- Open Access
- Total Downloads : 577
- Authors : A. Sowmiya, Dr. J. Baskaran, D. K. Shobana
- Paper ID : IJERTV3IS10439
- Volume & Issue : Volume 03, Issue 01 (January 2014)
- Published (First Online): 17-01-2014
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
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A Harmonic Based Phase Shifted Control LLC Resonant Converter For Inductively Coupled Power Transfer System
A. Sowmiya 1, Dr. J. Baskaran2 , D. K. Shobana3
1Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Adhiparasakthi Engineering College,
2 Head of the department, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Adhiparasakthi
Engineering College,
3PG student, M.E-Power Electronics and Drives, Adhiparasakthi Engineering College.
The quality of sinusoidal waveform becomes a major concern. The power electronics inverters have drawn a non sinusoidal waveform due to causes of harmonic distortion and limit the utilization of the available electrical supply. In this work, LLC series-parallel resonant converter (SPRC) is presented. A harmonic based phase shifted control (HPSC) on inverter is done in this paper. The switching frequency is set as equal to resonant frequency for first – order harmonic. The switching frequency is set as less than resonant frequency for third order harmonic and fifth order harmonic. The proposed method simulation is done in MATLAB SIMLINK.
Inductively Coupled Power Transfer (ICPT) is different from other power transfer method using wires. The power transfer using wires which can generates sparks causes accidents. Generally ICPT is under the principle of mutual induction like transformer. The energy is inductively transferred from primary coil to the secondary coil. The magnetic flux in the Primary coil is transferred to the secondary coil. By means of magnetic flux an voltage is induced in the secondary coil.
A harmonic-based series resonant converter of phase shifted control method is proposed in [1].
The series resonant inverter output voltage is presented for third-order and fifth- order harmonic component other than first-order harmonic component to transferred power. In [2] proposed developed state space model for multivariable frame work and frequency domain is mapped to compute the transfer function of eight order bidirectional IPT system. In [3] the three phase contactless power transfer system model is proposed. A three phase contactless power transformer has the magnetic coupling for the phase winding. The magnetic coupling depends on the displacement of the secondary armature with respect to the primary armature. The three phase resonant capacitance value for the simplified model.
In [4] proposed as impedance matching method. The position of secondary coil is not dependent only primary coil can share with other device for wide area power feeding. In [5] based on circular coils for contactless power transfer (CPT) is proposed for electric vehicle (EV) charging. The system dimension plays an important role of the effect of mutual inductance for the system performance and the analytical model of the system is derived. In [6] proposed a new multiphase pickup. The continuously powered automatic
guided power vehicle is considered for improved tolerance of the power receiver. In [8] proposed a recent multiphase (quadrature) pickup of a practical prototype suited for contactless power transfer system (CPT) .The automated guided vehicle system is designed for commercial pickup based on investigation.
In [11] proposed online electric vehicle for a new inductive power transfer system with a narrow rail width, large air gap .The system drive freely for roads. In [12] proposed LCL resonant topology of full isolation and protection. The new three phase IPT system is developed for a power supply of a standard six switch inverter.
In [15] a inductive power transfer application, a new type series ac processing is proposed. The zero current switching condition uses an ac switch operating for the proposed pickup in series with a resonant network to produce a controllable ac voltage source suitable for driving incandescent lights.
In this paper proposed LLC series- parallel resonant converter (SPRC). Due to harmonic distortion in single phase full bridge inverter a square wave or modified square wave pulse are produced. The proposed LLC series-parallel resonant converter changed into sine wave pulse. And further a harmonic based phase shifted control done on inverter. The output voltage of inverter is regulated and the THD values are improved. The first order harmonic, third harmonic, fifth order harmonic are reduced in this paper.
The organization of this paper is as follow section II discuss as Load resonant converter, section III discuss as proposed model, section IV discuss as harmonic based phase shifted control on full bridge inverter, section V discuss as simulation and
The resonant converter is the combination of the inductance and capacitance that the part is load is load resonant converter. The combination of inductance and capacitance provides a soft switching and can able change the soft switching compare to hard switching. The load resonant converter consists of series resonant converter, parallel resonant converter, series-parallel resonant converter. The series-parallel resonant converter is further classified into LLC resonant converter, and LCC resonant converter.
Series resonant converter: The resonant inductance
, and resonant capacitance , are connected in series is called series resonant converter.
Parallel resonant converter: The resonant inductance , and resonant capacitance , are connected in parallel is called parallel resonant converter.
Series parallel resonant converter: The combination of series and parallel resonant converter is called series parallel resonant converter.
LLC series parallel resonant converter: The resonant inductance , and resonant capacitance
, are connected in series and magnetizing inductance , are connected in parallel is called LLC series parallel resonant converter.
LCC series parallel resonant converter: The resonant inductance , and resonant capacitance
1 , are connected in series and resonant capacitance 2 , are connected in parallel is called LCC series parallel resonant converter.
The LLC series parallel resonant converter is proposed in this paper. The LLC resonant converter
has two resonant frequencies.
results, section VI discuss as conclusion.
= 1 2
= 1
2 +
Where = Root mean square value of kth
Where 1 = resonant frequency 1; 2 = resonant frequency 2 = resonant capacitance; = resonant capacitance; = magnetizing inductance;
= 1/( + ) (3) Where = resonant angular frequency;
Fig-1: ICPT with LLC series parallel resonant converter
The circuit diagram of ICPT with LLC series parallel resonant converter is shown in Fig.1.
= Input DC voltage source
1 – 2 = Switching components of full bridge inverters;
1 – 4 = Freewheeling diodes
= Full bridge inverter output voltage
= Full bridge inverter output current M =Mutual inductance
= Total resistance of primary winding
= Total resistance of secondary winding
= Total inductance of primary winding
= Total inductance of secondary winding;
5 – 6 = voltage doubler of diodes
1 = Voltage doubler Capacitance 1
2 = Voltage doubler capacitance 2
= Voltage of load resistance
The input dc voltage is given to full bridge inverter. The inverter can change dc voltage in to c voltage.
It produces a modified square wave pulse.
order harmonic component of . = Phase shifted angle. K= Harmonic order. Then the square wave pulse is given to LLC series parallel resonant converter. It converts modified square wave pulse into sine wave .Then it is given to inductively coupled power transfer (ICPT). The magnetic flux in the primary coil is transferred to the secondary coil. By means of magnetic flux a voltage is induced in the secondary coil. Then induced voltage in the secondary coil is given to voltage doubler. It has two actions. First, it convert ac voltage in to dc voltage as rectifier and second, it twice the dc voltage. And then given to output resistance.
Input Voltage
90 V
Resonant Inductor
Resonant Capacitor
Magnetizing Inductor
Resonant Frequency
21.65 KHZ
Switching Frequency
21.65 KHZ
The table I shows the parameter of LLC resonant converter.
The inverter output voltage is regulated by changing the switching frequency of inverter is phase shifted control. To reduce the harmonic component of kth order, switching frequency of inverter to be change.
=2 (5)
= 22 cos /2 (k = 1, 3, 5, 7….)
Where = angular switching frequency; = switching frequency;
The path of HPSC of full bridge inverter is divided into six stages as shown in Fig.2.
Stage 1: At [0 ,1]: S3 turns OFF at 0 . From 0 to
1 , the power is oscillating freely througp,
, , , , and 1 . is equal to 0 during this stage.
Stage 2: At [1, 2 ]: At 1, 1 turns ON at zero
voltage switching (ZVS) when 1 conducts. The power is oscillating freely through 1 , , , ,
, and 2.
Stage 3:At 2, 2 turns OFF at ZVS when
2 conducts.
Stage 4: At [3, 4 ]: 4 turns ON at 3 , and 2 turns OFF at the same time. The conduction current through 4 is same with the turning OFF current of
2 . The power is transferred from input dc source to load througp, , , , , and 4 . is equal to during this stage.
Stage 5: At[4, 5 ]: Inverter output current crosses zero and changes its direction at 4 . The power is circulated from load to input dc source through 4, , , , and 1 . This stage finishes when reaches zero.
Stage 6: At[5, 6 ]: After the current crosses zero and changes its direction at 5 , the power is transferred from input dc source to load througp,
, , , , , and 4 during this stage. This stage ends when 1 turns OFF at 6 .
Fig-2: Path of HPSC for full bridge inverter
First- order harmonic in
= 21.65 KHZ
Third order harmonic in
= 7.61 KHZ
Fifth order harmonic in
= 4.33 KHZ
The table II shows the switching frequency for HPSC.
The simulation circuit of LLC resonant converter is shown in Fig.3.
Fig-3: Simulation circuit of LLC resonant converter
The simulation circuit of full bridge inverter for HPSC is shown in Fig.4.
Fig-4:Simulation circuit of full bridge inverter for HPSC
Fig-5: Waveform of DC output voltage and current.
The DC output voltage and current is shown Fig.5. The DC output voltage is 86 V and DC output current is 0.19 A of = 21.65 KHZ for first- order harmonic in HPSC.
Fig-6: Waveform of inverter output voltage (a)
=21.65 KHZ first order harmonic in HPSC
(b) =7.61 KHZ third order harmonic in HPSC (c) =4.33 KHZ fifth order harmonic in HPSC. =90 V
Fig-7: Waveform for LLC resonant converter output voltage (a) = =21.65 KHZ first order harmonic in HPSC (b) =7.61 KHZ third order harmonic in HPSC (c) =4.33 KHZ fifth
order harmonic in HPSC
Fig-8: FFT analysis of = =21.65 KHZ first order harmonic in HPSC.
Fig.8. shown FFT analysis the THD value of first – order harmonic is 30.92%
Fig-9: FFT analysis of =7.61 KHZ third order harmonic in HPSC.
Fig.9. shows FFT analysis the THD value of third
order harmonic is 30.86%
Fig-10: FFT analysis of =4.33 KHZ fifth order harmonic in HPSC.
Fig.10. shows FFT analysis the THD value of fifth
order harmonic is 30.81%
A novel inverter output voltage are regulated called HPSC for full bridge LLC series – parallel resonant converter is proposed in this paper. In this method, switching frequency is set as equal to first – order harmonic and switching frequency is set as less than resonant frequency for third order harmonic and fifth order harmonic. The THD value is improved compare to conventional method. The sine wave output is obtained for LLC resonant converter. Furthermore, the equal and reduced switching frequency can be achieved by regulating inverter output voltage.
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