- Open Access
- Authors : Abhijith V Nair, Adarsh P Baiju, Govind G Das, Mr. Eldhose K Paul, Chandralekha J
- Paper ID : ICCIDT2K23-214
- Volume & Issue : Volume 11, Issue 01
- Published (First Online): 15-06-2023
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
A Machine Learning Based Classification and Prediction Technique for DDoS Attacks using KNN and Nave Bayes Algorithm
ltine Learning Based Classification And Pre, que For Ddos Attacks Using Knn And Na1vt:
>hijitb V Nair 1
-tech Student
Chandralekba j 3 B-tech Student
Science &Engineering
Computer Science &Engj
Colleg Of Engineering
Mangalam Colleg Of Eng
larsh P Baiju2
Govind G Das 4
-tech Student
cience &Engineering Colleg Of Engineering
Mr.Eldhose K Paul5 Computer Science &Engineering
B-tech Student Computer Science &En Mangalam Colleg Of En
Mangalam Colleg Of Engineering
1ted denial of service (DDoS) attack is rial of service (DoS) attack. DDoS
patterns to detect unusual behavior that attack. Additionally, organizations can
tiple interconnected online devices,
and prevention systems (IDPS) to ide1
ts botnets, that are used to attack b bogus traffic.Unlike other types of tttacks do not attempt to breach your
traffic. It is important to be able to prec attacks, as they can significantly disru and lead to financial loss. DDoS attack
it aims to preveot J egjtiroa te users
smokescreen to mask other m alicious
ebsite'1Hftf·mf ers. DDoS can als<r1J:te!by, wmeft0ror system intrusion. A Distribut
,r various malicious sports, shutting (DDoS) attack is a maliciou s attempt
I- _ ! – – – – — _'I _ _ – I _ .L.!_ _ –
…_ — -_ .._ ,_
_ ____ …;_ _ -+ ….. ….._ __ …_ ,-1 …,..,_1,… ,.. ;
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system depending on the attack types ,
learning algorithms to predict DDoS neural network to recognize regular
intrusions and false alarms, the imbala
using an aggregate data generation modi
1s. The network can then be used to
Synthetic Minority Oversan1pling Tech
: patterns that could indicate a DDoS Lvailable to train the network, the better gnize patterns and detect anomalies.
generation is done for small classes
increased to average data size throug experimental results have demonstrat
to use deep learning algorithms to
method significantly increases the d
network devices and servers. This data 1odel that can recognize traffic patterns
)DoS attacks. By analyzing log data in
intrusions. Experimental results show th
have very good accuracy compared Using the sampled data set resulted
ng algorithms can help detect DDoS
model's mean accuracy from 4.01% to 3
vent them from causing significant
[3] Development of an online hate classe learning is applied to malware and media platforms: Intrusion detection temy defenses have been significantly attacks from network traffic and is , h they have also been shown to be network security . Today, existing
r attacks. We also conclude that, unlike anomaly detection are often based O
:aset diversity in intrusion scenarios is learning models, such as KNN, SV d very outdated data set. In this article methods can achieve out-of-the-box fun
works applying machine learning'
relatively low accuracy and rely hea,
ict malware detection and intrusion feature design. has become obsolete in ered various fundamental concepts that solve the low accuracy and feature en 1ding the basics of your opponent's intrusion detection, the BAT traffic an< ell as your opponent's offensive and is proposed. Experimental results on 1
e then explored the application of these sibow that the BAT-MC model acb
Pul!Jl.- by, WWWJJert.ora
>n detection and malware detection Compared with several standard classifi uded v&ab, 1 versarial attacks "",,..,. 5i.ow thzrt the t c5 ait5 of BAT 1'41C mod rmance of malware and intrusion compared with other current methods b v fo11ow iliffP-rent :nc.hi tec:tn re or re Therefore, we believe that the proposec
t\ and UTTAMA detection methods
step 4) Training the Naive Bayes al
search papers. In this paper, we have
has been preprocessed, the next ste
distance function to perform feature
Bayes algorithm using the training <
n feature transformation. Hence, the
;tion is done through feature 1ated detection systems designed to
,ound traffic patterns typically employ
:arning techniques. However, regardless
Testing the Naive Bayes algorith Naive Bayes algorithm is tested containing both normal and attack predicts whether each packet is nor on its features.
eveloped to identify anomalous traffic,
Evaluating the performan ce: The fi
!quire a comparison of abnormal and
the performance of the Naive Bay,
The distance function proposed in this
involve calculating metrics such a
,y considering the basic Gaussian After performing dimensionality
recall, and Fl score.
1posed feature extraction technique, we
2. K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) Algoritl
:ation algorithms to evaluate the
:sifiers on the transformed dataset.
Here are the steps to use KNN for D
and classification:
Data Preprocessing: The first ste1
[I data by cleaning, normalizing , andsuitable format for the algorithm.
Feature Selection: The next step i5
: for the DDoS attack classification and
features from the dataset. These f
1e existing dataset that used machine
ones that are most relevant to the cl
lS framework involves the following
Splitting the Data: Split the data in
test set. The training set will be u
1volves the selection of dataset for
algorithm, while the test set will b
performance of the algorithm.
tools and A
involves the selection of
Published by, w
jjer uru<:iJ.u..O.
OSi ng
K: Choose the va1ue Of y;
Volume 11, Issue 01
of nearest neighbors to consider
olves data pre-processing techniques to nrnrPss Tps v;::i lnP shonlil hf'. rhnsf
Nai've Bayes is a simple and fast alg
well with high-dimensional data.
Feature Selection
performance of KNN and Naive Bayes
Splitting data for
Model Building . training and testing
attack classification and prediction,
dataset of labeled instances of DDoS should include features such as destination IP address, protocol, port packet rate, etc. The dataset should indicating whether each instance is a
Once we have a dataset, we can spb testing sets, and then train KNN and N;
on the training set. We can then evalua
Trained Model ( DDoS
the algorithms on the testing set by ca
as accuracy, precision, recall, Fl-scor
stem architecture
the classification and prediction usi
Train Set
Data Splitting
Bayes algorithms will depend on the and the choice of hyper parameters f01 possible that one algorithm may per other for certain types of DDoS at features of the input instances. Theref try multiple algorithms and compare the same dataset
A complete systematic approach
Volum 1 , 'framodel
Test Set
I 'Pu Ii 1ed by, wwwijDJJoS attack we got Improved Net
KerneI Scale, Cross . .
Validation Response Time, Enhanced Risk M,
I T.t. 1 I
we selected the 1JNSW-np 5 data
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