is capable of both unicast and multicast routing. AODV multicast tree connects group members and tree is maintained as long as it is required by the source. It offers quick adaptation to dynamic link conditions, low processing and memory overhead, low network utilization, and determines unicast

      routes to destinations within the ad hoc network [8]. It uses destination sequence numbers to ensure loop freedom at all times(even in the face of anomalous delivery of routing control messages),avoiding problems (such as "counting to infinity") associated with classical distance vector protocols. The security is very crucial in mobile communication. The basic AODV has no definition of security mechanisms.

    2. Dynamic Source Routing (DSR)

      The Dynamic Source Routing protocol (DSR) is a simple yet efficient on demand protocol designed specifically for use in multi-hop wireless ad hoc networks of mobile nodes. The protocol is composed of the two main mechanisms of "Route Discovery" and "Route Maintenance", which work together to allow nodes to discover and maintain routes to arbitrar destinations in the ad hoc network. The DSR protocol offers guaranteed loop-free routing, takes care of operation in networks containing unidirectional links, scalable up to two hundred nodes and works efficiently even with high rates of mobility [9].

    3. Dynamic MANET On-demand Protocol (DYMO )

      DYMO is the extension of Ad-Hoc on-demand Distance Vector routing protocol. It is reactive protocol with basic operations namely route discovery and management. It ensures loop free routing using sequence numbers. Its mechanisms can swiftly get adaptation to dynamic conditions, low processing and memory overhead, low network utilization, and determines unicast routes between nodes within the network [10].


    A simulation is a powerful tool to test the implementation of the research ideas, scale the network easily, consumes less time to incorporate the changes, and it is cost effective. However the accuracy of the results of the real world experiments are not necessarily be correlated and it is clearly independent of the implementation accuracy of the models in the simulator.Many research papers have presented the simulation studies of AODV using an event-driven, packet level simulator, called PARSEC. including Charles. C. Perkins et al of Sun Microsystems Laboratories [6][24].

    QualNet is a network simulation tool that simulates wireless and wired packet mode communication networks. QualNet developer is a discrete event simulator used in the simulation of MANET, WiMAX networks, satellite and sensor networks. QualNet is a commercial tool derived from GloMoSim that was first released in 2000 by Scalable Network Technologies.

    To carry out the performance evaluation of AODV, DSR and DYMO Protocols on QualNet simulator, the parameters are set which are shown in the Table 1 and Table 2 below. The simulations experiments are carried out for the same set of parameters configuration to evaluate the performance of AODV, DSR and DYMO. A scenario where nodes random and distributed in 1500 X 1500 unit area is shown in Figure 1 where the entire area is further divided into 100 square shaped cells and 1kb of constant bit rate (CBR) data was transmitted in the simulation as shown in the Figure 2. The packet reception model was set to IEEE 802.11b using the parameter in QualNet as,PHY802.11bReceptionModel as shown in the Figure 3. Figure 4 shows configuring to enable IP forwarding. The property, routing IPV4 has set to the value AODV, DSR and DYMO while evaluating them, an example set up is shown in Figure 5. The Figure 5 also shows other properties set to carry out the simulation experiment. The simulation scenario set for DSR and DYMO with mobility are shown in the Figure 6 and 7 respectively.

    The physical Layer : The basic hardware transmission technologies of the network are consisting in the physical Layer. Because of different variants in hardware technologies and their characteristics, the physical layer is very complex one [15]. Each router has a priori knowledge only of networks attached to it directly. A routing protocol shares the topological information first among immediate neighbors, and then throughout the network. This way, routers gain knowledge of the topology of the network [16].

    Fading Model: In wireless systems, fading may either be due to multipath propagation, referred to as multipath induced fading, or due to shadowing from obstacles affecting the wave propagation, sometimes referred to as shadow fading [17]. The fading may vary with time, geographical position or radio frequency, and is often modeled as a random process.

    The performance of the protocols is evaluated based on throughput. Throughput is the average rate of successful data packets received at destination. It is usually measured in bits per second (bit/s or bps), and sometimes in data packets per second. Evaluation of the performance of the simulated protocols in terms of throughput is as follows: Throughput (bits/sec) of the DYMO, AODV and DSR protocols are 564, 375 and 232 respectively. It should be noted that DYMO protocol has performed high compared to AODV and DSR. DSR performance is low compared to DYMO and AODV.


    In MANET addition to traditional attacks, network specific attacks have offered a lot challenges to researchers. Security- sensitive applications need to be safeguarded in terms of the

    attributes such as availability, confidentiality, integrity, authentication, and non-repudiation [20]. The routing protocols without security mechanisms may degrade the network performance. The nature of MANET expects efficient security mechanisms as wireless channel is accessible to both legitimate network users and malicious attackers. The security solutions should take care of the network in its entirety and each node. The mechanism proposed should work on each device proportional to the resources available within the device such as energy, memory, connectivity and computing capability [18]. To secure the MANET, solution should prevent, detect and react with the network in order to safeguard the system from collapse. Misbehaving nodes degrades the network performance. It is required to be alert always to monitor the malicious nodes and initiate the necessary proper actions if any anomaly is detected. Hence an intrusion detection system (IDS) is essential in MANET. There are protocols that address active attacks such as worm whole attacks [12][13]. For achieving confidential group communication using a symmetric key which is shared by all the nodes for data encryption, Sencun Zhu et al proposed an efficient approach in [14]. A malicious neighbor node may prevent other neighbor nodes from getting fair share of the transmission channel [18]. The distributed zone based secure routing protocol for MANET is proposed in [25] which introduces local and global authority servers.

    The security is a major issue as recommended by ITU-T [23] in ad hoc networks. Majority of the routing protocols have used standard digital signatures to authenticate routing update messages. it is worth reiterating that generation and verification of digital signatures is relatively inefficient [19]. All the security attacks leads to either low performance or network collapse. Therefore, security issue has to be considered as an integral characteristic of the routing protocol especially in group communication where they involve more nodes [21].


    In this research endeavor, the work highlights that the issues at other layers which are not considered traditionally with the routing protocols such as network traffic, congestion control etc. are recommended to be adopted in the design of the routing protocol following the cross layer paradigm. The performance analysis of the simulated protocols on QualNet developer recognizes the DYMO as a high performance protocol compared with AODV and DSR for the identical scenarios. It is worth noting that a large no. of research papers have evaluated the protocols in absence of security attacks including the performance comparison of DSR, AODV and DYMO protocols. Security is an essential

    requirements for both unicast and multicast routing. In the

    context of multicasting secure concerns increases.

    Table 1. Simulation Parameters

    Table 2. Configured Parameters

    Configured Parameters


    Physical Layer Protocol


    Routing protocol


    Fading Model


    Shadowing Model


    Energy Model

    Mica Motas

    Battery power

    Simple Linear




    Random way point

    Mobility Speed


    Data Link Layer


    Application Layer

    CBR Traffic

    Channel Frequency

    2.4 GHz

    Total Power


    Antenna Model


    Directional Antenna

    Enable IP Forwarding


    The simulation experiment is carried out with the network density of 10 nodes, packet size of 512 Bytes, Radio Range of 100m, link capacity of 2Mbps, Pause Time of 2 seconds,

    Max. No. of packets buffered= 100 for the simulation time of 450 seconds.

    Figure 1.Setting of 10 MANET nodes for simulation on QualNet developer.

    Figure 2 . MANET nodes with CBR of one Kb data.

    Figure 3. Configuring the Packet Reception Model on the Physical Layer

    Figure 4. Enabling IP Forwarding in AODV

    Figure 5. Setting IPV4 for AODV

    Figure 6. DSR Nodes with Mobility

    Figure 7. Simulation scenario set for DYMO with Mobility and CBR

    Figure 8. Throughput of DYMO at CBR server

    Figure 9. Throughput of AODV at CBR server

    Figure 10 . Throughput of DSR at CBR server


    Dr. ARUNKUMAR B.R., MCA, M.Phil(CS),

    M.Tech(CS&E), PGDIPR (National Law School of India University, Banglore ) and Ph.D (CS) serving as a Professor and Head of the department, Master of Computer Applications, BMS Institute of Technology, Bangalore, Karnataka, India has published nearly 20 research papers in National/International Journals and 11 papers in National/International Conferences including IEEE international conferences, wishes to place on record his sincere thanks to all those who helped in bringing out this paper.


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