- Open Access
- Authors : Rashmi Abhay Kamde , Bhagyashree Shailesh Firake , Jayshree Suhas Wasnik
- Paper ID : IJERTV10IS010165
- Volume & Issue : Volume 10, Issue 01 (January 2021)
- Published (First Online): 28-01-2021
- ISSN (Online) : 2278-0181
- Publisher Name : IJERT
- License:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
A Robust Protocol for Multiprocessor Architectural Message Passing System
Rashmi Abhay Kamde
Department of Electrical Engineering.
K. J. Somaiya Polytechnic Mumbai, India
Bhagyashree Shailesh Firake
Department of Electrical Engineering.
K. J. Somaiya Polytechnic Mumbai, India
Jayshree Suhas Wasnik
Department of Electrical Engineering.
J. Somaiya Polytechnic Mumbai, India
Abstract This is a project to designing system and developing protocol to enable communication within system environment. Embedded systems are the brains of todays most digital and industrial control systems. In systems where more than one processor is incorporated, the need for multiprocessor communication often arises. It fully utilizes microcontroller features & embedded technology concepts to minimize the complications of digital gates, size and cost too.
Keywords Multi processing; multiple peripheral devices; communication Protocol; I2C protocol ; SPI protocol ; packet format; Packet transfer; time slicing;
What is Multi processing?
Multiprocessing, as generally defined, is the use of two or more central processing units (CPUs) within a single computer system. The term also refers to the ability of a system to support more than one processor and/or the ability to allocate tasks between them. There are many variations on this basic theme, and the definition of multiprocessing can vary with context, mostly as a function of how CPUs are defined. In present project Multi processing refers to use of multiple peripheral devices.
What is communication Protocol?
A communications protocol is the set of standard rules for data representation, signaling, authentication and error detection required to send information over a communications channel. An example of a simple communications protocol adapted to voice communication is the case of a radio dispatcher talking to mobile stations. The communication protocols for digital computer network communication have many features intended to ensure reliable interchange of data over an imperfect communication channel. Communication protocol is basically following certain rules so that the system works properly.
We are aware of the fact that 40 pin microcontroller provide only 4 ports for external world. But for our complex requirement we need to interface a large number of
peripheral devices which is not possible with a single microcontroller. The limitation of using single Controller is
Limited code memory.
A very few peripheral devices can be interfaced.
Complexity in design.
Time consuming.
Error probability.
Software complexity more.
Debugging is difficult.
Existing System
The solution of above defined Problem is to use more than one controllers or multi controllers in a single project. Now communication in different controllers can be done mainly by two ways i.e. by using I2C protocol and SPI protocol.
Drawbacks of Existing System
Synchronization of the clock is required.
Data is transferred serially hence the system becomes slow.
Master slave configuration is to be strictly maintained.
Slaves cannot transfer data directly among each other as data transfer has to take place through master itself.
Proposed System
We will be using 8-bit parallel data lines to transfer the data and 3 bit parallel line for handshaking signal.
There will be no master Slave configuration.
Each controller can communicate or transfer data independently.
Priorities can be set by the controllers IDs.
We had developed that algorithm by which up to 255 microcontrollers can transfer their data to desire destination microcontroller independently.
Data transfer here means that any microcontroller can get data from any controller but with its
permission. Similarly any microcontroller can send data from itself to any destination controller.
The clock frequencies of these controllers may or may not be same but the protocol will work efficiently.
The same program will burn in all the controllers without any modification.
Addition and removal of any controller will not affect the protocol
Hardware Interface
There will be 8 bit parallel Data lines that are connected to all controllers; we will call it the Bus. There will be 3 bit handshaking or control lines which are defined below.
First signal line (CS) indicates the status of the 8-bit Data bus
If CS = 0 bus is busy
If CS = 1 bus is free
Second signal line (SACK) senders acknowledgment SACK = 1 IDLE
Third signal line (RACK) received acknowledgment SACK = 1 IDLE
Hence there will be only 11 lines, for providing communication between 255 microcontrollers almost.
Developing the Protocol
Step 1: Define packet format.
Step 2: Defining function format or parameter list. Step 3: Connection establishment.
Step 4: Packet transfer. Step 5: Time slicing.
Defining packet format
DAddress [Destination Address]:-
It gives the destination address of the data to be sent. It is one byte long .The maximum number of destination that can be addressed is 255.
SAddress [Source Address]:-
It gives the source addressed of the data to be sent. It is one byte long.
PLength [Packet Length]:-
It gives the length of the data to be sent. The packet length field is one byte long.
Packet [Data]:-
This field gives the data to be sent. The length of the data to be sent is maximum up to 255 bytes.
Function in the Protocol
This function initializes all the lines as input line. BUS=0xff
Initializes the Bus CS=1
Initializes the CS line SACK=1
Initializes the senders acknowledgment RACK=1
Initializes the receivers acknowledgment
WaitTILLRACK (unsigned char Type, unsigned long Delay)
This function waits for Receivers acknowledgment for specified Type for a particular time delay.
Type values can be -1 Type values can be -0
Suppose, if we want RACK for becoming H L
Then we pass (1)
Suppose, if we want RACK for becoming L H Then we pass (0)
In all, this function waits for Receivers ACK until its (RACKs) values become unequal of passed value in the function within specified time .If time elapses before that then the function returns (0) value indicating unable to get response from, Rx MC. Otherwise successful ACK returns (1)indicating ACK for Rx found.
SHS (unsigned long Delay)
Senders Hand Shaking Settlement function.
This function is called after sending the one byte information to the Rx. This function is used to finalize the H/S between both the Tx & Rx in the following way
Make SACK = 0 after sending the info byte indicating the Rx that I have send the byte.
Wait for Rxs ACK until its becomes L.
Settle the SACK as 1 indicating Rx that I got the ACK sent by you
Wait for response from the Rx that it got my
settlement msg.
Finally both RACK & SACK pins again becomes H. If SHS function returns (0) then it indicates that communication is broken else is it healthy.
Function for Send packet:
unsigned character Send Packet(unsigned character D Address, unsigned character S Address, unsigned character *P length, unsigned long CS, unsigned long ACK Delay)
1-data transfer is success 0-data transfer is failure
Function for Read Packet:
unsigned character Read packet (unsigned character y Add, unsigned character *S Add, unsigned character *Packet length, unsigned long CS Delay, unsigned long ACK Delay) 1-data received is success
data received is failure
ACK Delay is provided to avoid the receiver from entering into infinite loop.
CS Delay is provided for slow receiver to cope up with the sender.
Algorithm for Sending Packet
Initialize the pins
Check for CS pin which indicates that if communication is already being done by other device
If CS=0 bus is busy
if CS=0 is found then return (0)
If CS=1
bus is free, indicating failure of comm…
Capture the Bus my making CS =0
Capture Dadd to the bus /rx
Make a SACK =0 indicating Dadd has been sent on bus
Wait until Rx gives ACk or time out happens if timeout
then communication establishment failure
Settle SACK
Wait for Rx settlement
Send SAdd on Bus
Wait for H/S settlement
Send Plength
Wait for H/S settlement
Send all the bytes in the packet & wait for H/S settlement
Release the bus by making CS=1
Algorithm for Receiving Packet
Check whether Data on Bus= My address
Wait for H/S settlement i.e. communication started
Receive the senders address from the Bus
Wait for H/S settlement
Receive the packet length from the Bus
Wait for H/S settlement
Receive the packets by executing a for loop (from 1 to packet length )
communication completed
Auto Priority Resolving
For auto priority resolving in case if two or more transmitter wants to transmit or capture the bus at the same instant this is not included in the code. Here is the explanation as to how this can be achieved.
CS line
the same instant of monitoring CS pin
Tx -1
ID- 1
Is CS is found 1 (i.e. free) by all the Tx then go into sleep mode
Initialize the pins
/ delay for (ID * constant Value) time.
Check for CS pin which indicates that if he Data is present on the Bus or not
If CS=0 Data is present
If CS=1 Bus is free
Wait till CS=0
Wait till SACK=0
t=0 t=1 Sleep if c=1
t=0t=1t=2 sleep
t=0t=1t=2t=3 sleep
ID * C Tx -1
Tx- 2
t=0 t=1 Sleep if c=1
t=0t=1t=2 sleep
t=0t=1t=2t=3 sleep
ID * C Tx -1
Tx- 2
Thus sleep time depends upon Tx ID .After coming out of sleep again monitor the CS pin. The lowest ID value gets the
first chance of capturing bus. By the time the Tx are in sleep & when they will wake up they will again monitor the CS pin & will find that it is already captured by someone else.
developed by us is more efficient protocol than I2C and SPI
protocols. Here data transfer is parallel leading to a very high speed of data transfer. Synchronization is not necessarily required i.e. ICs can have different clock frequencies. Addition and removal of new controllers can be easily done without any modification of software and it has many more advantages than others.
Applications and Scope:
In Network Communication for microcontrollers,
In Onboard communication in embedded systems.
As generally all systems have some limitation, below are some listed ones from the proposed system.
This protocol can support maximum 255 nodes only.
As it supports parallel data transfer and hence it requires more pins or lines for communication.
Embedded Books & Websites
Myke Predko, Programming and Customizing the 8051 Microcontroller, Edition 1999, Tata McGraw-Hill, Page:157-167.
Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Janice Gillispie Mazidi, 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems, Prentice-Hall, Page:183- 193, 236, 243.
Dogan Ibrahim, Microcontroller Projects in C for the 8051, Newnes, Page:29-161.
Kenneth J. Ayala, The 8051 Microcontroller ARCHITECTURE, PROGRAMMING and APPLICATIONS, WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY, Page:131-197.
Michael J. Pont, Embedded C, Edition 2002, Addison Wesley, Page: 57-87,217.
Electronics Books & Websites
Ramakant A. Gayakwad, Op-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits, 4th Edition, Prentice-Hall, Page:342, 417, 455.
Robert L. Boylestad, Louis Nashelsky, Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, 10th Edition, Prentice-Hall, Page:342, 417, 455.
R.P.Jain, Digital Electronics, Tata McGraw-Hill
Software Books & Websites
Gary Cornell & Jonathan Marrison, Programming VB.Net: A Guide for experienced programmers, Second Edition 2002, ASPToday Publication, ISBN (pbk): 1-893115-99-2, 424 Pages.
Dave Grundgeiger, Programming Visual Basic.Net, First Edition 2002, OReilly Publication, ISBN: 0-596-00093-6, 464 Pages.
Evangelos Petroutsos, Mark Ridgeway, Mastering Microsoft Visual Basic 2008, First Edition, Wiley Publishing, ISBN: 978-0- 4701-8742-5.
Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie, The C programming Language, First Edition 1988, Prentice-Hall, ISBN 0-13-110370-9.
Other Books & Websites