Agglomerative Sentence Clustering Approach for Discourse Segmentation

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV2IS120789

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Agglomerative Sentence Clustering Approach for Discourse Segmentation

Christopher Augustine M.Tech (Computational Linguistics), Govt: Engineering College, Palakkad,

Kerala, India, 678633

P. C. Reghuraj

Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering,

Govt: Engineering College, Palakkad, Kerala, India, 678633.


Automatic recognition of discourse which describes about a situation or set of entities is important natural language tasks like summarization, information retrieval, etc. A text can be viewed as a collection of discourses that describe a set of nouns. This paper presents an agglomerative sentence clustering approach for text segmentation based on nouns. This method considers both cohesion and coherence relationships among sentences. The nouns are the best representatives of the sentence in discourse. We find that clustering of the sentence by considering these nouns gives better segmentation strategy. The output of the clustering process is further refined with named entities and WordNet for better accuracy.

  1. Introduction

    Discourse analysis deals with a group of sentences that are cohesive or coherent. The coherent processing of this text segments requires something more than interpretation of the individual sentences. While syntax and semantics work with sentence-length units, the discourse level of NLP works with units of text longer than a sentence. That is, discourse focuses on the properties of the text as a whole that convey meaning by making connections between component sentences [10]. The important parameters necessary for the text segmentation are: cohesion, coherence and lexical chain. Cohesion and coherence are terms used in discourse analysis and text linguistics to describe the properties of written texts. Cohesion is used to specify linking of sentences and paragraphs and their relationships. In English, cohesion is established through the use conjunctions, pronouns, conjuncts, etc. A cohesive text may not be coherent. Lexical and grammatical relationships among sentences are cohesion, whereas coherence is based on semantic relationships. Often, lexical cohesion occurs not simply between pairs of words but over a succession of a number of nearby words spanning a topical unit of the text.

    These sequences of related words are called lexical chains. There is a distant relation between each word in the chain, and the words co-occur in the given span. Lexical chains do not stop at sentence boundaries. They can connect a pair of adjacent words or can range over an entire text.

    More subtle distinctions are sometimes made. One can distinguish between discourse-as-product (the linguistic construct) and discourse-as-process (the communicative event). Coherence can be reserved for the conceptual relationships that comprehenders use to construct a coherent mental representation accommodated by what is said in the discourse. Cohesion is limited to the linguistic markers that cue the comprehender on how to build such coherent representations. Cohesion emphasizes discourse-as-product, and coherence emphasizes discourse-as-process [5].

    There are a number of theories of natural-language discourse processing, and computational models of these theories exist. Theories concentrate on the themes of semantics, structure, and intention. A common principle of all approaches is that they provide a model of the coherence of discourse. Semantic theories argue that the coherence of a discourse is a feature of its meaning and if the meaning modelled, the coherence falls out of that [9]. For practical purpose, it is currently difficult to develop a comprehensive discourse analyser with full text understanding capability. On the one hand, a model to understand text is still being developed [7].

    In the following section some of the related works are briefly explained, Section 3 describes the proposed method of this paper and in section 4, results of this method are discussed and limitations of this method and suggestion on future work are given in section 5.

  2. Related Work

    Marti A. Hearst proposed a famous method, TextTiling, for partitioning full-length text documents into coherent multi-paragraph units. TextTiling illustrates, a computational approach to segment written expository text

    into contiguous, non-overlapping discourse units that correspond to the pattern of subtopics in a text [6].

    The model described in [3] fall into two broad classes that capture orthogonal dimensions of entity distribution in the discourse. The first class is the syntactic aspects of the text coherence and characterizes how mentions of the same entity in different syntactic positions are spread across adjacent sentences. The key assumption is that certain entity transitions are likely to appear in locally coherent discourse. The second is the semantic class that quantifies local coherence as the degree of connectivity across the sentences. A number of linguistic devices-entities such as repetition, synonymy, hyponymy and meronymy are considered.

    The coherence of a text based on statistical distribution of the discourse structure and relation is described in [4]. This model specifically focuses on the discourse relation transitions between adjacent sentences, modelling them in a discourse role matrix. When a term appears in a discourse relation, the discourse role of this term is defined as the discourse relation type and the arguments span in which the term is located.

    John Morris and Graeme Hirst describe a model based on lexical cohesion [8]. Lexical cohesion arises from semantic relationship between words. Here, the main requirement is that there be some recognizable relation between words. The sequence of words is called lexical chains. Lexical chains do not stop at sentence boundaries. It


    Figure. 1. Block Diagram of the Proposed

    provides a clue for the determination of coherence and discourse structure, and hence larger the meaning of the sentence.

    Text collections are increasingly heterogeneous. An important aspect of heterogeneity is length. On the World Wide Web, document sizes range from home pages with just one sentence to server logs of half a megabyte.

    In order to capture discourses with various sizes, there should be a system which works at sentence level rather than fixed block size. A system which considers both cohesion and coherence can give good results. Next section descries the proposed method which considers both cohesive and coherent relation among sentences.

  3. Proposed Method

    Nouns refer to people, things, concepts, and other objects. They are the original and central building blocks of language [2]. The analysis of text based on the nouns gives a light to the discourse segmentation. There are lot of nouns from the first sentence to last one in the text. Nouns have important characteristics, since other particles are used to complement them. These nouns can be used to find the cohesive relationship between the sentences. Based on this relationship, the sentences in the text can be grouped.

    A discourse is meant to describe a particular topic. So, there is a set of nouns and named entities specific to a discourse. This paper proposes a method includes three modes of operations which can segment a text based on cohesion of nouns and named entities and coherence as shown in Fig. 1. Three operations are: (i) Sentence clustering based on nouns, (ii) Boundary adjustment with named entities (NEs) and (iii) Boundary adjustment with WordNet.

    1. Sentence clustering based on nouns

      This clustering ensures that each cluster of sentences contains sentences about a particular set of nouns. The proposed algorithm has three main parts:

      1. Splitting of text into sentences.

      2. Clustering of sentences.

      3. Combining adjacent clusters.

        Clustering algorithm for sentence clustering based on nouns is given in Algorithm-1.

        Algorithm-1: Clustering Algorithm Input: Input Text

        Output: discourse_CL

        1. Read the input text as raw_text

        2. Split the raw_text into sentences S

        3. Find POS tags for the S as pos_tag

        4. S_group= groups of three consecutive sentences in S

        5. P_group= POS tags for each S_group

        6. old_S_group=[]

        7. while old_S_group S_group

        8. for each group g in S_group

        9. noun1_bag=nouns in g

        10. noun2_bag=nouns in next(g)

        11. if noun1_bag noun2_bag null

        12. combine g and next(g) in S_group

        13. combine p and next(p) in P_group

        14. for each group g in S_group

        15. s=boundary sentence of g

        16. if s is cohesive to adjacent(g)

        17. remove s from g and add to adjacent(g)

        18. old_S_group=S_group

        19. discourse_CL=S_group

        20. return discourse_CL

        After the above operations, the clusters are again checked to see whether any clusters with only one or two sentences exist. If there are such clusters, attach them to the appropriate adjacent clusters. In practice, setting initial cluster size to 3 sentences works best for many texts. The clustering algorithm ensures that a cluster of sentence will not contain any sentence that is not cohesive to the cluster. The clustering algorithm itself gives better results compared to other approaches. The segment boundary of the output of clustering algorithm can be corrected with the help of two approaches specified with next section.

    2. Boundary Adjustment with NEs

      The output of the clustering algorithm may contain lot of clusters or sometimes the boundary may not accurate one.

      number of candidate sentences taken for this method is four which gives the best result.

      This algorithm gives perfect result based on the Named Entities. The discourse boundaries can again be corrected based on lexical continuity of the sentences at the boundary. WordNet can be used for analysing lexical continuity as specified in the next section.

    3. Boundary adjustment using WordNet

WordNet is an on-line lexical reference system whose design is inspired by current psycholinguistic theories of human lexical memory. English nouns, verbs, and adjectives are organized into synonym sets, each representing one underlying lexical concept. Different relations link the synonym sets [1]. By using WordNet, it is possible to find the coherence relationship in text. Here, WordNet is used for finding a position in segment boundary where lexical chain ends. Algorithm-3 implements it.

This output is to be further refined for better accuracy. One

of the effective methods is to re-arrange the boundary of previous groups and/or merge the clusters based on the presents of named entities. The clustering algorithm result is a basic one and it helps to identify the named entities which can come together. The boundary adjustment with named entity is explained in Algorithm-2.

Algorithm-2: Boundary-NE Algorithm Input: discourse_CL

Output: discourse_NE

  1. Read discourse_CL

  2. discourse_NE=discourse_CL

  3. tag discourse_NE

  4. old discourse_NE=[]

  5. while old_discourse_NE discourse_NE

  6. for each d in discourse_NE

Algorithm-3: Boundary-WordNet Algorithm Input: discourse_NE

Output: discourse_WN

  1. Read discourseNE

  2. discourseWN=discourseNE

  3. Tag discourseWN

  4. for each d in discourseWN

  5. find disc_bound of d

  6. for each sentence in disc_bound

  7. find the lexical_cohesion of the sentence using hyperrnymy

  8. find a break_point at which lexical_cohesion has large valley point

  9. move the sentences from one d to another at the break_point

  10. return discourseWN

  1. disc_bound=boundary sentences of d

  2. if disc_bound contains Named Entity in next(d)

  3. move sentences to next(d) at the break point

  4. old_discourse_NE=discourse_NE

  5. return discourse_NE

    Boundary sentences are the candidate sentences for boundary correction. The breaking point for boundary correction is obtained by maintaining a score vector. The score vector is meant to store boolean values for indicating the presents/absence of NEs. Size of the vector is the number of candidate sentences both adjacent clusters. Score vector value is true if the intersection of named entities in the respective candidate sentence and the discourse excluding candidate sentence is not null. Now the score vector value is scanned from one side. If it finds a true in the vector, that is the breaking point to adjust the segment boundary in the discourse. Remove those sentences from the respective discourse and add them to the other discourse. The score vector is again scanned from other side and do the operations as specified in previous two sentences. The

    Here lexical_cohesion is calculated to find the end point in the lexical chain. disc_bound is the candidate sentences from the discourse boundary. A score vector is maintained for candidate sentences with lexical similarity between them. The lexical similarity is calculated between discourse di and sentence sj using the hypernymy relation of the WordNet as given below.

    (, ) = hyper_sim(di, sj)


    where hyper_sim(di,sj) returns the cardinality of the intersection set of hypernyms of both di and sj and len(di) and len(sj) are number of tokens in discourse di and sentence sj respectively. In order to determine where the lexical chain ends, find a valley point at which the depth is maximum among three adjacent scores. If the selected valley point very much lower than other valley points, change the boundary of discourse at that valley point by moving the sentences from one discourse to another. Thus, we can ensure lexical coherence in the discourse.

    1. Results

      This method is experimented on a number of text inputs. The text inputs are collected set of news from various news sites and electronic papers. While comparing with other models described in the literature survey, the output of the proposed method is far better and domain independent. But, in other models like TextTiling, the output changes tremendously with token sequence size. As specified earlier, the discourse segmentation is carried out through 3 stages. After first stage, ie., the output of the clustering algorithm gives more number of clusters. Among them some of them are to be combined. While cross checking the output of the clustering algorithm with the human judged discourse, almost all discourse starting points are somewhat aligned. When the clustering algorithm output is given to the next level, i.e. boundary correction using named entities, the output is changed from the previous level. Boundaries are adjusted at required places and some clusters are merged. The boundary is again adjusted when it is cascaded with next level of algorithm using WordNet. Most cases, it gives best results. The Table 1 shows precision and recall of some of the outputs while comparing with the human judgement.

      Table 1. Precision and Recall of Discourse Identification

      Discourses (Human)

      Discourses (System)

      Correctly Identified











































      The output of this system is compared with the human judgement of the same text in order to assess the accuracy. The overall accuracy is calculated as 70%.

    2. Limitations and Future Scope

      This system mainly depends on the nouns and named entities for discourse segmentation. Therefore, it should have handled all the nouns and Named Entities in the text input. The main hurdle for this system is the presence of anaphora. While examining any text, it is clear that, there are lot of third person pronouns. Since pronoun is the replacement of the nouns, this method cannot process every occurrence of nouns and Named entities. In rare cases some discourses may be swallowed by others, since the pronouns are not considered. The anaphora resolution can change this method drastically to the best result. So, this system must be enhanced with anaphora resolution in the future. Derived

      nouns may be excluded, since exclusion of derived nouns can also improve the accuracy of clustering algorithm.

    3. Conclusion

      The method described in this paper is characterized by the combination of cohesion and coherence relationships among the sentences in the text. The cohesive relationship is revealed by agglomerative sentence clustering and boundary adjustment with named entities. The lexical continuity is obtained by considering the hypernymy relation of the WordNet. The cascading of these two approaches refines the output in a better way. It gives better result of 70% accuracy for discourse segmentation. The accuracy can be further improved by incorporating anaphora resolution. The important feature is the introduction of a method for discourse segmentation with nouns. The main advantage is that this model is easy to understand. Each discourse segment is assured to be concentrated on particular set of nouns. Since nouns are used as main strategy for this method, it is possible for information retrieval based on noun query terms.

    4. Reference

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