A Prototype of Heart Disease Risk Level Prediction Model Using An Improved Data Mining Algorithm

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV2IS121015

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A Prototype of Heart Disease Risk Level Prediction Model Using An Improved Data Mining Algorithm

Malini K Rekha Sunny T

P.G Scholar Assistant Professor

SCMS School of Technology and Management SCMS School of Technology and Management Cochin, Kerala, India Cochin, Kerala, India


Cardiovascular diseases have become one of the serious health problems around the world. Data mining techniques can be applied for efficiently predicting heart disease risk levels. One of the major Data mining algorithms that can be used is K-means clustering. K- means clustering suffers from lots of database scan and results in huge cost. In this paper we introduce a prediction model which combines both association rule mining and clustering for the diagnosis of a heart disease which reduces the huge cost incurred in K- means clustering. The maximal frequent term set forms the description for the cluster and hence the number of attributes is reduced. Thus the numbers of tests that are required to be taken by the patients are also reduced.

  1. Introduction

    Cardiac disease has become one of the major causes of death in the world. This is mainly due to the lack of an efficient heart disease prediction system. Presently doctors are making predictions based on their learning and experience. But mere human intelligence cannot provide an effective prediction result. Due to the developments in information technology, large amounts of medicinal data regarding patients, disease diagnosis, and electronic patient records are available. Medicinal data mining methods can be used to analyze these data and make predictions[5][6]. An efficient prediction model which makes use of the data mining methods such as association rule mining and clustering is introduced herewith.

    Data mining is the process of analyzing data from different perspectives and extracting useful knowledge from it. One of the most popular data mining approaches is to find frequent term sets from a transaction dataset and derive association rules. Finding frequent term sets (term sets with frequency larger than or equal to a user specified minimum support) is not

    trivial because of its combinatorial explosion. Once frequent term sets are obtained, it is straightforward to generate association rules with confidence larger than or equal to a user specified minimum confidence. Apriori[3] is a seminal algorithm for finding frequent term sets using candidate generation[1].

    Clustering is another data mining approach which groups a set of abstract objects into class of similar objects. One of the major clustering methods are K- means clustering method where each cluster is represented by the mean value of the objects in the cluster[2]. K-means algorithm can be applied to medicinal data for predicting diseases in an efficient way. Our proposal is to combine these two data mining methods for an efficient and less expensive prediction model for heart diseases.

    The remaining sections of the paper are organized as follows: In Section 2, a brief review of some of the related works is presented. The proposed algorithm is described in Section 3. The experimental results and a prototype for prediction are given in Section 4. The conclusions and future directions are summed up in Section 5.

  2. Literature Review

    1. Apriori

      Apriori is an algorithm proposed by R. Agrawal and R Srikant [4] for mining frequent term sets for boolean association rule. The algorithm uses prior knowledge of frequent term set properties. Apriori employs an iterative approach known as level-wise search, where k term set are used to explore (k+1) term sets. There are two steps in each iteration. The first step generates a set of candidate term sets. Then, in the second step we count the occurrence of each candidate set in database and prune all disqualified candidates (i.e. all infrequent term sets). Apriori uses two pruning techniques, first on the bases of support count and second for a term set to

      be frequent, all its subset should be in previous frequent term set. The iterations begin with 2 term sets (size as

      2) and the size is incremented after each iteration. The algorithm is based on the closure property of frequent term sets: if a set of items is frequent, then all its proper subsets are also frequent [3].

      Fig 1. Apriori algorithm [9]

    2. K-means clustering

      K-means algorithm takes the input parameter, and partitions a set of n objects into k clusters so that the resulting intracluster similarity is high but the intercluster similarity is low.cluster similarity is measured with regard to the mean value of the objects in a cluster. K-means algorithm randomly select k of the objects, each of which initially represents a cluster mean or center.For each of the remaining objects, an object is assigned to the cluster to which it is most similar, based on the distance between the object and the cluster mean. It then computes the new mean for each cluster.This process continues until the criterion function converges [2][4].

      Fig 2. K-means algorithm

    3. Decision Trees

      Decision Tree is one of the data mining techniques used in the diagnosis of heart disease. Andreeva used C4.5 Decision Tree in the diagnosis of heart disease. Sitair-Taut et al. introduced Naive Bayes and J4.8 Decision Trees for detecting coronary heart disease. Mai Shouman, Tim Turner and Rob Stocker proposed an alternative decision tree with better performance [8].

    4. Integration of Decision Trees and K- Means

      An algorithm which integrates K-means clustering with decision tree is introduced in paper [7]. Enhancements by introducing different initial centroid selection add more accuracy in diagnosing heart disease patients.

  3. Proposed Algorithm

    The proposed algorithm is to develop a risk level prediction model by applying data mining techniques such as frequent term set mining and clustering. Architecture of the proposed system is as depicted in the following figure.

    Fig3. Proposed architecture

    Initially data preprocessing techniques are applied to the available medicinal dataset which includes dimensionality reduction for reducing the dimensions of the dataset.

    Next step is finding the maximal frequent term set (MFT) using Apriori algorithm. A frequent term set is said to be maximal if it is not a subset of any other frequent term set. Now MFT forms the cluster description. K-means clustering algorithm is applied and the input is assigned to the closest cluster. Finally the risk level is displayed based on the cluster result.

    1. Finding MFT

      By applying Apriori algorithm to the medicinal data set, frequent term sets are found out from which the maximal frequent term set is generated. The maximal frequent term set is the superset of all other frequent term sets.

    2. Cluster Definition based on MFT

      Once the maximal frequent term set is found, it is the MFT that defines cluster. So only the attributes that are part of MFT needs to be considered while defining the cluster. Also the new data for which

      prediction is to be done should be represented in terms of MFT for clustering.

    3. Risk Level Prediction

      Finally we need to predict the risk level based on the cluster result. Risk levels are chosen as either low, or medium or high. Similarity with the three clusters is calculated and risk level for the input is set as that of the closest cluster.

  4. Experimental Results

    The results of our experimental analysis in predicting the risk level for heart disease are presented in this section. We have implemented our proposed approach in Java. The heart attack dataset is been used for our experiments.

    We have used medicinal dataset of small size (100) for the experimental analysis. After preprocessing phase where dimensionality reduction was done, maximal frequent term set was found out by applying Apriori algorithm. Attributes that comprises the maximal frequent term set (generated using Apriori) are as listed in the following table.

    Sl no:





    Age in years



    Male or Female



    Smoking type like past,current,never



    Overweight type like yes,no



    Values like yes,no



    Values like very high,high,normal



    Values like high, normal, low



    Values like never, past, current



    Values as yes,no



    Values like, normal, low, high



    Values like yes,no



    Exercise habits like never,regular,high



    Heart rates as normal, low, high




    Values like yes,no






    Values like never, past, current



    Values as yes,no



    Values like, normal, low, high



    Values like yes,no



    Exercise habits like never,regular,high



    Heart rates as normal, low, high




    Values like yes,no




    Table 1.Heart Disease Parameters

    The clusters were defined based on the attributes listed in the table given above. After clustering using K-means, risk levels were predicted.The samples of heart attack risk level prediction (Low, Medium, and High) are as below.

    Fig. 4. Sample of prediction for risk level: high

    Fig. 5. Sample of prediction for risk level: medium

    Fig. 6. Sample of prediction for risk level: low

  5. Conclusion and Future Directions

    In this paper, we have presented a Heart Disease Diagnosis System using data mining techniques. Apriori algorithm is used to find the frequent term sets and the maximal frequent term set is generated. Clustering is performed using K-means clustering algorithm. Defining the clusters based on maximal frequent term sets provided improved accuracy and

    less diagnosis cost. Incorporation of optimization techniques further improves the accuracy.

  6. Acknowledgements

    The authors gratefully acknowledge the insights from all the supporters and reviewers of this paper.

  7. References

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