A Low-Cost Lightweight Random Number Generator Implementation

DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV1IS10557

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A Low-Cost Lightweight Random Number Generator Implementation

Mala Mitra

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, PESIT, Bangalore South Campus, Bangalore.


In this paper, a true random number generator based on operational amplifiers is proposed. The circuit consists of an operational amplifier with a positive feedback. It is a Schmitt trigger without any applied input signal. The circuit gives a positive (bit 1) or negative (bit 0) saturated output voltage depending on the polarity of the differential input governed by the thermal noise voltage of the resistors. There is no need to amplify the noise voltage. The circuit response is analyzed with TINA-TI tool. The circuit is implemented using IC LM741 operational amplifier chip as well as on the on-chip operational amplifiers of the MSP430 microcontroller. Due to low data-rate, a small volume of data should be generated. These random data can be used as a seed value for a pseudo random number generator. The data passed NIST test. The generator can be implemented on WISP RFID tags, which have built-in MSP430 microcontrollers.

Keywords: NIST test, Operational amplifiers, Probability, Programmable circuits, Random number generation, Thermal noise.

  1. Introduction

    Random Number Generators (RNGs) are required in many fields of technology. It may be a Monte-Carlo simulation or an optimization with Genetic Algorithm, or a digital circuit testing or a privacy and security algorithm. The robustness of the technology is primarily dependent on the quality of the Random Number Generator (RNG). Many RNGs have been proposed in recent times and in the past [1 – 24]. Depending on the operating principle, RNGs are classified into two categories: True Random Number Generators (TRNGs) and Pseudo Random Number Generators (PRNGs).

    In a True Random Number Generator (TRNG) the input is extracted from a natural phenomenon which we believe to be random from our age-old

    experience. Gaussian random thermal noise voltage in a resistor is a popular choice for a TRNG input. A very common strategy is to amplify this noise and to get random numbers from the polarity of the amplified noise with the help of a comparator. So far the output bit string showed non-random behavior as deterministic noise of the amplifier dominated over the input random thermal noise and the finite bandwidth of the amplifier colored the white noise [17].

    Though a PRNG produces output bits by deterministic processes the complexity of the algorithm makes the bits to appear as random or unpredictable. Use of a mathematical series or use of sea of gates e.g. combination of shift registers and XOR gates is a standard practice. The generation starts from an initial state or seed value. A PRNG gives the same sequence of random numbers if the same seed value is used. Since the PRNG algorithm is available from the product and open to all the unpredictability of the bits lie with the secrecy of the seed value used. In an automated system like RFID user cannot input this secret or unpredictable value. If date or time is used as seed, unpredictability is lost. Apart from this problem, PRNGs are very efficient. Some of the recently proposed PRNGs [3, 4] pass the NIST test [25], the statistical test suite to certify that the data is unpredictable. Unlike TRNGs, PRNGs can deliver bits at a high data-rate with nominal power consumption. For a low-cost solution, the algorithm can be implemented in the already existing microcontroller. As a contrast to PRNG, a TRNG delivers bits at a low data-rate with high power consumption. All the reported TRNGs need analog circuits with complex controls. That makes it very difficult to fabricate and characterize the chip. In some cases, a part of the design is implemented on Si. In most of the cases, only simulated results are reported. In some cases, the product prototype is not lightweight. The main advantage of TRNG is: it does not require a seed value. A recent idea is to combine a TRNG and a PRNG [26]. A TRNG may be used to create a low volume of data needed for the seed value of the PRNG.

    In this work, a TRNG is proposed that is suitable for generation of seed values. The TRNG is implemented on IC LM741 operational amplifier (op-amp) chip and on the operational amplifiers (op-amps) of the MSP430 microcontroller as well. The technology can be used in the popular WISP RFID tags with built-in MSP430 microcontrollers. MSP430 microcontroller is widely used for RFID tags as it can operate at ultra-low power and it provides a great computational facility. C. Pendl et al. [27] showed that, ECC, a very computationally intensive asymmetric cryptographic algorithm for

    Random thermal noise was amplified and applied to the Schmitt trigger circuit input. Two unanticipated problems occurred. Firstly, amplification introduced deterministic noise. Secondly, the trigger points were too closely spaced to change the output state [29]. It is to be noted that, in the proposed circuit, noise is not amplified its polarity at the instant of active supplies decides the output.

    information security can be implemented on MSP430 microcontroller. Further, MSP430 has in- built security sensors useful for RFID tags. RFID

    R1 500




    tags are prone to temperature and power attacks [28]. An adversary may make a temperature attack by deliberately changing the ambient temperature of the tag. Due to temperature variation, some of the bits may become predictable. MSP430 has an

    R3 1k



    + + Clock

    in-built temperature sensor that may be used to interrupt bit generation when the temperature goes

    Figure 1. Random Number Generator Circuit

    out of range to prevent malfunction of the RNG. In case of a power attack, adversarys detector transmits less power to a passive RFID tag to predict the bits. The brownout detector of MSP430 can take care of this situation. Table 1 and 2 shows the interesting features of the recently proposed

    R2 1k

    RNGs. It can be observed from the Tables that for TRNGs either power consumption is very high or

    For a single positive supply op-amp a difference input Vdiff with a positive polarity is most likely to

    data-rate is low. Sometimes it does not pass the

    NIST test. Implementation complexity is also there.

    latch the output at V


    , the saturation voltage. If the

    PRNGs work fine but seed value requirement may create a problem. In the next section the theory of random number generation for this TRNG is discussed.

  2. Theory

    The theory of random number generation in a dual supply op-amp is much simpler as compared to that generated from a single supply op-amp. In this paper, both the cases are discussed. Figure 1 gives the circuit configuration of an rng with a dual supply op-amp. This is a Schmitt trigger circuit without any input signal. The positive and negative supplies are replaced by clock named as Clock and inverted clock named as ClockN. When Clock and ClockN are at 0 voltages the circuit output becomes 0 volt. At the instant when Clock becomes positive

    and ClockN negative the output saturates to a positive or a negative value. The polarity of the

    input is changed in subsequent instants, output remains Vsat as long as the op-amp is on. For a negative polarity input at switch on, the output becomes zero and does not latch. At the next instant if the polarity is positive, the output latches. If the op-amp remains on for a finite time the polarity must become positive at some instant and the ouput will be always Vsat. Let us assume that, the op-amp remains on for slew time or the time taken by the output to change its state. The output will become Vsat if at the 0th instant or switch on instant Vdiff is positive. At the time of switch off the output will reach the highest level n corresponding to Vsat. A first time positive Vdiff at a later instant will reduce the output proportionately. In mathematical notations:

    output is decided by the polarity of the difference input, resultant thermal noise voltages across the


    Vth Voffs Vfb


    resistors in this case. Since the polarity of the output is dependent only on the resultant polarity of the thermal noise voltages it is truly random.

    The bi-stable states of a Schmitt trigger circuit was tried earlier to generate random numbers.

    where Vth is the combined random thermal noise for the three resistors at any instant, Voffs is the offset voltage usually kept negative for a single

    supply op-amp to avoid thermal noise effects. Vfb is the feedback voltage and can be given as:


    of probability pgen and is given by: (1-pgen) pgen. The probability approximates to pgen as pgen <<1. Similarly the probability that at instant 2 generation

    takes place is the joint probability of: (i) no




    • R3



      generation at instant 0, (ii) no generation at instant 1, and (iii) generation at instant 2 and is given by:

      (1-pgen)2 pgen. The probability approximates to pgen

      At the time of switch on or instant 0, the output voltage should be kept zero:

      Vout (0) =Vfb (0) = 0 (3)

      Vth can be negative or positive with equal probability of 0.5. The probability of positive Vdiff(0) is less than 0.5 as Voffs is negative. If Vdiff

      1. is positive the voltage build up at the output starts. However, that build up may get destroyed at the next instant due to a dominating negative Vth. The next instant is defined when the Vth can change its polarity. The time between 2 consecutive instants tre depends on electron response time and tre

        « T. where, T is the slew time, the time taken by the op-amp to change its output state. Let the op-amp is kept on for T. Let there be n+1 instants or n time slots then:

        as pgen <<1. From this analysis, one can see that, generation instants are almost equally probable. The generated output voltages in the range 0 to Vsat forms a continuous pattern as tre <<T and are roughly equally probable. If these analog voltages are expressed in binary it is expected that the bits will be random. The next section gives the implementation and measurement details of these circuits.

  3. Measurement results

    The circuit given in Figure 1 was implemented on a breadboard with IC LM741 dual-supply op- amp. Instead of using clock pairs the supply switch was made on-off. This eliminates the possibility of a clock skew and a residual charge build-up (discussed in Sec. 2) at the output. For the dual

    supply op-amp 289 data were collected. Some of

    T ntre


    the tests in NIST require 106 bits. Only those tests with recommended data size less than 289 were

    Thus, there are (n+1) output states corresponding

    to (n+1) generation instants. A positive Vdiff does not guarantee a build up. It may get destroyed in subsequent instants. Assuming the output voltage develops linearly with time the output voltage at instant 1 for a positive Vdiff (0):

    carried out. The details of the tests were reported elsewhere [30]. All the tests were passed.

    The proposed circuit was also implemented on the three op-amps available in the MSP430FG4618 microcontroller. The circuit configuration requires two modifications from Fig. 1: (i) instead of dual

    supply only a single positive supply is available (ii)


      1. treVsat



    instead of a clock pair programming language instructions were used to make it on/off. Unfortunately, there is no instruction available in

    The output voltage build up can be destroyed for negative Vdiff for the condition obtained from Eq. 1:

    MSP430 to connect the on-chip resistors in the positive feedback mode. Op-amp was configured in general-purpose mode with the two inputs and the

    0 [Vth (1) Voffs ] Vfb (1)


    output connected at three port pins. External resistors were connected to these pins.

    Let pgen be the probability that generation takes place. Clearly pgen<<0.5 due to (i) negative offset voltage and (ii) possibility of destruction of positive voltage build up. The probability that at instant 0 generation takes place is pgen. The probability that at instant 1 generation takes place is the joint probability of: (i) no generation at instant 0 of probability 1 pgen and (ii) generation at instant 1

    In MSP430 three slew rates are available. The slowest slew rate, 0.3 V/µS, was selected. This gives a slew time of 8.933 µS for the saturation voltage same as supply voltage VCC =2.68 V. As discussed in sec. 2, it is expected that the op-amp should produce equally probable output between 0 and 2.68 V, if it is switched on for the slew time. For a switch on of 8.9 µS the observed output was close to zero for most of the time. The switch on

    time was increased approximately to a value of 11

    µS where the binary equivalents of the outputs gave equal number of 0s and 1s. The increase in time might be due to a latency required by the op-amp to get on after the instruction is executed in MSP430. This latency was also observed in simulation as discussed in Sec. 4. The time was adjusted only once, no further adjustment was necessary for long time use heating or ambient temperature variation.

    For further applications, the analog output voltage can be converted to binary with the use of the on-chip ADC. In this work, for data analysis the analog voltage was measured at a port pin with a voltmeter with 2 decimal point resolution, and typed to a data-file. The voltage should be scaled in the range 0 to 255 for 8 bit binary. To avoid the round-off error, which is, slightly deterministic each analog voltage is multiplied by 100 and converted to 8 bit binary. For analog values greater than 2.55 the most significant bit was thrown. In this way 4 bits were ignored that is immaterial for a statistical test.

    At every switch on the output voltage or the residual charge at the output should be zero. To ensure that, the op-amp was switched off for 5.5 µS followed by a negative feedback configuration for 11 µS and then switch off for 5.5 µS. For negative feedback same instruction as positive feedback was used except the + and inputs were interchanged. Table 3 gives the sequence. The sequence repeats after 6 time-slots.

    In each time slot of 11 µS one op-amp in positive feedback configuration produces 8 bit

    seed value is unpredictable. From the theory of generation, it seems the data is random and a large volume of data should pass the remaining tests as well.

  4. Simulation results

    To analyse the behaviour of random number generation for a dual-supply op-amp simulation was done in TINA-TI tool. This is a tool developed and supported by Designsoft and Texas Instruments. IC LM741 op-amp [32] was configured in TINA-TI. The circuit is given in Figure 1. In this simulator resistors cannot be modelled for thermal noise voltages. To understand the effect of thermal voltage Vdiff, input pulse of amplitude – Vdiff is applied at the inverting terminal of the op-amp.

    The transient simulation output is shown in Figure 2 and 3. The instantaneous amplitude of the pulse -Vdiff at the time of effective clock decides the output pulse polarity with a negation. The output was observed to remain 0 for 3.53 s even after the clock became effective. This type of latency was observed at the time of measuremnet as well and discussed in Sec. 3. The effect of slew-rate 05 V/s can be observed in the plot with a slow rise time. It can be observed from the plot the output voltage takes expected slew-time of 4 s to rise from 0 to 2 volts. To have a good pulse shape either slew-rate has to be increased or clock-rate has to be decreased. Figure 3 shows a better output pulse for a reduced clock-rate.





    random data. This gives data-rate as: 8/11 Mbps=727 Kbps. The microcontroller current was measured at the power measurement jumper and was found to be 1332 µA. This gives the power consumption as: 2.68 VX1332 µA=3.57 mW. The






    performance of the circuit may further be improved by use of integrated resistors and design optimization. Application specific design optimization of a Schmitt trigger circuit is getting attention in recent days [31]




    0.00 15.00u 30.00u 45.00u 60.00u 75.00u 90.00u

    Time (s)

    A low volume of data of 2368 bits was collected, as automated set-up was not ready. The data was analyzed with NIST test suite [25], the present statistical test suite to certify the unpredictability of the data. 12 out of 17 tests were done. Only those tests that need sequence length less than 2368 were done. The test suite was written in MATLAB and was tested for sequences with predictable results. These test sequences were: (i) 0000—-, (ii) 11111–

    — (iii) 1010—.

    Table 4 shows that the data qualifies for NIST test. This certifies that, the low volume of data or

    Figure 2. Simulation 1 for LM741










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    2. P. Peris-Lopez, E. S. Millan, J. C. A. V. Lubbe, and

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      Random Bit Generator for RFID Tags, in Proc. ICITST10, Nov. 2010, pp. 490-495.


      0.00 50.00u 100.00u 150.00u 200.00u

      Time (s)

    3. S. A. Wilber, "Random number generator and generation method", U.S. Patent No. 7752247 B2, 2010.

    Figure 3. Simulation 2 for LM741

  5. Conclusion

    A true random number generator was implemented with a dual-supply operational amplifier. This was also implemented with the single-supply operational amplifiers of an MSP430 microcontroller, used widely for RFID tags. The random thermal noise voltage of the resistors at the input of an on-off mode positive feedback operational amplifier in the Schmitt trigger configuration was utilized to generate the random numbers. The data passed the NIST test, the test of unpredictability. Due to moderate power consumption and low data-rate, the data is suitable as a seed value for a pseudo-random number generator.

  6. References

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Infor mati on sourc e

Working principle

Any particular drawback

Attack immune


NIST test results

Imple mente d in embe dded?

Imple mente d on Si?

Data- rate

Power consumpti on


Reseeding mixing PRNG

Requires seed values


17 out of 17 passed


No. Only simula tion

6.2 Gbps


mW@200 MHz,





Requires seed value


17 out of 17 passed


No need

127 KBps

Not known


PRNG using complex logic

Requires seed values


Passed. Not shown


No. Only simula tion



~250 nW,



A PRNG with a TRNG for seed value


14 out of 17

done, 1 failed


No need

Not known

Not known


A PRNG using Blum Blum Shub algorithm

Requires seed values




No need

97 Kbps

Not known


A PRNG using mathematical functions

Requires seed values





Not known

Not known


A PRNG based on differential current mode chaos

Requires seed values


Not done



Not known

0.8 mW


Infor mati on sourc e

Working principle

Any particular drawback

Attack immune


NIST test results

Imple mente d in embe dded?

Imple mente d on Si?

Data- rate

Power consumpti on


Telegraphic random noise based TRNG in a CRRAM.

Bit pattern is sensitive to voltage drop across CRRAM.


6 out of 17 done and passed




Not known



TRNG by thermal noise detection in SFQ circuit

Maintenance of superconductive temperature 4,2

0K. Not portable.


11 out of 17 done and passed


No. Only simula tion

30 Gbps

Not known. It must be very high for temperatur e maintenan ce


A TRNG with a meta-stability based

quality control

Initialization time may be very high


7 out of 17 done. Tests pass at a lower efficiency




Mbps at the highest efficienc y, does not pass NIST

Not known


A TRNG based on MOS at soft breakdown

May drift to permanent or no breakdown


Not shown



50 Kbps

Not known


A TRNG based on direct amplification of thermal noise and further randomization

Direct amplification introduces deterministic noise


Not done



40 Mbps estimate d

3.6 mW estimated

This work

A TRNG where instant polarity of themal noise decides the bits


12 out of 17 done and passed

Yes, MSP4

30 in WISP


No need

727 Kbps

3.57 mW



Time slot in 5.5










Op-amp 1

+ FB

+ FB


– FB

– FB


+ FB

+ FB

Op-amp 2

– FB


+ FB

+ FB


– FB

– FB


Op-amp 3


– FB

– FB


+ FB

+ FB


– FB

*Positive (+), Negative (-), and feedback (FB)



Recommended input size

Input size

No. of sets

p_value pass percentege

Frequency (monobit)

Sequence length n100




Frequency within a block

Block length M20, block no. N<100, sequence length n=MN100, M>0.01n

n=100, M=20, N=5.




Sequence length n100




Longest run

Sequence length, n=128,

block length, M=8

n=128, M=8



Binary matrix rank

No. of blocks N38

N=38, 2X2 matrix, n=152



Dicrete Fourier Transform (spectral)

Sequence length n1000




Non-overlapping template matching

No. of blocks N100. Template size m=9 or 10

Block-length M=70, N=1, m=9, n=70

33 for each template. Total template=148

98.64-100 for 148

p_values Threshold 95.43

Serial 1

Block length m[log2n]-2.

n=16, m=2.


99.32. Threshold 91.53

Serial 2


Threshold 91.53

Approximate entropy

Block length m<[log2n]-5.

n=65, m=1



Cusum forward

Sequence length n100




Cusum backward

*p_value0.01 to pass

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