A Comprehensive Analysis of Customer Reviews using Various Methodologies on Opinion Mining

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV3IS030798

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A Comprehensive Analysis of Customer Reviews using Various Methodologies on Opinion Mining

1P. Saravanakumar, 2Dr. A. Vijaya

  1. Asst.professor of Computer Applications, Department of Computer Applications, K. S. Rangasamy college of technology, Tiruchengode, TamilNadu. India.

  2. Asst.professor of computer science, Department of Computer Science, Govt. Arts College, Salem-7 TamilNadu. India.

    Abstract In recent years, the manufacturers have turned their attention in the field of internet; a wealth of product information offers to the level of user to generate and distribute contents has formed active electronic communities. However the classification of the high volume of reviews in a single product makes harder for individuals. It is very difficult analyses the best reviews and recognizes the quality of a product for a number of manufacturers. We analyze the impact of reviews on economic outcomes in terms of product sales and conflict factors involve in social outcomes perceptible usefulness. The helpfulness of estimation and impact of product economic reviews by text mining and behavioral of the reviews have been proposed. We propose, view dimension explores the multiple review text aspects, such as various events of readability and amount of spelling errors to identify significant text based features. In this paper the product reviews impact with maximum threshold and associated research work is transmit. The advantages and circumscriptions of sundry schemes are withal compared. In addition to that, the evaluation experiment shows that analyses the performance of the helpfulness estimations and the impact of economic product reviews in terms of decision threshold, classification rate, and false pattern rate.

    Keywords Text Analysis, Objective information, reviewer characteristics, Economic impact, product reviews, Data mining.


      The remarkable resources of in modern marketing strategies are valuable Customers. Therefore, it is necessary to obtain new customers and keep hold of high value customers for enterprise and organization. To attain these aims, many enterprises plan to expand their customers' data with a lot of database tools which can be analyzed to accomplish the customer behavior and demands applied to expand new business strategies. With the expeditious magnification of the Internet, products, conversations have migrated to online markets, engendering active electronic communities that offer a wealth of information. Reviewers spend time and energy to produce an effective review, enabling a social structure that provides benefits for the users and the enterprises. In such a context, the voice of customer recorded in an effective manner.

      On the other hand, a huge number of reviews for a solitary product may also make it harder for individuals to track the gist of users discussions and assess the true quality of a product. Recent work has exposed that the sharing of an overwhelming majority of reviews posted in online markets is bimodal. Reviews are allotted a tremendously high rating or an enormously low rating. In such situations, the average numerical star rating assigned to a product not projected a lot of information to a customer or to the manufacturer. Who endeavors to understand what aspects of its product are consequential. It is arduous to decipher its aspects of product. The product reader has to convert the actual reviews to inspect which of the positive and negative attributes of a product. So far, the most excellent attempt for ranking reviews for consumers comes in the form of review forums. But the auxiliary votes are not subsidiary features for ranking, recent reviews: the auxiliary votes are accumulated over a long period of time.

      Economic theory has been recognized that a business derives 80% of its income from 20% of its valuable customers. The manufacture target to provide the similar offers to all customers; enterprises cull only those individuals that amass particular productivity levels predicated on preceding deportment or entity needs. As a detail analysis of the result, postulating there is an identical pattern between customer demeanors among them. Many methods have been introduced to achieve better knowing of customer behaviors, the "behavioral scoring models" is one of the majority successful techniques that help decision makers to understand their customer behaviors. The behavioral scoring models assist to examine purchase and recommended to behavior of customers. In this scenario, these models are extremely deploying in data mining approaches.


      Analysis of customers behavior that isnt limited to, the customers benefit in their general uses of banking services and also is measured as channels charges. K-means for customer segmentation according to an important characteristic of customers and their behaviors is used as a channel addressed by Reza Baradaran Kazem Zadeh et al [2011]. The result of segmentation of a customers profile is

      according to their behavior which assists the bank for preservation strategies of existing customers and attracting new customers. Author Anindya Ghose et al [2010] inspects the relative importance of the three broad feature categories: reviewer-related features, review subjectivity features, and review readability features, and discover that by means of any of the three feature sets results in a statistically equivalent presentation as in the case of using all available features. It is a first study that integrates econometric, text mining, and predictive modeling techniques toward a more consummate analysis of the information captured by utilize engendered online reviews in order to estimation their helpfulness and economic impact. A large analysis of illegal activity reveals that all criminal performance shares a common set of universal principles is addressed by Hussain, K.Z., Durairaj et al [2012].A micro simulation model can be drawn out by interlinking the universal principles with the attributes of the individuals for profiling the criminal behavior. The process of mining technology works on common event logs that have no workflow cases, reference, and name the new technology as behavior pattern mining is addressed by Jinliang Song. et al[2008]. It gives out a concise survey of issues, challenges, approaches and related tools in the behavior pattern mining area, and compares behavior pattern mining with workflow mining technology, which is the other sub field of mining process and emerging recent trend also.

      A well-known statistical method which relies on the empirical probability distribution is used to expose trends in the power signal data is addressed by Kalogridis et al [2011].These trends are altered if a) different data sampling rates are assumed, and b) a privacy algorithm is applied to defend the power data of different home appliances. Propose that the isolation of individual behavior types is uncovered even if comparatively uncommon measurements are obtained.

      User Navigation Behavior Mining (UNBM) most studies the problems of extracting the attractive user access patterns from user access sequences (UAS), which are frequently used for user access prediction and web page suggestion is discussed by Li Xue., Ming Chen et al [2010].Through analyzing the real world web data, we discover the majority of user access sequences carrying hybrid features of dissimilar patterns, rather than a solitary one. Therefore, the methods that classify one access, succession into a single pattern can barely get hold of good superiority results.

      Zhongying Zhao et al [2009]discussed about the implementation a domain-specific interactive QA system oriented to Artificial Intelligence. The course ontology, predefined to describe the skeleton of AI course, is used to produce the structure of our interactive QA system. Students can pretense and look through questions and answers on their favorite boards.

      Knowledge about computer users is very helpful for assisting them, predicting their prospect actions or detecting masqueraders. An approach for creating and recognizing

      mechanically the behavior profile of a computer user is presented by Jose Antonio Iglesias et al. Thierry Denoeux et al[2010] proposed the EM algorithm that iteratively maximizes this criterion is based on the maximization of a widespread probability criterion, which can be interpreted as a quantity of agreement between the statistical model and the unsure observations.

      Bogorny et al [2010] described about the importance of spatial and spatio-temporal data mining is rising with the growing occurrence and consequence of large Geo-spatial datasets such as maps, repositories of remote-sensing images, trajectories of moving objects generated by mobile devices, etc. It is used to examine spatial and spatio- temporal data to take out interesting, useful, and non-trivial patterns.

      Etminani, K., Dali et al [2009] discusses about the Web usage mining focuses on techniques that might forecast user behavior while the user interacts with the Web. It tries to build sense of the data generated by the Web surfers sessions or behaviors. There is a try to provide an impression of the state of the art in the research of web usage mining, while discussing the most pertinent tools obtainable in the sphere as well as the niche requirements that the present variety of tools lack.

      Tiwari, S., Razdan et al [2011] presented a new approach Web mining solution for business intelligence is to find out hidden patterns and business strategies for their customer and web data. Web mining attempts to decide useful knowledge from secondary data obtained from the interactions of the users with the web. Web Usage Mining is the procedure of applying data mining techniques to the discovery of usage patterns from Web data and is under attack towards applications. It mines the secondary data derived from the connections of the users throughout certain periods of Web sessions. Web usage mining consists of three phases, specifically preprocessing, pattern discovery, and pattern analysis.

      Cluster similar Web user Yaxiu Yu.,et al [2009] proposed by considering two factors that the page-click number and Web browsing time, which is stored in the Web log, and the dissimilar quantity of influence of the two factors. An approach for discovering and tracking developing user profiles describes how the exposed user profiles can be enriched with unambiguous information need that is contingent from search queries extracted from Web log data also discussed by Nasraoui et al [2008]

      The above listed research gap, motivated us to develop an authenticated user behavior and opinion pattern mining suited to applications.


      The different work involved in Performance analysis of authenticated utilize behavioral and opinion pattern mining on product reviews are:

      1. Impact of Economic Product Reviews: Mining Text and Reviewer Characteristics

        Beyond the product-specific data, we also accumulated all reviews of a product. Since the product was unconfined into the market. For each review, we recover the definite textual content of the review and the review rating of the product agreed with the reviewer. The following constraints are take-up as a primary review activity. Such as Review helpfulness, Review Disclosure, review history for the purpose of analyzing the impact of economic product review process or identifying reviewer character tics.

        Review Helpfulness: Amazon has a voting system whereby community members offer accommodating votes to rate the reviews of additional community members. Preceding peer ratings emerged and posted a review, in the form, as[number of subsidiary votes] [number of members who voted] found the subsequent review subsidiary. These obliging and total votes sanction us to calculate the portion of the votes. To have as much correct representation of the proportion of customers that establishes the review helpful. We can collect the votes, ensuring that there is an important time period after the specified time the assessment was posted and that it can be separated important numeral of peer rating votes of the purpose of accumulated process.

        Reviewer Disclosure: While review valence is probable to authority consumers, there is cause to consider that social information about reviewers themselves (rather than the product or vendor) is probable to be a significant forecaster of customers buying decisions the convivial information about the reviewer is at least as popular as product information. For example, Amazon, information about product reviewers is graphically depicted, highly consequential, and sometimes more consummate and desirably voluminous than information on the products they review.

        Reviewer History: The primary objective is to forecast the future helpfulness of a review. To examine whether the past history of a reviewer can be used to predict the usefulness of the future reviews written by the same reviewer. In addition to that compose the precedent reviews for each reviewer, and composed the subsidiary and total votes for the past reviews. Using this information, construct for each reviewer and point in time of the past performance of a reviewer.

        Particularly, to create two variables, by micro-mini- averaging and macro-maxi-averaging the past votes on the reviews. The variable reviewer history macro maxi is the relation of all past helpful votes independently by the total number of votes. Likewise, we also formulated the changeable reviewer history micro mini in which computed the average helpfulness for each of the past reviews and then computed the standard across all past reviews. The distinguished between the macro maxi and micro mini versions is that the micro maxi version gives equivalent burden to the neighborliness of all past reviews, while the macro maxi version weights more greatly the consequential

        of reviews that established an astronomically immense number of votes.

      2. Evolving Behavior of Customer Profiles

        The proposed approach is to form a cluster, classifier design and classify the behavior profiles of customers. The user actions classifier is predicated on Evolving Fuzzy Systems and it takes into account the information that the performance of any customer is not fine-tuned, but is quite alternate for suitability. The proposed mechanism can be applied to any performance represented by a sequence of events. In order to categorize an accumulated behaviors, as many other agent modeling methods. Create a collection which contains the different expected behaviors of customers.

        However, in this scenario records are not a prefixed one, but is mounting, learning from the explanation of the users real behaviors and, furthermore, it starts to be crowded from scratch by transmission provisionally to the library. The library, called Evolving-Profile-Library (EPLib), is continually altering, mounting predisposed by the varying user behaviors observed in the environment.

      3. Belief Function Framework

        Let X is a variable enchanting value on a restricted domain called the frame of discernment. The X may be represented as skeptical information by a mass function m and m is verbally expressed to be normalized of any subset A of such that m (A) > 0 is called a focal element of m. Two special cases are of interest:

        1. If m has a single focal element A, it is believed to be categorical and denoted as mA. Such a mass function encodes a piece of accumulated evidence. There is a one-to one correspondence between subsets A of and categorical mss functions mA.

        2. If all focal elements of m are singletons, then m is said to be Bayesian. There is a one-to-one correspondence flank by probability distributions. Bayesian mass functions are correspondent to probability distributions and each normalized mass function m, might connect belief and plausibility functions.

        Each quantity Bel(A) may be interpreted as the degree to which the proof supports A, while Pl(A) can be interpreted as an upper bound on the degree of support that could be assigned to A if more specific information became available. If m is Bayesian, then functions Bel is equal to Pl and it is a probability measure. Another special case of interest is that where m is consonant, i.e., its focal elements are nested. The contour function Pl is then the connected possibility distribution. As a result, the theory of belief functions can be measured as having superior expressive power than possibility theory.

      4. Customer Behavior Using Clustering

        Banks looking for newer and improved behavior to distinguish themselves from their competitors, among them

        Decision Threshold

        customer clustering one of significant method to rich this consequence; Customer clustering is the make use of past transaction data to separate customer into the analogous groups. The fashioned results are based on the assumptions that the customer behavior follows patterns comparable to past patterns and repeats in the future.

        Therefore, there might not be an improved time than at the present to examine the significance of an effective new marketing policy using the customer behavior examine. The decision is to be made comprise which target groups of customers will be confident to use supplements, what terminal type to assign, how predictable receiving new products, whether to encourage new products to target groups of customers, and, how to administer groups of customers to prosperous the customer approval and direct marketing.

        Conversely, attempts to create high-quality customer behavior analysis restricted by the poor quality of data, poor relevance of data, or the volume of data needing to be processed. Database marketing (DM) is a methodical approach to the gathering, consolidation, and processing of customer data to assist the marketers improved target their market efforts to valuable customers.


      In this scenario, it demonstrates the performance analysis of various product review schemes through experiments by examining the user behavioral and opinion pattern mining. It is measured in terms of

        1. Decision threshold

        2. Classification rate

        3. False pattern rate

        4. Product Index

      1. Decision Threshold

        No. of users

        Decision Threshold












































        Table 4.1 No. of users Vs Decision Threshold









        20 30 40 50 60


        No.of users

        MTRC Method UBPA Method

        BFF Scheme CBC Model

        Fig 4.1 No. of users Vs Decision Threshold

        Fig. 4.1 plots the no. For users with the decision threshold using different product review schemes. This result shows that as the number of users increases and the decision threshold also increases dramatically. Decision Threshold is the boundary beyond which a radically different state of affairs exists. Decision Threshold is in higher ratio in Mining Text and Reviewer Characteristics (MTRC) Scheme compared with UBPA Scheme, BFF Model, and Customer behavior using Clustering. In this experiment, Mining Text and Reviewer Characteristics (MTRC) model produces better result than other schemes.

      2. Classification rate

        No. of users in training data

        Classification rate (%)












































        Table 4.2 No. of users in training data Vs Classification rate

        Classification rate (%)










        150 200 250 300


        No.of users in training data

        MTRC Method UBPA Method

        CBC Model BFF Scheme

        Fig 4.2 No. of users in training data Vs classification rate

        Fig 4.2 shows classification rate of various user training data. Particularly, our analysis relies greatly on MTRC scheme. To check the performance of the classification rate from the training data, set up a test which considers the classification of the MTRC on data ranging from 50 to 350 users. From the Figure 4.2 it can be seen that the MTRC provides a prolong classification when compared to the other existing system. It can also be applied to other type of users such as users of e-services, digital communications, etc.

      3. False Pattern rate

        Fig 4.3, described the false pattern rate for the various product trend ratio. In the MTRC scheme the variance in the false pattern rate would be 10-15% high when compared to BFF method, UBPA Scheme and CBC Model.

      4. Product Index

      No. of users

      Product Index (%)




















































      10 15 20 25

      30 35

      No.of users

      MTRC Method

      CBC Model BFF Scheme

      UBPA Method

      Table 4.4 No. of users Vs Product Index (%)

      Users Product

      False Pattern Rate

      Trend ratio









      Product Index (%)

      15 0.2 1.1 1.8 2.6

      30 0.4 1.3 2.1 2.8

      45 0.5 1.4 2.3 2.9

      60 0.6 1.5 2.3 2.9

      75 0.7 1.6 2.5 3.1

      90 0.7 1.6 2.6 3.2

      100 0.9 2.0 2.7 3.2

      False pattern rate

      Table 4.3 Users Product Trend ratio Vs False Pattern Rate










      30 45 60 75



      Users Product trend ratio

      BFF Scheme

      MTRC Method UBPA Method

      CBC Model

      Fig 4.3 Users Product Trend ratio Vs False Pattern

      Fig 4.4 No. of users Vs Product Index (%)


This paper discussed the various methods of the economic impact of product reviews. Comparisons are made to explain the advantages and limitations of different product reviews. Performance analyses of these schemes are evaluated through the experiments. Experimental results demonstrate that some of the schemes support opinion decision threshold and some of the techniques support user behavioral profile factor. Various schemes are examined and their performance is evaluated on four criteria: Decision Threshold, false pattern rate, classification rate. From the experimental results, Estimating the Helpfulness and Economic Impact of Product Reviews by Mining Text and Reviewer Characteristics have been discussed and analyses in an effective manner. In this scenario the proposed MTRC scheme produces a better result than that of BFF scheme, UBPA method and CBC model for varying users product trend ratios along with false pattern rate.


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